Global Extremes:8-29-07 NOAA says human activity to blame for increase in gases and hottest temps on record

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Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2003
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: GoPackGo
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
3-17-2007 Military planes dump water in haze-hit Thailand

Military planes have flown over northern Thailand, dumping water in an effort to contain haze which has affected some five million people for the past two weeks, an official said Saturday.

Two aircraft dropped water in the northern tourist hotspot of Chiang Mai where air quality still remained at a level considered unhealthy due to the haze caused by slash-and-burn farming and wildfires in the region and parts of neighboring Laos and Myanmar.
This would have no effect on the planet according to resident Republicans :roll:

Dave how much of South America got slash and burned?

A lot, the Amazon is dissapearing more and more everyday.

No affect on the planet right?

I never said that... but I bet that has more to do with it than anything.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
3-19-2007 Ex-Bush Administration official defends changing Global Warming reports

WASHINGTON - A former White House official accused of improperly editing reports on global warming defended his editing changes Monday, saying they reflected views in a 2001 report by the National Academy of Sciences.

181 changes made in three climate reports reflected a consistent attempt to emphasize the uncertainties surrounding the science of climate change and undercut the broad conclusions that man-made emissions are warming the earth.

Philip Cooney, former chief of staff at the White House Council on Environmental Quality, acknowledged at a House hearing that some of the changes he made were "to align these communications with the administration's stated policy" on climate change.

The extent of Cooney's editing of government climate reports first surfaced in 2005. Shortly thereafter, Cooney, a former oil industry lobbyist, left the White House to work at Exxon Mobil Corp.

"Interference with communications of science to the public has been greater during the current administration than at any time in my career," said Hansen, who was one of the first to raise concerns about climate change in the 1980s.


Diamond Member
May 3, 2005
Originally posted by: Mardeth
rickn, thats why it says "on record"

The top 10 hottest years on record consist of the last 11 years. That makes you think.

I wonder how long it will take before we can be sure that global warming is because of human actions or not. 10+ years at least...

Global warming is caused by a still unknown source.



Jun 23, 2004
March 21, 2007 Czech leader Klaus fights global warming 'religion'

How about that for the next topic in this?

PRAGUE ? Czech President Vaclav Klaus said on Wednesday that fighting global warming has turned into a a 'religion' that replaced the ideology of communism and threatens to clip basic freedoms.

The right-wing president, a free-market champion, wrote to the U.S. Congress that adopting tough environmental policies to fight climate change would have destructive impact on national economies.

'Communism has been replaced by the threat of an ambitious environmentalism,' Klaus wrote in response to questions from the U.S. House of Representatives' Committee on Energy and Commerce.

The U.S. House Subcommittee for Energy and Air Quality was due to hold a hearing on climate on Wednesday with former U.S. Vice-President Al Gore, who sees global warming as a key challenge, and Danish sceptic Bjorn Lomborg, who says governments should focus on fight disease and hunger instead.


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2005
I dunno about how many of you are watching Gore testify before the Congress right now, but d@mn man he has gotten WAY better at public speaking from the 2000 election. IF he was this good back then he would be president right now.

EDIT: he's also got his dodging the question technique down good, but I really wish politicians would actually answer questions, especially when they are trying to take the moral high ground abotu beign better than other politicans while being exactly like them.

EDIT2: Gore seems to know a whole lot about the PROBLEM, but not much about the SOLUTION, which makes him pretty worthless. His insistance that nuclear power is cannot be very usefull due to cost while at the same time proposing distributed generation which would be many times more expensive and not nearly so reliable is disapointing. It is annoying that the leading voice in this issue is a lawyer/politician and not someone who understand the engineering realities associated with their proposals.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
I'm sure the sugar will be exported to Venezula for ethanol production then in turn sold to the U.S. for an insane price since Americans gladly pay the high prices at the pump.

3-21-2007 Uganda approves destruction of protected rainforest

The Ugandan government has approved the clearance of thousands of hectares of protected rainforest for a sugar plantation.

"This is going to be a disaster," warned a National Forestry Authority official who requested anonymity. "The ecosystem will be disturbed, the biodiversity will be destroyed and people's livelihoods will change for the worse."

