Gillette’s wonderfully woke new commercial

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Oct 18, 2013
Are you asking me if I disagree with your interpretation of his post?

Yes. It appears to me that you seem to agree with him, but, you are saying you do not. If that is the case, then either you are not representing him accurately, or, I am not. So, the best way to find out is for me to summarize him and see if you agree with that. If you see the issue, we can go over it.

Is that a productive solution?
Nov 8, 2012
TIL new terms- 1: toxic masculinity. I read it and thought, WTF is that? Had to read up on that one. Seems to be a subset of 2: Hegemonic masculinity. Furthermore, I learned it is covered in gender studies courses. And finally, I learned it due to an advertisement creating controversy. Which made me think of the of show Mad Men, thus invoking a certain sense of irony.

"Toxic Masculinity" is in of itself intoxicating to rational thought.

I can automatically tell the intelligence level of anyone that uses such a stupid fucking term.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Then why make such a silly statement as "....that we promoted and endorsed for 5 and more decades in order to sell our products. Our bad."

I'm guessing what you mean to accuse them of, is reinforcement of gender binaries. Is that right?

nope, I just mis-thought and mistyped. I don't think the ad as they were would promote that. I do think that the negative response to this new one is perceived by the incels of the world as a change from that interpretations. I think that Gilette was fine then, and fine now.

I think the pants-pissers are creating problems that don't exist. I think they need balls.


Nov 4, 2004
Yes. It appears to me that you seem to agree with him, but, you are saying you do not. If that is the case, then either you are not representing him accurately, or, I am not. So, the best way to find out is for me to summarize him and see if you agree with that. If you see the issue, we can go over it.

Is that a productive solution?

We've had this discussion. Maybe not the way you want, but we just had it. Are you reading my replies?
Reactions: ivwshane


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
Right right, I know, you and VRAMdemon have meticulously and demonstrably expressed how much you don't care. I guess you're naive enough to imagine you're the first people who ever thought of saying you don't care to mask the fact that you do. How dare those proud toxic males exist. "Let's see if I can scrape some slime off them and transfer it to Moonbeam. Let's put him in that box." I am here and care about what I see as a need for less ideology and more openness to what others have to say. I think you chose to take that personally, as if the idea that you are owned by an ideology like most of the rest of the planet, was a personal affront to your dignity. Sorry. No pain no gain.

Alright Moonbeam..your main narrative here is I was "triggered" by them being "triggered" and you want me to admit that?..fine, so be it. Perhaps this is so..And I will give you a response that isn't "who gives a shit".

It is odd that the cognitive dissonance of this ad caused so much mental discomfort. The controversy is not about the effectiveness of the ad and the business they will lose or gain, but "what about the poor men??" I (adult male) wasn't offended watching this ad. (actually It looks like a preview for the latest tedious Steve Carrell movie) Nor was my ultraconservative in laws whom have seen this ad. In fact "real" conservatives should praise a message of morality and proper behavior. There is only a small segment of people "triggered" by this ad. We know who they are. The hubbub is from men who claim it's an attack on all men. But there's nothing in the ad that implies all men are like this; that's completely in the eyes of these viewers. If that Gillette ad made you pissed off, you’re why they made it.

My interpertation of the ad... hey, don't be an asshole, or one of those assholes that excuses assholish behavior by other men. Be a good person and set a good example for the next generation of men. And, the reaction from the offenderati seems to be, "hey, they just called me an asshole!" hey If the shoe fits, wear it, but if it doesn't, you're not an asshole and they didn't call you one. It's like when someone parked their car over two (or more!) spots and they were called out as the asshole they are. But, "Hey, I park my car. They just called me an asshole!" Because, unless you park diagonally over two spots, you're not the asshole they are talking about.

The ad is already a success, it has people talking about it's message and what it means. Did Gillette alienate a huge piece of their customer base? I doubt it, but It's all over social media and the incels and the red pillers are losing their shit over this. If nothing else, the Gillette ad has done a great job of getting people to talk about the Gillette ad. Politically motivated ads are nothing new. The few in here "outraged" that corporations are in the morality business rings hollow. Most of the negative reaction is with the message.
Nov 8, 2012
I think the pants-pissers are creating problems that don't exist. I think they need balls.

