Girl decides to get the #1 worst degree in the USA, now whines about no jobs.

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Jan 4, 2001
That's why this is one of my favorite graphs.

The hell? Yet you still have companies complaining that there aren't any good candidates.
Is that because of that thing where companies doing the hiring want to pay an engineer $10/hr and then complain that there aren't any reasonable candidates available when no one takes them up on the offer?
Or do many of the graduates just suck at it?


Platinum Member
Oct 18, 2014
Newberg says, is that she did everything she was told she was supposed to do -- went to college, went to graduate school -- and still, she's waiting tables.
Dumb bitch. It never occurred to her that her degree was worthless? Never wondered why other people in school seemed to be studying and stressing over tests and, like numbers and shit, while she was getting her worthless degree?

She's not good looking enough to be intellectually lazy. She needs to go back to school and get a degree in a real profession. Library services? In the 21st century? Fuck off.
went to graduate school in library science, an area she thought was practical, so she could become a school librarian.
What the fuck?!?!

She is the quintessential moron. This kind of thing doesn't fly. Maybe 30 years ago. You have to have a real degree now, no more dicking around like this.


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
For full disclosure, just a bit of info on me:

I worked for a startup many years ago, a computerized legal research provider. We were a very highly regarded company in our market. In addition to writing one of the releases of our flagship product, I oversaw a project to digitize hundreds upon hundreds of Westlaw volumes using state-of-the-art scanning, OCR, and verification software. Prior to computers, legal research was an arcane, time consuming process limited to those who had weeks on end to sit in a library going through dusty books. Computers put the law into everyone's hands, it no longer belongs to the high priests of knowledge who have the luxury of spending all their time with their noses in books.

Do you keep up with that part of the software industry? A good friend of mine is involved in a fairly high profile startup that is doing its best to utterly wipe out most of the legal profession by commoditizing their work. It's fascinating - the parallels between the floors upon floors of accountants that used to exist before a single computer replaced them all and what's happening to lawyers right now should frighten anyone thinking about going into that line of work.

My wife was a librarian/archivist. She liked it well enough, but there was very little challenge to the job and absolutely no advancement (once you get a job as one, you tend to stay in it for a very long time and not move around). She got out, took a role a database administrator and has already doubled her pay. If you can't beat 'em...


Sep 22, 2007
How about African American Studies? Athletes major in that a quite a few universities. That degree is worthless. What can you do with it?

There's a reason athletes major in things like AA Studies, Communications, Recreation/Recreational Studies (yes, some major in this), etc -- want to guess why?

Also, lol at Library "Sciences." However, it is not even remotely close to the most worthless degree ever -- Gender Studies and other degrees like it are far worse. I also know a girl who has a Master's degree from Harvard in East Asian Religions or something like that.


Feb 8, 2000
Yet another lets shit on liberal arts majors thread.

But if they didn't, I'd actually have an ounce of respect for people on this board.

The hell? Yet you still have companies complaining that there aren't any good candidates.
Is that because of that thing where companies doing the hiring want to pay an engineer $10/hr and then complain that there aren't any reasonable candidates available when no one takes them up on the offer?
Or do many of the graduates just suck at it?

Want more? This report was released recently and it's from an engineering society in my "state" -- I thought it would do its best to find the silver lining to pump the profession.

•only about 30 per cent of employed individuals in Ontario who held a bachelor's degree or higher in engineering were working as engineers or engineering managers

•by a wide margin, employed individuals with bachelor's degrees or higher in engineering did not work in their field of study compared with those with medical, law, nursing or education degrees;
Feb 25, 2011
How about African American Studies? Athletes major in that a quite a few universities. That degree is worthless. What can you do with it?

There are some professions where your graduate degree is important, but you undergrad degree doesn't matter at all. Somebody with a degree in AA Studies (which is a History degree, basically) could turn around and get an MSW pretty easily, for instance.

Law school is another one. (Although I guess it matters a little, and there are pre-law degree programs now that are designed to prepare you for law school. But they're not an absolute requirement by a long shot.)

Or you could go get an MBA and schmooze/booze your way to the top of the corporate food chain.

(Yes, that last one is rare, and those people are probably the exception, not the rule. It doesn't mean idealist 20 year olds aren't thinking that could be them.)


Platinum Member
Oct 18, 2014
The above bolded is pure unadulterated bullshit. Google will never be able to make the kind of connections to legitimate research that trained Librarians can. Huge amounts of information and knowledge are not listed, quoted or. referenced online. In fact, the majority of human knowledge isn't even mentioned in passing online. The ability of the human mind to direct inquiry, integrate seemingly unrelated facts and, broaden the scope of research will NEVER be bettered by Google or any other computer based system. We've had this discussion before, you were woefully ignorant then and apparently haven't learned better since. It must be comforting to have your world view defined and, all possible questions answered by Google and wiki. If idiocracy comes to pass, you have only yourself to blame.
I'm afraid you're wrong. Computer software is getting scary good, scary fast. Google has known more than the average person for years and been able to competently bring up information on topics. You think if it could do that years ago for the average person it will never be able to better everybody? But don't take my word for it.

