Golden Age Of Gaming?


Junior Member
Nov 6, 2015
When was your golden age of gaming?
I'm talking favourite consoles and games.

Personally its a tossup between Old school DOOM on the PC (probably because it was the first game I remember playing as a kid)
Or the PS1 days, METAL GEAR SOLID always stands out as a particular favourite amongst many other classics


Senior member
Aug 18, 2008
I know someone is going to probably go with SNES era, but I personally vote for 1998-2001 for "golden age of gaming".

So many good games in that time window:
Half Life, Ocarina of Time, Starcraft, Baldur's Gate, Pokemon Red and Blue, Counter Strike, Quake III Arena, Unreal Tournament, Super Smash Bros, Homeworld, Shenmue, Diablo II, Grandia II, Halo, Smash Bros Melee....

It was a good time to be a gamer.

Lil Frier

Platinum Member
Oct 3, 2013
I really don't know if I can answer that. I've played so many things so heavily for so long, paring it down with some random numbers is hard. What counts as an "age"? I could say when Xbox LIVE launched, letting me play Unreal on Xbox (rather than my usual playing of Urban Terror on my dad's PC). That really got networked console gaming going, and Halo came online with it. Pokemon, I put a crapload of hours in it and a bunch of other Nintendo stuff throughout the 90's, and probably up to the mid-00's.

Then you have now, when you can get more and more experiences than ever, it's so flexible. I mean, we're at a point that people are calling it boring/redundant to have an open-world game with a bunch of content. What does that say about how much we have now?


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
imo, everyone's "golden age" will probably be when they were in their early teens to teen years. that's when you had not a worry in the world other than playing games. and looking back those times always seemed like the best times.


Jan 8, 2010
It will vary to everyone.

For me it is certain points over time.

While I started with Atari 2600, I don't look back on it and go MAN THOSE WERE GREAT GAMES!

NES moreso, it had such a huge catalog with obvious stand out games, but it wasn't until...

SNES that I was truly blown away...

Then PC Doom II/Quake/StarCraft/Diablo Era

PS1 was good, but I don't hold it in as high regard as PC/PS2/DC. The graphics on PS1 just weren't that great overall. There were some shining examples of games don't get me wrong, but I equate it more to the NES in terms of overall asthetics and catalog. (didn't and still don't care for N64)

Then PS2/DC era (never used Xbox for anything other than an emulator), after that it's touch and go cause I'm old. Sure I still play new games, but I am much harder to please. I do not think consoles are moving anything forward any longer and the majority of games seem to have conglomerated towards the same things so while I mainly do PC now, I still go back to older games, and lean toward simpler retro games rather than the latest flashy shallow game.
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Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
We are living the golden age of gaming.
I've been thinking the same thing lately. As far as pricing is concerned this is the golden age. We are getting discounts on pre-orders. New releases drop in price quickly and there is a ton of competition driving prices lower.


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
imo, everyone's "golden age" will probably be when they were in their early teens to teen years. that's when you had not a worry in the world other than playing games. and looking back those times always seemed like the best times.

Was for me, NES and SNES. Saving up money to play them, reading magazines about new games coming out, etc. I really enjoyed the Playstation 1 days too, but was different. While my favorite game ever was on the PC, Tribes. I still enjoyed the younger years the best. I don't game as much now, and am more cynical. I play almost exclusively FPS games, with a side of adventure games like Tomb Raider. The era of UT, Q2 and the like was very very fun though.


Jun 3, 2011
well, anything up to Halo. to me, that is the moment the golden era ended.

ghost recon88

Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2005
well, anything up to Halo. to me, that is the moment the golden era ended.

I agree. Definitely the 90s for me as well. Great cartridge systems, developers actually put time into games, and the whole gaming community was better then.


Senior member
Aug 18, 2008
I agree. Definitely the 90s for me as well. Great cartridge systems, developers actually put time into games, and the whole gaming community was better then.

I remember when I was younger, gaming was sorta a hobby for "nerdy" people. I mean in those early PC games before the internet was even really a thing, you would have to be a nerdy person with some money to even get games to work. PCs weren't exactly cheap. Early consoles weren't as mainstream.... I remember computers shipping with weak ability to game, and you would need to buy a 3dfx graphics card and install it yourself.

What was good about this, is when I would game online the community was largely more intelligent, just based on the fact that the barrier to entry to get online was higher back then. People were really respectful, generally... I remember a conversation I had with some guys on a Counterstrike server in 1999, where several people were basically telling me that they don't go overboard with their ribbing on other players, because they felt their online presence might bring shame upon their country!

These days... none of that. Playing League of Legends it's like:
Me: "Hey Jax, can you help me get dragon?"
Jax: "FUX UR MOM!"

Guess that's the hidden cost of accessible, inexpensive online games.


