Global Extremes:8-29-07 NOAA says human activity to blame for increase in gases and hottest temps on record

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Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2006
Originally posted by: jrenz
Does anybody remember about 15-20 years ago when "global cooling" was a "proven theory" and was generally accepted by the scientific community as truth?

Yes, I remember, that was the 1970s when the Artic did not thaw in summer.
Global cooling is still going strong today. Particulet air pollution or industrial pollution( soot and dust) is responsible for a 10% reduction in solar energy reaching the Earth. This is backed up by more than a hundred years of evaporation data. Two opposing global trends cancelling each other out, almost. The warming trend is cummulative and will take hundreds of years to die out. The cooling is short lived, as shown by the temperature differences after 911, when the planes were grounded. The lack of contrails caused a temperature rebound.


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Sheik Yerbouti
Originally posted by: BlancoNino
Originally posted by: Pens1566
Originally posted by: Sheik Yerbouti
Originally posted by: BlancoNino
Originally posted by: Sheik Yerbouti

We could start by making hybrids the norm rather than the exception. And we've had over 100 years to find something different. I'm not an engineer, but I have seen the advances in technology in other areas. Surgery is much less invasive, putting something into orbit is much easier, don't even start on computer processors, the one you buy today will be outdated in 6 months.
I am just saying that there has been minimal push to do that. Too much $$ to be had from big oil and the car companies. Eventually the car companies would fold to the demands of the people, they have in the past, we went from huge cars in the 70's to mid size and compact cars, specifically for mpg reasons.
Now with gas over 3.00/gal, the people might speak up again, demanding cars that get even better mileage, and short of revamping the engine, the hybrid is the easiest step to take,
They are already mass produced, they just need to be 5 of the 7 cars a company makes instead of 2 out of 7.

If the automobile industry moved like the computer industry....

1) Cars would stop working for no apparent reason while using them and you would have to turn them off and restart them.

2) Cars would be obsolete about every year and one would have to buy a new one or upgrade to keep up with the demanding road structure.

I see you broke out a joke from 2000 for this. Good job. And very relevant :disgust:

I thought it was the old joke about M$ Windows <insert version here>

??? I've never heard of the joke.

Sorry whiteboy, cause that's what blanconino means, I think that hit the peak of the bs-o-meter.

Here's the 'joke'
1. For no reason whatsoever, your car would crash twice a day.

2. Every time they repainted the lines in the road, you would have to buy a new car.

3. Occasionally your car would die on the freeway for no reason. You would have to pull to the side of the road, close all of the windows, shut off the car, restart it, and reopen the windows before you could continue. For some reason you would simply accept this.

4. Occasionally, executing a maneuver such as a left turn would cause your car to shut down and refuse to restart, in which case you would have to reinstall the engine.

5. Macintosh would make a car that was powered by the sun, was reliable, five times as fast and twice as easy to drive - but would run on only five per cent of the roads.

6. The oil, water temperature, and alternator warning lights would all be replaced by a single "This Car Has Performed An Illegal Operation" warning light.

7. The airbag system would ask "Are you sure?" before deploying.

8. Occasionally, for no reason whatsoever, your cr would lock you out and refuse to let you in until you simultaneously lifted the door handle, turned the key and grabbed hold of the radio antenna

9. Every time a new car was introduced car buyers would have to learn how to drive all over again because none of the controls would operate in the same manner as the old car.

10. You'd have to press the "Start" button to turn the engine off

Now, I don't ever recall saying cars should run like the computer industry. But it's a good business model to follow, how's Ford doing these days? GM? Chrysler? How's Intel doing? Or AMD or nVidia? Or ATI, because cars would be hardware, not software, and comparing them to software is innane and totally inaccurate.
Give me 1 valid reason why hybrids shouldnt be the norm and pure gas engines the exception. And I hate to burst your Al Unser bubble but you can go as fast and you like in them.

Have you watched the GI JOE PSA dubs at

Those are pretty funny, and honestly, I haven't heard of them before.