In December, Norwegian environmentalist Olav Bjella quit as NFA chief after defying Museveni's order to approve the deforestation of a rainforest on Lake Victoria's Ssesse Island to create a palm plantation, saying it was against his conscience and the laws of Uganda.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2003
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
I'm sure the sugar will be exported to Venezula for ethanol production then in turn sold to the U.S. for an insane price since Americans gladly pay the high prices at the pump.

3-21-2007 Uganda approves destruction of protected rainforest

The Ugandan government has approved the clearance of thousands of hectares of protected rainforest for a sugar plantation.

"This is going to be a disaster," warned a National Forestry Authority official who requested anonymity. "The ecosystem will be disturbed, the biodiversity will be destroyed and people's livelihoods will change for the worse."

In December, Norwegian environmentalist Olav Bjella quit as NFA chief after defying Museveni's order to approve the deforestation of a rainforest on Lake Victoria's Ssesse Island to create a palm plantation, saying it was against his conscience and the laws of Uganda.

Thats a shame.



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
3-22-2007 Yangtze drought triggers debate over China's Three Gorges dam

Prolonged drought along the Yangtze has reduced China's longest river to record lows, triggering a debate over the Three Gorges dam's ability to generate power, state media said Thursday.

The Yangtze last year fell to its lowest level since records began in 1877.

The Ministry of Water Resources Wang Shucheng said earlier this month that extreme and abnormal climatic phenomena like drought and floods have occurred more frequently due to global warming in recent years, Xinhua said.

More than 2.6 million people in southwest China's Sichuan province and Chongqing municipality, upstream from the dam, have been suffering from drinking water shortages since late February, according to the agency.

3-22-2007 Shrinking Lake Chad symbolizes Africa's plight

For 40 years, people living along the shores of Lake Chad have watched helplessly as it vanished before their eyes.

Stark warnings, grand pledges of action and prayers have failed to make a difference -- Africa's fourth largest lake has been drying up like snow melting in the sun since the 1960s, experts say.

Lake Chad, which lies in hot and arid territory on the southern edge of the Sahara desert, shrunk from 25,000 square kilometres (9,650 square miles) in 1964 to less than 2,000 square kilometres in 1990 -- the sort of problem that will be in the spotlight on World Water Day on Thursday.

For Lake Chad, climate change and increased human use of its waters for fishing and agriculture are blamed for the fall in the water level of what is the world's third largest totally landlocked lake.

However, older residents of Bol, a town about 150 kilometres (90 miles) north of the capital N'Djamena, say the lake's rise and fall is a cyclical phenomenon which occurs every 40 years.

"Children of today don't believe us but, we, who have seen the two eras, are surprised," Youssouf Bodoum Bani, the head of Bol's highest traditional regional authority said.

"Grandparents say to us that it's a cyclical phenomenon, every 40 years. The last rise in water level dates from the 1960s, at that time everything was under water. And since, the water has vanished little by little.

"We are awaiting the next rise but I admit that today I am sceptical."


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
More figment of our imagination:

4-2-2007 Los Angeles suffers longest dry spell in 130 years

Los Angeles is going through its longest dry spell in at least 130 years, the National Weather Service said Sunday, fueling fears of rampant wildfires which have plagued the US west coast in recent years.

The rain season is currently the driest to date in downtown Los Angeles since records began in 1877," the weather service said in a statement.

It said the southern California city had received just 2.47 inches (6.27 centimeters) of rain since July 1, 2006, far from the normal precipitation of 13.94 inches (35.4 centimeters) in the same period.

The worst earth-scorching year on record in the United States was in 2006, when fires burned nearly 15.5 thousand square miles (39,957 square kilometers) -- an area close to the size of Switzerland.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
4-4-2007 Auto industry objects to Calif. rules

The auto industry hopes a recent Supreme Court ruling will help it block California's plans to set the nation's first standards to cut tailpipe emissions from cars, light trucks and sport utility vehicles.

The auto industry also has sued Vermont, which is seeking to implement California's tailpipe regulations. That trial is scheduled to begin next week.

California's attempt to cut tailpipe emissions is a key component of the state's broader effort to reduce greenhouse gases to 1990 levels by 2020.


