GM boss rallies team for Toyota fight


No Lifer
Oct 9, 1999
They gathered at DisneyWorld for three days last week ? 2,900 of General Motor Corp.?s top executives from around the world ? to hear their head coach?s speech.

Evoking one of his favorite athletic metaphors, Chairman Rick Wagoner didn?t equivocate: It?s halftime in the high-stakes game to become the world?s dominant automaker, he said, and GM is in danger of losing to Toyota Motor Co.p., the Japanese juggernaut that is making more money and selling more cars and trucks every year, everywhere.

The former Duke University basketball player reviewed the numbers:

GM?s global market share slipped to 14.7 percent last year from 15 percent in 2002, while Toyota?s rose to roughly 11 percent from 10.1 percent in 2001.

In North America, Toyota last year sold more than 2 million cars and trucks for the first time. Its sales in Asia jumped 23.8 percent in one year, and Toyota?s share of the European market has more than doubled over the past five years, while GM?s has stagnated.

GM?s net profits last year totaled $3.8 billion, $1.2 billion of which came from its home market. In its 2003 fiscal year, Toyota earned an eye-popping $8.9 billion, almost all of it coming from American consumers.

There?s more. Barely three months into this year, GM already has issued five recalls covering a total of 7.4 million cars and trucks in the United States, equaling its recall total for all of last year. Toyota, by comparison, has recalled 212,252 vehicles, down 58 percent from last year.

The implications of the recalls for the brand and quality images of GM?s products speak for themselves, just as the comparatively few for Toyota does.

GM outspends Toyota three-to-one on incentives for new cars and trucks sold in the United States. The efficiency of GM?s assembly plants and the quality of its vehicles (as measured by independent surveys) are both improving, but Toyota remains the leader.

Wagoner, who declined to discuss his remarks to GM?s global leadership conference, isn?t making this stuff up just to scare the team. The competitive threat from Toyota, not to mention other rivals, is real, it?s frightening and it?s not going to ease anytime soon.

Toyota is the standard by which Detroit?s automakers now measure themselves, regularly. To those who keep score ? and, believe me, they do in the auto industry ? GM is running behind the global competitor it most wants to emulate.

So are Ford Motor Co. and DaimlerChrysler AG?s Chrysler Group.

Wagoner?s overarching point, of course, is not to call the game before the second half begins, as so many of Detroit?s gleeful critics would love to see. He?s making the case for action. Now.

To help exhort GM executives in Orlando, Wagoner enlisted Jim Collins, author of the best seller ?Good to Great.? By ?confronting the brutal facts,? as Collins recommends, Wagoner wants to motivate executives from Detroit, Zurich and Ruesselsheim, Germany, to Singapore, Shanghai and Sao Paolo.

Denying reality, a GM tradition that Wagoner and his senior executives are trying to end, isn?t an option. The game isn?t over for GM, Ford and Chrysler. But the second half will not be for the meek.

In his pep talk, Wagoner urged his execs to ?commit right here, right now? to confronting the challenges facing GM, according to one participant?s notes of the meeting. Being good isn?t enough.

For a company that has been the world?s No. 1 automaker for 73 years, time is the enemy. Move fast. Do it right the first time. Understand the competition. Consider the enterprise first, the self second.

And put things into perspective, which can be difficult for many toiling in the confined disciplines of a vast corporation. GM?s turnaround over the past decade has been monumental and, to many of its critics, surprising.

The archetypal American conglomerate now runs like a single company, not the collection of fiefdoms it was. Its cars and trucks are better designed and built, delivering improved reliability and higher quality. Some of them are even becoming desirable.

GM is outpacing cross-town rivals in developing markets like China and Russia. Its technological prowess, particularly in engines and transmissions, is an industry benchmark. And the automaker?s relationship with the United Auto Workers is stronger and more cooperative than anytime in decades.

To coin the phrase of Collins, GM is a good company. But it?s not yet great, either, for only great ones will dominate the 21st-century auto industry while the rest limp along behind.

All Wagoner?s team has to do is execute, around the world, or the game will end with his warning proven sadly prophetic.



