GOP Convention omnibus Thread:9-2-04 Bush taking Center Stage

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Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2000
Wow, absolutely no mention of jobs, social security, the economy, education, or health care. National security is just not as big of an issue in battleground states, no matter how much Republicans want it to be. Jobs, jobs, jobs, I'm telling you now that is going to decide this election. You tell someone who just lost their manufacturing job overseas what matters to him the most: putting food on his family's table or invading Iraq. That will be the difference in this election.


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2000
Originally posted by: Sudheer Anne
Wow, absolutely no mention of jobs, social security, the economy, education, or health care. National security is just not as big of an issue in battleground states, no matter how much Republicans want it to be. Jobs, jobs, jobs, I'm telling you now that is going to decide this election. You tell someone who just lost their manufacturing job overseas what matters to him the most: putting food on his family's table or invading Iraq. That will be the difference in this election.


Don't be Economic Girlie Men!


They've addressed the economy issue at this convention. Stop spewing your leftie lies!


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Sudheer Anne
Wow, I was expecting for Kerry to get bashed tonight, but this is just disgusting what I'm seeing and hearing. You'd think Kerry was a goddamn terrorist anarchist from these hateful speeches. This is really pathetic and the sad thing is most Americans don't know the truth behind the lies and distortions.

It's pretty much what I expected. The same BS that has been eminating from the dwindling Neocon population in here, all they can do is attack Kerry as if he is actually the President and has made all of the Blunders that Bush has. Deceit by reverse association a common proven successful method of Brainwashing:

State-sponsored propaganda (br...ush regime's strategy.


Golden Member
Jan 12, 2001
The Bush Regime is certainly showing signs of desperation and hypocracy at this Convention...just as it did back in 2000.

Hopefully Americans won't fall for this sham a second time...and if they do, then they deserve exactly what they get: a deficit out of control by someone who doesn't give a damn about them (since he's got his rich daddy's money to live off the rest of his life), diminished Civil liberties, unemployment because of job loss to other countries, etc. and so on.

Americans really didn't fall for it the first time, did they (?), as the popular vote went to Gore. Now it is up to them to get the vote out and put the Bush Sham into the gutter, where it belongs.

Zell Miller's people need to fire him for being such a hypocrite and turncoat. If Zell is a fraction as angry at the Democrats as he was last night (which I believe was an under-the-table payoff by the Bush Regime), then Zell needs to change party affiliation...just as Jim Jeffords did as Senator of Vermont in 2001.

Cheney - what a drooling attack dog he obviously is. We know now who _really_ is running this sham of a Bush Regime now, don't we?


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: JHoNNy1OoO
OMG!! Anybody watching Matthews interview Miller on MSNBC? He's freaking crazy!! Someone has to find the transcript to this interview. Miller even said he wishes duels were still legal so he could challenge Matthews.

Truly amazing to see how angry he was/is.

Dangit...wish I had more than Basic Cable.

I'm sure it will be out sometime.
Try here maybe. And don't say I never gave ya anything besides hell!


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Thanks, burnedout.

Zell's bitterness is glaringly obvious and he's dead-wrong about the weapons systems and conveniently ignores the FACT that Cheney supporting cutting and eliminating the same aircraft and weapons.

And, Matthews was not belligerent nor rude to Miller. No more so than any other political show host and certainly far more accommodating to Miller's answers than Hannity or O'Reilly to their guests.


Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: conjur
Thanks, burnedout.

Zell's bitterness is glaringly obvious and he's dead-wrong about the weapons systems and conveniently ignores the FACT that Cheney supporting cutting and eliminating the same aircraft and weapons.

And, Matthews was not belligerent nor rude to Miller. No more so than any other political show host and certainly far more accommodating to Miller's answers than Hannity or O'Reilly to their guests.

Tell me how he is bitter and why?



Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: conjur
I believe that's been covered in this thread. Go back and read it.

I don't believe I've seen a single reason why he is bitter? If you can point one out to me, or make one up, I'd like to know why you liberals think he is bitter.

Note: I'm not saying he wasn't bitter.



No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: KK
Originally posted by: conjur
I believe that's been covered in this thread. Go back and read it.

I don't believe I've seen a single reason why he is bitter? If you can point one out to me, or make one up, I'd like to know why you [snip] think he is bitter.

Note: I'm not saying he wasn't bitter.


