Ghosts and demons don't exist, here is why:

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Jul 11, 2000
I don't think you are going to sign a blood pact with the devil with witnesses. Try again, maybe in a cemetary. Draw a Pentagram in a circle. Sit in the middle and repeat your incantation outloud but not screaming. You must have some sincerity as well, You will get a response. Maybe they can tell you are full of shit and insincere? I dunno either way, as you described it your attempts were not very sincere.

Don't be discourage as with most things in life you aren't going to be successful the first couple of times you try but if you sincerely invite demonic possesion or ask to sign a blood pact your wish will be granted.
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Jul 11, 2000
If ghosts exists they would break a few rules of physics we have. For you to see them would mean there were photons bouncing off them, which couldn't happen if they had no mass. For you to hear them, they would have to impart energy into world, since they don't eat of produce energy in any known way it wouldn't have an energy balance.

People have been weighed before and after death and no mass change was noted so the soul has no mass. For ghosts to have thought processes independent of the bio-chem reactions in the brain would mean that there was center for thought process other than the brain. Since ghosts tend to have memories from their life, that would mean that the contents of the brain were uploaded somewhere.

Just thinking past the first level into how ghosts might exists would show that ghosts aren't compatible with our current understanding of the world. It would take some pretty extra-ordinary proof to confirm their existence. Think of all those who died and would be more than willing to share their after-death experience if they could. Why is that only the ones that want to hang around old buildings and such come through?

I thought the existence of multiple dimensions that we cannot perceive does explain this.


Diamond Member
Oct 21, 2006
There's a history of paranormal activity / perception on my mother's side of the family. I've had a few experiences that I couldn't explain, some that were witnessed by other people as well. I absolutely do believe in SOMETHING that we do not yet understand. As with most things though, I think too many people get caught up in what they see on TV or in movies and expect too much, so when they hear someone's actual account, the person often ends up over-dramatizing it to make it more appealing.

When I was roughly 12-13ish, I was sitting in the dining room, watching TV. My grandmother (who lives with us) was normally the one to always answer the door if there was a delivery or something of that sort, but on this particular day, there were three very distinct knocks at the front door, which we rarely use. For some reason, I felt compelled to answer the door, and I was closer anyway. When I opened it, no one was there. I closed it and didn't think much of it. I mentioned the knocks to my grandmother and my brother, who were both nearby, and both had heard it as well. We just kind of shrugged and figured it was someone that changed their mind or pulled a prank. Who knows.

Anyway, about ten or fifteen minutes later, my grandmother went outside to run some kind of errand. I watched her out of a bedroom window to make sure that there wasn't still someone out there playing a prank or something (real brave, eh?). It was winter, and there were a few inches of snow on the ground, so someone could have been waiting to pelt people with snowballs or something. As I was watching her, I noticed that there weren't any footsteps leading up to the door from the side that I could see... odd. So, I went back to the door, opened it up, and stepped out. There's a covered landing that's a few feet wide around the door, and then five or six concrete steps leading up to it. The steps and surrouding area were all covered in snow, and there were absolutely no foot prints on anything. The nearest foot prints, aside from the usual birds / squirrels / cats / etc. were at least 20+ feet away. No one had walked up to the door.

I didn't think much of it at the time, but it was definitely unexplainable, unless someone rappelled down from a secret, silent, military helicopter or something. I had a few other people come and look with me, and they all confirmed that no one could have walked up and knocked on the door - yet several of us heard three very distinct knocks. Just for the record, there aren't any close tree branches, tools, or anything else that could have banged on the door.

We've had several other "paranormal" experiences over the years. Sometimes things happen with multiple people there, sometimes with just one person. There doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason behind it. Who knows. What I do know is that I absolutely believe in SOMETHING that our current laws of physics or logic reasoning cannot explain.


Jan 4, 2001
Michio Kaku said scientists have actually war gamed an alien encounter. He brought up a good point that if aliens were coming to our planet, it wouldn't be for resources because there's millions uninhabited planets that they could have gone to. If they're coming to Earth, its probably not for a peaceful cause.
Like knocking out a hornet's nest in some part of the yard that you don't use very often - get rid of it now, or else they'll grow in numbers, and maybe start another nest closer to the house.

Those darn Earth-based primates have started sending automated probes out of their solar system. How long until they start sending occupied spacecraft out, and infest that entire quadrant of the galaxy? We'd best send in an exterminator to deal with them before the nest gets out of control.