I think a good model would be to follow the computer industry, I agree. I think the first step though is that the workers for Ford and GM should start LIKING the company they work for. All they wear are hats and shirts that say "UAW" on them instead of Ford or GM.
Feb 16, 2005
No idea what you're talking about. And to like the company, you have to feel safe and secure in your job. With the massive layoffs and ungodly paychecks that upper management get, you're not going to get too many happy employees. And what does this have to do with making hybrid vehicles the norm rather than the exception?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Sheik Yerbouti
No idea what you're talking about. And to like the company, you have to feel safe and secure in your job. With the massive layoffs and ungodly paychecks that upper management get, you're not going to get too many happy employees. And what does this have to do with making hybrid vehicles the norm rather than the exception?

Do you realize that when the employees get laid off they get paid almost as much as if they were still working?


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: BlancoNino
Originally posted by: Sheik Yerbouti
No idea what you're talking about. And to like the company, you have to feel safe and secure in your job. With the massive layoffs and ungodly paychecks that upper management get, you're not going to get too many happy employees. And what does this have to do with making hybrid vehicles the norm rather than the exception?

Do you realize that when the employees get laid off they get paid almost as much as if they were still working?



Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Originally posted by: BlancoNino
Originally posted by: Sheik Yerbouti
No idea what you're talking about. And to like the company, you have to feel safe and secure in your job. With the massive layoffs and ungodly paychecks that upper management get, you're not going to get too many happy employees. And what does this have to do with making hybrid vehicles the norm rather than the exception?

Do you realize that when the employees get laid off they get paid almost as much as if they were still working?


If autoworkers land themselves in the jobs banks, they get about 90% of pay and they dont have to do a damn thing for it. This will probably go away after 2007 when UAW has the reneg the contract.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
This adds fuel to the Bush regime that the planet warming up is normal.

Guess we should just accelerate the warming and build more boats.

5-31-2006 Scientists say Arctic once was tropical

WASHINGTON - Scientists have found what might have been the ideal ancient vacation hotspot with a 74-degree Fahrenheit average temperature, alligator ancestors and palm trees. It's smack in the middle of the Arctic.

Millions of years ago the Earth experienced an extended period of natural global warming. But around 55 million years ago there was a sudden supercharged spike of carbon dioxide that accelerated the greenhouse effect.

Scientists already knew this "thermal event" happened but are not sure what caused it. Perhaps massive releases of methane from the ocean, the continent-sized burning of trees, lots of volcanic eruptions.
Jun 27, 2005
I've read about this. The theory goes that once the earth had warmed up to a certain level (and the oceans with it) the massive frozen deposits of methane and other GHG elements were released from the ocean floor. This was a kind of tipping point. From that point on the earth warmed up very fast.

I would love to see a 74 degree winter in Siberia West. (Alaska) Just one winter where I don't freeze my ass off.



Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Originally posted by: BlancoNino
Originally posted by: Sheik Yerbouti
No idea what you're talking about. And to like the company, you have to feel safe and secure in your job. With the massive layoffs and ungodly paychecks that upper management get, you're not going to get too many happy employees. And what does this have to do with making hybrid vehicles the norm rather than the exception?

Do you realize that when the employees get laid off they get paid almost as much as if they were still working?


There is a job bank the unions negotiated that pays the laid off workers about 25-30 bucks an hour to sit around playing cards. There is about 18-22,000 of them sitting idle making about 60K a year. Then people wonder why the big 3 are dropping faster than a 3 dollar hooker? They are wasting nearly a billion a year on wages for people who dont even work.



Jan 6, 2005
Go ahead, stick your head in the sand and say we aren't to blame for any of it, that it's all cyclical, keep polluting the air, keep using the same basic engine technology for another 100 years in automobiles...go right ahead...nevermind responsibility to our future generations that have to deal with this crap and try, if it's even possible, to clean it up.
I don't think many people would contend that humanity is not doing damage to the planet. Air and water quality in most urban and industrial areas alone provides enough of an incentive for us to find cleaner fuel alternatives.

However, many of us simply grow weary of the sometimes drama and scare tactic rhetoric of the more extreme environmentalist camps...we can debate all day whether or not last summer's hurricane season was part of normal climate cycles or due to man induced Global Warming.