1) I'm not a liberal so I've edited your post.
2) He's bitter because his Christian beliefs have overtaken his good sense and he's following Bush upon a religious road, not based upon his political leanings. He's fallen in lock-step with the GOP talking points, word for word and he's let it get the best of him.


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: KK
Originally posted by: conjur
I believe that's been covered in this thread. Go back and read it.

I don't believe I've seen a single reason why he is bitter? If you can point one out to me, or make one up, I'd like to know why you [snip] think he is bitter.

Note: I'm not saying he wasn't bitter.


1) I'm not a liberal so I've edited your post.
2) He's bitter because his Christian beliefs have overtaken his good sense and he's following Bush upon a religious road, not based upon his political leanings. He's fallen in lock-step with the GOP talking points, word for word and he's let it get the best of him.

Are you sure you aren't projecting your bitterness?



Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
conjur: points taken.

However, in my opinion, Matthews was indeed annoyingly rude and, on various occasions during the interview, neither gave Sen. Miller adequate time to fully answer questions nor demonstrated sincere respect. Finally, towards the end of the segment and after repeated threats from Miller to back off (i.e. let me finish), does Matthews eventually slow the tempo.

Instead of acting like a true 'journalist' conducting this particular interview with class, Matthews let a confrontational 'performer' take charge of the entire thing. Quite frankly, Matthews seemingly lost what little rapport he had with the old dude partially because of his own media-driven ego. No less in front of a crowd, he attempted more of a reality TV approach instead of following fundamentally sound interviewing principles, such as good listening. We could have witnessed better results had Matthews actually respected Miller more.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
How's this for hypocrisy?

Colorado Republican Governor Bill Owens said it was a disgrace and wrong for USA Today to have Michael Moore write a column for them. He was saying Moore wasn't someone who should be writing news. Guess he's never heard of an op/ed piece and I suppose he didn't realize that USA Today had hired Ann Coulter to write about the DNC.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: burnedout
conjur: points taken.

However, in my opinion, Matthews was indeed annoyingly rude and, on various occasions during the interview, neither gave Sen. Miller adequate time to fully answer questions nor demonstrated sincere respect. Finally, towards the end of the segment and after repeated threats from Miller to back off (i.e. let me finish), does Matthews eventually slow the tempo.

Instead of acting like a true 'journalist' conducting this particular interview with class, Matthews let a confrontational 'performer' take charge of the entire thing. Quite frankly, Matthews seemingly lost what little rapport he had with the old dude partially because of his own media-driven ego. No less in front of a crowd, he attempted more of a reality TV approach instead of following fundamentally sound interviewing principles, such as good listening. We could have witnessed better results had Matthews actually respected Miller more.

There was only one point in that interview when Matthews did anything that could be seen as interrupting Miller. Then Miller goes into his little whiny diatribe about "are you going to let me answer"? I'm sure Miller sits back and laughs at any liberal who's lambasted, interrupted, and brow-beaten by the likes of Hannity or Glenn "Shut That Piehole!" Beck.

And, besides, is there anyone who looks to Matthews as a "true journalist"? I don't. I realize he's going for ratings but at least he typically does so in a respectful way. But, it's not called Hardball for nothing. I remember him going after some on the Democrat side during the 2000 election so Matthews isn't necessarily partisan. He had just picked up on something Miller had said and wanted to raise a question along those lines. And, considering the bitterness and hatred spewing forth from him last night, he certainly couldn't be expected to not be held accountable for it. I mean, after all, the GOP is the party that's for being held accountable by the people, right? :roll:


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
Zell's bitterness is glaringly obvious and he's dead-wrong about the weapons systems..
Miller's rants aren't entirely without substance. Kerry actively campaigned against at least eight of the programs listed below in bold that are still in use today.

From John Kerry's 1984 campaign flyer:

[Hat tip: Stephen Green]

Page 1

Page 2

John Kerry
U.S. Senate

?We are continuing a defense buildup that is consuming our resources with weapons systems that we don?t need and can?t use.?

The Reagan Administration has no rational plan for our military. Instead, It acts on misinformed assumptions about the strength of the Soviet military and a presumed ?window of vulnerability?, which we now know not to exist.

And Congress, rather than having the moral courage to challenge the Reagan Administration, has given Ronald Reagan almost every military requiest he has made, no matter how wasteful, no matter how useless, no matter how dangerous.