Elite Member
Oct 13, 1999
It didn't spell shit. It spelled total nonsense... because it's our own fucking fingers using them.

Reminds me of my best experience using a Ouija board. I was getting fed up with what it was telling us, so I pushed down really hard on the pointer. Sure 'nuff, my sister's fingers slipped right off - she had been "guiding" it.


Jan 4, 2001
Reminds me of my best experience using a Ouija board. I was getting fed up with what it was telling us, so I pushed down really hard on the pointer. Sure 'nuff, my sister's fingers slipped right off - she had been "guiding" it.
What if the ghost you contact with a Ouija board was a cryptographer?
May 13, 2009
When I was a kid I remember my older brother telling me about his adventures into satanism. He said that they would cast spells and strange things would happen. He said once that some girls in the group had casted a spell or curse or whatever on someone and the person got into a really bad car wreck. He said one night they were casting a spell and all of a sudden the door flung open from an incoming storm and that it had been a perfectly clear night up until then. Whatever you want to believe I do know for a fact that it scared the piss out of my brother. He said that he wasn't allowed to talk about it really because I guess the demons would come for him or something. He said one night he had an encounter with God and God told him it's his decision which way he wants to go with life and my brother said he gave it up that night.

Flame away
I will be visiting him soon so I'll try and get some more satanism stories out of him although last time I asked he wouldn't tell me anything.
Aug 11, 2008
Don't think of Demons in a Hell based sense as Hell doesn't exist to people who don't believe in it(it is a created thought form aka a Tulpa in and of itself). There are people around the world who believe in Fairies also(the Nordic countries and Iceland especially). Same thing with Dragons. When it comes to these creatures they exist not in this plane or realm rather in different realms. Think of the world in Layers where one hand doesn't know what the other hand is thinking, except in rare cases either by an enviromental disturbance or phenomeon(like a thunderstorm).

Ghosts are typically created thought forms, therefore if you don't believe in ghosts you will never witness them. In that case its better that you don't believe in ghosts as if you don't believe in ghosts you never will see them, if you do believe in ghosts you will see them. A demon on the other hand you don't have to believe in them in order to witness them. Now here is the tricky part as ghosts in some cases do exist but they are a different phenomeon of something and not typically a Haunting.

With a Tulpa if you get enough people to believe in something(aka like people believing in Hell) it will come into existance. Therefore if you get like a hundred people to believe that a location is Haunted and really have the true belief that something is haunted it will come to be true(this is why cemetaries are found to be haunted as so many people believe they are). Its kind of like a computer program almost, you can basically program the thoughtform to take on characteristics of its own(IE only comes out at night, only is such and such a place and only wants to scare people).

Well I'm Icelandic and the thing about the fairies is actually true. My late grandfather saw them a lot when he was younger and I've heard few of the stories, although he knew countless. Like when he was young and was rounding up sheep in the mountains where he lived he used to see whole villages of fairies in the mountains that no one else saw.

He also claimed that he saw dead people, like this one time when he and my grandmother where taking a trip around the country they stopped just outside of the road and set up their tent there and they went to sleep. Then he wakes up in the night and sees people walking before him like he isn't even there, and the strange thing was that he could only see the top half of their bodies. So the next day when my grandparents continued their journey they came upon a farm close by and stopped there to ask if there had ever been anything there that could explain what he saw. They were told that along time ago there had been a farm where they had spent the night.

Believe what you want, I'm not even sure if I believe these stories my self. They are fun stories either way.

Donald Duck

Junior Member
Nov 16, 2013
I've always loved paranormal/ghost stories ever since as a kid, but I've never experienced out of norm all my life. And I'm incredibly skeptical to have my mind play tricks on me.

Only about two years ago, I bought an ouija board for fun. What better way to incite an paranormal experience than to provoke it yourself?

My friends Nick, Mark and I went to landlord's unfinished attic to play the board . We are not youngsters, all mid/late twenties.

I did some research online and a veteran member of a tech forum who liked this crap told me about the rituals, having the right mindset, etc.

So, secluded in the attic, 3 of us lit few candles, chanted some summoning words, and put our hands on the knob.

It didn't spell shit. It spelled total nonsense... because it's our own fucking fingers using them.

Then I got fed up with the disappointment (what else was gonna happen, really?). I stood up in the darkness and yelled any provocation I could think of. I said I would sell my soul for you to simply show up, put blood on my family and future children, etc.. just show me SOMETHING!

Nothing happened of course. And to this day, nothing strange has happened. Maybe my future kid will die.. maybe.

