Global warming less extreme than feared?

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Nov 8, 2012
There is no doubt you may be correct, but as others have said...using worst case scenarios 1. We act, and this action causes worldwide recession/ depression…2. We don’t act earth beats the shit out of human race..
We have recovered from global depressions before..I’m not sure we could recover from a global climate disaster…

Not to change the topic - but since when has there ever been a "global depression"? There hasn't been ANY depression of this magnitutude in such a case where all the major countries depended on eachother.

There wasn't global trading.
There wasn't internet sales.
There wasn't outsourcing.
There wasn't a world market.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Not to change the topic - but since when has there ever been a "global depression"? There hasn't been ANY depression of this magnitutude in such a case where all the major countries depended on eachother.

There wasn't global trading.
There wasn't internet sales.
There wasn't outsourcing.
There wasn't a world market.

The Great Depression started in the US but it affected most of the world. Global trade is not some thing that just started up a few decades ago when we started outsourcing to Asia. Countries have traded raw materials and finished goods between one another for centuries.
Nov 30, 2006
There is no doubt you may be correct, but as others have said...using worst case scenarios 1. We act, and this action causes worldwide recession/ depression…2. We don’t act earth beats the shit out of human race..
We have recovered from global depressions before..I’m not sure we could recover from a global climate disaster…
Cheer up! The earth has been beating the shit out of mankind for a couple million years....but somehow we've managed to adapt and survive.
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Jun 19, 2006
Ah, for Christ sakes would you look the f at this shit! We get some astoundingly good news and some donkey has to try to spoil the elation by turning it into a brain dead screed about me. Why don't you go somewhere and choke on your self hate. I hope you die if your Mother isn't swept away by a melting glacier. Try to understand that the liberal mind just looks at the data and what the scientists say is their consensus with reason and logic and goes along with whatever that consensus is. We don't attach our own opinions like butt patches to our assholes like conservatives do and whine and cry when somebody changes the game. If global warming isn't a disaster about to happen, it's good news you stupid moron. Only a gosh darn sponge would find here a reason to gloat. Try to go drain the puss.



Jun 23, 2004
Good point. I think a huge amount of the hype of global warming is because Mann et al took the end of the Little Ice Age as a baseline and then projected a dishonest hockey stick temperature graph, which predictably scared the sheep.

LIA was 2-4 hundred years ago, Mann et al butchered the past 1,000 years. They sort of used the LIA as a baseline, yes, but they also hid the Medieval Warm Period, which their followers are still trying to hide.

They took that hockey stick and made it a deity, which they still worship to this day.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2003
Not too long ago a spokesman for a government agency was asked (more or less) if there was evidence for 'x' and the response was that there was not.... taking this a bit further the questioner asked what effort was made to determine this and the response was that no effort was made... perplexed the questioner asked how then can you proclaim there is no evidence for 'X'... the response was that to look for evidence of what you already know does not exist is a waste of time and the tax payer's dollars....

This logic seems to be the same or similar to the logic employed by folks in this topic. But with a twist.

For whatever reason the Earth seems to be warming up or cooling down in some form of transition with some magnitude maybe even in some areas and not in others.

Who among our elite group of forum thinkers has the expertise to independently gather evidence and produce the answer to this question?

I think we are all left at the mercy of the folks who can gather and assess the data.

So... it further seems to me that what we are doing is accepting as truth that which satisfies some individually held belief. But, that belief as in a court room where we are charged to assume innocent until the preponderance or some other required standard convinces us to change that charged belief is not founded on anything but a very limited and biased input.

Is it not possible to cause folks to accept as reasonable evidence the production of the vast majority of scientists? That is... to act as if it was factual what the vast majority of scientists proclaim? In court we are charged to accept a witness as an expert... usually because we are not and we are usually faced with competing expert witnesses and with out individual expertise on the subject ourselves determine who is right...

Such is the case here.... So... it seems prudent to embark on an analysis that we can reasonably produce... One that simply asks what can we do and what are the benefits and costs of a variety of 'can do' scenarios based on a variety of points along the curve of assumed reality.

Economically, it would be a wonderful stimulus and one that a majority of folks wouldn't balk at as the debt climbs ostensibly to insure our survival.... :hmm:


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Not too long ago a spokesman for a government agency was asked (more or less) if there was evidence for 'x' and the response was that there was not.... taking this a bit further the questioner asked what effort was made to determine this and the response was that no effort was made... perplexed the questioner asked how then can you proclaim there is no evidence for 'X'... the response was that to look for evidence of what you already know does not exist is a waste of time and the tax payer's dollars....

This logic seems to be the same or similar to the logic employed by folks in this topic. But with a twist.

For whatever reason the Earth seems to be warming up or cooling down in some form of transition with some magnitude maybe even in some areas and not in others.