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Wingznut
Originally posted by: Gimli
I starting to believe in Global Warming, for I have lived in the Metro Detroit, Michigan for my whole life (42 years old) and when I was a child I could remember having big snow storms & very cold weather. The last 2-3 years I've hardly used my snowblower and the cold spells have only last a couple of weeks at a time, I could remember cold spells lasting a couple of months back then. This year it really didn't get cold until January when it used to get cold in November. I'm not going around yelling the sky is falling like chicken little, but at the same time I not going to put blinders on and pretend global warming isn't happening. No need to panic yet, but we as humans have to do something now to slow global warming and reverse it (maybe). If we wait then it might be too late. You're never going to get the whole scientific community to agree on the global warming issue and right now we have a majority which is good enough for me.
I moved from Detroit to Oregon some 30 years ago...

This year, we had snow in November, and I don't remember EVER having snow prior to December. Most times, it's not until January.

So... What does that mean?

The problem is that many people take one small snapshot and draw conclusions... But they only pick and choose the ones that fits their agenda.
(This last comment is not directed at you, Gimli.)

Again, the debate isn't really whether or not the earth is a few degrees warmer this decade than 7 decades ago... It's whether or not it is really human cause, or natural cycle.

Ive said this all along. I also would add whether or not we can actually do anything significate to actually change it. Im thinking not.


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: rickn
Global Warming:3-15-07 Winter warmest on record ever

considering we only have been keeping weather records for about 200yrs. that's pretty bold statement. I'm willing to bet the earth was a lot hotter way before we humans were around.

I live in Florida because I hate cold weather.

What part of "on record" did you miss?


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Martin
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Global Warming:3-15-07 Winter warmest on record ever

That was never in question, as far as I?m concerned. It?s the cause behind it and your religious faith-like zealotry oppressing alternative ideas and science where you lose me.

You know, talk is very cheap and everyone loves spouting these mindless platitudes, but how about some reasoning?

What you basically you have to explain is how a ~35% increase in CO2 concentrations between 1800 and now has not and will not impact the climate.

Please point me to these alternative scientific theories (not hair brained ideas and "what ifs" - actual theories).

I wasnt aware we had sufficient technology in the 1800's much less early 1900's to accurately determine this?


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
I'm sure the sugar will be exported to Venezula for ethanol production then in turn sold to the U.S. for an insane price since Americans gladly pay the high prices at the pump.

3-21-2007 Uganda approves destruction of protected rainforest

The Ugandan government has approved the clearance of thousands of hectares of protected rainforest for a sugar plantation.

"This is going to be a disaster," warned a National Forestry Authority official who requested anonymity. "The ecosystem will be disturbed, the biodiversity will be destroyed and people's livelihoods will change for the worse."

In December, Norwegian environmentalist Olav Bjella quit as NFA chief after defying Museveni's order to approve the deforestation of a rainforest on Lake Victoria's Ssesse Island to create a palm plantation, saying it was against his conscience and the laws of Uganda.

I bet the paid oil baron paid shillas in the Republican party are behind this!


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2003
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: Martin
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Global Warming:3-15-07 Winter warmest on record ever

That was never in question, as far as I?m concerned. It?s the cause behind it and your religious faith-like zealotry oppressing alternative ideas and science where you lose me.

You know, talk is very cheap and everyone loves spouting these mindless platitudes, but how about some reasoning?

What you basically you have to explain is how a ~35% increase in CO2 concentrations between 1800 and now has not and will not impact the climate.

Please point me to these alternative scientific theories (not hair brained ideas and "what ifs" - actual theories).

I wasnt aware we had sufficient technology in the 1800's much less early 1900's to accurately determine this?

and CO2 takes up SO MUCH OF OUR ATMOSPHERE!!!!!!!



Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: GoPackGo
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: Martin
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Global Warming:3-15-07 Winter warmest on record ever

That was never in question, as far as I?m concerned. It?s the cause behind it and your religious faith-like zealotry oppressing alternative ideas and science where you lose me.

You know, talk is very cheap and everyone loves spouting these mindless platitudes, but how about some reasoning?

What you basically you have to explain is how a ~35% increase in CO2 concentrations between 1800 and now has not and will not impact the climate.