Isn't that what Gillette is doing here? Creating a problem that doesn't exist?

Acting as if the general term "Boys will be boys" is harmful and the concept of some rough playing is just oh so too much to handle.... God forbid you do something like have a pillow fight - the HORROR!!!
Reactions: Zorba


Oct 18, 2013
nope, I just mis-thought and mistyped. I don't think the ad as they were would promote that. I do think that the negative response to this new one is perceived by the incels of the world as a change from that interpretations. I think that Gilette was fine then, and fine now.

I think the pants-pissers are creating problems that don't exist. I think they need balls.

Okay, fair enough.
Nov 25, 2013
Isn't that what Gillette is doing here? Creating a problem that doesn't exist?

Acting as if the general term "Boys will be boys" is harmful and the concept of some rough playing is just oh so too much to handle.... God forbid you do something like have a pillow fight - the HORROR!!!

Keep beating up that straw, bunky. Eventually you'll win.


Mar 17, 2008
Isn't that what Gillette is doing here? Creating a problem that doesn't exist?

Acting as if the general term "Boys will be boys" is harmful and the concept of some rough playing is just oh so too much to handle.... God forbid you do something like have a pillow fight - the HORROR!!!

Boys will be boys was the exact rhetoric cited by female true Trump believers when justifying the "grab em by the pussy", I even think Conway went there. You want to normalize that in the public sphere? - NOTE : Thats not to say that "boys will be boys" is a negatively charged phrase in all scenarios (though I get it would be nice to take that stance, right, you could all go "goddamn libs again, off their rockers") .. But I think it works in this one. Cause there is presidence for using it in just that context, by, for one, your President.
Reactions: greatnoob
Mar 11, 2004
In some instances, I agree. As it relates to this particular ad, I do not.

Some men can be @ssholes. Here are a few cliche and exaggerated gender stereotypes. Buy our razors.

It is possible to agree with the message while also dismissing the ad as a misfire.

The thing is you're proving the ad worked flawlessly. Because you're here fucking discussing its message. You're not even discussing the quality of Gilette's products or anything but the message of their ad. Which was explicitly the intention of the ad. And then you're trying to say that it doesn't work and missed the mark, when they nailed you in the bullseye so hard that your argument is essentially looking at some other target and going "look its not even on the target" while you've got an arrow sticking out of your chest.
Last edited:


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Alright Moonbeam..your main narrative here is I was "triggered" by them being "triggered" and you want me to admit that?..fine, so be it. Perhaps this is so..And I will give you a response that isn't "who gives a shit".

M: First off, thank you most sincerely for this post. I feel like I am talking to a real person here, one who is attempting to be honest with himself, and with me.

OK, I do not think my main narrative was ever to make you admit you were triggered. My main point has always been that the put down reactions to the Oposter's Opost were were not based much on anything that he said but on how he has been pigeonholed as a result of his posting history, and to the extent that having myself, in reading his post as a single item, could not fine anything much in it that could account for that negative reaction, and moreover, that I could share in the concern he actually expressed. What I saw then was people being needlessly and absurdly triggered themselves and turning around and calling him the one who was triggered.

I realize that we build a body of history with people we interact with that create assumption about why they act as they do, and while I appreciate and can do that myself, I find it also robotic and soul killing. It is exactly why we get triggered and are trapped by past experience, unwilling to engage in dialog or alter fixed perceptions. I think I am seeing visible signs of how the insanity on the right is causing the left to become unhinged. I don't think that is a good thing. It triggers my own sort of concern.

But when I read his OP I saw nothing there to suggest he is some incel monster or aggrieved male chauvinist, whether he is or is not. I saw a moral questioning of the appropriateness of having our moral values set by corporations. My response to that was that I can both see the appropriateness of the question and support the ad at the same time.