Who among our elite group of forum thinkers has the expertise to independently gather evidence and produce the answer to this question?

I think we are all left at the mercy of the folks who can gather and assess the data.

So... it further seems to me that what we are doing is accepting as truth that which satisfies some individually held belief. But, that belief as in a court room where we are charged to assume innocent until the preponderance or some other required standard convinces us to change that charged belief is not founded on anything but a very limited and biased input.

Is it not possible to cause folks to accept as reasonable evidence the production of the vast majority of scientists? That is... to act as if it was factual what the vast majority of scientists proclaim? In court we are charged to accept a witness as an expert... usually because we are not and we are usually faced with competing expert witnesses and with out individual expertise on the subject ourselves determine who is right...

Such is the case here.... So... it seems prudent to embark on an analysis that we can reasonably produce... One that simply asks what can we do and what are the benefits and costs of a variety of 'can do' scenarios based on a variety of points along the curve of assumed reality.

Economically, it would be a wonderful stimulus and one that a majority of folks wouldn't balk at as the debt climbs ostensibly to insure our survival.... :hmm:

Your reasoning is eminently rational and exactly on point in my opinion which can only mean that nobody is going to know what you are talking about and nobody else. Likewise, I'm sure.


Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
This stalling has been long predicted due to a major increase in aerosols being emitted by China and other rising counties. Once China and others decide that the effect of aerosols on their country outweigh the benefits of releasing them, we could begin to see temperature rise again.


Golden Member
Mar 10, 2000
Nov 30, 2006
Not too long ago a spokesman for a government agency was asked (more or less) if there was evidence for 'x' and the response was that there was not.... taking this a bit further the questioner asked what effort was made to determine this and the response was that no effort was made... perplexed the questioner asked how then can you proclaim there is no evidence for 'X'... the response was that to look for evidence of what you already know does not exist is a waste of time and the tax payer's dollars....

This logic seems to be the same or similar to the logic employed by folks in this topic. But with a twist.

For whatever reason the Earth seems to be warming up or cooling down in some form of transition with some magnitude maybe even in some areas and not in others.

Who among our elite group of forum thinkers has the expertise to independently gather evidence and produce the answer to this question?

I think we are all left at the mercy of the folks who can gather and assess the data.

I agree that there are none on this forum that have the expertise to independently gather evidence and produce the answer to the explain global climate variations. And yes, we are at the mercy of the folks who gather and assess the data. However, I'm not sure why you feel compelled to make these two strawman statements. Has someone on this forum claimed they have the expertise to independently gather evidence and produce the answer to the explain global climate variations? Has someone here claimed or even suggested that we're not left at the mercy of the folks who gather and assess the data?

So... it further seems to me that what we are doing is accepting as truth that which satisfies some individually held belief. But, that belief as in a court room where we are charged to assume innocent until the preponderance or some other required standard convinces us to change that charged belief is not founded on anything but a very limited and biased input.

Since the answer to my two questions above is obviously "no" it seems to me that you may be the one who's accepting their biased perception as truth which apparently satisfies some individually held belief. Think about it.

Is it not possible to cause folks to accept as reasonable evidence the production of the vast majority of scientists? That is... to act as if it was factual what the vast majority of scientists proclaim? In court we are charged to accept a witness as an expert... usually because we are not and we are usually faced with competing expert witnesses and with out individual expertise on the subject ourselves determine who is right...

There is no consensus on consensus. Here's a summary of a paper written on this subject which I highly recommend. FYI, Judith Curry is a highly respected climatologist.

Your court room analogy is fine assuming all the evidence has been presented; however, this is not the case. New evidence is coming in every day which is molding our understanding of how our climate works. It's clear that our global climate is incredibly complex and there are many uncertainties despite everything we know to date. To make exaggerated judgments without knowing all the facts of the case is not's just someone rationalizing their personal biases and beliefs before they have all the facts.

Such is the case here.... So... it seems prudent to embark on an analysis that we can reasonably produce... One that simply asks what can we do and what are the benefits and costs of a variety of 'can do' scenarios based on a variety of points along the curve of assumed reality.

I agree with you that it would be prudent to reduce CO2 in a rational way.

Economically, it would be a wonderful stimulus and one that a majority of folks wouldn't balk at as the debt climbs ostensibly to insure our survival.... :hmm:

Now this is where you lose me...on what scientific basis do you conclude that our survival is in serious jeopardy? Is there scientific "consensus" on this belief as well?
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Nov 30, 2006
So Doc, what other science do you pick apart? When you have cancer do you tell your oncologist your going the herbal remedy route? Do you tell your dentist its just whacky to think i need to brush my teeth each day?

just curious as you seem to be a expert in just about every field
I've always been interested in this subject. I think you've misunderstood where I'm coming from based on your inane questions. Just curious....what exactly disturbs you about what I'm saying?


