GOP Convention omnibus Thread:9-2-04 Bush taking Center Stage


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
8-25-2004 RNC Delegates Prepare for Fun, Not Work ">;sid=96378798</a>

NEW YORK - It's not exactly backbreaking work. Go to the Statue of Liberty. See "Aida" on Broadway. Shop at Bloomingdale's. Ride a tour boat around the isle of Manhattan. Buy a funny hat.

"There was a time you did things all day long," said Sen. Pete Domenici The 4,853 delegates and alternates to the convention aren't coming just for business. They're coming here for fun.

And so, with the party focused on presenting a shiny, prime-time television show ? and with nearly everything decided beforehand including the party platform ? the Republicans arrive Sunday in the Big Apple with a lot of spare time on their hands. For the entire four-day convention, there is only one scheduled daytime session to conduct party business ? from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Monday.

Jonathan Collard, a 25-year-old public affairs specialist from Albuquerque, N.M., couldn't be happier with the light workload. He's also pleased to be on the guest list for a Monday reception honoring the party's rising female stars.

"I'm single," said Collard. "I guess that could be a motivator."

Hey CAD, Bush will be in Iowa again before heading straight to NYC Wednesday.

I started a seperate thread for the GOP Convention Protests.

Here is the GOP Convention and scheduling itself:

8-24-2004 Bush to Stump in 8 States on Way to NYC "></a>

Those traveling with the president include high-profile, independent-minded politicians who could expand his base of support:

Rudy Giuliani, the former New York City mayor who led the city's recovery after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks;
Sen. Zell Miller, a Georgia Democrat who backs Bush;
Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who has opposed gay marriage in his state;
Arizona Sen. John McCain, a staunch supporter of the president's policies in Iraq.

Bush will visit New Mexico, Florida, Ohio, West Virginia, New Hampshire, Michigan, Tennessee and Iowa before arriving in New York to accept the party's nomination on Sept. 2.

Thursday: Three stops in New Mexico. Giuliani, who addresses the convention on Monday, will be with Bush for rallies in Las Cruces, Farmington and Albuquerque.

Friday: Florida to rally voters in Miami in hopes of expanding the razor-thin victory he had there in 2000. The president will be joined by Miller, this year's keynote convention speaker.

Saturday: Ohio with stops in Troy, Maumee-Fort Meigs and Lima.

Sunday: Wheeling, W.Va.

Monday: Detroit and in Nashua, N.H., where he will be joined by Romney.

Tuesday: Nashville and then in Alleman, Iowa, where he will be joined by McCain, a day after McCain addresses the convention. In Nashville, Bush will address a gathering of the American Legion before going to a farm show in Iowa.

Wednesday: Columbus, Ohio, before traveling to New York City. Bush will stay in New York and address the convention on Thursday.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
I will be at the GOPUnConvention on Thursday evening DJing/MCing the event:

The venue for our party has been finalized. The UnConvention will take place at Louisiana Grill at 2223 N. Causeway in Mandeville. There will be music by Park Avenue DJ, food and a cash bar. Everyone is invited to join us September 2 at 8:00pm for the UnConvention!

I can walk to the party from where I am


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003
Is it me, or are they strutting out everyone that does not represent the current Neocon Administration? They are hiding the real right wingers and doing some false advertising.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
8-25-2004 RNC Delegates Prepare for Fun, Not Work

NEW YORK - It's not exactly backbreaking work. Go to the Statue of Liberty. See "Aida" on Broadway. Shop at Bloomingdale's. Ride a tour boat around the isle of Manhattan. Buy a funny hat.

"There was a time you did things all day long," said Sen. Pete Domenici The 4,853 delegates and alternates to the convention aren't coming just for business. They're coming here for fun.

And so, with the party focused on presenting a shiny, prime-time television show ? and with nearly everything decided beforehand including the party platform ? the Republicans arrive Sunday in the Big Apple with a lot of spare time on their hands. For the entire four-day convention, there is only one scheduled daytime session to conduct party business ? from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Monday.

Jonathan Collard, a 25-year-old public affairs specialist from Albuquerque, N.M., couldn't be happier with the light workload. He's also pleased to be on the guest list for a Monday reception honoring the party's rising female stars.

"I'm single," said Collard. "I guess that could be a motivator."


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Todd33
Is it me, or are they strutting out everyone that does not represent the current Neocon Administration? They are hiding the real right wingers and doing some false advertising.

Bush: The Great Obfuscator.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 2003
I remember just before the DNC Convention the big talk was all the hookers that were going to be in boston during the convention....


Nov 29, 1999
Originally posted by: GoPackGo
I remember just before the DNC Convention the big talk was all the hookers that were going to be in boston during the convention....
That's just not true. I know for a fact that each and every attendee at the DNC worked their butts off from sunup to sundown every single day, then went home to thier loving families and spent some quality time together, studying the Constitution and singing patriotic songs, all the while figuring out which of their meager possesions they were going to sell to raise money for charity this week.