In the coming years computers are going to be sport-fucking a lot of careers. And not just shitty little ones like this woman deserves for being an absolute moron, but ones that heretofore have required a lot of schooling and experience.

In twenty years we have moved from almost completely worthless search engines that did nothing but index key words manually typed into headings in a web page to being able to pull back answers to complex questions.

How anybody can pretend humans will always have an informational edge on computers when a computer has already been able to best, for example, guys on jeopardy who are human encyclopedias at the 99.99 percentile, is really beyond my ability to understand. Maybe a librarian could help me figure it out.

I have no sympathy for this woman. She deserves it for being stupid. For somebody who feigns an interest in research and information she sure as shit didn't research the fact she'd be waiting tables with that bullshit degree. And it does make me mad because why are we still doing this? Why are we still sending kids off to get these shitty degrees? The guy at work next to me with a kid currently failing school is failing a shitty degree to boot. He's just throwing money in the toilet.

I do have sympathy for people who will see their jobs eradicated by computing over time who made a good faith, reasonable effort to get a good career, but no sympathy for people who are getting degrees like library science, sociology, etc. All the classic detritus degrees.
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Sep 6, 2000
Do you keep up with that part of the software industry? A good friend of mine is involved in a fairly high profile startup that is doing its best to utterly wipe out most of the legal profession by commoditizing their work. It's fascinating - the parallels between the floors upon floors of accountants that used to exist before a single computer replaced them all and what's happening to lawyers right now should frighten anyone thinking about going into that line of work.

My wife was a librarian/archivist. She liked it well enough, but there was very little challenge to the job and absolutely no advancement (once you get a job as one, you tend to stay in it for a very long time and not move around). She got out, took a role a database administrator and has already doubled her pay. If you can't beat 'em...

You can't use software to commoditize things where the constraint is that a live person does it because the law says a person has to do it. Low value-add bullshit legal work perhaps, but you can't automate a corporate counsel giving a professional legal opinion for example.


Feb 18, 2004
You can't use software to commoditize things where the constraint is that a live person does it because the law says a person has to do it. Low value-add bullshit legal work perhaps, but you can't automate a corporate counsel giving a professional legal opinion for example.

no, but the fact that you no longer necessarily need lawyers to, say, pore through tomes looking for random obscure laws/loopholes when you can do it with a good search engine instead is one of the reason the legal profession is seeing such a downturn.


Platinum Member
Feb 7, 2005
Wrong, SOME of it is available online. You can get access to a huge amount of material that isn't available online through the library system. You're quite right that if something isn't available on the monitor in front of you, for all practical purposes, it doesn't exist (sad, isn't it?). Gee, if only there was a way to get access. Naw, that would require leaving the basement. Who am I kidding?

You are showing your age, serious and no offense intended. Think about how many libraries there are, including colleges/universities, then think of the potential number of people with these degrees. It is too specialized to have a broad need for it, and just because you boned your librarian doesn't mean that Google doesn't provide extensively more knowledge than a librarian. Chances are if the information is available in a book somewhere, someone needed it online, and Google or the like indexed it.

Let me edit this before someone tells me about the other library media like tapes, newspaper archives, CDs, and (funny enough) the Internet.
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No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
no, but the fact that you no longer necessarily need lawyers to, say, pore through tomes looking for random obscure laws/loopholes when you can do it with a good search engine instead is one of the reason the legal profession is seeing such a downturn.

Very little is safe from computers and robotics. The only reason many people still have a job is because no one has turned their attention to it yet.


Sep 6, 2000
no, but the fact that you no longer necessarily need lawyers to, say, pore through tomes looking for random obscure laws/loopholes when you can do it with a good search engine instead is one of the reason the legal profession is seeing such a downturn.

Until there's an advancement in AI, humans will still need to do the analysis work. Unless you're one of those folks that thinks we can just Monte Carlo simulation the best solution somehow, companies are way too risk adverse to leave the final business decision to machines.


Platinum Member
Oct 18, 2014
You can't use software to commoditize things where the constraint is that a live person does it because the law says a person has to do it. Low value-add bullshit legal work perhaps, but you can't automate a corporate counsel giving a professional legal opinion for example.
"You have mail"

<mail opens>

You have an action item pending your approval. If you click Approve, AutoLawyerTM will send this opinion to your client immediately.


Software does whatever, joe blow with his letters after his name clicks okay, job done.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2011

There is no hope for people like yourself....

You are so ignorant. You and most people in this thread are totally clueless as to what a school librarian does or is. In the library they are the teacher, and that is what district forced her to do without the proper title or certification. It is illegal.


