GOP is attempting to bribe AK senator to repeal Obamacare by letting her state keep Obamacare

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Feb 5, 2006
You make it sound like a gift.

Don't they have to pay into as well. What was it, a 50% share of the costs?

0% growing to 10%
Now their hospitals are eating 100% and closing. But they voted for the legislature that turned down Medicaid, so serves them right.
Reactions: DarthKyrie

Lucio G.

Junior Member
Aug 20, 2017
I mean why is Trump trying to replace Obamacare with Trumpcare that's gonna leave 20million more people uncovered and has a worst long term insurance prospect for all the rest? I mean if he's got the best people working for him, why can't they come up with something that's got 20million more people covered and saves money in the long term?

I mean 6 months now, this is what they came up with? I mean nothing wrong with replacing Obamacare if you can come up with something better. Why replace it with something much crappier? This is not a branding contest to see how many things Trump can put his brand on. This stuff people have to live with, it affects lives ! It's not a game.

Still don't understand, GOP been saying they got something better, then why have all (3) proposed Obamacare replacements leave like 20+million without insurance? And what is the purpose of pushing something without allowing even rudimentary committee discussion, consultation with experts and insurance companies in open meetings, to solicit ideas or at the least let CBO evaluate the impact before attempting to vote on it?

We don't want to topple something just because Obama's name is on it.


Aug 5, 2000
I mean why is Trump trying to replace Obamacare with Trumpcare that's gonna leave 20million more people uncovered and has a worst long term insurance prospect for all the rest? I mean if he's got the best people working for him, why can't they come up with something that's got 20million more people covered and saves money in the long term?

I mean 6 months now, this is what they came up with? I mean nothing wrong with replacing Obamacare if you can come up with something better. Why replace it with something much crappier? This is not a branding contest to see how many things Trump can put his brand on. This stuff people have to live with, it affects lives ! It's not a game.

Still don't understand, GOP been saying they got something better, then why have all (3) proposed Obamacare replacements leave like 20+million without insurance? And what is the purpose of pushing something without allowing even rudimentary committee discussion, consultation with experts and insurance companies in open meetings, to solicit ideas or at the least let CBO evaluate the impact before attempting to vote on it?

We don't want to topple something just because Obama's name is on it.

A simple case of the Repubs wanting what the very wealthy want and not what benefits the rest of us.

One of their highest core ideological tenets implies that every service the gov't provides for the masses should be privatized for the profits privatization would produce. The Repubs have consistently followed this policy, working against the best interests of their own constituency in favor of blessing the wealthy with more and ever more tax cuts, subsidies, and a gaggle of tax loopholes exclusively reserved for the rich.

Those three versions of their "replacement health care plan" is a perfect example of the aforementioned. It's why the Repubs are having so much difficulty ramming through a plan that, for many of them, will probably ruin their chances of getting re-elected. Their ideological urges compel them to repeal the ACA and replace it with, more than anything else, a tax cut for the wealthy paid for by cutting health care services that 20+ millions of Americans who now enjoy what the ACA provides for them.

They cannot find a way to cleanly get away with it although as we've all been witness to, they've been painfully and steadfastly attempting to do just that via all manner of shifty disingenuous means. That they've had to do this in plain sight (due to their seven long years of acrimoniously harping over it) and not the usual way of disguising their true intent hidden under a stack of legaleze and entrepreneurial jargon and then defending all of it with scurrilous doublespeak lies is, above all else the biggest hurdle they're now facing.

They've cornered themselves and the only thing that's giving them hope is the fact that most of them have created a safe space for themselves via gerrymandering and years of promoting and sustaining an atmosphere of hate and fear that divides and conquers which is exactly what they need for their survival as a party.

I'm not sure about this, but I think the upcoming mid-term elections have fewer Repubs at risk of losing their seats which, when combined with the above, has only emboldened their party leaders to go ahead with this "plan" of theirs of which they and Trump say will "provide the nation with a much better plan than Obamacare."

I'm sure there are other underlying factors that have converged at this point in time and place that have compelled the Repubs to blatantly show their hand (e.g. expiration of the 51 vote advantage) but show their hand they must in order to get their *ahem* "replacement plan" passed on to the House.


