Global Extremes:8-29-07 NOAA says human activity to blame for increase in gases and hottest temps on record


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
8-29-2007 NOAA computer Models show human activity is to blame for gas increase and hottest temps ever recorded.

Interesting P&Ners swear the computer models are junk.


IPCC report spells out records falling all over planet.

Temps are up but resident P&Nr's insist it is Global Cooling.

Anyway I've changed the name of the junk science to Global Extremes


I just watched this thing. It makes Michael Moore's works look like a cartoon.

Big Oil paid big big bucks for this piece of crap.

They yell it's the sun like Soylent Green "It's people!".

The Great Global Warming Swindle


Kind of reminds me of the old planet of the apes movies.

Future generations will be living underground like rats.


1-22-2007 Report has 'smoking gun' on climate - future is bleak

Human-caused global warming is here, visible in the air, water and melting ice, and is destined to get much worse in the future, an authoritative global scientific report will warn next week.

"The smoking gun is definitely lying on the table as we speak," said top U.S. climate scientist Jerry Mahlman, who reviewed all 1,600 pages of the first segment of a giant four-part report. "The evidence ... is compelling."

The future is bleak, scientists said.

"We have barely started down this path," said chapter co-author Richard Alley of Penn State University.


This is so sad.

You have to see the correlation to 1930's Germany when this kind of stuff going on.

I'm sure we'll hear from Al Gore on this shortly.

Originally posted by: dmcowen674
11-2-2006 Bush Administration being investigated for muzzling Scientists on Global Warming

WASHINGTON - Two federal agencies are investigating whether the Bush administration tried to block government scientists from speaking freely about global warming and censor their research, a senator said Wednesday.

Sen. Frank Lautenberg (news, bio, voting record), D-N.J., said he was informed that the inspectors general for the Commerce Department and NASA had begun "coordinated, sweeping investigations of the Bush administration's censorship and suppression" of federal research into global warming.

"These investigations are critical because the Republicans in Congress have ignored this serious problem," Lautenberg said.

He said the investigations "will uncover internal documents and agency correspondence that may expose widespread misconduct." He added, "Taxpayers do not fund scientific research so the Bush White House can alter it."

9-13-2006 time for all coastal residents, State of florida, Long Island etc to evacuate.

Poor Dutch people, they've apparently been brainwashed by the looney left as well.

What did they base their prediction of warmer temps and more heatwaves for the nxt 50 years???

7-25-2006 July hottest month in Netherlands in 300 years

AMSTERDAM - July 2006 is on track to be the hottest month in the Netherlands since temperatures were first measured in 1706, the Dutch meteorological institute KNMI said on Tuesday.

"July 2006 is the hottest month ever," it said in a statement.

Dutch temperature records, launched in the beginning of the 18th century, are among the oldest in the world.

KNMI has forecast a clear warming trend in the next 50 years and an increasing number of heatwaves.

Temperatures in the Netherlands rose as high as 36-37 degrees last week, when two people died during a walking event which was later canceled.


Wow, these Brits must be as Moronic as me.

7-19-2006 Ill-equipped Britain endures heat wave

Britain was facing one of its hottest days on record Wednesday ? so hot the pavement melted on the roadways.

The temperature south of London hit 96.6 degrees, the hottest temperature ever recorded in Britain in July.

London's Underground has no air conditioning and the Evening Standard newspaper measured temperatures in the train system at 117 degrees

In Spain, two people died during a heat wave that has seen temperatures climb above 104 degrees.

There was little London officials could do besides tell people to carry a bottle of water.

Andrei Danilov, 32, dutifully cradled mineral water on a central London bus.

"It gets worse and worse every year," he said. "I can't stand it."

The heat failed to dash one of Queen Elizabeth II's annual garden parties. Nearly 8,000 people lined up to enter Buckingham Palace.

"Oh my gosh, it's so hot," said Sonia Read, as she flapped her fan. "I have never seen anything like this."


The Weather experts either are not really experts or they are on some serious drugs to be in opposition to the President of the United States.

Their instruments clearly have to be broken. Maybe they didn't get enough Government grants for proper working equipment.

It's in out imaginations that the glaciers are melting before are very eyes.
I'm sure glad there is no Global Warming.