Nov 20, 2005
At a personal level it was the SNES era, but theoretically I think the NES era was best.

Unlike today, you didn't have to worry about picking the right console or missing console exclusives because there really was only one option (sorry Sega). The controller was solid, the system was solid, and the console even had Wii-like motion accesories years before their time (even if the Powerglove did suck). One system had it all, and kids were all sharing the same experience.

As a bonus NES games aged EXTREMELY well. I think it easily aged the best out of all the pre-PS2 systems, as the simple 8 bit graphics look very clean on a large flat screen (there is a reason 8 bit has had a comeback). The SNES and Genesis graphics don't scale as well (unless you cheat with Opengl filters) and N64/PS1 graphics are basically unplayable garbage in the modern era. A game like SMB3 on a 60 inch screen is a pure delight.

MAYBE someone could argue the PS2 era was better (for a lot of the same reasons) but I personally will take the NES era.

Lil Frier

Platinum Member
Oct 3, 2013
I find that a funny assessment: "The Golden Age is when humans weren't dirtbags on the Internet," is what that boiled down to. I also chuckle at the hipster replies of "Halo ruined it all," and "developers don't try anymore."

It seems a mentality that wants to be special gaming snowflakes and have the plebeians sent out of the community.


Golden Member
Nov 22, 1999
Another vote for 90s. Game development was rather new and pretty wide open and multiple companies in the console wars made it fun times.

The current situation now with VR is reminding me of consoles in the 90s. I look forward to seeing its evolution.


Jan 8, 2010
What was good about this, is when I would game online the community was largely more intelligent, just based on the fact that the barrier to entry to get online was higher back then. People were really respectful, generally... I remember a conversation I had with some guys on a Counterstrike server in 1999, where several people were basically telling me that they don't go overboard with their ribbing on other players, because they felt their online presence might bring shame upon their country!

These days... none of that. Playing League of Legends it's like:
Me: "Hey Jax, can you help me get dragon?"
Jax: "FUX UR MOM!"

Guess that's the hidden cost of accessible, inexpensive online games.

OMG this is so true. You could have beef in Quake and settle it in matches. While you could get upset and smack talk etc....there wasn't nearly the unchecked hatred that there is these days.


Jan 8, 2010
I find that a funny assessment: "The Golden Age is when humans weren't dirtbags on the Internet," is what that boiled down to. I also chuckle at the hipster replies of "Halo ruined it all," and "developers don't try anymore."

It seems a mentality that wants to be special gaming snowflakes and have the plebeians sent out of the community.

No the hipster answer is to say anyone who says that are hipsters. Happiness in gaming is all encompassing of the experience. If others make you miserable just to play a game, it is hardly going to be remembered fondly. The only reason certain games flourish in spite of the toxicity (Leauge of Legends for example) is because of the addictive qualities of the game itself.

I was talking to my niece the other day and she asked me if I had played Undertale. I said no, but I'd been reading about it. She got all excited and said it's my FAVORITE game! It's so awesome!. I said, oh you've played it? She said no, I just watch let's plays of it, it's so great.

This is the current generation of 'gamers'.
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Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2009
Not for early 3D games. Developers were still learning how to do things. Just look at Tomb Raider in regards to flipping switches and camera angles. Those days were hardly enjoyable as nostalgia for me.

Golden age of gaming for me was when Arcades were popular. I loved arcades, the atmosphere, the sounds...they were showcases for the latest gaming tech. Today you have to own a higher end PC to get that, back then it only cost you 25 cents per play.

imo, everyone's "golden age" will probably be when they were in their early teens to teen years. that's when you had not a worry in the world other than playing games. and looking back those times always seemed like the best times.

Dunno about that. Teenagers have tons of worries and drama. How many teens are bummed because the girl they like doesn't pay attention to them and they are too scared to ask them out? How many worry about those zits on their face, if they are dressing in fashion so others don't make fun of them? Worries about having no job because they have no car and no car because they have no job? Some have to worry about gangs, threats, bullying, peer pressure...etc.
I could go on but I think some forget that teen life seemed rough at the time. I enjoyed games at that time too as much as any other age but theres a lot going on internally at that age too.
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Jan 29, 2004
16/32 bit era for sure.

8 bit didn't really have enough memory to store enough text for huge adventures and was rather crude and improvised, despite some memorable entries, and 32bit+ CD ROM systems ended up getting crazy and pushing FMV and going the other way until consoles finally just turned into PCs.

16/32 bit era = enough memory to make great worlds but hardware still limited enough to force you to focus on the game itself and not just throw 600 MB of live FMV on a disc and call it good.