The biggest defense buildup since World War II has not given us a better defense. Americans feel more threatened by the prospect of war, not less so. And our national priorities become more and more distorted as the share of our country?s resources devoted to human needs diminishes.


John Kerry believes that the time has come to take a close look at what our defense needs are and to plan for them rather than to assume we must spend indiscriminately on new weapons systems.

John Kerry believes that we can cut from $45 to $53 billion from the Reagan Defense budget this year. Some of these cuts include:


* MX Missile --- Cancel --- $5.0 billion

* B-1 Bomber --- Cancel --- $8.0 billion

* Anti-satellite system --- Cancel --- $ 99 million

* Star Wars --- Cancel --- $1.3 billion

* Tomahawk Missile --- Reduce by 50 per cent --- $294 million



* AH-64 Helicopters --- Cancel --- $1.4 billion

* Division Air Defense Gun (DIVAD) --- Cancel --- $638 million [note: SGT York was eventually cancelled after problems with cost overruns and design]

* Patriot Air Defense Missile --- Cancel --- $1.3 billion


* Aegis Air-Defense Cruiser --- Cancel --- $800 million

* Battleship Reactivation --- Cancel --- $453 million [used in Lebanon and the Gulf]


* AV-8B Vertical Takeoff and Landing Aircraft --- Cancel --- $1.0 billion

* F-15 Fighter Aircraft --- Cancel --- $2.3 billion

* F-14A Fighter Aircraft --- Cancel --- $1.0 billion

* F-14D Fighter Aircraft --- Cancel --- $286 million

* Phoenix Air-to-Air Missile --- Cancel --- $432 million

* Sparrow Air-to-Air Missile --- Cancel --- $264 million

In addition, acquisition of equipment and supplies should depend on real defense needs, not inter-service rivalries. ?National security? is no excuse for bad management practices. The Congressional Budget Office and the General Accounting Office agree that an additional $8 billion can be saved by implementing the recommendations of the President?s own Grace Commission Report.
?I will never forget that the Defense Budget is not an employment program, but a tool to provide the nation with a strong, lean and stabilizing defense posture.?

Finally, John thinks it?s time for a Senator who will stand up for what?s right and not go along with what?s expedient.
?If we don?t need the MX, the B-1, or these other weapons systems (unreadable) them. There?s no excuse for casting even one vote for unnecessary weapons of destruction and as your Senator, I will never do so.?


Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: KK
Originally posted by: conjur
I believe that's been covered in this thread. Go back and read it.

I don't believe I've seen a single reason why he is bitter? If you can point one out to me, or make one up, I'd like to know why you [snip] think he is bitter.

Note: I'm not saying he wasn't bitter.


1) I'm not a liberal so I've edited your post.
2) He's bitter because his Christian beliefs have overtaken his good sense and he's following Bush upon a religious road, not based upon his political leanings. He's fallen in lock-step with the GOP talking points, word for word and he's let it get the best of him.

You just had to snip it, didn't you.
So being religious makes one bitter? I'm not religious, but I can't believe thats the root of his bitterness.



Jan 12, 2002
"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction." - Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
There was only one point in that interview when Matthews did anything that could be seen as interrupting Miller. Then Miller goes into his little whiny diatribe about "are you going to let me answer"? I'm sure Miller sits back and laughs at any liberal who's lambasted, interrupted, and brow-beaten by the likes of Hannity or Glenn "Shut That Piehole!" Beck.
Matthews initiates the interview with a confrontational tone. He continued hammering the "spitballs" remark even though he should have known the obvious outcome. Then, while Miller tries to clarify, Matthews cuts him off or talks over him.

And, besides, is there anyone who looks to Matthews as a "true journalist"? I don't. I realize he's going for ratings but at least he typically does so in a respectful way.
Talking over a U.S. Senator in front of thousands or perhaps millions seems hardly respectful.

But, it's not called Hardball for nothing. I remember him going after some on the Democrat side during the 2000 election so Matthews isn't necessarily partisan. He had just picked up on something Miller had said and wanted to raise a question along those lines. And, considering the bitterness and hatred spewing forth from him last night, he certainly couldn't be expected to not be held accountable for it. I mean, after all, the GOP is the party that's for being held accountable by the people, right?
Sure, the GOP strives for accountability, or at least attempts to convey such an impression. On the other hand, Matthews solicited the responses from Miller during the interview on his show.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: KK
Originally posted by: conjur
1) I'm not a liberal so I've edited your post.
2) He's bitter because his Christian beliefs have overtaken his good sense and he's following Bush upon a religious road, not based upon his political leanings. He's fallen in lock-step with the GOP talking points, word for word and he's let it get the best of him.
You just had to snip it, didn't you.
Yes...because it wasn't true.

