Google/Motorola Mobility’s Moto X Outpaces Competition with New Innovations


Feb 1, 2001
According to ABI Research firm

When comparing the latest offerings, Google (Motorola Mobility) trumps Apple in engineering design and creativity reports ABI Research. Apple’s latest offerings, IPhone 5c and IPhone 5s, show only minor improvements over last year’s iPhone 5 while Motorola Mobility’s 3rd quarter offering, the Moto X, shows a number of creative engineering solutions.

Motorola was also the one came up with fingerprint scanner on its Atrix HD 4G before Apple Iphone 5s as mentioned in the report.
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Platinum Member
Apr 30, 2012
Amen! Moto X is grossly underrated due to having dual core processor and 720p. I think its the best overall mobile phone avaiable.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2007
I'm not sure who ABI is, but the article didn't sound very professional and seemed like just the ramblings of an Apple hater.

I love Android, but you can count me amongst those underwhelmed with the Moto X. Though admittedly I'm saying this without ever touching the phone.

The Moto X's innovations are things I really don't care about. At first I thought the camera shake gesture would be kinda cool, but reviewers showed that's very flakey and you will probably need to shake a few times. And talking to my phone is a feature I play with once and never use again.

I have a work issued iPhone 5S and I LOVE the fingerprint scanner. I really hope this trickles back over to Android again. I hear the Atrix HD had this feature, but I'm guessing their implementation must not have been good or it was just too early for the technology. Hopefully the Nexus 6 (or whatever next year's Nexus is called) includes a fingerprint scanner.

The article bashed Apple for using the same design as last year. At first I thought this was stupid too. But it's actually pretty nice for those customers that buy a new phone every year. With Apple phones, you only have to buy cases/accessories every other year since iPhone 5 cases and accessories can be reused with 5S phones. I now kinda wish Google would do this with Nexus phones (though finding a good design doesn't seem to be so easy on the Android side).

Probably the innovation I most like about the Moto X is the customizability of the phone. Being able to pick being a variety of colors for fronts, backs, and accents is really nice. But then Motorola went and screwed up it's best feature by making it AT&T exclusive. Ugh.

Probably for the best, I think the Nexus 5 will be worth the wait.
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Nov 23, 2003
It is a nice device that offers a lot of features. I just don't see any reason to spend $600 on it. Personally, I'm waiting for the Nexus 5.


Golden Member
Nov 5, 2006
I upgraded to the Moto X on Verizon, from a Galaxy Nexus. It is hands-down the best phone I've ever laid my hands on - even having experienced HTC One, the Galaxy S4, the Note 2, XPeria Z...

It's just damn responsive. It's so well optimized. Never a hiccup, never any lag - even web browsing is tolerable. The screen is very bright, and very clear - though it is still hard to see in the direct sunlight. Battery life is good, and I've gone for 18 hour stretches with 2 or 3 hours of screen-on time with STILL 20/30% battery life to spare. I run live wallpapers on it too, with no lag at all - which is something I haven't seen on a phone before. The 720p probably helps.

I used to be a modder. All of my phones were rooted and custom ROM's were installed every month or so. I've done neither yet on the Moto X... and don't really have a desire to. I just feel like it's a really well-made device, and that I don't need/want the headache that custom ROM's can bring.

My only complaint is that I couldn't get it in a color because Verizon sucks.

Oh, and the "OK Google Now" sometimes doesn't hear me.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2008
motox is way behind other brands on the things that matter--screen, cpu and camera. plus no replaceable battery and no expandable storage. i hope it doesnt sell, esp after releasing that junk with so much hype and lying about price for so long
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Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2000
Amen! Moto X is grossly underrated due to having dual core processor and 720p. I think its the best overall mobile phone avaiable.
Not for the price.
If it was $450-500(or $100 with contract) though and not $600(or $200 with contract) like it is today, I'd 100% agree with the original guy's statement...Until the Nexus 5 arrives that is.


Senior member
Oct 16, 2009
At the $110 I paid for it, it was well worth it. Only the more rabid android fan sites spread rumors about a low price as click bait. Anyone who believed them was suffering from wishful thinking.

Active Notifications is the killer feature for me. Even if the phone has stopped "breathing" notifications at you, moving it will start them up again. And unlike Samsung's "roll effect", it doesn't chew up battery by lighting the whole screen.

Having said that, the "ABI Research" article is clearly just an ad for their teardown services - i.e. more click bait.

If it was $450-500(or $100 with contract) though and not $600(or $200 with contract) like it is today, I'd 100% agree with the original guy's statement...Until the Nexus 5 arrives that is.
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Aug 8, 2001
The Moto X was too late and too expensive to show up and be the runaway success it could have been. It should have been out at the same time as the HTC One and GS4, but shipping months later with an unimpressive camera did it no favors. I don't care if people want to rave about talking to the phone, the carpal tunnel inducing gesture to use the camera, or whatever else, it really should have been cheaper at launch.