Oct 9, 1999

**Takes Deep Breath**


You planning on emigrating to Japan ?



Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
toyota makes almost all of its profit in north america?


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Originally posted by: NFS4


**Takes Deep Breath**

did toyota give you those kneepads or did you have to buy them yourself?


No Lifer
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: ElFenix
Originally posted by: NFS4


**Takes Deep Breath**

did toyota give you those kneepads or did you have to buy them yourself?

I think this speaks for itself:

GM?s global market share slipped to 14.7 percent last year from 15 percent in 2002, while Toyota?s rose to roughly 11 percent from 10.1 percent in 2001.

In North America, Toyota last year sold more than 2 million cars and trucks for the first time. Its sales in Asia jumped 23.8 percent in one year, and Toyota?s share of the European market has more than doubled over the past five years, while GM?s has stagnated.

GM?s net profits last year totaled $3.8 billion, $1.2 billion of which came from its home market. In its 2003 fiscal year, Toyota earned an eye-popping $8.9 billion, almost all of it coming from American consumers.

There?s more. Barely three months into this year, GM already has issued five recalls covering a total of 7.4 million cars and trucks in the United States, equaling its recall total for all of last year. Toyota, by comparison, has recalled 212,252 vehicles, down 58 percent from last year.

The implications of the recalls for the brand and quality images of GM?s products speak for themselves, just as the comparatively few for Toyota does.

GM outspends Toyota three-to-one on incentives for new cars and trucks sold in the United States. The efficiency of GM?s assembly plants and the quality of its vehicles (as measured by independent surveys) are both improving, but Toyota remains the leader.

GM is basically getting r@ped on its own homefront and spending more money to boot to sell their vehicles while piling up more recalls.


Oct 7, 2001
Originally posted by: ElFenix
Originally posted by: NFS4


**Takes Deep Breath**

did toyota give you those kneepads or did you have to buy them yourself?


hehe anyways, really honestly...what's not to like in a toyota!?...


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Originally posted by: NFS4
Originally posted by: ElFenix
Originally posted by: NFS4


**Takes Deep Breath**

did toyota give you those kneepads or did you have to buy them yourself?

I think this speaks for itself:
<snip for having been posted then bolded so it was quite evident what mr cheerleader here was laughing about>



No Lifer
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: DanTMWTMP
Originally posted by: ElFenix
Originally posted by: NFS4


**Takes Deep Breath**

did toyota give you those kneepads or did you have to buy them yourself?


hehe anyways, really honestly...what's not to like in a toyota!?...

Their boring sedans.


Oct 14, 1999
Originally posted by: NFS4
Originally posted by: DanTMWTMP
Originally posted by: ElFenix
Originally posted by: NFS4


**Takes Deep Breath**

did toyota give you those kneepads or did you have to buy them yourself?


hehe anyways, really honestly...what's not to like in a toyota!?...

Their boring sedans.
Produkt of publik edumacation?


Platinum Member
Dec 29, 2001
Wow I thought GM was too great to even notice Toyota...

73 years GM has been dubbed the market leader...hmm... and what do we have to show for it? Nothing... GM takes it $$ and passes it down to pension plans and yatchs.

Toyota ventures into new technologies, better production of vehicles, etcetra. I wouldn't mind seeing GM on its knees and geeting a kick behind the head.


Apr 18, 2001
Some of them are even becoming desirable.

Who wrote that piece of garbage?

GM trucks have been desirable for nearly a century. As have Fords.

GM, Ford, Chrysler all pooped in their cheerios with passenger cars. Agreed. But the past 10 years HAVE seen a huge turnaround in all 3 carmakers quality and image.

I just don't see how people can so blindly worship any one car company, be it Ford, Chevy, Toyota, Honda, whatever. Each has it's good times and bad times. (Though I think Ford has had more than its fair share of bad times... heh)



Feb 6, 2000
Originally posted by: KGB
Wow I thought GM was too great to even notice Toyota...

73 years GM has been dubbed the market leader...hmm... and what do we have to show for it? Nothing... GM takes it $$ and passes it down to pension plans and yatchs.