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2003
Originally Posted by LunarRay
Economically, it would be a wonderful stimulus and one that a majority of folks wouldn't balk at as the debt climbs ostensibly to insure our survival.... :hmm:

Now this is where you lose me...on what scientific basis do you conclude that our survival is in serious jeopardy? Is there scientific "consensus" on this belief as well?[/QUOTE]

I'll have to respond to the rest of the quoted post later but for now...

The key word in that para is 'ostensibly'.... In my world it is a word that seems to suggest that the motive stated might not be the actual one. So... Assuming actions suggested to be taken would include infrastructure improvements like a new electric grid to better enable... oh... solar, wind and whatever atmospheric friendly endeavors the political folks would want to garner population/Congressional support and what better way to do that than providing a doom day scenario.... IOW, an economic stimulus couched in a 'Save the Planet' argument. It becomes a numbers game. Our 1000 scientists versus your 25... The truth is not the objective perhaps... maybe it is in part but the real objective is creating jobs regardless of the truth of the underlying argument. Economically, that would be a wonderful thing to see happen.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
I'll have to respond to the rest of the quoted post later but for now...

The key word in that para is 'ostensibly'.... In my world it is a word that seems to suggest that the motive stated might not be the actual one. So... Assuming actions suggested to be taken would include infrastructure improvements like a new electric grid to better enable... oh... solar, wind and whatever atmospheric friendly endeavors the political folks would want to garner population/Congressional support and what better way to do that than providing a doom day scenario.... IOW, an economic stimulus couched in a 'Save the Planet' argument. It becomes a numbers game. Our 1000 scientists versus your 25... The truth is not the objective perhaps... maybe it is in part but the real objective is creating jobs regardless of the truth of the underlying argument. Economically, that would be a wonderful thing to see happen.
There are no doubt lots of attempts to get something under the guise of CAGW. As far as stimulus, yes and no. Spending always has some stimulus effect, but money spent on one thing cannot be spent on another, so if we spend a lot of money fighting global warming our economy and our standard of living must needs decline as those man-hours and resources consumed in this fight are not available to be used to produce goods and services we otherwise want.


Golden Member
Mar 10, 2000
I've always been interested in this subject. I think you've misunderstood where I'm coming from based on your inane questions. Just curious....what exactly disturbs you about what I'm saying?

Frankly, you sound like you are minimizing the issue…so Judith Curry holds more weight to you than the IPCC…sound like you are cherry picking to validate your beliefs…


Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008
Frankly, you sound like you are minimizing the issue…so Judith Curry holds more weight to you than the IPCC…sound like you are cherry picking to validate your beliefs…

I posted the links to IPCC SREX and the newest iteration the IPCC AR5 in this thread and they agree with Dr. Judith Curry. I think you need to do some more reading.
Nov 30, 2006
Frankly, you sound like you are minimizing the issue…so Judith Curry holds more weight to you than the IPCC…sound like you are cherry picking to validate your beliefs…
Please clarify. Am I "minimizing the issue" by posting a study which indicates the possibility of a significantly lower forcing factor for CO2...a forcing factor that essentially falls within the lower boundary of the IPCC estimate? Or are you actually disturbed by my "minimizing the issue" by not buying into your "living under your bridge" doomsday scenario? Which is it?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Please clarify. Am I "minimizing the issue" by posting a study which indicates the possibility of a significantly lower forcing factor for CO2...a forcing factor that essentially falls within the lower boundary of the IPCC estimate? Or are you actually disturbed by my "minimizing the issue" by not buying into your "living under your bridge" doomsday scenario? Which is it?

The big question, in my opinion, is what motivates how we see and does that relate to our life experiences. I ask myself questions like this:

Does a child that grows up securely with all of his emotional needs met, a fate that can happen in poverty and also not in a rich family, perhaps have a less fatalistic outlook on life than an abused person. Does how we react to threatening predictions like ice cap melting that we could be causing ourselves create guilt issues that get linked and associated with unconscious guilt. Do some face their fears head on for old reasons and some run away, or go into denial and hostile reactions? The issue I see is again unconscious motivation and who knows anything about themselves. How do we know if our truth meter works on the reality that exists or one that existed in our past. It is my experience that most people have not only never considered these things, but won't and can't. They do not want to know they have unconscious motivations. They have not had the experience of having their mind blown apart at the discovery of what they are feeling, connecting some major psychological issue to some terrible event in their past, an event so terrible for the person as a child, they would laugh and cry about if they remembered by reliving it.

Because self knowledge is rare we are forced to navigate in a world full of people who know everything because they were taught to be ashamed of ignorance.