What many environmentalists fail to understand is that they do not bring many feasible solutions to the table...we can't go back in time and stop the age of industrialization...we cannot force society to revert back to rural agricultural communes...all we can do is invest in technologies to reverse the damage we have already done and mitigate future damage to the planet.

Otherwise, global warming is just the boogey man.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
6-22-2006 Earth's temp at 400-year high

WASHINGTON - The Earth is the hottest it has been in at least 400 years, probably even longer. The National Academy of Sciences, reaching that conclusion in a broad review of scientific work requested by Congress, reported Thursday that the "recent warmth is unprecedented for at least the last 400 years and potentially the last several millennia."

A panel of top climate scientists told lawmakers that the Earth is heating up and that "human activities are responsible for much of the recent warming." Their 155-page report said average global surface temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere rose about 1 degree during the 20th century.

This is shown in boreholes, retreating glaciers and other evidence found in nature, said Gerald North, a geosciences professor at Texas A&M University who chaired the academy's panel.

Other new research Thursday showed that global warming produced about half of the extra hurricane-fueled warmth in the North Atlantic in 2005, and natural cycles were a minor factor, according to Kevin Trenberth and Dennis Shea of the Commerce Department's National Center for Atmospheric Research. Their study is being published by the American Geophysical Union.

Between 1 A.D. and 1850, volcanic eruptions and solar fluctuations were the main causes of changes in greenhouse gas levels. But those temperature changes "were much less pronounced than the warming due to greenhouse gas" levels by pollution since the mid-19th century, it said.

The Bush administration has maintained that the threat is not severe enough to warrant new pollution controls that the White House says would have cost 5 million Americans their jobs.



Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: BlancoNino
Are electric cars more powerful and reliable?
Electric cars are a different technology with different performance behavior. They don't pollute when they're running, but they are still contribute to pollution and global warming because the power to recharge them has to come from somewhere so we're back to the same problem of needing to reduce the environmental load caused by those power sources.


Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2000
Originally posted by: Starbuck1975
Go ahead, stick your head in the sand and say we aren't to blame for any of it, that it's all cyclical, keep polluting the air, keep using the same basic engine technology for another 100 years in automobiles...go right ahead...nevermind responsibility to our future generations that have to deal with this crap and try, if it's even possible, to clean it up.
I don't think many people would contend that humanity is not doing damage to the planet. Air and water quality in most urban and industrial areas alone provides enough of an incentive for us to find cleaner fuel alternatives.

However, many of us simply grow weary of the sometimes drama and scare tactic rhetoric of the more extreme environmentalist camps...we can debate all day whether or not last summer's hurricane season was part of normal climate cycles or due to man induced Global Warming.

What many environmentalists fail to understand is that they do not bring many feasible solutions to the table...we can't go back in time and stop the age of industrialization...we cannot force society to revert back to rural agricultural communes...all we can do is invest in technologies to reverse the damage we have already done and mitigate future damage to the planet.

Otherwise, global warming is just the boogey man.

As long as mainstream media relying on the work of respected researchers are considered "extremists", and you continue to take refuge in the reference to "Chicken Little", you will continue to stick your head in the sand and ignore the truth.

There is no "all we can do" or suggesting of a "feasible" solution... The fact that you agree that we are irresponsibly causing irreparable harm to the planet is enough to mandate strong and stiff global action, but beginning with ourselves and our accountability to do our part before pointing fingers.

Bush and team neocon will never understand this... They're too busy whoring out our nation to those who pad the GOP coffers...


Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2000
Originally posted by: jrenz
Does anybody remember about 15-20 years ago when "global cooling" was a "proven theory" and was generally accepted by the scientific community as truth?

I recall the idea was breifly tossed around, but by no means "generally accepted by the scientific community" 15-20 years ago, and I wrote papers on the matter in the 80's...


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: busmaster11
Originally posted by: jrenz
Does anybody remember about 15-20 years ago when "global cooling" was a "proven theory" and was generally accepted by the scientific community as truth?

I recall the idea was breifly tossed around, but by no means "generally accepted by the scientific community" 15-20 years ago, and I wrote papers on the matter in the 80's...

Gotta love how "Top" climatologists are called "Extremists" by the Republicans.