V: It is odd that the cognitive dissonance of this ad caused so much mental discomfort. The controversy is not about the effectiveness of the ad and the business they will lose or gain, but "what about the poor men??" I (adult male) wasn't offended watching this ad. (actually It looks like a preview for the latest tedious Steve Carrell movie) Nor was my ultraconservative in laws whom have seen this ad. In fact "real" conservatives should praise a message of morality and proper behavior. There is only a small segment of people "triggered" by this ad. We know who they are. The hubbub is from men who claim it's an attack on all men. But there's nothing in the ad that implies all men are like this; that's completely in the eyes of these viewers. If that Gillette ad made you pissed off, you’re why they made it.

M: I have no problem with this. I just don't think it applies to me or the content of the OPost.

V: My interpertation of the ad... hey, don't be an asshole, or one of those assholes that excuses assholish behavior by other men. Be a good person and set a good example for the next generation of men. And, the reaction from the offenderati seems to be, "hey, they just called me an asshole!" hey If the shoe fits, wear it, but if it doesn't, you're not an asshole and they didn't call you one. It's like when someone parked their car over two (or more!) spots and they were called out as the asshole they are. But, "Hey, I park my car. They just called me an asshole!" Because, unless you park diagonally over two spots, you're not the asshole they are talking about.

M: I have no problem with this. It accurately represents how some people behave in my opinion too. But I had no problem with the ad, only questions about the implications of corporations signaling morality, what, long term the consequences will be. What is it all about. That was the issue I also saw the Oposter raising in his Opost.

V: The ad is already a success, it has people talking about it's message and what it means. Did Gillette alienate a huge piece of their customer base? I doubt it, but It's all over social media and the incels and the red pillers are losing their shit over this. If nothing else, the Gillette ad has done a great job of getting people to talk about the Gillette ad. Politically motivated ads are nothing new. The few in here "outraged" that corporations are in the morality business rings hollow. Most of the negative reaction is with the message.

M: Again, I have no problem with this. I was never on about the ad, only that what I thought was a valid moral concern about corporate sourced morality and the implications for society long run. The fact that there may be a lunatic fringe out there somewhere who see the ad as an attack on their sick moral beliefs does not justify stiffuling intelectual inquirey into the best ways to transmit moral principles to the general society. I think that is a very important issue to think about. And I believe it is important enough to consider that I not concern myself unduely about any triggered criticism I will face from the left in doing so. I thank you for defending your position here again for that reason. My point is that I don't think I was the droid you were looking for.
Mar 11, 2004
Youre entitled to your opinion, which all of this post is.

Im fine with the ad. I likely wouldn't even have seen the ad if conservatives didn't make a big ole hubbub about it.

Many men act exactly as depicted in the ad, and change is hard. Thus I give you the OP.

I probably would see it just from watching NFL games (which is about the only time I see commercials anymore - well weirdly I've taken to watching YouTube videos that are just vintage ads as background noise. Its funny seeing how shitty some of them used to be (and I roll my eyes when looking at the comments and people are upvoting "now see ads used to actually mean something and have a message of not just selling you the product" while conservatives rage about this ad trying to mean something...).

But yeah, love the ad or rather the message of the ad, although I think it is ripe for mocking too. And yep, the fervor that the people trying to disparage it are raging, is just highlighting the ad's message and making it even more effective.


Jan 6, 2005
The thing is you're proving the ad worked flawlessly. Because you're here fucking discussing its message. You're not even discussing the quality of Gilette's products or anything but the message of their ad. Which was explicitly the intention of the ad. And then you're trying to say that it doesn't work and missed the mark, when they nailed you in the bullseye so hard that your argument is essentially looking at some other target and going "look its not even on the target" while you've got an arrow sticking out of your chest.
Not at all. Gillette lost me as a customer years ago once I discovered its possible to purchase higher quality blades at a fraction of the cost. My only interest in this ad is watching the mental gymnastics to rationalize its use of gender stereotypes.


Mar 17, 2008
I am triggered and I said why. The fact that this has a long history and the OP may have been triggered now only recently and because of metoo does not make the more philosophical implications inherent in the moral signaling via advertising go away. I am triggered when I feel a real moral question that merits some real and deep critical thought is shouted down just because the person who brings it up might belong to a group you, in your really suspect infinite moral certainty, deem also to be worthy of moral shaming.