Toyota ventures into new technologies, better production of vehicles, etcetra. I wouldn't mind seeing GM on its knees and geeting a kick behind the head.

o yea, GM is not investing in ANY new technologies right??

Hydrogen fuel systems are what GM is pushing along with BMW.

gm never tries to get better production vehicles? the new malibu is supposed to be a HUGE step up from the previous one. the Avalanche is not innovative in any form
. The corvette has never gotten better. The trucks arent innovative in any way

i admit the car market sucks for GM. however they are improving.



Oct 10, 2000
Originally posted by: nourdmrolNMT1
Originally posted by: KGB
Wow I thought GM was too great to even notice Toyota...

73 years GM has been dubbed the market leader...hmm... and what do we have to show for it? Nothing... GM takes it $$ and passes it down to pension plans and yatchs.

Toyota ventures into new technologies, better production of vehicles, etcetra. I wouldn't mind seeing GM on its knees and geeting a kick behind the head.

o yea, GM is not investing in ANY new technologies right??

Hydrogen fuel systems are what GM is pushing along with BMW.

gm never tries to get better production vehicles? the new malibu is supposed to be a HUGE step up from the previous one. the Avalanche is not innovative in any form
. The corvette has never gotten better. The trucks arent innovative in any way

i admit the car market sucks for GM. however they are improving.


malibu is an ugly pos.... they are innovating the truck market though - 4wheel sttering is a great idea


Apr 18, 2001
Originally posted by: halik
Originally posted by: nourdmrolNMT1
Originally posted by: KGB
Wow I thought GM was too great to even notice Toyota...

73 years GM has been dubbed the market leader...hmm... and what do we have to show for it? Nothing... GM takes it $$ and passes it down to pension plans and yatchs.

Toyota ventures into new technologies, better production of vehicles, etcetra. I wouldn't mind seeing GM on its knees and geeting a kick behind the head.

o yea, GM is not investing in ANY new technologies right??

Hydrogen fuel systems are what GM is pushing along with BMW.

gm never tries to get better production vehicles? the new malibu is supposed to be a HUGE step up from the previous one. the Avalanche is not innovative in any form
. The corvette has never gotten better. The trucks arent innovative in any way

i admit the car market sucks for GM. however they are improving.


malibu is an ugly pos.... they are innovating the truck market though - 4wheel sttering is a great idea

And it's really freaky to watch. LoL

Didn't Honda have AWS in the 80's?


Feb 25, 2004
Hey, I want to buy American cars...but they just keep letting me down. I've had enough of unreliable crap, I want something that lasts.

I'm thinking about buying a truck for my next car, and its gonna be a Tacoma or maybe a Frontier.

My girlfriend loved her Chevy/Geo Prizm and she wants another. But they don't make them anymore. The camery or corrola I'm told is the same car, so thats what she's probably going to get.

Meanwhile my neon developed a well known head gasket problem at 50k miles. Chrysler and the dealership basically told me to fvck off when I asked them to fix it out of warrenty. Fine chrysler, you saved $600 by screwing me, but you'll never see another dollar from me. The problem I could deal with, but not standing behind their product soured me.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2000
I acutally enjoyed the new Malibu LT (ok bribe with free bbq and free oil change from local dealership). Perhaps things will start to look better for them with this car.


Feb 6, 2000
Originally posted by: DurocShark
Originally posted by: halik
Originally posted by: nourdmrolNMT1
Originally posted by: KGB
Wow I thought GM was too great to even notice Toyota...

73 years GM has been dubbed the market leader...hmm... and what do we have to show for it? Nothing... GM takes it $$ and passes it down to pension plans and yatchs.

Toyota ventures into new technologies, better production of vehicles, etcetra. I wouldn't mind seeing GM on its knees and geeting a kick behind the head.

o yea, GM is not investing in ANY new technologies right??