This is the group that cares about the people, unlike those wealthy, hedonistic Republicans!


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
Originally posted by: GoPackGo
I remember just before the DNC Convention the big talk was all the hookers that were going to be in boston during the convention....
That's just not true. I know for a fact that each and every attendee at the DNC worked their butts off from sunup to sundown every single day, then went home to thier loving families and spent some quality time together, studying the Constitution and singing patriotic songs, all the while figuring out which of their meager possesions they were going to sell to raise money for charity this week.

This is the group that cares about the people, unlike those wealthy, hedonistic Republicans!

Those poor Boston Hookers, guess they didn't do so well then huh


Senior member
Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
8-25-2004 RNC Delegates Prepare for Fun, Not Work

NEW YORK - It's not exactly backbreaking work. Go to the Statue of Liberty. See "Aida" on Broadway. Shop at Bloomingdale's. Ride a tour boat around the isle of Manhattan. Buy a funny hat.

"There was a time you did things all day long," said Sen. Pete Domenici The 4,853 delegates and alternates to the convention aren't coming just for business. They're coming here for fun.

And so, with the party focused on presenting a shiny, prime-time television show ? and with nearly everything decided beforehand including the party platform ? the Republicans arrive Sunday in the Big Apple with a lot of spare time on their hands. For the entire four-day convention, there is only one scheduled daytime session to conduct party business ? from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Monday.

Jonathan Collard, a 25-year-old public affairs specialist from Albuquerque, N.M., couldn't be happier with the light workload. He's also pleased to be on the guest list for a Monday reception honoring the party's rising female stars.

"I'm single," said Collard. "I guess that could be a motivator."

I would recommend the Hellfire Club down at 14th and, I think, 10th Ave. After a few good spankings they walk west 2 blocks and go to Hogs and Heefers, and watch the girls jump on the bar and strip.


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2000
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
8-25-2004 RNC Delegates Prepare for Fun, Not Work

The 4,853 delegates and alternates to the convention aren't coming just for business. They're coming here for fun.

Now let me get this straight, you generally bitch to holy hades that Fox twists the truth yet look at the material you cite and then compare it with what you actually end up about hypocracy. And if I remember correctly the DNC was also refered to as a "party" about making a mountain out of a molehill, pretty sad Dave-o.


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
The Republicans having fun really isn't a big deal. We all like to have fun, don't we?

But the reasoning behind having the convention in NY (where Kerry leads by about 25%) is truly the item that's questionable.


Aug 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
The Republicans having fun really isn't a big deal. We all like to have fun, don't we?

But the reasoning behind having the convention in NY (where Kerry leads by about 25%) is truly the item that's questionable.

the neo cons will do anything for having the best sex workers money can buy, even if it means moving the convention to a very strong democratic state.


Mar 24, 2000
Originally posted by: Cipherous
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
The Republicans having fun really isn't a big deal. We all like to have fun, don't we?

But the reasoning behind having the convention in NY (where Kerry leads by about 25%) is truly the item that's questionable.

the neo cons will do anything for having the best sex workers money can buy, even if it means moving the convention to a very strong democratic state.

Obviously they should have gone to Vegas. As we've already established - Democrats are into crack-ho's, republicans like call-girls.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: bozack
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
8-25-2004 RNC Delegates Prepare for Fun, Not Work

The 4,853 delegates and alternates to the convention aren't coming just for business. They're coming here for fun.

Now let me get this straight, you generally bitch to holy hades that Fox twists the truth yet look at the material you cite and then compare it with what you actually end up about hypocracy. And if I remember correctly the DNC was also refered to as a "party" about making a mountain out of a molehill, pretty sad Dave-o.

Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
The Republicans having fun really isn't a big deal. We all like to have fun, don't we?

But the reasoning behind having the convention in NY (where Kerry leads by about 25%) is truly the item that's questionable.

Exactly. Guess Bush isn't so proud of Texas afterall heh? They should be hooping it up in Dallas or any of the other Cities in Texas.



No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
From Drudge:
A welcome e-mail that was sent to hundreds of volunteers for the Republican National Convention inadvertently included the name, address, Social Security number, race and other personal information of those volunteers...


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Bush Gets GOP Platform He Wants,1,2781476.story?coll=la-home-headlines
NEW YORK ? President Bush got just what he wanted today from Republican platform writers: a tightly controlled, highly conservative statement of party principles that lauds his administration and glosses over internal dissent.

The platform drafted by a 110-member delegate committee, scheduled to be ratified after the Republican National Convention begins Monday, is a paean to Bush's record in office and a guide to at least some of his goals for a second term.

It backs Bush's offensive against terrorists and his invasion of Iraq, urges Congress to make the president's tax cuts permanent and defends his education program known as "No Child Left Behind." It also reiterates the party's longtime opposition to abortion rights and takes a firm stand against gay marriage, echoing Bush's views on those and other social issues.

