Getting old kind of sucks

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Jun 12, 2005
My doc says that the mail a poo option is not a good one for me because of my family history. I think he just wants to look up my ass, but he insists its just for "screening purposes."

Wait until you wake up and the Doc and Nurse are kicked back smoking a cigarette in the after glow.

On a serious note, the worst part is the night before and living on the toilet.


Jan 14, 2013
You know what sucks even worse?
Being alone.

Tell me about it. I'm 41 and 2 years removed from a relationship with a hot 29 year old who I was ready to move in with, and shit went south. Dating is really tough, and I'm in a highly populated area with lots of girls. But fighting the good fight. Got family and friends nearby of course, but the friends are slowly getting either married, girlfriends or having kids.

I mean I'm not overweight, not ugly, and not socially awkward. And a bit picky.

One thing that happened when I turned 40, I lost my biking mojo. I do not work out, but in warm weather months I go for 2-3 bike rides in the city. Before I turned 40 I could maintain a nice 17mph speed on the flats in the beginning of the season and could just go and go. After a month or two I could average 19mph. Now in the beginning of the season I struggle to maintain 17mph and just can't do it for long at all. It's depressing.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2005

25,745 days, 5 hours here.

Other than some blood pressure pills no problems. Two years ago I complained to the Doc about knee pain. She said loose some weight. 35 pounds later knee is fine.

louis redfoot

Senior member
Feb 2, 2017
Tell me about it. I'm 41 and 2 years removed from a relationship with a hot 29 year old who I was ready to move in with, and shit went south. Dating is really tough, and I'm in a highly populated area with lots of girls. But fighting the good fight. Got family and friends nearby of course, but the friends are slowly getting either married, girlfriends or having kids.

I mean I'm not overweight, not ugly, and not socially awkward. And a bit picky.

One thing that happened when I turned 40, I lost my biking mojo. I do not work out, but in warm weather months I go for 2-3 bike rides in the city. Before I turned 40 I could maintain a nice 17mph speed on the flats in the beginning of the season and could just go and go. After a month or two I could average 19mph. Now in the beginning of the season I struggle to maintain 17mph and just can't do it for long at all. It's depressing.

you know, a long time ago i realized i was a special person with a special life which might mean that i'd just likely be single. old friends and relatives, simply not on the same boat. family (parents), we get by, but it's not easy (like aaron rodgers hasn't talked to his family in 3 years so i guess i'm a little better than that).

i'm really picky too. i'll talk to anyone just to be nice, but i can drop them like it's nothing.

ultimately, you are what you do. if it bothers you that much, make changes. otherwise, you're probably doing fine. grass is always greener etc.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2016
Still have hair. Still have 6 pack. Still can go a full 3 hour session in OH to DOH without paddling in once. The hair is just starting to thin out on the sides, tho... which is concerning.

31 and in the best shape of my life. I have congenital A-Fib occasionally which has gotten worse as I age. Probably will just drop dead one day from a stroke, but whatever.


Jan 14, 2013
you know, a long time ago i realized i was a special person with a special life which might mean that i'd just likely be single. old friends and relatives, simply not on the same boat. family (parents), we get by, but it's not easy (like aaron rodgers hasn't talked to his family in 3 years so i guess i'm a little better than that).

i'm really picky too. i'll talk to anyone just to be nice, but i can drop them like it's nothing.

ultimately, you are what you do. if it bothers you that much, make changes. otherwise, you're probably doing fine. grass is always greener etc.

I'm pretty dead set on wanting someone to spend the rest of my life with. Not interested in having kids. Luckily most women in my age range either don't wants kids or have one already. I'll continue to date but will definitely get sad if nothing happens in the next few years. We shall see.


Diamond Member
Nov 20, 2009
Tell me about it. I'm 41 and 2 years removed from a relationship with a hot 29 year old who I was ready to move in with, and shit went south. Dating is really tough, and I'm in a highly populated area with lots of girls. But fighting the good fight. Got family and friends nearby of course, but the friends are slowly getting either married, girlfriends or having kids.
So who fucked up?