Please point me to these alternative scientific theories (not hair brained ideas and "what ifs" - actual theories).

I wasnt aware we had sufficient technology in the 1800's much less early 1900's to accurately determine this?

and CO2 takes up SO MUCH OF OUR ATMOSPHERE!!!!!!!



Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
4-4-2007 Auto industry objects to Calif. rules

The auto industry hopes a recent Supreme Court ruling will help it block California's plans to set the nation's first standards to cut tailpipe emissions from cars, light trucks and sport utility vehicles.

The auto industry also has sued Vermont, which is seeking to implement California's tailpipe regulations. That trial is scheduled to begin next week.

California's attempt to cut tailpipe emissions is a key component of the state's broader effort to reduce greenhouse gases to 1990 levels by 2020.

Yes, it is sad that morons like yourself still don't know that the majority of greenhouse emissions come from buildings, not cars.


Feb 6, 2002
I am all for tougher standards. It is time to shake up the Auto Industry. My reasoning is that California is one of the most populated states. Just look at the number of delagates they have! It is a sad fact that storms tend to move from the West to the east depending on the direction of the jet stream. So all the pollution they make in California and the west coast ends up in places like Ohio, Texas, Nevada, Illinois, or whereever.

I have an ongoing anti-EPA rant. I dislike how in certain areas they enforce these vehicle emmission standards and in other areas they do not. All cars of the same model type make the same pollution and that pollution keeps blowing east. So all cars should have to take and pass this stupid emissions test. If they want emissions standards then they should also immediately shut down the power plants and businesses if they cant meet the same emissions standards as my car. But no they treat auto owners as nazis, and just let everyone else get off scott free for years while the lawyers argue about it. How is all of this fair? I did not engineer, build or sell the cars. I think they are trying to penalize the wrong people.


Oct 24, 2005
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
4-4-2007 Auto industry objects to Calif. rules

The auto industry hopes a recent Supreme Court ruling will help it block California's plans to set the nation's first standards to cut tailpipe emissions from cars, light trucks and sport utility vehicles.

The auto industry also has sued Vermont, which is seeking to implement California's tailpipe regulations. That trial is scheduled to begin next week.

California's attempt to cut tailpipe emissions is a key component of the state's broader effort to reduce greenhouse gases to 1990 levels by 2020.

Yes, it is sad that morons like yourself still don't know that the majority of greenhouse emissions come from buildings, not cars.

lol. he's such a douche.


Jan 15, 2000
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: GoPackGo
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: Martin
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Global Warming:3-15-07 Winter warmest on record ever

That was never in question, as far as I?m concerned. It?s the cause behind it and your religious faith-like zealotry oppressing alternative ideas and science where you lose me.

You know, talk is very cheap and everyone loves spouting these mindless platitudes, but how about some reasoning?

What you basically you have to explain is how a ~35% increase in CO2 concentrations between 1800 and now has not and will not impact the climate.

Please point me to these alternative scientific theories (not hair brained ideas and "what ifs" - actual theories).

I wasnt aware we had sufficient technology in the 1800's much less early 1900's to accurately determine this?

and CO2 takes up SO MUCH OF OUR ATMOSPHERE!!!!!!!


That's what ice core sampling does.

So you have a 35% jump since the early 1800s, and current levels are higher than at any point in the last 800 000 years. One explanation is that this is the result of industrialization which is pretty straightforward - more people, more industry -> more carbon. The other explanation is... well for all the vocal opposition to GW, I haven't seen any other explanations, unless you count "its just a coincidence" as an explanation.


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Martin
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: GoPackGo
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: Martin
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Global Warming:3-15-07 Winter warmest on record ever

That was never in question, as far as I?m concerned. It?s the cause behind it and your religious faith-like zealotry oppressing alternative ideas and science where you lose me.

You know, talk is very cheap and everyone loves spouting these mindless platitudes, but how about some reasoning?

What you basically you have to explain is how a ~35% increase in CO2 concentrations between 1800 and now has not and will not impact the climate.

Please point me to these alternative scientific theories (not hair brained ideas and "what ifs" - actual theories).

I wasnt aware we had sufficient technology in the 1800's much less early 1900's to accurately determine this?

and CO2 takes up SO MUCH OF OUR ATMOSPHERE!!!!!!!


