Good book: High and Mighty: SUVs--The World's Most Dangerous Vehicles and How They Got That Way


Senior member
Mar 7, 2001
This is a good book with a lot of facts. Talks a lot about why SUVs are dangerous to cars and how the automobile industry is doing basically nothing about it. Also talks about how SUV owners are jerks, (insecure, less likely to volunteer, less likely to go to family events, ect) and no he didn't make that up, it is what Ford's, chevy's, ect own market research says abotu SUV drivers.


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2000
/starts "NFS4 shows up in the thread to defend the honor of all SUV's" countdown


Jan 30, 2001
The more politically incorrect they become the more likely I am to buy one.


Dec 31, 2000
Originally posted by: Fausto1
/starts "NFS4 shows up in the thread to defend the honor of all SUV's" countdown

I thought NFS4 wasnt a proponent of the gas guzzling road hogging monstrosities they are.

BTW, I'm on my way to the library now.



Elite Member
Nov 29, 2000
Personally, I'd love to have one but I can't personally justify the amount of gas they consume. That and commuting by bike most days are my tiny "reduce US dependency on oil as lifeblood" contributions.

I don't, however, think that SUV owners are demographically radically different from the rest of us. This is kinda like baseball statistics, you can fiddle around with them to mean almost anything in any given situation. I'm sure someone else could write a similar book about Volvo drivers and how they are more likely to have a mess of kids, have lower IQ's, tend to be conservative, and be statistically terrible drivers.
Jan 18, 2001
I drive a SUV, but then again, I didn't buy it! (nor would it have been my choice of new/used vehicles)

Can i still be a jerk?


Dec 31, 2000
Originally posted by: Fausto1
Personally, I'd love to have one but I can't personally justify the amount of gas they consume. That and commuting by bike most days are my tiny "reduce US dependency on oil as lifeblood" contributions.

I don't, however, think that SUV owners are demographically radically different from the rest of us. This is kinda like baseball statistics, you can fiddle around with them to mean almost anything in any given situation. I'm sure someone else could write a similar book about Volvo drivers and how they are more likely to have a mess of kids, have lower IQ's, tend to be conservative, and be statistically terrible drivers.

As nice as some of them are, impracticality kills the concept. You can do 99% of the same with a minivan and spend less $ doing it.

Example: For the price of a 2002 Acura MDX (MSRP) you can get 2 2002 Chrysler Voyagers.

That about sums it up. You get less for your money.



Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Oh brother, here we go again with Yet Another Thread Bashing People's Choice of Vehicle.


Dec 31, 2000
Originally posted by: CPA
Oh brother, here we go again with Yet Another Thread Bashing People's Choice of Vehicle.

Its not so much bashing as it is a debate of the practicality of said choice.

Jan 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Fausto1
Personally, I'd love to have one but I can't personally justify the amount of gas they consume. That and commuting by bike most days are my tiny "reduce US dependency on oil as lifeblood" contributions.

I don't, however, think that SUV owners are demographically radically different from the rest of us. This is kinda like baseball statistics, you can fiddle around with them to mean almost anything in any given situation. I'm sure someone else could write a similar book about Volvo drivers and how they are more likely to have a mess of kids, have lower IQ's, tend to be conservative, and be statistically terrible drivers.

Hey Fausto,

I have started to bicycle into work now. I take our son to daycare in the SUV and then drive back home (3 mi round trip) and then hop on the bike and go into work. (11 miles round trip)




Elite Member
Nov 29, 2000
Originally posted by: PsychoAndy
Originally posted by: Fausto1
Personally, I'd love to have one but I can't personally justify the amount of gas they consume. That and commuting by bike most days are my tiny "reduce US dependency on oil as lifeblood" contributions.

I don't, however, think that SUV owners are demographically radically different from the rest of us. This is kinda like baseball statistics, you can fiddle around with them to mean almost anything in any given situation. I'm sure someone else could write a similar book about Volvo drivers and how they are more likely to have a mess of kids, have lower IQ's, tend to be conservative, and be statistically terrible drivers.

As nice as some of them are, impracticality kills the concept. You can do 99% of the same with a minivan and spend less $ doing it.

Example: For the price of a 2002 Acura MDX (MSRP) you can get 2 2002 Chrysler Voyagers.

That about sums it up. You get less for your money.


That's where the demographics really comes into play. Most guys wouldn't be caught dead driving a minivan, so they spend a little more (MDX wasn't a great example since it's a luxury line) to get an Explorer or similar.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Originally posted by: Fausto1
Originally posted by: PsychoAndy
Originally posted by: Fausto1
Personally, I'd love to have one but I can't personally justify the amount of gas they consume. That and commuting by bike most days are my tiny "reduce US dependency on oil as lifeblood" contributions.