So being religious makes one bitter? I'm not religious, but I can't believe thats the root of his bitterness.

I suppose it was this portion of his speech that revealed the reasons behind his move to support Bush:

I first got to know George Bush when we served as governors together. I admire this man. I am moved by the respect he shows the first lady, his unabashed love for his parents and his daughters, and the fact that he is unashamed of his belief that God is not indifferent to America.

I can identify with someone who has lived that line in "Amazing Grace," "Was blind, but now I see," and I like the fact that he's the same man on Saturday night that he is on Sunday morning.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: burnedout
There was only one point in that interview when Matthews did anything that could be seen as interrupting Miller. Then Miller goes into his little whiny diatribe about "are you going to let me answer"? I'm sure Miller sits back and laughs at any liberal who's lambasted, interrupted, and brow-beaten by the likes of Hannity or Glenn "Shut That Piehole!" Beck.
Matthews initiates the interview with a confrontational tone. He continued hammering the "spitballs" remark even though he should have known the obvious outcome. Then, while Miller tries to clarify, Matthews cuts him off or talks over him.
Waaah. Matthews tries to get Miller to answer the question about whether he meant or find the true meaning behind his words and Miller was being evasive.

And, besides, is there anyone who looks to Matthews as a "true journalist"? I don't. I realize he's going for ratings but at least he typically does so in a respectful way.
Talking over a U.S. Senator in front of thousands or perhaps millions seems hardly respectful.
Another, "waaaah". He did it one time and you think it's disrespectful? Had it been Hannity pouncing on, say, Daschle, you'd have been cheering in your living room.

But, it's not called Hardball for nothing. I remember him going after some on the Democrat side during the 2000 election so Matthews isn't necessarily partisan. He had just picked up on something Miller had said and wanted to raise a question along those lines. And, considering the bitterness and hatred spewing forth from him last night, he certainly couldn't be expected to not be held accountable for it. I mean, after all, the GOP is the party that's for being held accountable by the people, right?
Sure, the GOP strives for accountability, or at least attempts to convey such an impression. On the other hand, Matthews solicited the responses from Miller during the interview on his show.
GOP strives for accountability???


Medicare cost scandal
Energy task force scandal
CIA operative leak scandal
Prison abuse scandal
Texas redistricting scandal
Enron scandal
Hollinger scandal

Am I missing any?


Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: KK
Originally posted by: conjur
1) I'm not a liberal so I've edited your post.
2) He's bitter because his Christian beliefs have overtaken his good sense and he's following Bush upon a religious road, not based upon his political leanings. He's fallen in lock-step with the GOP talking points, word for word and he's let it get the best of him.
You just had to snip it, didn't you.
Yes...because it wasn't true.

So being religious makes one bitter? I'm not religious, but I can't believe thats the root of his bitterness.

I suppose it was this portion of his speech that revealed the reasons behind his move to support Bush:

I first got to know George Bush when we served as governors together. I admire this man. I am moved by the respect he shows the first lady, his unabashed love for his parents and his daughters, and the fact that he is unashamed of his belief that God is not indifferent to America.

I can identify with someone who has lived that line in "Amazing Grace," "Was blind, but now I see," and I like the fact that he's the same man on Saturday night that he is on Sunday morning.

So supporting bush now makes one bitter?

Anyways, I just seen that mathews interview., it seemed like Zell couldn't hear what mathews was saying. That and whatever happened to the woman he kept referring to, probably didn't set well with him. I personally found it comical.



No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: KK
So supporting bush now makes one bitter?
Hunh? Where did I ever say that?

Anyways, I just seen that mathews interview., it seemed like Zell couldn't hear what mathews was saying. That and whatever happened to the woman he kept referring to, probably didn't set well with him. I personally found it comical.
Well, Zell went into that interview (and the subsequent one with CNN) with plenty of preconceived notions about that "liberal media"...spouting off about Democratic Talking Points. Well, he's a Democrat, wouldn't he know of any Democratic Talking Points?
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