Until then, this shit doesn't exist.

I've read few paranormal threads in this forum tonight out of boredom. Those with personal accounts, please some those cheeky ghosts to me. I'd love to meet them. I live in downtown NY.

It helps if you're mentally ill and reside in the USA.


Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2011
I find it extremely odd that some atheists will believe in this but not god.

Just because religion is built off of explaining the unknown, doesn't mean anything unknown is automatically proof of a god.

I could have sworn my grandmother (who passed away), was sitting at the end of my bed one night when I woke up abruptly. For an instant I thought I could see her, and after shaking my head to wake up, she was gone.

Could have just been my imagination, but if it wasn't and she really was there, that does not mean a god exists. If we have souls that carry on after we die, it could be because aliens harvest our souls to power their juicing machines as much as it could be an all powerful god.


Jun 19, 2004
I'm impressed with the amount of rational thought the op has put into his conclusions. The Higgs boson has been supplanted as an elementary particle.


Jan 3, 2001
I demand we all turn the lights off and shine flashlights in our faces as we discuss this.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2001
I have always loved paranormal stuff and have watched tons and tons of documentaries about everything. But my conclusion is that I have never seen anything convincing. Best I have seen is a personal account from presentable looking people but far from evidence.

So naturally, of course I don't believe in any of it.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2008
the mindset is....u gotta open your mind. there are powerful energies out there man. You can't hear if you're ears aren't open bro!


Diamond Member
Apr 25, 2011
I've always loved paranormal/ghost stories ever since as a kid, but I've never experienced out of norm all my life. And I'm incredibly skeptical to have my mind play tricks on me.

Only about two years ago, I bought an ouija board for fun. What better way to incite an paranormal experience than to provoke it yourself?

My friends Nick, Mark and I went to landlord's unfinished attic to play the board . We are not youngsters, all mid/late twenties.

I did some research online and a veteran member of a tech forum who liked this crap told me about the rituals, having the right mindset, etc.

So, secluded in the attic, 3 of us lit few candles, chanted some summoning words, and put our hands on the knob.

It didn't spell shit. It spelled total nonsense... because it's our own fucking fingers using them.

Then I got fed up with the disappointment (what else was gonna happen, really?). I stood up in the darkness and yelled any provocation I could think of. I said I would sell my soul for you to simply show up, put blood on my family and future children, etc.. just show me SOMETHING!

Nothing happened of course. And to this day, nothing strange has happened. Maybe my future kid will die.. maybe.

Until then, this shit doesn't exist.

I've read few paranormal threads in this forum tonight out of boredom. Those with personal accounts, please some those cheeky ghosts to me. I'd love to meet them. I live in downtown NY.

I have never in my entire life seen a possum, therefore possums don't exist.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2008
OP, Why you quit after just one night?

You need to do it where energy exists. Just because you can't make a connection in your attic doesn't mean it automatically disproves what millions of people have experienced.

Remember, Jesus was a real person.


Nov 18, 2005
I find it extremely odd that some atheists will believe in this but not god.

There are quite a few ways in which paranormal things could be a real part of the universe, without any religious deities involved.

I have a passing interest, and some minor convictions/experiences that would like to be proven right, in the paranormal. But I'm usually skeptical of anything you see/hear about.
I think I find the possibility that there is somethings right in front of our faces that are still an unknown mystery in the universe to be exciting and keeps me interested - however, the realistic skeptic in me doubts everything.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Jun 10, 2004
Your hypothesis is not falsifiable.

We cannot conclusively prove that in all possible universes there is no such thing as a ghost or a demon. Neither can we conclusively prove the existence of non-corporeal bodies.


Aug 31, 2002
People psych themselves out, it is in their heads.

It can be contagious if you have alot of weak minded people together. "What was that!?" "I don't know now I'm scared too!" Person number 3 "What are you two scared about!?"

"We heard a ghost!"

Person #3 "Oh no shit now I'm scared did you here that strange creek maybe its foot steps!?"

Person 1 & 2 "Omg I did! Eeeep!"

And so they sit in the dark hugging their knees and rocking back and forth for like 5 hours till they pass out of retardation and fall asleep.


Jan 23, 2001
Once there was a boy, who woke up with blue hair. To him it was a joy, until he ran out into the warm air. He thought of how his friend would come to see; And would they laugh, or had he got some strange disease?


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2005
You live in downtown NY and ground zero doesn't affect you? That place is creepy. Especially at night.
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