Good times...


Jan 2, 2007
I was just browsing around the old Anandtech forums, and I found this: Doom 3 seems like ages ago
Although the technology has radically improved from back then, it seems funny to me how an argument breaks out just like it does nowadays. Now, instead of Doom 3, it's Crysis everyone's wondering about.


Mar 9, 2000
i hope you mean good times about the requirements and not the game which sucked donkey doohickies

and Q4 looked much nicer than D3 and PREY is absolutely *stunning* --with large outdoor areas ... and amazingly. not much higher requirements than the original D3.


Diamond Member
Jul 4, 2005
I play so much Doom 3 day, Ill look back and say good times. Since most games I play is with my brothers and friends.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
I thought that Doom 3's multi-player was quite decent, but the single-player was lacking, and was extremely predictable. Older Doom games own Doom 3 anytime. jDoom and Doom Absolution (Doom 64 port to PC with some extras) are still unbeaten in my book for old-school FPS game-play, with Painkiller as a close 2nd (it's just so exaggerated and funny). Prey and Quake IV were both superior to Doom 3, and Quake IV was my favorite between them all.


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2000
Doom3 - most contrived and gimmicky game ever. Sorry. Ducttape mod makes it a bit more bearable, but I still haven't finished it. I make about 1/2 hour worth of progress a month then go play something more fun.

I don't have Prey, but Q4 is fun when I'm in the mood for it.


Diamond Member
Jul 1, 2005
Originally posted by: Painman
Doom3 - most contrived and gimmicky game ever. Sorry. Ducttape mod makes it a bit more bearable, but I still haven't finished it. I make about 1/2 hour worth of progress a month then go play something more fun.

Haha, exactly. I bought the game over a year ago for 9.99 new at ebgames and I haven't finished it. It gets old having the same thing happen over, and over and over and over.....and over again.

Is there a mod that makes all the levels bright? I used that duct-tape mod and it was OK. But it just gets old, everytime you round a corner, there's a lather, rinse, repeat



Oct 31, 2006
Aside from the fact that you knew a monster was going to just pop out at you every time you turned a corner, my problem with D3 was that they hyped the graphics up so much and then just made it pitch black so you couldn't even appreciate it. "Yeah man, our graphics are AMAZING. ... Oh but you only get to look at them in a 3 foot diameter circle at a time."

I just really hate the whole "dark flashlight game" concept. FEAR did it to an extent too, not as bad as D3, but still enough to bug me.


Senior member
May 10, 2002
I enjoyed it quite a bit, but then again I wasn't expecting anything more than it was. HL2 and FEAR on the other hand... People raved about great visuals and storyline, and they were just pathetic.

HL2 had better character models, but the environments were hardly impressive. The storyline was dull. The characters that were supposed to be part of the story just kind of showed up here and there, and I had no attachment to them at all. I mean, were you supposed to actually care about that woman (can't even remember her name) that gets caught in the explosion at the end? The AI was pathetic and I just gave up on trying to keep NPC's alive. Speaking of contrived, why does everyone think G-Man (is that right?) is actually a worthwhile addition to the story? He is simply thrown in to try to add some kind of mystery to the game, but in reality serves no purpose whatsoever.

As for FEAR, the storyline was ok, but the environments were absolutely terrible. Talk about "lather, rinse, repeat". There were, what, two different types of environments (and mostly offices)? The creepy cutscenes were neat, but few and far between. The demo pretty much contains everything anyone needs to see in that game.

Doom III was not a masterpiece of storytelling or gameplay, but I don't think anyone really thought it was going to be (I know I didn't). It had great visuals (it wasn't hard to adjust the gamma and add the duct-tape mod), and provided a few hours of pointless monster killing, which is precisely what I was expecting.

Cookie Monster

Diamond Member
May 7, 2005
I have no idea why people would turn up gamma, or use the duct tape mod in doom3. Id say theyre just scared of the dark, just holding a flash light in there hands. They excuse themselves by saying its annoying, but i call it shens.

Ive played it couple of times, first time being the best of course (especially the start of the invasion), and ive never seen the need to turn up the brightness nor use any sort of flash light mod. I thought the game was pretty good overall, especially when you get to go to the depth of hell and back. God the guardian scared the ****** out of me.. good times

Surround sound, 12 o clock midnight .gusty winds... rain.. good times.