I am very lucky in the wife department. She good looking, has a fantastic body, is the household bookkeeper and employed. My friends all think I am not deserving (probably true) but we make each other happy and it has been a nice, enjoyable (haha)+20 year road of experiences that I look forward to the next 20.


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
You know what sucks even worse?
Being alone.
Nah, I enjoy being alone. No hassle, no getting bitched at, and I come and go as I please. The world in my head is better than the real world. I could pack up everything right now, and hit the road. Hard to buy that kind of freedom.

Sean Kyle

Senior member
Aug 22, 2016
Nah, I enjoy being alone. No hassle, no getting bitched at, and I come and go as I please. The world in my head is better than the real world. I could pack up everything right now, and hit the road. Hard to buy that kind of freedom.
Not everyone is as lucky as you are!


Super Moderator
Jun 20, 2006
I had a 'Crap I'm old' experience over Halloween last year. I was icing my knee which hurt for some reason from my run on that o so uneven treadmill surface when kids started coming to our door. The little buggers started doing things like saying "I don't like these can I have those?" and asking for more candy. I told my wife "What is wrong with kids these days? We never would have done that....." and then I trailed off realizing the next words were 'back in my day'. She just patted my cheek and told me to "Go lay down old man."

I'm 32 and this thread scares the shit out of me.

Don't forget to put it in the box!


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2002
Yeah, it's the prep that's hell.

Procedure itself? Lie down, nod off, 30 minutes later they're showing you pictures of the whole tunnel.

Then you get to go home and eat again; hooray.
This. But I haven't see any pictures (and wouldn't care to - that's the doctor's job not mine).

But yeah the prep sucks. As long as you don't get the cramping (I don't), the liquid poo isn't all that bad just annoying. It's mostly having to force yourself to drink that much liquid in an hour. My sister woke up in the middle of her procedure, and she said that was excruciatingly painful so I'm happy for the anesthesia.


Sep 12, 2012
We in the western world do a horrible job when it comes to getting old and death. When it's time to go, many would rather hook themselves up to tubes and a machine. That's because many fear death. Many fear getting old. Botox, plastic surgery, taking a million pills, going to the doctor every week, etc.

Humans have been getting old and dying since the beginning of time. And, we think we're different? When you realize that it's our attachment to the past then you can finally let go.


Diamond Member
Feb 18, 2001
OP, you sound pretty well off to me. You have a loving mother, kids ... and actual access to health care.

Do you know how many people lack that last, basic thing in their life?


Elite Member
May 21, 2001
I'm roughly the same age as the OP. I try to keep an active fit life (hiking, gym, various races, ballroom dancing, etc). In the last two years, I've been to the doctor/physical therapist for lower back pain (two different occasions), two different dislocated shoulders, and now I wear a knee brace because I decided to run to the gym on concrete instead of using the treadmill at the gym.

I'm proud of all my injuries. People keep telling me to slow down. But I'm going to be one of those people who are in their 90s in a walker who throw it down to do a smooth beautiful waltz, and then pay for it for the next week.


Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2003
I've been doing pretty well in the health department so far at 34, but I decided this year I was tired of being skinnyfat and wanted to get in the best shape of my life. It's been eye-opening. I've still got a long ways to go, but hoping to power through it. The random annoying injuries are the worst part. Went from pain in my right shoulder that finally went away to now pain in my left shoulder. My gym coaches are great though and are teaching me how to stretch and use foam rollers and such. I also have pain in my left big toe and ankle which again, seems to be just something I need to stretch out and work on.

Seems like everyone I know has some random issue though, so it could be much worse. Would just be so nice to just have no pain and workout at 100% for once.


Oct 18, 1999
Bah, I hit fifty a couple of months ago and I am not fazed. I have all of my hair, mostly NOT grey, I am physically fit for the most part (5'10", 175lbs) and my GF is smoking hot for a 57 yr old. Life is good.


Jun 13, 2000
I'm 36. When I was 22, I learned I was human with my first real issue with lower back pain and sciatica. (my left leg couldn't take a step forward due to the nerve being pinched) I was like, "Whoa....this body is fragile!" It was all because I had picked up a Sony Trinitron monitor the week before, then went hiking with a loaded pack up a steep mountain. I wasn't in any pain until I got home, thankfully....but then was out of commission for 2-3 weeks. I had to do PT, etc....and have issues every couple of years when I strain it.