I'd hate to see what the temp would be if there was.

7-16-2006 Heat wave of 100 plus temps has much of U.S. sizzling

2-25-2006 Experts: Global warming behind 2005 hurricanes

MONTEREY, California - The record Atlantic hurricane season last year can be attributed to global warming, several top experts, including a leading U.S. government storm researcher, said on Monday.

"The hurricanes we are seeing are indeed a direct result of climate change and it's no longer something we'll see in the future, it's happening now," said Greg Holland, a division director at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado.

Holland told a packed hall at the American Meteorological Society's 27th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology that the wind and warmer water conditions that fuel storms that form in the Caribbean are "increasingly due to greenhouse gases. There seems to be no other conclusion you can logically draw."

The Bush administration contends global warming is an unproven theory.


Jan 11, 2006
Does anybody remember about 15-20 years ago when "global cooling" was a "proven theory" and was generally accepted by the scientific community as truth?


Senior member
Jun 1, 2005
It would make sense. Although if the ocean currents change then that could change things. It could change a lot of things.


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: eilute
It would make sense. Although if the ocean currents change then that could change things. It could change a lot of things.

It would also make sense that hurricanes are known to be more intense for periods of time and currently we are in one of intense periods of time.


Senior member
Jun 1, 2005
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: eilute
It would make sense. Although if the ocean currents change then that could change things. It could change a lot of things.

It would also make sense that hurricanes are known to be more intense for periods of time and currently we are in one of intense periods of time.

Yes, but hurricanes are more intense when the water is warmer. With global warming it is probable that the water in the gulf and Caribbean will also be warmer as a result.


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: eilute
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: eilute
It would make sense. Although if the ocean currents change then that could change things. It could change a lot of things.

It would also make sense that hurricanes are known to be more intense for periods of time and currently we are in one of intense periods of time.

Yes, but hurricanes are more intense when the water is warmer. With global warming it is probable that the water in the gulf and Caribbean will also be warmer as a result.

A big maybe. There have been storms that large before.


Jan 10, 2002
I think the only dispute is whether it is a trend that will go away or not..

Hurricanes are obviously affected/influenced by irregular ocean temperatures. All weather IS


Golden Member
Jun 26, 2005
Does anybody remember about 15-20 years ago when "global cooling" was a "proven theory" and was generally accepted by the scientific community as truth?


no they don't remember. selective amnesia. wonder when the theory of solar warming will catch on?


Jan 10, 2002
Does anyone remember when God flooded the earth and killed scores of people and when he nuked all those people in in Sodom and Gomorrah


Jul 3, 2001
This is not some unanimous conclusion at the conference. Read the article:

His conclusion will be debated throughout the week-long conference, as other researchers present opposing papers that say changing wind and temperature conditions in the tropics are due to natural events, not the accumulation of carbon dioxide emissions clouding the Earth.

While many of the conference's 500 scientists seem to agree that a warming trend in the tropics is causing more and stronger hurricanes than usual, not all agree that global warming is to blame.

Some, like William Gray, a veteran hurricane researcher at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado, attributed the warming to natural cycles.

Gray said he believes salinity buildups and movements with ocean currents cause warming and cooling cycles. He predicted the Caribbean water will continue to warm for another five to 10 years, then start cooling.


Golden Member
May 30, 2005
Originally posted by: johnnobts
Does anybody remember about 15-20 years ago when "global cooling" was a "proven theory" and was generally accepted by the scientific community as truth?


no they don't remember. selective amnesia. wonder when the theory of solar warming will catch on?

No I don't, but does anybody give a ******? They also didn't have the data that we do now for the drastic increase in greenhouse gases.


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2005
Like so many things, hurricanes are cyclical. Some seasons are worse then others.
The stupidity is rebuilding Orleans in the same place.


Jan 11, 2006
Originally posted by: blackllotus
Originally posted by: johnnobts
Does anybody remember about 15-20 years ago when "global cooling" was a "proven theory" and was generally accepted by the scientific community as truth?


no they don't remember. selective amnesia. wonder when the theory of solar warming will catch on?

