Gore/Obama '08

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Senior member
Nov 5, 2003
Originally posted by: Corbett
Next time Craig tries to pass himself off as a moderate democrat, lets all remember this gem of a post!

Anyone who believes Craig is a moderate is either as left as he is or clueless Craig is the stereotypical hardcore liberal poster, quoting sites like Common Dreams, still hung up on the Gore loss, upset with himself that he wasnt more vocal about the Iraq war back when he thought it was a good idea (i.e. it was popular) so is now foaming about how much he hates it. Nothing wrong with that, we all have our political leanings, but to pretend to be moderate is kind of funny.

Posting that Hillary has "less baggage" than Reagan is a new one to me though, that's spectacular I mean dont we all remember Reagan trying to impose Socialized Healthcare on the US when he wasn't even elected to anything at all?


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: daveymark
Originally posted by: Corbett
Searching wikipedia, google, and moveon.org is hardly legwork.

9/11 was an inside job too!


don't forget thinkprogress and crooksandliars to round it out!

As usual, the idiot right (which is not everyone on the right) makes fools of themselves.

First, not any of my legwork on the issue involves any of the sources above; and second, you did not prove, as you never do, any of your insinuations.

The first shows your foolishness in not basing your positions on the truth but in simply lying; the second, the fundamental absence of any merit to your positions.

What, exactly, would be wrong had some info come Wikipedia, usually reliable and certainly debatable - or, for that matter, Google, which could find YOUR post, and is not a source of information itself, but merely a 'phone book' for looking up the information that is on the internet? You are suggesting that 'crooksandliars' and 'thinkprogress' contain such a high rate of false info that they are proof of whatever is there being wrong, not needing you to actually debate the facts?

What idiocy you two post. It's beneath any need for a substantive response. It's clear you have no interest in the facts of the issue.

OK let do it. Please go ahead and post your "findings" from your "legwork" and prove each of your "conclusions" right here and now! This is gunna be great!


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: Stunt
Gore won the election in 2000; why would you nominate a winner who most Americans wish had taken office in 2000?

Fixed it.

Next time Craig tries to pass himself off as a moderate democrat, lets all remember this gem of a post!

It is a truth that many republicans believe too.. how does it NOT make you a moderate? It can't get much worse than Bush/Cheney's "job".


Platinum Member
Jul 7, 2005
Originally posted by: PSUstoekl
Hello everyone! I just wanted to start a discussion on this topic: If a Gore/Obama ticket ran for office in '08, what would you make of it?

Personally, I think it would bring an era of great hope and credulity back to the executive branch and indeed, to the nation. What say you?

Mr Environment Gore, who drives super large vehicles and has 3 houses? Or Obama "Detroit needs to get with it" who drives a HEMI powered Chrysler?

Oh yeah, any more fake and they would be Edwards.

Only decent Democrat is the governor of New Mexico, the rest are too much full of shite politicians


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Originally posted by: Dashel
Originally posted by: Corbett
Next time Craig tries to pass himself off as a moderate democrat, lets all remember this gem of a post!

Anyone who believes Craig is a moderate is either as left as he is or clueless Craig is the stereotypical hardcore liberal poster, quoting sites like Common Dreams, still hung up on the Gore loss, upset with himself that he wasnt more vocal about the Iraq war back when he thought it was a good idea (i.e. it was popular) so is now foaming about how much he hates it. Nothing wrong with that, we all have our political leanings, but to pretend to be moderate is kind of funny.

Posting that Hillary has "less baggage" than Reagan is a new one to me though, that's spectacular I mean dont we all remember Reagan trying to impose Socialized Healthcare on the US when he wasn't even elected to anything at all?

I hate it how everyone assumes that because the idiot masses "liked" the idea of an Iraq war, that many people didn't have the little brains needed to see this coming a MILE away... I mean, I was in college at the time, in poli sci classes, and it was pretty common knowledge what a huge mistake it was to invade... even from my non politically aware friends.

