I just got a Gopro Hero 5 session and I setup a time lapse to experiment with but the resulting video is super choppy. Why is that? It's terrible. The actual images look fine, but when I use mencoder to stitch it all together it's a horrible quality and super choppy video. The same command I use with the pictures from my DSLR are not that choppy at all. This is the command I use:
I used ls to generate a list of files in a text file so that they are in proper order. (I've run into issues where the file naming sequence resets then it throws off everything)
When I try to watch the mp4 file it's ridiculously choppy and horrible to watch. Is there a way to make it smoother? here's an example video: http://www.uovalor.com/misc/tlapse03.mp4
Not only is it choppy but the quality gets super bad too. It's really random it seems. Like some parts will be less choppy than the others.
mencoder -nosound -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:mbd=2:trell:autoaspect:vqscale=3 -vf scale=4928:3264 -mf type=jpeg:fps=24 mf://@filelist.txt -o tlapse02.mp4
I used ls to generate a list of files in a text file so that they are in proper order. (I've run into issues where the file naming sequence resets then it throws off everything)
When I try to watch the mp4 file it's ridiculously choppy and horrible to watch. Is there a way to make it smoother? here's an example video: http://www.uovalor.com/misc/tlapse03.mp4
Not only is it choppy but the quality gets super bad too. It's really random it seems. Like some parts will be less choppy than the others.