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2000
Scared of the dark? Pfft. More like being thrust into the dark over and over as a hackneyed device and groaning every time. As soon as you enter the inky black you know what's going to happen. It's just a matter of when.

Scariest place I've visited in a computer game in recent memory - Thief: Deadly Shadows, Shalebridge Cradle mission.

My all-time winner for pervasive sense of dread that gets you hiding in closets for respite - System Shock 2.


Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
I agree that fear got boring, but best ending in a game ever. Maybe I will try to finish doom3. Paid big money and got bored. Oh well that has happened with other games also.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: ronnn
I agree that fear got boring, but best ending in a game ever. Maybe I will try to finish doom3. Paid big money and got bored. Oh well that has happened with other games also.

i started a recent thread in SW/Games

What do you Do with your *old* PC games?

*trade* 'em

and i am currently playing VtMB {Vampire:Bloodlines} - a game i traded Red Faction for - which has 10 times the suspense of D3 ...


Diamond Member
Jul 1, 2005
Originally posted by: Cookie Monster
I have no idea why people would turn up gamma, or use the duct tape mod in doom3. Id say theyre just scared of the dark, just holding a flash light in there hands. They excuse themselves by saying its annoying, but i call it shens.

Ive played it couple of times, first time being the best of course (especially the start of the invasion), and ive never seen the need to turn up the brightness nor use any sort of flash light mod. I thought the game was pretty good overall, especially when you get to go to the depth of hell and back. God the guardian scared the ****** out of me.. good times

Surround sound, 12 o clock midnight .gusty winds... rain.. good times.

I agree to some point. At first I was scared a bit and would be nice to have some light. But then I realized that everytime I turned a corner, there would be a zombie...every new room, go in, turn to the right or left (because there will be a hidden compartment that a zombie will lurk out of) and just start shooting. I mean honestly, scary is scary once or twice, but then it just becomes mindless repetition. Once you know what to expect, how can you possibly be scared?


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Modular
Originally posted by: Cookie Monster
I have no idea why people would turn up gamma, or use the duct tape mod in doom3. Id say theyre just scared of the dark, just holding a flash light in there hands. They excuse themselves by saying its annoying, but i call it shens.

Ive played it couple of times, first time being the best of course (especially the start of the invasion), and ive never seen the need to turn up the brightness nor use any sort of flash light mod. I thought the game was pretty good overall, especially when you get to go to the depth of hell and back. God the guardian scared the ****** out of me.. good times

Surround sound, 12 o clock midnight .gusty winds... rain.. good times.

I agree to some point. At first I was scared a bit and would be nice to have some light. But then I realized that everytime I turned a corner, there would be a zombie...every new room, go in, turn to the right or left (because there will be a hidden compartment that a zombie will lurk out of) and just start shooting. I mean honestly, scary is scary once or twice, but then it just becomes mindless repetition. Once you know what to expect, how can you possibly be scared?

it's called "Suspension of Disbelief*
Suspension of disbelief refers primarily to the willingness of a reader or viewer to accept the premises of a work of fiction, even if they are fantastic or impossible. It also refers to the willingness of the audience to overlook the limitations of a medium, so that these do not interfere with the illusion. However, suspension of disbelief is a quid pro quo: the audience agrees to provisionally suspend their judgment in exchange for the promise of entertainment.

Some of us can do that - easily

i was very *critical* of D3

i would be in this group:
Inconsistencies or plot holes that violate the initial premises, established canon, continuity, or common sense, are often viewed as breaking this agreement. For particularly loyal fans, these 'dealbreakers' are usually accompanied by a sense of betrayal. However, the extent to which the suspension has been compromised is often dependent on the beholder. A physicist, for example, may be more likely to question a fantastical breach of known physics, while an architect's suspension of disbelief may be damaged by being introduced to a building of unrealistic proportions. Similarly, 'common sense' is a relative term, and so the same piece of fiction may stand up or not depending on the particular audience.


Jan 2, 2007
Originally posted by: zoozilla
it seems funny to me how an argument breaks out just like it does nowadays. Now, instead of Doom 3, it's Crysis everyone's wondering about.

It's true, you know....the evidence is in this thread.



Jul 21, 2000
When Doom 3 came out the times were very different. ATI and nVidia were competetive. Right now we know nVidia will PWN ATI so long as R600 remains on hiatus.