It is revisionist history to say that no one objected to the idea of the war back then. And those people, like me, were right, and shouldn't be surprised. I mean, the people in this administration have been quoted as saying Iraq was no threat and it would be a big mistake to invade! Changing their minds after 9/11 smacked of political maneuvering of the idiot masses...

We learn history in high school so we could stop repeating the past... yet you could always find uneducated suckers to keep it coming(the masses who were pro Iraq war).



Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Originally posted by: Shivetya
Originally posted by: PSUstoekl
Hello everyone! I just wanted to start a discussion on this topic: If a Gore/Obama ticket ran for office in '08, what would you make of it?

Personally, I think it would bring an era of great hope and credulity back to the executive branch and indeed, to the nation. What say you?

Mr Environment Gore, who drives super large vehicles and has 3 houses? Or Obama "Detroit needs to get with it" who drives a HEMI powered Chrysler?

Oh yeah, any more fake and they would be Edwards.

Only decent Democrat is the governor of New Mexico, the rest are too much full of shite politicians

Gore's message is pure, regardless of what he personally does. There is 0 downside to the idea of being environmentally conscious. I don't care what he personally does, as long as he continues to up the awareness. Keep trying to attack him personally though... It really makes us all step back and realize being environmentally aware is a TERRIBLE idea!!! All because Gore himself doesn't do it! Screw our kids and future generations! If Gore doesn't do it, we definitely should NOT improve the environment!


Senior member
Nov 5, 2003
Originally posted by: shadow9d9
I hate it how everyone assumes that because the idiot masses "liked" the idea of an Iraq war, that many people didn't have the little brains needed to see this coming a MILE away... I mean, I was in college at the time, in poli sci classes, and it was pretty common knowledge what a huge mistake it was to invade... even from my non politically aware friends.

It is revisionist history to say that no one objected to the idea of the war back then. And those people, like me, were right, and shouldn't be surprised. I mean, the people in this administration have been quoted as saying Iraq was no threat and it would be a big mistake to invade! Changing their minds after 9/11 smacked of political maneuvering of the idiot masses...

We learn history in high school so we could stop repeating the past... yet you could always find uneducated suckers to keep it coming(the masses who were pro Iraq war).

"Idiot masses" is also typical of the liberal poster. Most liberals tend towards the elitist, and feel they alone are smart and savvy enough to govern and rule. It's why modern liberalism tends towards the totalitarian edge at it's fringe.

As for the war, most people supported it because of the belief there was WMD in Iraq. Any politician believing that to be so would be remiss if they didnt address it, and the public knew that. Even long after we realized there wasnt going to be massive amounts of WMD found, support continued. It is only now after realizing that we are not winning that support is failing.

Pretending you "knew" anything was a bad idea is merely your unwillingness to deal with the situation. You fear to act at all, other than perhaps token gestures and yet more meaningless "resolutions", and thus those that do act are in your mind making a mistake.


Senior member
Nov 5, 2003
Originally posted by: shadow9d9

Gore's message is pure, regardless of what he personally does.

Do you ever wonder why Gore never mentions the meat industry in his Global Warming seminars? It's one of, if not the biggest, cause of CO2 emissions. Why doesnt he suggest people cut down on eating meat, or go vegetarian in his "pure" message? Could it be that it would be incredibly unpopular?



Moderator<br>Networking<br>Elite member
Mar 19, 2001
"Gore's message is pure, regardless of what he personally does."
Very little of what Gore does is "pure," unless it involves "pure profit." His message is whatever helps him to gain fame & fortune. He's found a good niche and he's driving it. It's a moneymaker and comes with a lot of perks, I don't blame him. P.T. Barnum was right.

"There is 0 downside to the idea of being environmentally conscious."
There is always a downside, don't fool yourself. In very general terms, it comes down to cost. For example, if/when you crank up the CAFE standards, the automakers will comply if they can ... but the cost of the car is going to go up. If people can't afford the new cleaner car, they buy old used cars or keep driving the one(s) they already own. You put a few cleaner cars on the road, but you keep at least that many more beaters on the road, probably more, since fewer people can afford the newer cars.