It was more fun being a hardware nerd too. Going from 16 to 64 to 256 to 4k to 32k to 64k colors is a lot more exciting than just oh look everything is 16.7M colors and photo-realistic now. It was the "just right" era, not too shitty, not too advanced, and this went a long way to allowing for game worlds to have character. When CD systems were this exotic ooh aah thing we lusted over in EGM. Anyone else still waiting for their 32 bit SNES CD ROM? Now it's hard to get excited about new hardware. Ok long over due higher resolutions and more RAM. Digital stereo sound and real music. There was an exoticness to new console launches then, and now it's just oh... an even faster PC... yawn... and lack of an internet to leak and spoil hype.

No internet or Gamefaqs... you'd play games with 2 year+ release cycles and it would take you months to beat them. The social setting was more fun sharing experiences and secrets with friends face to face in those months, internet and youtube took that away by allowing everyone to complete the largest of games in 24 hours.

But mostly it was the heydey of what we now consider classic Japanese developers and JRPGs and action/platformers before western influence ruined the world with their onslaught of multiplayer casual shooters and mega corporate mass monetization of the industry (eg: EA/Activision).

The 90's was like a renaissance era of gaming and Konami, Capcom, Square, Namco, Working Designs, Nintendo, etc were like the da Vincis. There was just a certain love and care put into many classic games before western greed took over the industry by appealing to the masses of American mouth breathers with violence and explosions on 3-6 month release schedules.

In before the usual suspects are quick to jump in about how there was shovelware and trash in the 90's too, but oh hey go figure, most of the mass produced trash was all western companies... Acclaim, EA, Activision, etc with their dumb sports games and movie and cartoon ports 3 times a week.

It was also an exclusive club when gaming wasn't as popular. How many other kids in your school all got a SNES or PS1 the day it came out? Now every asshole on the block has a new Xbox and is playing Madden the day before it comes out. It's just not as mysterious anymore. We don't even have cartridges or manuals to get high on anymore. Who can forget the overwhelming aroma of sliding that huge block of Styrofoam out of a NES or SNES box? I wanted that with my PS4 and XBO but nope... it's just not there.

I doubt it's just video games. Seems every industry follows an ADSR envelope curve where it starts out low, ramps up quickly to a peak that will be known as the golden age in it's 2nd-3rd generation, then slopes down, levels out, and eventually dies off as it becomes a commodity of same old same old.

As for an earlier comment about SNES graphics not scaling as good as NES... both are 256x224...
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Senior member
Mar 9, 2009
Definitely the 90s.

Lol at anyone saying it's now. This pay to play, need $60 more than the game costs in DLC, "early access", release broken games that need 6+ months of patches to be playable crap that is going on today needs to stop.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
Not for early 3D games. Developers were still learning how to do things. Just look at Tomb Raider in regards to flipping switches and camera angles. Those days were hardly enjoyable as nostalgia for me.

Golden age of gaming for me was when Arcades were popular. I loved arcades, the atmosphere, the sounds...they were showcases for the latest gaming tech. Today you have to own a higher end PC to get that, back then it only cost you 25 cents per play.

Dunno about that. Teenagers have tons of worries and drama. How many teens are bummed because the girl they like doesn't pay attention to them and they are too scared to ask them out? How many worry about those zits on their face, if they are dressing in fashion so others don't make fun of them? Worries about having no job because they have no car and no car because they have no job? Some have to worry about gangs, threats, bullying, peer pressure...etc.
I could go on but I think some forget that teen life seemed rough at the time. I enjoyed games at that time too as much as any other age but theres a lot going on internally at that age too.

that is why i said "early teens" as well, which is well before you can even think about driving and really getting a job. i'd probably extend my early range to 10. so basically the golden ages for most people will probably fall between when they are 10 and 19, leaning towards the early years.


Jun 3, 2011
my point of view is that, between the 70s (space invaders) and the 90s, games had one factor in common - they weren't easy.

not only games where meant to challenge you as a player (this started with arcade machines trying to make more money off of you, but evolved into it being the main appeal of the game), but they also required a certain kind of "exploratory" mentality, where you worked your brain to figure out what you were supposed to do.

Gaming in those 25 years was more about failure, than success. You failed, and failed, and failed, until you pulled off a miracle move and finally won.. one level. Then again the same for the other 29 levels.

Then came along Halo, and every jock with an XBoX though himself a gamer. "made to be easy". Essentially the thing that led to today and people watching videos of people playing games.

Regenerating health, auto-aim, autosave, infinite lives, all these on the back of the success of 2 franchises - Halo, Call Of Duty, and Medal Of Honor: tapping into a brand new market of casuals who just wanted to sit down in front of their xbox and enjoy a bit of "cinematic" action, and feel good about themselves.

Games getting easier also contributed to the plague of QTE and other gimmicks to extend the length of the playthroughs, because without these and cinematics, an experienced player could rip though your game in 1/10 of the time you projected.

Essentially, as soon as the people who beat you up in highschool and called you a geek, because you played videogames.. got a hold of videogames.. that was the end of real gaming.
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