Aug 2, 2001
Anyone who knew anything about Boulder Co knows that NCAR is full of Liberal l00ny wackos up the the hill. Jevaas will save us all, just you wait.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Hafen
Anyone who knew anything about Boulder Co knows that NCAR is full of Liberal l00ny wackos up the the hill. Jevaas will save us all, just you wait.
Thanks for your stimulating, well documented scientific critique. Your opinion is hereby accorded recognition for it's full value.


Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2000
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: Hafen
Anyone who knew anything about Boulder Co knows that NCAR is full of Liberal l00ny wackos up the the hill. Jevaas will save us all, just you wait.
Thanks for your stimulating, well documented scientific critique. Your opinion is hereby accorded recognition for it's full value.

<neocon-speak> Of course the NCAR is liberal! the studies weren't approved by the GOP!!! Why do you hate america??? </neocon-speak>


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
I'm sure glad there is no Global Warming.

I'd hate to see what the temp would be if there was.

7-16-2006 Heat wave of 100 plus temps has much of U.S. sizzling

Temperatures soared Sunday from coast to coast, bringing out heat warnings, wilting athletes and driving others into the shade.

The choking heat was expected to continue for the next few days, and the hot air was moving toward the East Coast, meteorologists said.

Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich said Sunday that the state would make more than 130 office buildings available as cooling centers beginning Monday. Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty had ordered the National Guard out to help firefighters as temperatures even in the normally cool northern part of the state pushed 100 degrees amid very dry conditions.

The National Weather Service issued excessive heat warnings for Las Vegas, Chicago, St. Louis and Tulsa, Okla. Excessive heat watches were issued for the Philadelphia area and New Jersey, where thermometers made it into the 90s Sunday in a rehearsal for highs of 100 degrees Monday.

Even the Colorado mountain town of Frazier, which sits at 8,550 feet and likes to claim that it is the nation's ice box, was in the upper 80s during the weekend.

"It's not supposed to be hot like this. Lately there have been evenings when you could sit outside at 10 p.m. without a coat. All my life I couldn't do that," said Connie Clayton, 58, a lifelong resident of Frazier.

The mile-high city of Denver hit a record high of 101 on Saturday.

South Dakota posted some of the nation's highest temperatures with a reading Saturday of 115 at Pierre, the state capital, and an unofficial report of 120 outside the town of Usta in the state's northwest corner.

"There's a lot of records that are falling across the state," said Todd Heitkamp, a weather service meteorologist in Sioux Falls.

In Oklahoma, where temperatures also have been rising above 100, officials were investigating a possible heat-related death and reported more than 40 heat-related calls to emergency medical services in Oklahoma City and Tulsa.

Southern California joined in the heat wave, with temperatures over 100 degrees adding to the problems facing firefighters battling huge wildfires. Lancaster hit 109 on Saturday and Pasadena recorded 101, and Southern California Edison reported a record for weekend power use as air conditioners were cranked up.

In New Jersey, at the other end of the country, temperatures were expected to reach 100 degrees on Monday. An excessive heat warning was issued for several counties.

Hot, sticky air also covered parts of the Southeast. In Georgia, temperatures have soared to near-record highs, with six cities posting temperatures of 100 degrees or higher on Saturday.


Dec 9, 2000
we just had a record low at the start of july... yeah global warming. it's never hot in the summer.

there isn't enough data to argue either way.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: JohnCU
we just had a record low at the start of july... yeah global warming. it's never hot in the summer.

there isn't enough data to argue either way.


Temp records falling in Colorado and South Dakota since they have been keeping record for the last 254 years isn't good enough for you?


Dec 9, 2000
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: JohnCU
we just had a record low at the start of july... yeah global warming. it's never hot in the summer.

there isn't enough data to argue either way.


Temp records falling in Colorado and South Dakota since they have been keeping record for the last 254 years isn't good enough for you?

do you know how long we've been around for? the blink of an eye compared to the 4 billion years the earth has been here and i'm quite sure there have been many many MANY cycles in that period and all we have is data from the last couple of hundred years. there are uncountably many variables in the mathematics of climatology. we should reduce pollution as much as possible, that's common sense, but why is it so weird to have a hot age? we had an ice age.
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