Saying there are no downsides is like saying that a drug has no side effects; just because you don't see it, doesn't mean that they don't exist.



Platinum Member
Jul 7, 2005
Originally posted by: shadow9d9Gore's message is pure, regardless of what he personally does. . I don't care what he personally does, as long as he continues to up the awareness. Keep trying to attack him personally though... It really makes us all step back and realize being environmentally aware is a TERRIBLE idea!!! All because Gore himself doesn't do it! Screw our kids and future generations! If Gore doesn't do it, we definitely should NOT improve the environment!

this has got to be one of the dumbest replies since Dave started posting.

So, a major polluter and extravagant user of our planets resources message is pure because of what? He made a book, a movie, and does speeches?

He deserves to be attacked for being such a hypocrit. But with the hordes of idiot supporters like yourself why should he change?

Gore and Obama are typical ELITISTS. They are more than willing to dicatate our lifestyles but would never ever live them. People like that should be KEPT FROM power as much as possible.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Originally posted by: Dashel
Originally posted by: shadow9d9
I hate it how everyone assumes that because the idiot masses "liked" the idea of an Iraq war, that many people didn't have the little brains needed to see this coming a MILE away... I mean, I was in college at the time, in poli sci classes, and it was pretty common knowledge what a huge mistake it was to invade... even from my non politically aware friends.

It is revisionist history to say that no one objected to the idea of the war back then. And those people, like me, were right, and shouldn't be surprised. I mean, the people in this administration have been quoted as saying Iraq was no threat and it would be a big mistake to invade! Changing their minds after 9/11 smacked of political maneuvering of the idiot masses...

We learn history in high school so we could stop repeating the past... yet you could always find uneducated suckers to keep it coming(the masses who were pro Iraq war).

"Idiot masses" is also typical of the liberal poster. Most liberals tend towards the elitist, and feel they alone are smart and savvy enough to govern and rule. It's why modern liberalism tends towards the totalitarian edge at it's fringe.

As for the war, most people supported it because of the belief there was WMD in Iraq. Any politician believing that to be so would be remiss if they didnt address it, and the public knew that. Even long after we realized there wasnt going to be massive amounts of WMD found, support continued. It is only now after realizing that we are not winning that support is failing.

Pretending you "knew" anything was a bad idea is merely your unwillingness to deal with the situation. You fear to act at all, other than perhaps token gestures and yet more meaningless "resolutions", and thus those that do act are in your mind making a mistake.

Assumptions and attempts to manipulate my words to your cause.

Sorry, but if you think that no one could see a mile away that attacking Iraq was a bad idea, you are not able to be conversated with.

"As for the war, most people supported it because of the belief there was WMD in Iraq."

Yeah, with 10 years of sanctions, a devastated military, and no actual findings from inspectors and "most" people thought there were WMD. The masses are uneducated.. they can't even point to Iraq on a map, let alone understand their ability to produce WMDs. Matter of fact, Rice went on TV in 2001 saying just the very same thing!


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Originally posted by: ScottMac
"Gore's message is pure, regardless of what he personally does."
Very little of what Gore does is "pure," unless it involves "pure profit." His message is whatever helps him to gain fame & fortune. He's found a good niche and he's driving it. It's a moneymaker and comes with a lot of perks, I don't blame him. P.T. Barnum was right.

"There is 0 downside to the idea of being environmentally conscious."
There is always a downside, don't fool yourself. In very general terms, it comes down to cost. For example, if/when you crank up the CAFE standards, the automakers will comply if they can ... but the cost of the car is going to go up. If people can't afford the new cleaner car, they buy old used cars or keep driving the one(s) they already own. You put a few cleaner cars on the road, but you keep at least that many more beaters on the road, probably more, since fewer people can afford the newer cars.