I don't, however, think that SUV owners are demographically radically different from the rest of us. This is kinda like baseball statistics, you can fiddle around with them to mean almost anything in any given situation. I'm sure someone else could write a similar book about Volvo drivers and how they are more likely to have a mess of kids, have lower IQ's, tend to be conservative, and be statistically terrible drivers.

As nice as some of them are, impracticality kills the concept. You can do 99% of the same with a minivan and spend less $ doing it.

Example: For the price of a 2002 Acura MDX (MSRP) you can get 2 2002 Chrysler Voyagers.

That about sums it up. You get less for your money.


That's where the demographics really comes into play. Most guys wouldn't be caught dead driving a minivan, so they spend a little more (MDX wasn't a great example since it's a luxury line) to get an Explorer or similar.
the ironic thing is that the MDX is a minivan with 4 regular doors, much like the original odyssey


Dec 31, 2000
Originally posted by: Fausto1
Originally posted by: PsychoAndy
Originally posted by: Fausto1
Personally, I'd love to have one but I can't personally justify the amount of gas they consume. That and commuting by bike most days are my tiny "reduce US dependency on oil as lifeblood" contributions.

I don't, however, think that SUV owners are demographically radically different from the rest of us. This is kinda like baseball statistics, you can fiddle around with them to mean almost anything in any given situation. I'm sure someone else could write a similar book about Volvo drivers and how they are more likely to have a mess of kids, have lower IQ's, tend to be conservative, and be statistically terrible drivers.

As nice as some of them are, impracticality kills the concept. You can do 99% of the same with a minivan and spend less $ doing it.

Example: For the price of a 2002 Acura MDX (MSRP) you can get 2 2002 Chrysler Voyagers.

That about sums it up. You get less for your money.


That's where the demographics really comes into play. Most guys wouldn't be caught dead driving a minivan, so they spend a little more (MDX wasn't a great example since it's a luxury line) to get an Explorer or similar.

True, I will admit the example is exaggerated, but it is still true. Perhaps I should replace Acura MDX with 2003 Ford Expedition - Eddie Bauer...



Elite Member
Nov 29, 2000
Oh brother, here we go again with Yet Another Thread Bashing People's Choice of Vehicle.
I'm not bashing anything. I don't drive one, but I don't really care if anyone else does. Granted, I would love it if everyone would drive more fuel-efficient vehicles since our dependence on oil plays a role in our international politics, but I think it's pretty clear that people won't make that kind of change unless they absolutely have to. It will take gas prices over $3-4.00 per gallon to affect that kind of change. Oh well. <shrug>

I have started to bicycle into work now. I take our son to daycare in the SUV and then drive back home (3 mi round trip) and then hop on the bike and go into work. (11 miles round trip)
That's awesome! I don't think I've driven in to work more than 5-6 times since April of this year when I decided to commute full time. I have a good laugh every morning as I ride past all the gridlocked traffic near Emory/CDC. My commute by car in light traffic is only about 15 min, but is bumped to 45+ during rush hour (particularly when Emory and other schools are in session). My commute by bike is right around 30 min since I can cut through some neighborhoods and parks that are either inaccesible or inconvenient for cars to use. Kinda sucks when it rains, but it's much less aggravating than driving if nothing else.



Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2001
Personally, I don't care what kind of vehicle a person decides to drive. My concern is the illusion that a four wheel drive vehicle with high ground clearance provides a safer driving experience. The problem seems to be driver error when there is a panic stop or loss of control. These vehicles have a high center of gravity and the wider tires can cause a driver to oversteer in an emergency situation. Rollover accidents are very common in SUV statistics.


Diamond Member
Oct 25, 1999
Originally posted by: MaDHaVoK
This is a good book with a lot of facts. Talks a lot about why SUVs are dangerous to cars and how the automobile industry is doing basically nothing about it. Also talks about how SUV owners are jerks, (insecure, less likely to volunteer, less likely to go to family events, ect) and no he didn't make that up, it is what Ford's, chevy's, ect own market research says abotu SUV drivers.
Your profile says you live in Buffalo and you can't see any reasons to own an SUV?
How much snow did you get over the last few years?
And what happened to this being a free country? Or are we only free to do what you would want us to?