They pretty much have to slash prices now because the next generation of Snapdragon 800 based phones are on the market and the new Nexus 4 is on the way.

I still think it's a good phone, just not a great value. I'm still sold on the features of the HTC One even 6 months after buying... uh... one, while the Moto X features will mostly appeal to people who already enjoy the Google Now stuff and the way the Moto X handles notifications. Personally, none of that matters to me. I'd much rather look at the Nexus 4 in a couple of weeks, as far as I am concerned the Moto X had a really short lifespan as a competitor.


Aug 8, 2001
I think some people have to read a little bit more before talk shit all over Internet...

Top Motorola engineer defends Moto X specs (Q&A)
Iqbal Arshad, one of Moto's top engineers, says that critics of the Moto X don't understand the revolutionary design of the new product, as he points out the merits of the new device in a Q&A interview with CNET.

Aside from that article being nearly two months old now, if you read a lot more you'll see that the Moto X was pretty much an internally delayed product and that Motorola had no intention originally of shipping a phone with previous generation hardware, but that's what ended up happening. Not surprising considering it was the first of the Google/Motorola phones.

They can spin the phone as being more advanced in features or being a better experience - and it's fine if you agree - but the fact remains that it is worse hardware in almost every regard than the other $600 smart phones that were out at its launch. You can argue that it doesn't matter for the processor, but not for the camera (which was only recently updated to make it a bit better, but this again would indicate they rushed the Moto X to market).

It has only been two months, but I don't see anyone buying the Moto X when the new Nexus 4 comes out.


Jan 12, 2005
Active Notifications is the killer feature for me. Even if the phone has stopped "breathing" notifications at you, moving it will start them up again. And unlike Samsung's "roll effect", it doesn't chew up battery by lighting the whole screen.

There's been apps around for ages that do that if you've wanted them. Not really sure why people are suddenly excited about it.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2008
Aside from that article being nearly two months old now, if you read a lot more you'll see that the Moto X was pretty much an internally delayed product and that Motorola had no intention originally of shipping a phone with previous generation hardware, but that's what ended up happening. Not surprising considering it was the first of the Google/Motorola phones.

They can spin the phone as being more advanced in features or being a better experience - and it's fine if you agree - but the fact remains that it is worse hardware in almost every regard than the other $600 smart phones that were out at its launch. You can argue that it doesn't matter for the processor, but not for the camera (which was only recently updated to make it a bit better, but this again would indicate they rushed the Moto X to market).

It has only been two months, but I don't see anyone buying the Moto X when the new Nexus 4 comes out.

lol unfortunately for motorola, people arent as stupid as they wish we were. people know theres nothing "innovative" about a phone that has last years cpu and screen, even if they spend $500 mil on disinformation


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2008
Aside from that article being nearly two months old now, if you read a lot more you'll see that the Moto X was pretty much an internally delayed product and that Motorola had no intention originally of shipping a phone with previous generation hardware, but that's what ended up happening. Not surprising considering it was the first of the Google/Motorola phones.

They can spin the phone as being more advanced in features or being a better experience - and it's fine if you agree - but the fact remains that it is worse hardware in almost every regard than the other $600 smart phones that were out at its launch. You can argue that it doesn't matter for the processor, but not for the camera (which was only recently updated to make it a bit better, but this again would indicate they rushed the Moto X to market).

It has only been two months, but I don't see anyone buying the Moto X when the new Nexus 4 comes out.

i dont get anyone buying it with sg4 and iphone 5 out, let alone note 3, g2 and 5s


aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
It doesn't count if your implementation sucks.

Of course it counts, but that doesn't mean somebody else can't one up you. The reader on the atrix worked fine for me, it was just only useful for unlocking.


Platinum Member
Apr 30, 2012
Too many people basing their opinion on blogs and online posts. Moto X feels more responsive than the top selling quad core S4 and the camera has been vastly improved by latest update. 720p none-pentile amoled is IMO better than1080p pentile. Don't want to use the gimmicky flip to open camera? Then do it like iPhone and Samsung S4, you got nothing to lose there. There is no android phone out there that feels as optimized as this phone.

Its form factor is also one of a kind, large enough screen on a small phone is a win in my book. I also prefer Kevlar over plastic and aluminum. I hatw using phone cases and Kevlar solves the problem for me because its much more durable.
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Senior member
Oct 16, 2009
There's been apps around for ages that do that if you've wanted them. Not really sure why people are suddenly excited about it.