Saying there are no downsides is like saying that a drug has no side effects; just because you don't see it, doesn't mean that they don't exist.

Money is nothing to me compared to healthy environment. It won';t matter how much money we have when the environment becomes unlivable. We could spend trillions upon trillions of dollars on useless wars, but when when someone brings up being environmentally savvy, they point to cost. Unbelievable!


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Originally posted by: Shivetya
Originally posted by: shadow9d9Gore's message is pure, regardless of what he personally does. . I don't care what he personally does, as long as he continues to up the awareness. Keep trying to attack him personally though... It really makes us all step back and realize being environmentally aware is a TERRIBLE idea!!! All because Gore himself doesn't do it! Screw our kids and future generations! If Gore doesn't do it, we definitely should NOT improve the environment!

this has got to be one of the dumbest replies since Dave started posting.

So, a major polluter and extravagant user of our planets resources message is pure because of what? He made a book, a movie, and does speeches?

He deserves to be attacked for being such a hypocrit. But with the hordes of idiot supporters like yourself why should he change?

Gore and Obama are typical ELITISTS. They are more than willing to dicatate our lifestyles but would never ever live them. People like that should be KEPT FROM power as much as possible.

You completely avoided the point as usual. Reread what I posted and try try again.

I'll keep repeating it for you.

Gore's personal habits do not have a single effect on the message of being environmentall y savvy. IF 1 million people changed their habits towards being environmentally safe, would Gore's 1 person affect this? The message is important and pure despite Gore being a hypocrite.


Apr 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Shivetya
Gore and Obama are typical ELITISTS. They are more than willing to dicatate our lifestyles but would never ever live them. People like that should be KEPT FROM power as much as possible.

Add John Edwards to that list. His "Two Americas" has to be one of the most ridiculous and hypocritical campaign slogans ever.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Originally posted by: Dashel
Originally posted by: shadow9d9
I hate it how everyone assumes that because the idiot masses "liked" the idea of an Iraq war, that many people didn't have the little brains needed to see this coming a MILE away... I mean, I was in college at the time, in poli sci classes, and it was pretty common knowledge what a huge mistake it was to invade... even from my non politically aware friends.

It is revisionist history to say that no one objected to the idea of the war back then. And those people, like me, were right, and shouldn't be surprised. I mean, the people in this administration have been quoted as saying Iraq was no threat and it would be a big mistake to invade! Changing their minds after 9/11 smacked of political maneuvering of the idiot masses...

We learn history in high school so we could stop repeating the past... yet you could always find uneducated suckers to keep it coming(the masses who were pro Iraq war).

"Idiot masses" is also typical of the liberal poster. Most liberals tend towards the elitist, and feel they alone are smart and savvy enough to govern and rule. It's why modern liberalism tends towards the totalitarian edge at it's fringe.

As for the war, most people supported it because of the belief there was WMD in Iraq. Any politician believing that to be so would be remiss if they didnt address it, and the public knew that. Even long after we realized there wasnt going to be massive amounts of WMD found, support continued. It is only now after realizing that we are not winning that support is failing.

Pretending you "knew" anything was a bad idea is merely your unwillingness to deal with the situation. You fear to act at all, other than perhaps token gestures and yet more meaningless "resolutions", and thus those that do act are in your mind making a mistake.

I've proven before that I wasn't "liberal" btw(made a post describing all of my political views and it was unanimously declared that I fell right in between)... but of course, if anyone disagrees with you, you always call them a "liberal".. if you think the masses are intelligent, you must be living in a different world.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Rice in 2001:

"But in terms of Saddam Hussein being there, let's remember that his country is divided, in effect. He does not control the northern part of his country. We are able to keep arms from him. His military forces have not been rebuilt."