The very first thing I said is that I have no problem with the ad itself but that the OP raises deeper questions, that were immediately ignored in a haste to shame.

Let me use history to defend my perspective. I see triggered apes throwing branches from trees. I see cats flying into walls discovering a cucumber on the floor. I see a bunch of spoiled reactive children who can’t handle an sort of challenge to their lazy minded group think.

If these ads take hold in our culture maybe we will be more mature in our attitudes to ‘the other’. That will mean less triggered on all sides. Who knows, maybe we can evolve culturally if enough of us get triggered enough to realize ‘we are all the same’.

- Of course it does! Right. History. Lets put that to the test shall we?

Scene start: Joseph Goebbels, Moon and a post 1945 crowd. Moon is attending the crowd. Joseph is speaking.

Joseph (speaking to crowd) : I know there may be things in my past that upset some of you, but hear my out. Jews of the thirties could have done more to integrate themselves in the societies they were part of, instead they created their own communities and ...(crowd interrupts)

Crowd : Booooooo. Throws Eggs, veggies, small caliber rocks.


Scene end.

Now could Goebbels have a point here? Sure he could. Would it be worth studying? Of course.

Is it Goebbels point to make? Fuck no.

Back to reality.
(meta note : little disclaimer may be in order here, I am not UC==Goebbels, I am exaggerating to drive a point home)

Here you are "Moonie", deciding to take a stand on the hill of yet another concern thread by UC.(Good job.)

And excuse me for not following your triggered ape analogy, all I see you guys doing is hurling shit at eachother ... Or maybe its 3D chess that only you, a select few, and Peterson understand. (Vanity is so very, still, my favorite sin).

Is there a deeper question here on Morality? Most definitely.
Am I going to discuss it in a UC concern thread and by proxy enable apes throwing shit, like here :

No I am not.

Though.. I will say that this is not something that "If these ads take hold in our culture" ... its already here and have been for ages, its a consequence of a free democracy, the first and a capitalistic governing model. If you want to discuss those things, I think you can come up with a better thread title than "Gillette’s wonderfully woke new commercial" and take it from there.

Oh you can also go here, into the comment section, and find kindred spirits :

Reactions: Victorian Gray


Mar 17, 2008
The ad is already a success, it has people talking about it's message and what it means. Did Gillette alienate a huge piece of their customer base? I doubt it, but It's all over social media and the incels and the red pillers are losing their shit over this. If nothing else, the Gillette ad has done a great job of getting people to talk about the Gillette ad. Politically motivated ads are nothing new. The few in here "outraged" that corporations are in the morality business rings hollow. Most of the negative reaction is with the message.

- Yes. All the pedes are never buying gilettes again. (if you dont know what a pede is, dont google it, just ignore it).


Mar 17, 2008
- Yes. All the pedes are never buying gilettes again. (if you dont know what a pede is, dont google it, just ignore it).

Oooooh.... Did I offend a pede there Starbuck??? . Hahahahahahaha thanks for that.


Jan 6, 2005
Oooooh.... Did I offend a pede there Starbuck??? . Hahahahahahaha thanks for that.
Awww did I hurt your feefies with a Dislike. Lots of people getting sensitive to the voting system as of late. If you want a Like, offer something constructive like @Moonbeam and @realibrad.

I gave you a heart instead so you can feel better.


Mar 17, 2008
Awww did I hurt your feefies with a Dislike. Lots of people getting sensitive to the voting system as of late. If you want a Like, offer something constructive like @Moonbeam and @realibrad.

I gave you a heart instead so you can feel better.
Constructive? Are you kidding? This is one big turd hurling thread... I had convinced myself I was out, yet, here I am again participating the the turd hurling. It makes no god damned sense.


Jan 6, 2005
Constructive? Are you kidding? This is one big turd hurling thread... I had convinced myself I was out, yet, here I am again participating the the turd hurling. It makes no god damned sense.
If only there was someone to intervene in all this toxic masculinity


Oct 18, 2013
For those who question which way this form leans, how many "Right" leaning posters go around down voting people on the forum. Then, look at the people that are on the "Left" doing it. People get triggered by a whole mess of things, its just that some groups are triggered by different things.
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