People always wonder how the cutting edge games will run on modern hardware.

Doom 3 drove waaaay more speculation because Carmack's engines have typically driven a large portion of the gaming industry, although I didn't see the slew of games running on the Doom 3 engine like I initially expected.


Aug 14, 2000
I thought Doom 3 SP was awesome - one of the best games I've ever played. :thumbsup:


Senior member
May 9, 2006
Originally posted by: zoozilla
I was just browsing around the old Anandtech forums, and I found this: Doom 3 seems like ages ago
Although the technology has radically improved from back then, it seems funny to me how an argument breaks out just like it does nowadays. Now, instead of Doom 3, it's Crysis everyone's wondering about.

Going back onto the technology comment, I tottaly agree.

Even though it's not actually THAT old in reality, I did remember the internet fad of posting pictures of really old computers and saying "Gonna rock Doom 3".

If you really want to get Nostalgic, you have to go back to the VooDoo 2 & 3 days. Back then, an upgrade from a 2 to a 3 was like the second coming.

Then I remember the whole Geforce MX to Geforce Ti, which was simply apples and oranges. Ah memories...


Oct 13, 2004
Played it with mates after the pub at college, in the pitch black with surround cranked Our neighbours hated us

Never finished it tho. I sill can't stand the engine, even in PREY. So plastic-y, and the only engine i ever have to use vsync it tears so incredibly badly.


Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2005
Originally posted by: Tanclearas
I enjoyed it quite a bit, but then again I wasn't expecting anything more than it was. HL2 and FEAR on the other hand... People raved about great visuals and storyline, and they were just pathetic.

HL2 had better character models, but the environments were hardly impressive. The storyline was dull. The characters that were supposed to be part of the story just kind of showed up here and there, and I had no attachment to them at all. I mean, were you supposed to actually care about that woman (can't even remember her name) that gets caught in the explosion at the end? The AI was pathetic and I just gave up on trying to keep NPC's alive. Speaking of contrived, why does everyone think G-Man (is that right?) is actually a worthwhile addition to the story? He is simply thrown in to try to add some kind of mystery to the game, but in reality serves no purpose whatsoever.

As for FEAR, the storyline was ok, but the environments were absolutely terrible. Talk about "lather, rinse, repeat". There were, what, two different types of environments (and mostly offices)? The creepy cutscenes were neat, but few and far between. The demo pretty much contains everything anyone needs to see in that game.

Doom III was not a masterpiece of storytelling or gameplay, but I don't think anyone really thought it was going to be (I know I didn't). It had great visuals (it wasn't hard to adjust the gamma and add the duct-tape mod), and provided a few hours of pointless monster killing, which is precisely what I was expecting.

What DO you like then?

I liked HL2 for its graphics (not extremely explorable worlds , which i would like), I liked it's mysterious storyline, I didnt have attachment to any NPC's which i felt was missing..

you were never really with your buddies for long

FEAR was fun shooting gameplay, the AI was pretty good, the cutscenes were nice. Worst thing was the maps, completely ****** (they made up for that in FEAR XP though).

Doom 3 had no story but it was dark and scary (the first time) which made it good. At the time it had breakthrough graphics, but I cant really stand the engine besides the SFX


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2004
I liked Doom 3 overall, leaving aside the frameskipping problem with that graphics engine. It was nothing groundbreaking, but it was still a fairly solid and fun FPS and the numerous PDAs gave an otherwise generic story a lot of depth.

Although the best games I've played in the last three years are easily Chronicles of Riddick and Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. Nothing else I've seen comes close.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: CP5670
I liked Doom 3 overall, leaving aside the frameskipping problem with that graphics engine. It was nothing groundbreaking, but it was still a fairly solid and fun FPS and the numerous PDAs gave an otherwise generic story a lot of depth.

Although the best games I've played in the last three years are easily Chronicles of Riddick and Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. Nothing else I've seen comes close.

what " frameskipping problem with that graphics engine"

at least it isn't a creeky old shadowless engine like buggy "ssssSS-Souce"

and the "plastic look" is on purpose
-blame the devs, not the Engine

and try something *other* than FPS ... there have been a LOT of great PC games in the last three years you ignore by 'limiting yourself'.


Senior member
May 17, 2005
Doom 3 is the most boring game I've ever played, and also I can't bring myself to finish it, it's just too tedious. I have much better things to do with my time.
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