Powell in 2001:

"Secretary Powell: The sanctions, as they are called, have succeeded over the last 10 years, not in deterring him from moving in that direction, but from actually being able to move in that direction. The Iraqi regime militarily remains fairly weak. It doesn't have the capacity it had 10 or 12 years ago. It has been contained. And even though we have no doubt in our mind that the Iraqi regime is pursuing programs to develop weapons of mass destruction -- chemical, biological and nuclear -- I think the best intelligence estimates suggest that they have not been terribly successful. There's no question that they have some stockpiles of some of these sorts of weapons still under their control, but they have not been able to break out, they have not been able to come out with the capacity to deliver these kinds of systems or to actually have these kinds of systems that is much beyond where they were 10 years ago."

"And frankly they have worked. He has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors. So in effect, our policies have strengthened the security of the neighbors of Iraq..."

What happened to "most people" believed Iraq had WMDS?


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Originally posted by: Dashel
Originally posted by: shadow9d9
I hate it how everyone assumes that because the idiot masses "liked" the idea of an Iraq war, that many people didn't have the little brains needed to see this coming a MILE away... I mean, I was in college at the time, in poli sci classes, and it was pretty common knowledge what a huge mistake it was to invade... even from my non politically aware friends.

It is revisionist history to say that no one objected to the idea of the war back then. And those people, like me, were right, and shouldn't be surprised. I mean, the people in this administration have been quoted as saying Iraq was no threat and it would be a big mistake to invade! Changing their minds after 9/11 smacked of political maneuvering of the idiot masses...

We learn history in high school so we could stop repeating the past... yet you could always find uneducated suckers to keep it coming(the masses who were pro Iraq war).

"Idiot masses" is also typical of the liberal poster. Most liberals tend towards the elitist, and feel they alone are smart and savvy enough to govern and rule. It's why modern liberalism tends towards the totalitarian edge at it's fringe.

As for the war, most people supported it because of the belief there was WMD in Iraq. Any politician believing that to be so would be remiss if they didnt address it, and the public knew that. Even long after we realized there wasnt going to be massive amounts of WMD found, support continued. It is only now after realizing that we are not winning that support is failing.

Pretending you "knew" anything was a bad idea is merely your unwillingness to deal with the situation. You fear to act at all, other than perhaps token gestures and yet more meaningless "resolutions", and thus those that do act are in your mind making a mistake.

Please watch this video:


Then tell me that pretending I "knew" anything was a bad idea is just my "unwillingness to deal with the situation."

What a load of garbage!



Senior member
Nov 5, 2003
Originally posted by: shadow9d9
Rice in 2001:

"But in terms of Saddam Hussein being there, let's remember that his country is divided, in effect. He does not control the northern part of his country. We are able to keep arms from him. His military forces have not been rebuilt."

Powell in 2001:

"Secretary Powell: The sanctions, as they are called, have succeeded over the last 10 years, not in deterring him from moving in that direction, but from actually being able to move in that direction. The Iraqi regime militarily remains fairly weak. It doesn't have the capacity it had 10 or 12 years ago. It has been contained. And even though we have no doubt in our mind that the Iraqi regime is pursuing programs to develop weapons of mass destruction -- chemical, biological and nuclear -- I think the best intelligence estimates suggest that they have not been terribly successful. There's no question that they have some stockpiles of some of these sorts of weapons still under their control, but they have not been able to break out, they have not been able to come out with the capacity to deliver these kinds of systems or to actually have these kinds of systems that is much beyond where they were 10 years ago."

"And frankly they have worked. He has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors. So in effect, our policies have strengthened the security of the neighbors of Iraq..."

What happened to "most people" believed Iraq had WMDS?

So, clearly, you dont read what you post. At all.


Moderator<br>Networking<br>Elite member
Mar 19, 2001
Originally posted by: shadow9d9
Originally posted by: ScottMac
"Gore's message is pure, regardless of what he personally does."
Very little of what Gore does is "pure," unless it involves "pure profit." His message is whatever helps him to gain fame & fortune. He's found a good niche and he's driving it. It's a moneymaker and comes with a lot of perks, I don't blame him. P.T. Barnum was right.