"This platform makes clear that the American people will have a choice on Nov. 2," the preamble states, framing the contest between Bush and Sen. John F. Kerry of Massachusetts, the Democratic challenger. "A choice between strength and uncertainty. A choice between results and rhetoric. A choice between optimism and pessimism. A choice between opportunity and dependence. A choice between freedom and fear."

However, critics said that the platform ? titled "A Safer and More Hopeful America" ? was loaded with hard-line policy positions that belie the lineup of prime-time convention speakers featuring such party moderates as former New York Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani and California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Both favor abortion rights and gay rights.

"The bottom line is, the platform still says we're not welcome," said Ann Stone, leader of an abortion rights group called Republicans for Choice. She said language inserted into the platform to "respect and accept" differing viewpoints was "a crumb, pathetic."

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.), chairman of the platform committee, said he was pleased with a document that hewed to Bush policies. He said he couldn't think of any instance in which the platform differed from the administration position.

Colorado Gov. Bill Owens, co-chairman of the committee, said: "This platform committee debated. We occasionally argued, but we did it in a way that led to a very united platform and a very united party."

While the platform backs Bush positions enthusiastically, drafters squirmed over some administration policies. These tensions were especially apparent during a committee debate on education.

At one point, Linda Davis, a delegate from North Carolina, sought to delete a passage that boasted that Bush and the GOP-led Congress had provided "the largest increase in education funding in history."

This rhetoric, a standard GOP line these days in Washington, "somehow doesn't sound like the Republican Party to me," Davis said.

But others said that the money complemented Bush's school reforms and that the platform plank rebutted liberal criticism of the No Child Left Behind law.

"We would do the president a great disservice if we cut this language," said Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, another delegate. "The left likes nothing better than to call this a huge unfunded mandate, when it's not."

The committee voted to keep the passage.

At another point, delegates inserted a plank that stresses that education is primarily a local concern. That is a sensitive point to some Republicans who fear that the president's education program ? requiring testing of students in reading and math, and measurement of their progress from year to year ? intrudes too far into local affairs.

Delegates also debated at length whether to delete a sentence that declared: "Public education is a foundation of a free, civil society."

Some feared that the plank gave short shrift to private education and home schooling.

A motion to strike the sentence fell short. But a compromise was struck: "Public education, access for every child to excellent education, is a foundation of a free, civil society."


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Is this the RNC or the 700 Club?

The delegates speaking keep preaching...talking about their belief in God and Jesus Christ.

This is pathetic.
Jan 12, 2003
Originally posted by: conjur
Is this the RNC or the 700 Club?

The delegates speaking keep preaching...talking about their belief in God and Jesus Christ.

This is pathetic.

Hey, did you know that Kerry served in Vietnam? Maybe we, too, should spend the entire convention talking about that...and have a crackhead talk about mules and $40.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: xxxxxJohnGaltxxxxx
Originally posted by: conjur
Is this the RNC or the 700 Club?

The delegates speaking keep preaching...talking about their belief in God and Jesus Christ.

This is pathetic.

Hey, did you know that Kerry served in Vietnam? Maybe we, too, should spend the entire convention talking about that...and have a crackhead talk about mules and $40.

Your post would have merit if the entire DNC was about Kerry's Vietnam service. As is stands, the DNC was not about Kerry's Vietnam service but, rather, the fact that Help Is On The Way!

I despise the use of 9/11 as a political crutch for a failed administration. Bush is denigrating the disaster for his personal gain, against what he said before.

GOP to start with 9/11 tribute
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
NEW YORK - Republican leaders said Sunday that they would repeatedly remind the nation of the Sept. 11 attacks as their convention opens in New York City today.

The party will seek to pivot to the center and seize on street demonstrations to portray Democrats as extremist.

We have crushed the Taliban


And, he's linked Saddam to the fight against terrorists. :roll:


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2004
Originally posted by: conjur
Is this the RNC or the 700 Club?

The delegates speaking keep preaching...talking about their belief in God and Jesus Christ.

This is pathetic.

Makes you ashamed to admit that you are a conservative, huh?



No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Ozoned
Originally posted by: conjur
Is this the RNC or the 700 Club?

The delegates speaking keep preaching...talking about their belief in God and Jesus Christ.

This is pathetic.

Makes you ashamed to admit that you are a conservative, huh?

Makes me saddened by the current state of the GOP...mixing attempts at a theocracy with fear-mongering.


Feb 6, 2002
So how is this any different from the Democratic convention?

People stand around and sing the praises of their party, claim their candidate is God's gift to the world, and give speeches claiming how great everyone is. The real Roll Call only takes one evening.

The Press went crazy over the Democratic Convention. You could not change a channel without running into some stupid event. However, how will the press cover the Republicans? Will they prove they are Biased to the bone or give equal time and fair coverage?
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