Hydrogen fuel systems are what GM is pushing along with BMW.

gm never tries to get better production vehicles? the new malibu is supposed to be a HUGE step up from the previous one. the Avalanche is not innovative in any form
. The corvette has never gotten better. The trucks arent innovative in any way

i admit the car market sucks for GM. however they are improving.


malibu is an ugly pos.... they are innovating the truck market though - 4wheel sttering is a great idea

And it's really freaky to watch. LoL

Didn't Honda have AWS in the 80's?

yes, honda, and GM have both previously had 4 wheel steering. however the technology wasnt what it is now, so now things are different, whe your goin fast, the rear wheels dont turn as much as they do when goin slow.

so GM is innovative to realize that technology has allowed them to bring back what was once thought of, but not easily do-able.



Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2000
Originally posted by: KGB
Wow I thought GM was too great to even notice Toyota...

73 years GM has been dubbed the market leader...hmm... and what do we have to show for it? Nothing... GM takes it $$ and passes it down to pension plans and yatchs.

Toyota ventures into new technologies, better production of vehicles, etcetra. I wouldn't mind seeing GM on its knees and geeting a kick behind the head.
LOL, pop the hood of a Tundra, it's a funny site to see, sure it's the only other truck on the market with actual room under the hood, but WTF is with allt eh sheet metal?

It's better to see stuff first person before opening the cakehole, it gives you the ability the slamdunk like I just did <--- sorry but I do NOT like the Tundra and I'll slam on it till they do some SERIOUS improvements.

As far as A to B cars yah Toyota makes a great car, I don't see any innovation, it's still a gas powered car, and I don't see some off the hook milage.


Platinum Member
Dec 29, 2001
Originally posted by: nourdmrolNMT1
Originally posted by: KGB
Wow I thought GM was too great to even notice Toyota...

73 years GM has been dubbed the market leader...hmm... and what do we have to show for it? Nothing... GM takes it $$ and passes it down to pension plans and yatchs.

Toyota ventures into new technologies, better production of vehicles, etcetra. I wouldn't mind seeing GM on its knees and geeting a kick behind the head.

o yea, GM is not investing in ANY new technologies right??

Hydrogen fuel systems are what GM is pushing along with BMW.

gm never tries to get better production vehicles? the new malibu is supposed to be a HUGE step up from the previous one. the Avalanche is not innovative in any form
. The corvette has never gotten better. The trucks arent innovative in any way

i admit the car market sucks for GM. however they are improving.

Hehe... dude I suppose you don't know I own a 01 Chevy Astro...its good and the reason I bought it was that no other car manufacturer makes a family van on a truck frame that can haul ass (alas GM will put the Astro line to rest soon ) I'm just mad at the fact that cars which are american made have horrible re-sale value. Look at Cadillac's and Lincolns and compare it to Lexus and German luxury car's resale. It's not worth it to buy american if you plan on sticking with it forever or letting it go for 10% of what you paid for it. Ive seen the new malibu...a little better I suppose, but with GM's 3.4 v6 engines being made in China now I don't see the point, one bad turn into another.

Trucks I don't mind....but Toyota's new TACO and Nissans Frontier really make an S10 or a Silverado look dismal compared to the V6 of Japan (over 300 HP/Torque Stock) Surely GM could have used the i6 on the Envoy/Trailblazer to better use than the SUV market.


Senior member
Mar 8, 2002
" Surely GM could have used the i6 on the Envoy/Trailblazer to better use than the SUV market. "

They did. They cut out a cylinder, and now it's the Vortec I-5 in the Colorado/Canyon. Which, by the way, don't impress me all that much. They're light years beyond the S10, but the interior still feels downright rental car next to the Tacoma. Ford could own this market if they take what they did in the new F150 and push it down to the Ranger in some form, that's a SHARP looking truck (with lots of shiny stuff inside, and Americans love things that are shiny!)


No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
Originally posted by: NFS4
Originally posted by: DanTMWTMP
Originally posted by: ElFenix
Originally posted by: NFS4


**Takes Deep Breath**

did toyota give you those kneepads or did you have to buy them yourself?


hehe anyways, really honestly...what's not to like in a toyota!?...

Their boring sedans.

At least their boring sedans are reliable.


Oct 11, 1999
GM couldn't build a good car if it's life depended on it, which is the case right now.

Every 5 years or so you hear GM marketing say, oh yeah things are gonna change this time, but it's always still the same crap.
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