"There is 0 downside to the idea of being environmentally conscious."
There is always a downside, don't fool yourself. In very general terms, it comes down to cost. For example, if/when you crank up the CAFE standards, the automakers will comply if they can ... but the cost of the car is going to go up. If people can't afford the new cleaner car, they buy old used cars or keep driving the one(s) they already own. You put a few cleaner cars on the road, but you keep at least that many more beaters on the road, probably more, since fewer people can afford the newer cars.

Saying there are no downsides is like saying that a drug has no side effects; just because you don't see it, doesn't mean that they don't exist.

Money is nothing to me compared to healthy environment. It won';t matter how much money we have when the environment becomes unlivable. We could spend trillions upon trillions of dollars on useless wars, but when when someone brings up being environmentally savvy, they point to cost. Unbelievable!

But Al Gore is not environmentally savvy, and his messages are aimed at the wrong countries. For example, check out the smog levels in Delhi (India) some summer. I was there on several different occasions over a couple years, it's amazingly bad ... like something out of a horror movie.

Money is always an issue. Maybe you don't care for it, but the vast majority of world's industrialized population does. You are (again) fooling yourself to believe otherwise.



Jun 13, 2000
I think Gore would have a fantastic chance. After Cheney, people will remember that Gore was a good VP. And Gore will remind people of the good times of the 90s under Clinton/Gore. Gore also isn't that far left, and in fact started his political life as a right-wing iirc. Global warming and less oil dependency is very sheik these days... so much that even the most hardcore conservatives groups have jumped on it. Nobody likes how dependent we are on middle-east oil, especially now that there are thousands of lives due to it and nothing but more to come. And finally, he hasn't been in politics for 8 years.... and hasn't been a senator in 16 years. So he doesn't have the 'senator's curse' (of looking like a flip-flopper or double talker), and he'll look like a fresh, but experienced, politician.

Remember, Gore carried the popular vote in 2000. And there isn't a single republican candidate in '08 that will have as much hype and conservative backing as Bush had in 2000. So if Gore did run, he'll sweep it up imo.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Originally posted by: Dashel
Originally posted by: shadow9d9
Rice in 2001:

"But in terms of Saddam Hussein being there, let's remember that his country is divided, in effect. He does not control the northern part of his country. We are able to keep arms from him. His military forces have not been rebuilt."

Powell in 2001:

"Secretary Powell: The sanctions, as they are called, have succeeded over the last 10 years, not in deterring him from moving in that direction, but from actually being able to move in that direction. The Iraqi regime militarily remains fairly weak. It doesn't have the capacity it had 10 or 12 years ago. It has been contained. And even though we have no doubt in our mind that the Iraqi regime is pursuing programs to develop weapons of mass destruction -- chemical, biological and nuclear -- I think the best intelligence estimates suggest that they have not been terribly successful. There's no question that they have some stockpiles of some of these sorts of weapons still under their control, but they have not been able to break out, they have not been able to come out with the capacity to deliver these kinds of systems or to actually have these kinds of systems that is much beyond where they were 10 years ago."

"And frankly they have worked. He has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors. So in effect, our policies have strengthened the security of the neighbors of Iraq..."

What happened to "most people" believed Iraq had WMDS?

So, clearly, you dont read what you post. At all.

Anyone could aim for anything.. the importance is the capability of doing what one desires..


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Originally posted by: ScottMac
Originally posted by: shadow9d9
Originally posted by: ScottMac
"Gore's message is pure, regardless of what he personally does."
Very little of what Gore does is "pure," unless it involves "pure profit." His message is whatever helps him to gain fame & fortune. He's found a good niche and he's driving it. It's a moneymaker and comes with a lot of perks, I don't blame him. P.T. Barnum was right.