No I don't, but does anybody give a ******? They also didn't have the data that we do now for the drastic increase in greenhouse gases.

And in another 20 years when we have 20 more years worth of data, there will be another "proven" theory.


Jan 10, 2002
Originally posted by: daniel49
Like so many things, hurricanes are cyclical. Some seasons are worse then others.
The stupidity is rebuilding Orleans in the same place.

What causes the cycles and can we disrupt or alter them etc...

If Russians and others can imagine creating Weather Weapons then why can't we affect the Global Climate?
Feb 16, 2005
I just don't understand why people are so damned determined to believe it's not happening. And that we're not the cause, it has to be either ignorance, arrogance or or both. Ignorant to listen to other possible causes for the changes in climate, too damned arrogant to believe that the world isn't theirs to befoul and destroy. Or a little of both. What harm would come from actually thinking about it and admitting it could be going on.
None. What harm comes from turning your back on it, well, potential for catostrophic storms (hurricanes, tornadoes, etc), elimination of species (warmer waters will drive out or outright kill some plants, and the fish and critters that depend on that plant will go away, as will the fish and critters that feed on the aforementioned fish and critters.) And that leads no place good fast.
So why not be willing to look openly at the evidence, it's not like Doc from Back to the Future is presenting this as fact, they are NASA scientists, Other top climatologists as well as geologists.
I just don't get it. What would it hurt to look at it for a bit from the angle it could be happening.


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Sheik Yerbouti
I just don't understand why people are so damned determined to believe it's not happening. And that we're not the cause, it has to be either ignorance, arrogance or or both. Ignorant to listen to other possible causes for the changes in climate, too damned arrogant to believe that the world isn't theirs to befoul and destroy. Or a little of both. What harm would come from actually thinking about it and admitting it could be going on.
None. What harm comes from turning your back on it, well, potential for catostrophic storms (hurricanes, tornadoes, etc), elimination of species (warmer waters will drive out or outright kill some plants, and the fish and critters that depend on that plant will go away, as will the fish and critters that feed on the aforementioned fish and critters.) And that leads no place good fast.
So why not be willing to look openly at the evidence, it's not like Doc from Back to the Future is presenting this as fact, they are NASA scientists, Other top climatologists as well as geologists.
I just don't get it. What would it hurt to look at it for a bit from the angle it could be happening.

It is just as foolish to ignore the hurricanes natural cycle and blame it on global warming.
Feb 16, 2005
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: Sheik Yerbouti
I just don't understand why people are so damned determined to believe it's not happening. And that we're not the cause, it has to be either ignorance, arrogance or or both. Ignorant to listen to other possible causes for the changes in climate, too damned arrogant to believe that the world isn't theirs to befoul and destroy. Or a little of both. What harm would come from actually thinking about it and admitting it could be going on.
None. What harm comes from turning your back on it, well, potential for catostrophic storms (hurricanes, tornadoes, etc), elimination of species (warmer waters will drive out or outright kill some plants, and the fish and critters that depend on that plant will go away, as will the fish and critters that feed on the aforementioned fish and critters.) And that leads no place good fast.
So why not be willing to look openly at the evidence, it's not like Doc from Back to the
Future is presenting this as fact, they are NASA scientists, Other top climatologists as well as geologists.
I just don't get it. What would it hurt to look at it for a bit from the angle it could be happening.

It is just as foolish to ignore the hurricanes natural cycle and blame it on global warming.

So not just the severity, but the actual numbers of hurricanes as well. They ran out of names last year, they have never run out of names before. And it's been pretty bad with tornadoes this year as well, and there was a huge killing of a coral reef not too long ago.

I do realize that the earth is cyclical, and what goes around comes around, but you'd have to be pretty naive to think this is purely cyclical in nature.


Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: Sheik Yerbouti
I just don't understand why people are so damned determined to believe it's not happening. And that we're not the cause, it has to be either ignorance, arrogance or or both. Ignorant to listen to other possible causes for the changes in climate, too damned arrogant to believe that the world isn't theirs to befoul and destroy. Or a little of both. What harm would come from actually thinking about it and admitting it could be going on.
None. What harm comes from turning your back on it, well, potential for catostrophic storms (hurricanes, tornadoes, etc), elimination of species (warmer waters will drive out or outright kill some plants, and the fish and critters that depend on that plant will go away, as will the fish and critters that feed on the aforementioned fish and critters.) And that leads no place good fast.
So why not be willing to look openly at the evidence, it's not like Doc from Back to the Future is presenting this as fact, they are NASA scientists, Other top climatologists as well as geologists.
I just don't get it. What would it hurt to look at it for a bit from the angle it could be happening.

