#1 reason to go with
www.anyf.ca is that:
we don't have to wonder if Future will pay the bills
it won't be dependent on ad impressions
we won't get caught up in Reddit (or Lemmy) nonsense
the forum is mostly vacant, meaning whoever shows up can imprint their own culture/ideals/way of doing things on the forum
The only wildcard is if
@Red Squirrel will keep it running, which is something he's done in the past
However, it would probably not be a good idea to migrate until we're sure the AT forums are going to follow the main site and enter archive mode.
Meanwhile, the AT forums still get a lot of visits and views. A LOT OF THEM. Like millions of views for certain hot threads. Granted some of that may be AI scraper/bot traffic. Regardless, ambitious community members could probably put together a Tiktok or YouTube channel just using forum content alone, assuming Future didn't pitch a fit over content rights.