"There is 0 downside to the idea of being environmentally conscious."
There is always a downside, don't fool yourself. In very general terms, it comes down to cost. For example, if/when you crank up the CAFE standards, the automakers will comply if they can ... but the cost of the car is going to go up. If people can't afford the new cleaner car, they buy old used cars or keep driving the one(s) they already own. You put a few cleaner cars on the road, but you keep at least that many more beaters on the road, probably more, since fewer people can afford the newer cars.

Saying there are no downsides is like saying that a drug has no side effects; just because you don't see it, doesn't mean that they don't exist.

Money is nothing to me compared to healthy environment. It won';t matter how much money we have when the environment becomes unlivable. We could spend trillions upon trillions of dollars on useless wars, but when when someone brings up being environmentally savvy, they point to cost. Unbelievable!

But Al Gore is not environmentally savvy, and his messages are aimed at the wrong countries. For example, check out the smog levels in Delhi (India) some summer. I was there on several different occasions over a couple years, it's amazingly bad ... like something out of a horror movie.

Money is always an issue. Maybe you don't care for it, but the vast majority of world's industrialized population does. You are (again) fooling yourself to believe otherwise.

So because India is worse, it is still not a good idea to be environmentally savvy in the U.S.?

Money is not an issue because many things could be done without money. We also waste TRILLIONS on killing and occupying land in other countries.. I think we could spare a few bucks here and there to make sure the planet is livable in a few hundred years, dontcha think?



Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: Stunt
Gore won the election in 2000; why would you nominate a winner who most Americans wish had taken office in 2000?

Fixed it.

Next time Craig tries to pass himself off as a moderate democrat, lets all remember this gem of a post!

No "moderate democrat" would ever be a Chavez supporter.

I liked Gore in 2000 and voted for him then. I wouldn't vote for him now. The reason? Quite frankly, it's because I'm a health and fitness nut and I don't want Taft II in office. Maybe if he lost 100 pounds I'd reconsider. Otherwise, how can we trust someone who can't even take care of himself to take care of the country? Are we going to have an obese President guide us into universal health care? What a joke that would be!


May 1, 2006
Originally posted by: Dashel
Originally posted by: Corbett
Next time Craig tries to pass himself off as a moderate democrat, lets all remember this gem of a post!

Anyone who believes Craig is a moderate is either as left as he is or clueless Craig is the stereotypical hardcore liberal poster, quoting sites like Common Dreams, still hung up on the Gore loss, upset with himself that he wasnt more vocal about the Iraq war back when he thought it was a good idea (i.e. it was popular) so is now foaming about how much he hates it. Nothing wrong with that, we all have our political leanings, but to pretend to be moderate is kind of funny.

Posting that Hillary has "less baggage" than Reagan is a new one to me though, that's spectacular I mean dont we all remember Reagan trying to impose Socialized Healthcare on the US when he wasn't even elected to anything at all?

Dashel is a typical liar of the right - let's answer him point by point:

"Anyone who believes Craig is a moderate is either as left as he is or clueless "

As I explained before, 'moderate' is a meaningless, relative term to the society it's in, a shorthand for those who lack any real info to try to name-call others.

'The truth' can be right, middle, left, moderate, up, down, whatever. You inject a term without any substance; if my points are wrong, you would rebut them directly.

I'm "moderate" in the way most understand the term, insofar as I don't start out with the conclusions, but reach them through analysis - wherever they lead.

You don't, as an ideologue who is too ignorant to actually form views, and instead practices 'identity politics' where you are carefully spoon fed by those with an agenda.

"Craig is the stereotypical hardcore liberal poster"

More nonsensical name-calling - a I noted before, our founding fathers were 'radicals' before the revolution, and 'moderates' after.

Am I someone whose views are strongly 'liberal' as defined in our culture today? In more cases than not, yes; on others, the middle or right; in ways conservative and liberal.

You need labels to replace the accurate info you lack.

"quoting sites like Common Dreams"

Which is actually simply a site that publishes articles from hundreds of people, but you are unable or unwilling to stick to the merits of the articles, so you lump them together.