The earth has been through at least 7 complete changes of magnetic poles. Was that caused by man too?

The fact of the matter is, we go through warming and cooling cycles. We know this.

The depleting of the Ozone layer was gospel for a while too. Until it inexplicably corrected itself, and the eco-nuts moved on to a different scare tactic.


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Sheik Yerbouti
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: Sheik Yerbouti
I just don't understand why people are so damned determined to believe it's not happening. And that we're not the cause, it has to be either ignorance, arrogance or or both. Ignorant to listen to other possible causes for the changes in climate, too damned arrogant to believe that the world isn't theirs to befoul and destroy. Or a little of both. What harm would come from actually thinking about it and admitting it could be going on.
None. What harm comes from turning your back on it, well, potential for catostrophic storms (hurricanes, tornadoes, etc), elimination of species (warmer waters will drive out or outright kill some plants, and the fish and critters that depend on that plant will go away, as will the fish and critters that feed on the aforementioned fish and critters.) And that leads no place good fast.
So why not be willing to look openly at the evidence, it's not like Doc from Back to the Future is presenting this as fact, they are NASA scientists, Other top climatologists as well as geologists.
I just don't get it. What would it hurt to look at it for a bit from the angle it could be happening.

It is just as foolish to ignore the hurricanes natural cycle and blame it on global warming.

So not just the severity, but the actual numbers of hurricanes as well. They ran out of names last year, they have never run out of names before. And it's been pretty bad with tornadoes this year as well, and there was a huge killing of a coral reef not too long ago.

That is true, but dont you think it is bit alarmish to say global warming was the cause after that one 1 hurricane season?

Feb 16, 2005
Originally posted by: Acanthus
Originally posted by: Sheik Yerbouti
I just don't understand why people are so damned determined to believe it's not happening. And that we're not the cause, it has to be either ignorance, arrogance or or both. Ignorant to listen to other possible causes for the changes in climate, too damned arrogant to believe that the world isn't theirs to befoul and destroy. Or a little of both. What harm would come from actually thinking about it and admitting it could be going on.
None. What harm comes from turning your back on it, well, potential for catostrophic storms (hurricanes, tornadoes, etc), elimination of species (warmer waters will drive out or outright kill some plants, and the fish and critters that depend on that plant will go away, as will the fish and critters that feed on the aforementioned fish and critters.) And that leads no place good fast.
So why not be willing to look openly at the evidence, it's not like Doc from Back to the Future is presenting this as fact, they are NASA scientists, Other top climatologists as well as geologists.
I just don't get it. What would it hurt to look at it for a bit from the angle it could be happening.

The earth has been through at least 7 complete changes of magnetic poles. Was that caused by man too?

The fact of the matter is, we go through warming and cooling cycles. We know this.

The depleting of the Ozone layer was gospel for a while too. Until it inexplicably corrected itself, and the eco-nuts moved on to a different scare tactic.

Eco-nuts, I like that. So you'd wear the "earth is mine to crap in and on as I please" button.
Feb 16, 2005
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: Sheik Yerbouti
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: Sheik Yerbouti
I just don't understand why people are so damned determined to believe it's not happening. And that we're not the cause, it has to be either ignorance, arrogance or or both. Ignorant to listen to other possible causes for the changes in climate, too damned arrogant to believe that the world isn't theirs to befoul and destroy. Or a little of both. What harm would come from actually thinking about it and admitting it could be going on.
None. What harm comes from turning your back on it, well, potential for catostrophic storms (hurricanes, tornadoes, etc), elimination of species (warmer waters will drive out or outright kill some plants, and the fish and critters that depend on that plant will go away, as will the fish and critters that feed on the aforementioned fish and critters.) And that leads no place good fast.
So why not be willing to look openly at the evidence, it's not like Doc from Back to the Future is presenting this as fact, they are NASA scientists, Other top climatologists as well as geologists.
I just don't get it. What would it hurt to look at it for a bit from the angle it could be happening.