That's what ice core sampling does.

So you have a 35% jump since the early 1800s, and current levels are higher than at any point in the last 800 000 years. One explanation is that this is the result of industrialization which is pretty straightforward - more people, more industry -> more carbon. The other explanation is... well for all the vocal opposition to GW, I haven't seen any other explanations, unless you count "its just a coincidence" as an explanation.

wtf lol

What does GW have to do with global warming et al? lol


Jan 15, 2000
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: Martin
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: GoPackGo
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: Martin
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Global Warming:3-15-07 Winter warmest on record ever

That was never in question, as far as I?m concerned. It?s the cause behind it and your religious faith-like zealotry oppressing alternative ideas and science where you lose me.

You know, talk is very cheap and everyone loves spouting these mindless platitudes, but how about some reasoning?

What you basically you have to explain is how a ~35% increase in CO2 concentrations between 1800 and now has not and will not impact the climate.

Please point me to these alternative scientific theories (not hair brained ideas and "what ifs" - actual theories).

I wasnt aware we had sufficient technology in the 1800's much less early 1900's to accurately determine this?

and CO2 takes up SO MUCH OF OUR ATMOSPHERE!!!!!!!


That's what ice core sampling does.

So you have a 35% jump since the early 1800s, and current levels are higher than at any point in the last 800 000 years. One explanation is that this is the result of industrialization which is pretty straightforward - more people, more industry -> more carbon. The other explanation is... well for all the vocal opposition to GW, I haven't seen any other explanations, unless you count "its just a coincidence" as an explanation.

wtf lol

What does GW have to do with global warming et al? lol

What does global warming have to do with global warming?


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
4-4-2007 Auto industry objects to Calif. rules

The auto industry hopes a recent Supreme Court ruling will help it block California's plans to set the nation's first standards to cut tailpipe emissions from cars, light trucks and sport utility vehicles.

The auto industry also has sued Vermont, which is seeking to implement California's tailpipe regulations. That trial is scheduled to begin next week.

California's attempt to cut tailpipe emissions is a key component of the state's broader effort to reduce greenhouse gases to 1990 levels by 2020.

Yes, it is sad that morons like yourself still don't know that the majority of greenhouse emissions come from buildings, not cars.

Another personal attack from a resident troll!


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: shadow9d9
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
4-4-2007 Auto industry objects to Calif. rules

The auto industry hopes a recent Supreme Court ruling will help it block California's plans to set the nation's first standards to cut tailpipe emissions from cars, light trucks and sport utility vehicles.

The auto industry also has sued Vermont, which is seeking to implement California's tailpipe regulations. That trial is scheduled to begin next week.

California's attempt to cut tailpipe emissions is a key component of the state's broader effort to reduce greenhouse gases to 1990 levels by 2020.

Yes, it is sad that morons like yourself still don't know that the majority of greenhouse emissions come from buildings, not cars.

Another personal attack from a resident troll!

Im trying to figure out which one of these youre refering to...the one with a truthful statement or the one whom is known all over this board for making stuff up?

/scratches head


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: shadow9d9
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
4-4-2007 Auto industry objects to Calif. rules

The auto industry hopes a recent Supreme Court ruling will help it block California's plans to set the nation's first standards to cut tailpipe emissions from cars, light trucks and sport utility vehicles.

The auto industry also has sued Vermont, which is seeking to implement California's tailpipe regulations. That trial is scheduled to begin next week.

California's attempt to cut tailpipe emissions is a key component of the state's broader effort to reduce greenhouse gases to 1990 levels by 2020.

Yes, it is sad that morons like yourself still don't know that the majority of greenhouse emissions come from buildings, not cars.

Another personal attack from a resident troll!

Dave's a self-confessed moron. LegendKiller has the confession in his sig. And if you're looking for the definition of a troll, look no further than the OP. That's called an attention-seeking troll. What you did here BTW is called a flamebait troll. Nice to see that you still haven't changed your sig either, even though that was months ago. Pissing off closed-minded hate-filled douchebags like yourself (enough to have them advertise their status as a close-minded hate-filled douchebag) is one of my personal goals in life, and it's always so nice to see success.
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