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2005
Everyone can have a private yacht if they want it too then! How fun for us all!
Indeed they could. That is the opportunity all individuals have. Not all will succeed of course but the opportunity is there.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Indeed they could. That is the opportunity all individuals have. Not all will succeed of course but the opportunity is there.

i knew the only thing holding those people starving in Africa from owning their own fleet of luxury yachts was a lack of personal initiative.

Do you really believe this nonsense?
Reactions: Aegeon


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
This post sums up the abject failure of modern conservatives to even begin to understand people with low incomes and what their reality is.

we see now why conservatives have such a hard-on for exiling American Dreamers and completely stopping immigration: they are terrified of what they see as future democratic voters on the backs of their actual base (poor, rural republicans) that they really want to kill. Conservatives really want these poor rural people to just die already, but they know that already being in a minority, even with this base of smelly, rural, sick poors, they are in huge, huge trouble. bigly.

Gotta stop those new people from getting into the country or they will not only be irrelevant in social, economic, foreign policy (as they currently are), but will no longer be able to lord it over everyone else because even their gerrymandering can't steal elections when they've successfully killed off all those poor farmers that they counted on to outvote those fringe city voters within the same very fair, very normal district lines.

the funny thing is, they could actually start being human again and create a party platform and messaging that makes immigrants actually want to vote for you...but no. I think conservatives have made that deal long ago and humanity may never return to them.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I mean why is Trump trying to replace Obamacare with Trumpcare that's gonna leave 20million more people uncovered and has a worst long term insurance prospect for all the rest? I mean if he's got the best people working for him, why can't they come up with something that's got 20million more people covered and saves money in the long term?

I mean 6 months now, this is what they came up with? I mean nothing wrong with replacing Obamacare if you can come up with something better. Why replace it with something much crappier? This is not a branding contest to see how many things Trump can put his brand on. This stuff people have to live with, it affects lives ! It's not a game.

Still don't understand, GOP been saying they got something better, then why have all (3) proposed Obamacare replacements leave like 20+million without insurance? And what is the purpose of pushing something without allowing even rudimentary committee discussion, consultation with experts and insurance companies in open meetings, to solicit ideas or at the least let CBO evaluate the impact before attempting to vote on it?

We don't want to topple something just because Obama's name is on it.

well, it's not 6 months, it's more like 6.5 years, because the GOP has been blathering about the ACA and how they fix it for at least that long, and voting it down and down again only to be defeated.

Now, when they can actually do something about it...they can't. Pretty much proves what every non-blind, rational human has known for this long: republicans can't lead. They have nothing. In all this time, declaring themselves the party of "obstruction" (so admitting that they have not one single idea of their own), they never learned how to legislate. How to lead. They have nothing. It's taken them 6.5 years and all they do is fail, fail, and fail some more. And even then, they find themselves forced to scratch something together on the back of a Burger King kid's puzzle mat and try and force it through in a matter of days, demanding that no one look at it, because "It is super serious that it be done because trust me!" And all of this, from the very same group of sociopaths that screamed and cried about the "illegal, unconstitutional, treasonous" way that the ACA was passed by "ramming it through!" on the backs of months and months of public deliberation, debate, review, and no less than 30 private and public policy groups and medical organizations doing their own public reviews of the numbers.

All of that is true. Those are the facts and the reality that we live in, and the GOP desperately pretends that it is not, and all of this right in front of our faces. You have to ask yourself: who are the little twerps that sit here in the middle of all of this, know it for a fact, yet still support these despicable clowns? What kind of grown man or woman can honestly support such sycophantic individuals as the GOP when they are openly parading their utter contempt for you? The GOP voters, apparently, because they haven't had enough of it. Ask yourself what is wrong with such people, ask them how they live with themselves. Ask them why their representatives care so much more about the ~5 billionaires that pay them to shit out paper rather than the actual people who's votes put them into power. Ask them why they voted for the very same type of billionaire sociopath that they claim to hate, believing that this goblin would "destroy the system" despite decades of life living no other way but exploiting that very same system for personal gain. Ask them how they can be so craven, so willingly irrational to believe their feels are suddenly going to make this misery that they live in just a bit less miserable, if only they voted for the worst kind of humans that they have always rallied against.

Ask them what happened, these GOP voters, to compromise their morals so thoroughly so as to utterly end the futures for their children and their grandchildren. Ask the GOP voters what the fuck is wrong with them. And yes: they absolutely do want to topple something just because Obama's name is on it. This is how useless these people are. They admittedly don't even know what Obamacare is. They love the ACA, but they hate Obamacare. Try to figure this one out. Try not to laugh when they tell you, so seriously, that they really aren't racist at heart.
Reactions: Meghan54


Oct 6, 2009
well, it's not 6 months, it's more like 6.5 years, because the GOP has been blathering about the ACA and how they fix it for at least that long, and voting it down and down again only to be defeated.