Platinum Member
Oct 18, 2014
You are so ignorant. You and most people in this thread are totally clueless as to what a school librarian does or is. In the library they are the teacher, and that is what district forced her to do without the proper title or certification. It is illegal.

Can you please stop posting?

I mean in literally all of the threads. Just stop posting. Don't do it again.


Oct 24, 2000
My mom got an MLS degree and has worked for 2 decades as a law librarian and done quite well for herself. She loves her work. Oh well.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2011
One issue many districts have closed down their school libraries. Librarians have been transfered to classrooms as regular teachers. Students no longer go to library to check out books or study. The reason is budget. During the crisis they had to cut teachers.


Platinum Member
Oct 18, 2014
One issue many districts have closed down their school libraries. Librarians have been transfered to classrooms as regular teachers. Students no longer go to library to check out books or study. The reason is budget. During the crisis they had to cut teachers.

Stop being so stupid and ignorant.


Jan 4, 2001
I'm afraid you're wrong. Computer software is getting scary good, scary fast. Google has known more than the average person for years and been able to competently bring up information on topics. You think if it could do that years ago for the average person it will never be able to better everybody? But don't take my word for it.

One deep learning tool, after watching hours of YouTube, taught itself the concept of &#8220;cats.&#8221;
Because of course it did.

Hopefully the super-intelligent computer overlord will be the benevolent sort that'll kindly leave a copy of itself behind to take care of us, while the rest of the copies go explore the galaxy. Assuming it wants to make copies and explore. I've known some people who were content to do a very consistent and simplistic job every single day. Maybe the computer will take a similar approach to humanity.

In the coming years computers are going to be sport-fucking a lot of careers. And not just shitty little ones like this woman deserves for being an absolute moron, but ones that heretofore have required a lot of schooling and experience.
Some aspects of engineering will sure change. Give the computer the task you want to accomplish, and it'll evolve an efficient solution to the problem.
Heck, you don't employ computers anymore. One machine can now do the job of many thousands of people.

What happens when nearly all of the degrees are worthless, and we've been largely supplanted? Hopefully the AIs will be so kind as to keep us as well-looked-after pets, and let us go about making more cat videos on Youtube.
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Sep 6, 2000
"You have mail"

<mail opens>

You have an action item pending your approval. If you click Approve, AutoLawyerTM will send this opinion to your client immediately.


Software does whatever, joe blow with his letters after his name clicks okay, job done.

Have you actually worked with principals doing blue sky work where the objective (and sometimes even the problem space) hasn't been defined yet? You never, ever get something packaged so neatly that you can simply type in a search string to Google and have it spit out a result. Most of the time what you get asked about is barely a concept, much less something that an automated tool can do something with. Hell, most of the time when we start getting doing research the principals can barely articulate what their business need is. I can't tell you the number of times where I've been told "just build me something cool" or "how can I tell you what I need before I have the tool to start formulating my concept?"

Hugo Drax

Diamond Member
Nov 20, 2011
I'm afraid you're wrong. Computer software is getting scary good, scary fast. Google has known more than the average person for years and been able to competently bring up information on topics. You think if it could do that years ago for the average person it will never be able to better everybody? But don't take my word for it.

In the coming years computers are going to be sport-fucking a lot of careers. And not just shitty little ones like this woman deserves for being an absolute moron, but ones that heretofore have required a lot of schooling and experience.

In twenty years we have moved from almost completely worthless search engines that did nothing but index key words manually typed into headings in a web page to being able to pull back answers to complex questions.

How anybody can pretend humans will always have an informational edge on computers when a computer has already been able to best, for example, guys on jeopardy who are human encyclopedias at the 99.99 percentile, is really beyond my ability to understand. Maybe a librarian could help me figure it out.

I have no sympathy for this woman. She deserves it for being stupid. For somebody who feigns an interest in research and information she sure as shit didn't research the fact she'd be waiting tables with that bullshit degree. And it does make me mad because why are we still doing this? Why are we still sending kids off to get these shitty degrees? The guy at work next to me with a kid currently failing school is failing a shitty degree to boot. He's just throwing money in the toilet.

I do have sympathy for people who will see their jobs eradicated by computing over time who made a good faith, reasonable effort to get a good career, but no sympathy for people who are getting degrees like library science, sociology, etc. All the classic detritus degrees.

Several people I know all their children are going to college to get "worthless degrees"

My theory is most people don't like school which I understand, and so they are being forced into college because its the thing to do. They will choose the path of least resistance, they figure I will get my degree but hell if I am gonna bust my ass for 4 years getting it.

The whole 100% of young adults need to go to college or else needs to end. We need to get back basics.

The girl in the video was upset because "she did what she was supposed to do" Obviously she was made to go to college right after high school and I suspect she tried to take the past of least resistance.
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