So what would change about your attitude toward climate warming if you didn't know anything?

I am at peace with the issue. I don't know anything. I live in a world of sleeping people, robots and automatons who drift along on a program that was installed in them as children, unable to change one wit of it. I ride an ameba that oozes along here and there responding without consciousness to chemicals in the water, a flowing mass of blind protoplasm. It may be thousands of years, if we survive, and it's not looking that good, since our poop is so toxic, before a few brain cells evolve to help the ameba along.


Golden Member
Mar 10, 2000
I posted the links to IPCC SREX and the newest iteration the IPCC AR5 in this thread and they agree with Dr. Judith Curry. I think you need to do some more reading.

Huh, from the authors..

'There's little change in the conclusion since AR4. Although only a small fraction of CO2 in the atmosphere is produced by human activity, and only half of that isn't absorbed, this remaining component is the dominant factor in determining the climate, say IPCC authors.'


Golden Member
Mar 10, 2000
Please clarify. Am I "minimizing the issue" by posting a study which indicates the possibility of a significantly lower forcing factor for CO2...a forcing factor that essentially falls within the lower boundary of the IPCC estimate? Or are you actually disturbed by my "minimizing the issue" by not buying into your "living under your bridge" doomsday scenario? Which is it?

You are quite the debater but your intellectual dishonesty shines through on these forums...
Nov 30, 2006
You are quite the debater but your intellectual dishonesty shines through on these forums...
I'm trying to make sense of your words and simply asked for clarification. You accused me of minimizing the issue and I'm doing my best to figure out what you meant by that.

The fact that you apparently can't explain your statement speaks volumes. And now you accuse me of intellectual dishonesty....really?


Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
Huh, from the authors..

'There's little change in the conclusion since AR4. Although only a small fraction of CO2 in the atmosphere is produced by human activity, and only half of that isn't absorbed, this remaining component is the dominant factor in determining the climate, say IPCC authors.'

CO2 is only part of the story. A small increase in temperature caused by CO2 can cause an increase in the most damaging green house gas: water vapor.
Nov 30, 2006
The big question, in my opinion, is what motivates how we see and does that relate to our life experiences. I ask myself questions like this:

Does a child that grows up securely with all of his emotional needs met, a fate that can happen in poverty and also not in a rich family, perhaps have a less fatalistic outlook on life than an abused person. Does how we react to threatening predictions like ice cap melting that we could be causing ourselves create guilt issues that get linked and associated with unconscious guilt. Do some face their fears head on for old reasons and some run away, or go into denial and hostile reactions? The issue I see is again unconscious motivation and who knows anything about themselves. How do we know if our truth meter works on the reality that exists or one that existed in our past. It is my experience that most people have not only never considered these things, but won't and can't. They do not want to know they have unconscious motivations. They have not had the experience of having their mind blown apart at the discovery of what they are feeling, connecting some major psychological issue to some terrible event in their past, an event so terrible for the person as a child, they would laugh and cry about if they remembered by reliving it.

Because self knowledge is rare we are forced to navigate in a world full of people who know everything because they were taught to be ashamed of ignorance.

So what would change about your attitude toward climate warming if you didn't know anything?

I am at peace with the issue. I don't know anything. I live in a world of sleeping people, robots and automatons who drift along on a program that was installed in them as children, unable to change one wit of it. I ride an ameba that oozes along here and there responding without consciousness to chemicals in the water, a flowing mass of blind protoplasm. It may be thousands of years, if we survive, and it's not looking that good, since our poop is so toxic, before a few brain cells evolve to help the ameba along.

I don't know what motivates me...I am what I am and I accept that. One could say that I'm a hardwired automaton unlikely to change one wit and they wouldn't be far from the truth. All an ignorant nobody like me can hope for is mercy.

As far as your question goes "So what would change about your attitude toward climate warming if you didn't know anything?" I don't know nothing would change. Is that a trick question?
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Nov 30, 2006
I'll have to respond to the rest of the quoted post later but for now...

The key word in that para is 'ostensibly'.... In my world it is a word that seems to suggest that the motive stated might not be the actual one. So... Assuming actions suggested to be taken would include infrastructure improvements like a new electric grid to better enable... oh... solar, wind and whatever atmospheric friendly endeavors the political folks would want to garner population/Congressional support and what better way to do that than providing a doom day scenario.... IOW, an economic stimulus couched in a 'Save the Planet' argument. It becomes a numbers game. Our 1000 scientists versus your 25... The truth is not the objective perhaps... maybe it is in part but the real objective is creating jobs regardless of the truth of the underlying argument. Economically, that would be a wonderful thing to see happen.

Thanks for the clarification. I agree with werepossum on this...however, if the money was spent on nuke plants to reduce CO2, then that would be a horse of a different color in my opinion.
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