Now, when they can actually do something about it...they can't. Pretty much proves what every non-blind, rational human has known for this long: republicans can't lead. They have nothing. In all this time, declaring themselves the party of "obstruction" (so admitting that they have not one single idea of their own), they never learned how to legislate. How to lead. They have nothing. It's taken them 6.5 years and all they do is fail, fail, and fail some more. And even then, they find themselves forced to scratch something together on the back of a Burger King kid's puzzle mat and try and force it through in a matter of days, demanding that no one look at it, because "It is super serious that it be done because trust me!" And all of this, from the very same group of sociopaths that screamed and cried about the "illegal, unconstitutional, treasonous" way that the ACA was passed by "ramming it through!" on the backs of months and months of public deliberation, debate, review, and no less than 30 private and public policy groups and medical organizations doing their own public reviews of the numbers.

All of that is true. Those are the facts and the reality that we live in, and the GOP desperately pretends that it is not, and all of this right in front of our faces. You have to ask yourself: who are the little twerps that sit here in the middle of all of this, know it for a fact, yet still support these despicable clowns? What kind of grown man or woman can honestly support such sycophantic individuals as the GOP when they are openly parading their utter contempt for you? The GOP voters, apparently, because they haven't had enough of it. Ask yourself what is wrong with such people, ask them how they live with themselves. Ask them why their representatives care so much more about the ~5 billionaires that pay them to shit out paper rather than the actual people who's votes put them into power. Ask them why they voted for the very same type of billionaire sociopath that they claim to hate, believing that this goblin would "destroy the system" despite decades of life living no other way but exploiting that very same system for personal gain. Ask them how they can be so craven, so willingly irrational to believe their feels are suddenly going to make this misery that they live in just a bit less miserable, if only they voted for the worst kind of humans that they have always rallied against.

Ask them what happened, these GOP voters, to compromise their morals so thoroughly so as to utterly end the futures for their children and their grandchildren. Ask the GOP voters what the fuck is wrong with them. And yes: they absolutely do want to topple something just because Obama's name is on it. This is how useless these people are. They admittedly don't even know what Obamacare is. They love the ACA, but they hate Obamacare. Try to figure this one out. Try not to laugh when they tell you, so seriously, that they really aren't racist at heart.
Because ego. They'd rather burn the world down around them rather than admit a liberal is right about any single issue. Fuck them. Fuck us all. The world is all yours, conservatives. Make some beautiful mud pies from the contents of your diapers, you sniveling little shits.


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2005
i knew the only thing holding those people starving in Africa from owning their own fleet of luxury yachts was a lack of personal initiative.

Do you really believe this nonsense?
Well you lost me there. What does "people starving in Africa" have to do with US healthcare policy debate?


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2005
If Obamacare is so bad, why do Republicans consider letting a state keep it an incentive?
I think Justice Black may give you the best answer.

Supreme Court justice hugo l. black wrote that federalism meant

a proper respect for state functions, a recognition of the fact that the entire country is made up of a Union of separate State governments, and a continuance of the belief that the National Government will fare best if the States and their institutions are left free to perform their separate functions in their separate ways. (Younger v. Harris, 401 U.S. 37, 91S. Ct. 746, 27 L. Ed. 2d 669 [1971])


Nov 11, 1999
I think Justice Black may give you the best answer.

Supreme Court justice hugo l. black wrote that federalism meant

a proper respect for state functions, a recognition of the fact that the entire country is made up of a Union of separate State governments, and a continuance of the belief that the National Government will fare best if the States and their institutions are left free to perform their separate functions in their separate ways. (Younger v. Harris, 401 U.S. 37, 91S. Ct. 746, 27 L. Ed. 2d 669 [1971])

Pure bullshit. It's an issue of federal money, not the issue at hand in Younger v Harris.


Jun 21, 2005
Well you lost me there. What does "people starving in Africa" have to do with US healthcare policy debate?
I think what he's getting at is that sometimes just the will to succeed (and for example be able to afford healthcare) is not enough. Sometimes there is no opportunity (ex. high education costs).
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