Diamond Member
Oct 25, 1999
Originally posted by: Zedtom
Personally, I don't care what kind of vehicle a person decides to drive. My concern is the illusion that a four wheel drive vehicle with high ground clearance provides a safer driving experience. The problem seems to be driver error when there is a panic stop or loss of control. These vehicles have a high center of gravity and the wider tires can cause a driver to oversteer in an emergency situation. Rollover accidents are very common in SUV statistics.
Come on, you guys can't have it both ways. You say that SUV's are dangerous to cars....doesn't that imply that a nice big SUV is safer? So which is it?



Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by: PsychoAndy
Originally posted by: CPA
Oh brother, here we go again with Yet Another Thread Bashing People's Choice of Vehicle.

Its not so much bashing as it is a debate of the practicality of said choice.


I don't see anything mentioning praciticallity in this thread's original post. All I see is the author bashing someone for owning one: is more dangerous to cars, SUV owners are jerks, etc.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by: PG
Originally posted by: Zedtom
Personally, I don't care what kind of vehicle a person decides to drive. My concern is the illusion that a four wheel drive vehicle with high ground clearance provides a safer driving experience. The problem seems to be driver error when there is a panic stop or loss of control. These vehicles have a high center of gravity and the wider tires can cause a driver to oversteer in an emergency situation. Rollover accidents are very common in SUV statistics.
Come on, you guys can't have it both ways. You say that SUV's are dangerous to cars....doesn't that imply that a nice big SUV is safer? So which is it?

A point I was going to make. I guess I'm just lucky I don't get the same wrath of these whiners as SUV owners do. </hops into his GMC Hi-top custom van>



Senior member
Mar 7, 2001
Yes I am in buffalo... First off it is flat here... secondly in 7 feet of snow it doesn't matter if you have 4-wheel drive, you?re not going anywhere.
Seriously though... 4 wheel drive doesn't do anything for stopping... so we have all these people who get up to speed in bad conditions and they end up sliding through lights and rear ending people because they can't stop.

Yes this is a free country... but SUVs endanger my life in a car more than a minivan or another car. Do you have a right to threaten me like that? I am not even going into SUV drivers and their skills. But as usual SUV drivers are self centered and don't care about my rights to live !

You want an SUV fine.
1. Lets get a universal bumper height for cars and SUV
This way you don?t drive right over my car and don?t strike my car at head height on the sides.
2. Lets start meeting emission standards.


Jan 10, 2001
I drive an SUV and dont consider them unsafe BECAUSE I REALIZE THAT IT IS A TRUCK, NOT A SPORTS CAR! This is the number one reason for SUV rollovers. Do you think they just flip over for the fun of it? NO! They try taking a 15mph turn at 40 in a vehicle with a high center of gravity.

You want an SUV fine.
1. Lets get a universal bumper height for cars and SUV
This way you don?t drive right over my car and don?t strike my car at head height on the sides.

2. Lets start meeting emission standards.

You will have a whole lot of 4x4ers out to protest that one, i can guarantee you.


Golden Member
Apr 22, 2001
I really hate SUV whiners. A bad driver can be dangerous in ANY car. I drive a 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee because I like the look of it and I feel safer in it than in some mini sub-compact car.

So for all the SUV haters please feel free to step out in front of my SUV and stop me.


Dec 31, 2000
Originally posted by: MaDHaVoK
Yes I am in buffalo... First off it is flat here... secondly in 7 feet of snow it doesn't matter if you have 4-wheel drive, you?re not going anywhere.
Seriously though... 4 wheel drive doesn't do anything for stopping... so we have all these people who get up to speed in bad conditions and they end up sliding through lights and rear ending people because they can't stop.

Yes this is a free country... but SUVs endanger my life in a car more than a minivan or another car. Do you have a right to threaten me like that? I am not even going into SUV drivers and their skills. But as usual SUV drivers are self centered and don't care about my rights to live !

You want an SUV fine.
1. Lets get a universal bumper height for cars and SUV
This way you don?t drive right over my car and don?t strike my car at head height on the sides.
2. Lets start meeting emission standards.

Particulate or CO2? If you can believe it, the Ford Excursion (with a 6.8L V-10 no less) is a certified LEV.



Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2000
I'll buy what I want, pay for what I want to buy, and drive what I like to drive and what is practical for my situation and family. I drive a Yukon Denali right now, before that and Excursion, and before that several Tahoes, and Suburbans..................................I've had two wrecks in the past 22 years and both were because other people crossed the center line and hit me. My wife has never had an accident period and drives to and from Downtown St. Louis from here several times every week (54 miles one way). This report was torn apart by nearly all manufactures foreign and domestic and nearly all auto magazines for the authors overwhelmingly biased opinions and twisted facts............................take it for what you will and think what you want but I'll continue to drive what works best for me!
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