If you can rebut something, you would; you can't, so you just insult something without any actual facts or logic, as if you had anything useful to say.

"still hung up on the Gore loss"

Another bit of rhetorical garbage - "hung up" as if it's a problem as opposed to "dealing with the truth". Am I "hung up" that cancer isn't yet cured and I donate to cure it?

If you had any American values, you would be concerned with whether the 2000 election was run fairly or not. You don't, and you don't.

Yes, I care about democracy in the US, and so yes, I still talk about the important history of that election while some in the nation are not yet informed about it.

That's a good thing, not your spreading of lies because of your ideology and lack of concern for democracy.

"upset with himself that he wasnt more vocal about the Iraq war back when he thought it was a good idea (i.e. it was popular) so is now foaming about how much he hates it."

This one is especially repugnant - so, when someone has an honest discussion and says they are questioning and not accepting any conclusions at face value, including the 'side' they're usually on, instead of recognizing that's the right thing, you try to insult about it, and toss in several lies at the same time?

First, I never 'thought the Iraq war was a good idea'. I always supported allowing Hans Blix to complete the inspections, which he would have completed in a few months and reported no WMD destroying the case for invasion. I also never trusted this administration with going to war - they're too corrupt to do anything but use it as a cover for their own agend, and too incompetent as a result to do it right. So, I never was 'upset with myself' for having 'supported' the war, as you say in one of your lies.

Had I supported the war, I still wouldn't 'be upset with myself'; I'd simply regret an error, and admit the error, if I thought it was an error. It's happened before.

Another lie from you is the idea that the war's 'popularity' had any bearing on my opinion; another lie as an insult, since you lack any message with any substance.

Now, I *did* and do say that the liberals need to better figure out what to do about Saddam type situations - the balance of 'realpolitick' and morality, and so on.

One start is not to make evil partnerships as Reagan did with Saddam that get us into those messes. You can talk all day about the benefits of having Iraq and Iran pound each other, in terms of the US interests, as they did for a decade with a million casualties, but at the end of the day, the moral issues are important, the tangled web you create from the arms sales to Iran to the secret partnership with Israel involved in laundering weapons forcing you to take their side in wrongs against the Palastenians and so on...

But I'll stop, because you are not interested in the issues, but simply in trying to find a cute insult to someone who doens't play on your ideological team.

"Nothing wrong with that, we all have our political leanings, but to pretend to be moderate is kind of funny."

There is virtually nothing in common between the way I reach an opinion and the way you do. Speak for yourself.

"Posting that Hillary has "less baggage" than Reagan is a new one to me though, that's spectacular I mean dont we all remember Reagan trying to impose Socialized Healthcare on the US when he wasn't even elected to anything at all?"

Once again, you only embarrass yourself with the misuse of attempted sarcasm, as it actually is 'spectacular' insofar as you are unaware of the accuracy of the comment.

The example I cited is that Reagan, trying to run as the candidate of the right in the days of the religious right with Jerry Falwell, brought a divorce as baggage - if I recall, the nation had never elected someone who had divorced, and it was a touchier issue then, especially for his base; while Hillary, for all her husband's controversy, was largely seen as the victim, and someone who preserved her marriage and carried it off well.

Other Reagan baggage was his being seen by many as a right-wing lunatic who didn't mind the idea of nuclear war too much; he overcame his baggage.

As for Hillary and health care, she did the health care project not as 'someone unelected', but as someone working for the elected president - or do you condemn every cabinet secretary, every military leader, as 'unelected' too? No, it's just your idiocy on overdrive looking for insults to replace any substantive criticisms since you don't have any. And in case you are out of touch with the nation, universal - not "socialized" - health care is a pretty popular idea nowadays with the American people.

Hillary actually can get some credit for being ahead of the issue.

I'm not planning to waste much time on you with more responses like this. Those who actually try to post something reasonable deserve it more.
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