Because of how well integrated it is. Swipe up, and the app that's the source of the notification opens. Swipe sideways and the notification goes away.

And it doesn't burn battery life by switching on the entire screen to display the notifications. All you get is a gently pulsing icon until you touch the phone.

What if the display is off? Move the phone and the icon (or clock) appears until you touch it.

I rarely use the power button anymore.

lol unfortunately for motorola, people arent as stupid as they wish we were. people know theres nothing "innovative" about a phone that has last years cpu and screen, even if they spend $500 mil on disinformation

Not everyone feels their phone has to compensate for some other inadequacy.


Senior member
Jun 19, 2001
The Moto X is so damn usable, I don't even think I can consider the new Nexus when it's released. Moto has raised the bar.

-No lag, ever
-Active notifications is a killer feature that can't be properly replicated on other phones with an app.
-Moto Assist is brilliant; it immediately knows when you are driving, and acts accordingly (reading texts aloud, prompting to answer calls by voice command, etc). Again, the apps that offer these features aren't nearly as well-integrated.
-The form factor is perfect. The HTC One, Note 3, LG G2, S4, etc all feel ridiculous in the hand compared to the Moto X.
-"Always Listening" voice control is mostly a gimmick, but quite useful when driving.
-Battery life is astounding for such a compact device. I haven't had less than 50% battery left after a 14 hour day yet. This is mostly due to Active Notifications, which give you the info you need without an unlock.

The screen is great, I can't resolve the pixels, so I don't know how 1080 lines would improve on 720. Since there is no lag, I don't see what more cores would offer me (I don't use my phone to calculate Pi out to a quadrillion digits). The camera isn't amazing (no phone camera is going to touch a DSLR anyway), but the camera software is very snappy and intuitive.

I think too many people looked at the spec sheet and dismissed this phone. Use one for a day, and you won't be able to go back to another phone.


Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2002
My moto X arrives today and I am very excited about it.

I have had exclusively nexus device smart phones, interupted by 10 days with an iphone4 and about 2 weeks with a lumia 920.

I had the nexus 1, galaxy nexus, and nexus 4. as great and sometimes as innovative as those phones seemed, I think the moto X is everything and more those phones, mainly the GN and N4 wanted to be.

off the bat, the specs mean SQUAT. I totally wrote this phone off based on specs... a dual core s4 with a 720 display... come on, that's barely midrange.... but that's just it, the specs are nothing more than numbers. Go hold the phone, go use the features. it does things no other phone can do (but should) and it does so effortlessly. My wife has an S4, and the motoX I used in store is the snappiest phone I have personally used.

The S4 is a great phone, great display, but I feel the whole experience is killed by touchwiz. the moto X has basically vanilla android with just a touch of goodies that doesn't spoil it.

is the phone overpriced? maybe. I opted for the 32 gig model at 249 on contract. if you go off specs alone, I would say yes, it's overpriced, but not based on features and experience.

Time will tell how much I like this phone. My only concern on the phone is the subpar camera.... though coming from nexus devices, I am sure it will be a big step up from what I am used to.

watching reviews online, you can tell the ones that have used the phone vs just talking about specs on paper.

and the moto maker option is just a great little bonus.


Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2002
i dont get anyone buying it with sg4 and iphone 5 out, let alone note 3, g2 and 5s

I shopped the note 3... bought my wife an S4 a couple weeks ago.

The note 3 beyond the bigger screen doesn't do it for me. I personally can't stand touchwiz regardless of how spec'd out the phone is.

I regret buying my wife an S4. I only paid 108 bucks for it via amazon vs the 267 (shipped) price I paid for my moto X. I completely wrote off the moto X, when it was announced based on the specs. NEVER considered one until I played with one in store when shopping the note 3. You pick up a note 3 and you say holey sh!t this is a big phone, nice screen... yeah, it's got a stylus and it does a few neat tricks I might use now and again, but that's it.

pick up the moto X and wow this thing is snappy, feels like vanilla android, feels great in the hand, big enough screen in a very small footprint - all that in about 5 seconds of holding the device. Until you have at least held the phone in your hand and get versed in it's functionality, it's ignorant to simply state that a note 3, iphone 5, etc are "better" phones.

as of right now, my main concern is no removable battery... loved having multiple batteries on the GN I am currently using.
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Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2005
Sorry, but Motorola isn't innovative. No one is buying a Moto X with so many other top tier phones available.


Senior member
Jun 19, 2001
Sorry, but Motorola isn't innovative. No one is buying a Moto X with so many other top tier phones available.

Moto X forums are full of people that sold their S4s and HTC Ones in favor of the Moto X. You can't use a Moto X for a day without being won over by it. I don't know or care if it's "innovative" but it's the most usable android phone yet.
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