Running has helped me with the back pain and keeping body weight down. I recommend it.

Anyhow, embrace the scans and tests. Most of what those things do is look for early detection. The Colonoscopy stuff is pretty serious because it's one of the most common types of cancer...especially if you like eating charred foods like BBQ or stuff off the grill....and alcohol. Congrats on living this long...I'm hoping to at least meet the average max age of living men, but eventually will want to call it quits when my body really starts to fail. Until then, I'm going to do what I can to prolong things and enjoy my family.


Feb 28, 2003
I turned 40 recently as well. I actually set my 1/2 marathon PR just before my bday so health wise I'm pretty good. What annoys me now is that I'm in those supposed "prime earning years" and yet now that I can afford to buy stuff I can't think of anything I want.


Jun 19, 2006
You know what sucks even worse?
Being alone.

It ain't so bad though some can't handle it at all. Have a friend married since HS kids all grown up got a divorce and she instantly was worried about being alone the rest of her life. She joined churches got on dating websites everything she could do to find a man. A year later she's gotten over the desperation and is cruising just fine.


Jul 20, 2003
We in the western world do a horrible job when it comes to getting old and death. When it's time to go, many would rather hook themselves up to tubes and a machine. That's because many fear death. Many fear getting old. Botox, plastic surgery, taking a million pills, going to the doctor every week, etc.

Humans have been getting old and dying since the beginning of time. And, we think we're different? When you realize that it's our attachment to the past then you can finally let go.

I agree with this entirely. My greatest fear is to end up stuck in a hospital slowly dying. When I'm terminal I want to be taken up in a airplane over the ocean and dump me out at 10k feet with no parachute. It'll be a hell of a ride down and the fish will clean up the mess.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
I'm pretty dead set on wanting someone to spend the rest of my life with. Not interested in having kids. Luckily most women in my age range either don't wants kids or have one already. I'll continue to date but will definitely get sad if nothing happens in the next few years. We shall see.
The mindset of a 40 year old and a 29 year old are just too far apart to make it work for most people IMO. I'm only 35 now and my wife is 33 and even just that little age difference we are quite a bit different in our mindsets. Obviously some of it is just our personalities, but I know in general my mindset from when I was 25 to what it is now at the age of 35 is completely different. Even when I was 30 to now is a lot different.


Jan 14, 2013
So who fucked up?

I am very lucky in the wife department. She good looking, has a fantastic body, is the household bookkeeper and employed. My friends all think I am not deserving (probably true) but we make each other happy and it has been a nice, enjoyable (haha)+20 year road of experiences that I look forward to the next 20.

I'm not really sure who fucked up. I am Bipolar 1 and have it bad. I was taking meds for it at the time but I didn't have insurance so could not get access to multiple drugs that were over $1K per month. The generics I was taking did not do their job. I had a bipolar manic psychosis episode is my guess and went off. I don't even remember what happened exactly. I was very upfront with her early on about bipolar and even gave her an old kindle which I purchased a couple books on bipolar itself and living with someone who has it for her to read. I don't think she read anything. Anyways that episode happened and she was out, said she couldn't handle it.

She couldn't handle things well either, like got freaked out by things a few times. One time we were approaching a bar on New Years, there as a line of 8 or so people at the door. 2 huge bouncers were trying to get this kinda skinny white dude out of the bar. The dude was putting up a great struggle and they couldn't do it. Dude was yelling shit that was funny, like pointing out these big mofos were struggling with a little dude. They got him out, he made a perfect comical u turn and got right back in. Everyone was laughing outside. Nobody was getting hurt, no punches being thrown. So while myself and everyone else is laughing my ex started freaking out saying we had to go she couldn't take watching this little episode. I mean she got tweaked. Oh well.

It's too bad as she was 10 years younger than me, very beautiful, and we shared so many interests.

I got insurance 2 months after that and got new meds that worked for those psychosis episodes. Didn't like the side effects so I changed meds again. So far so good.
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