It is just as foolish to ignore the hurricanes natural cycle and blame it on global warming.

So not just the severity, but the actual numbers of hurricanes as well. They ran out of names last year, they have never run out of names before. And it's been pretty bad with tornadoes this year as well, and there was a huge killing of a coral reef not too long ago.

That is true, but dont you think it is bit alarmish to say global warming was the cause after that one 1 hurricane season?

I am no scientist, don't even pretend to be an e-scientist, so I don't know if it's the cause, but I'd bet it's and integral part of the amount and severity of storms lately. At some point the earth is going to say enough, it may come slowly or it may be done in a season. It can only take so much damage before it goes into protection mode.


Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: Sheik Yerbouti
Originally posted by: Acanthus
Originally posted by: Sheik Yerbouti
I just don't understand why people are so damned determined to believe it's not happening. And that we're not the cause, it has to be either ignorance, arrogance or or both. Ignorant to listen to other possible causes for the changes in climate, too damned arrogant to believe that the world isn't theirs to befoul and destroy. Or a little of both. What harm would come from actually thinking about it and admitting it could be going on.
None. What harm comes from turning your back on it, well, potential for catostrophic storms (hurricanes, tornadoes, etc), elimination of species (warmer waters will drive out or outright kill some plants, and the fish and critters that depend on that plant will go away, as will the fish and critters that feed on the aforementioned fish and critters.) And that leads no place good fast.
So why not be willing to look openly at the evidence, it's not like Doc from Back to the Future is presenting this as fact, they are NASA scientists, Other top climatologists as well as geologists.
I just don't get it. What would it hurt to look at it for a bit from the angle it could be happening.

The earth has been through at least 7 complete changes of magnetic poles. Was that caused by man too?

The fact of the matter is, we go through warming and cooling cycles. We know this.

The depleting of the Ozone layer was gospel for a while too. Until it inexplicably corrected itself, and the eco-nuts moved on to a different scare tactic.

Eco-nuts, I like that. So you'd wear the "earth is mine to crap in and on as I please" button.

Im not saying that, im saying that its something that needs to be heavily researched before we come to rediculous conclusions about weather patterns.


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Sheik Yerbouti
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: Sheik Yerbouti
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: Sheik Yerbouti
I just don't understand why people are so damned determined to believe it's not happening. And that we're not the cause, it has to be either ignorance, arrogance or or both. Ignorant to listen to other possible causes for the changes in climate, too damned arrogant to believe that the world isn't theirs to befoul and destroy. Or a little of both. What harm would come from actually thinking about it and admitting it could be going on.
None. What harm comes from turning your back on it, well, potential for catostrophic storms (hurricanes, tornadoes, etc), elimination of species (warmer waters will drive out or outright kill some plants, and the fish and critters that depend on that plant will go away, as will the fish and critters that feed on the aforementioned fish and critters.) And that leads no place good fast.
So why not be willing to look openly at the evidence, it's not like Doc from Back to the Future is presenting this as fact, they are NASA scientists, Other top climatologists as well as geologists.
I just don't get it. What would it hurt to look at it for a bit from the angle it could be happening.

It is just as foolish to ignore the hurricanes natural cycle and blame it on global warming.

So not just the severity, but the actual numbers of hurricanes as well. They ran out of names last year, they have never run out of names before. And it's been pretty bad with tornadoes this year as well, and there was a huge killing of a coral reef not too long ago.

That is true, but dont you think it is bit alarmish to say global warming was the cause after that one 1 hurricane season?

I am no scientist, don't even pretend to be an e-scientist, so I don't know if it's the cause, but I'd bet it's and integral part of the amount and severity of storms lately. At some point the earth is going to say enough, it may come slowly or it may be done in a season. It can only take so much damage before it goes into protection mode.

I dont disagree we are having some effect on our enviroment, but we still dont know to what extent that is. It is foolish to make any claims about last years hurricane season as it may have just been a fluke. Making claims off one data point is just not a good idea.
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