Gore/Obama '08

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May 1, 2006
Originally posted by: Pabster
Originally posted by: Shivetya
Gore and Obama are typical ELITISTS. They are more than willing to dicatate our lifestyles but would never ever live them. People like that should be KEPT FROM power as much as possible.

Add John Edwards to that list. His "Two Americas" has to be one of the most ridiculous and hypocritical campaign slogans ever.

So, you prefer those who both are 'elitists' in lifestyle AND who preach the wrong thing, to those who are 'elitist' in lifestyle and push for the right thing?

And that's pretending your false claims about them were correct.

Similarly for John Edwards: John and Robert Kennedy fought for the poor, while being wealthy. That's what matters.

Edwards says he's part of the 'wealthy' America; that doesn't make him a hypocrite to fight poverty.

Your attacking him for not fighting poverty the way you want, while you support those who fight for MORE poverty, makes you the hypocrite.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Stunt
Gore tried and failed to win the election in 2000; why would you nominate a loser?
Gore won the election and was sabotaged by partisan election officials in Florida and the Supreme Court. Since then, he's more refreshed his own image and appeal through his commendable leadership on environmental issues, and he's far more relaxed in his public persona, and there's NO other candidate with as much hands on experience for the job.

What would be better than having a Nobel Peace Prize nominee as a candidate for President? Having a Nobel Peace Prize laureate AS President. :sun:

We need more "losers" with like Gore :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I like what I've seen of Obama. Unlike our current Traitor In Chief, he's bright and articulate, and I agree with his positions on most issues, but his lack of actual time in Federal government works against him as a candidate for President. That wouldn't be a problem for him as a candidate for Vice President, and it would set the stage very well for a future run for the Presidency. On top of that, his race would make his candidacy a very positive contribution toward a long overdue shattering of the electoral color barrier.

I'd like a Gore - Edwards ticket as well, but I think the positive aspects of the racial issues Obama brings to the race may give him a slight PR edge. I can't think of a more appealing team than Gore and either Obama or Edwards. :light:


May 1, 2006
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: Stunt
Gore won the election in 2000; why would you nominate a winner who most Americans wish had taken office in 2000?

Fixed it.

Next time Craig tries to pass himself off as a moderate democrat, lets all remember this gem of a post!

No "moderate democrat" would ever be a Chavez supporter.

I liked Gore in 2000 and voted for him then. I wouldn't vote for him now. The reason? Quite frankly, it's because I'm a health and fitness nut and I don't want Taft II in office. Maybe if he lost 100 pounds I'd reconsider. Otherwise, how can we trust someone who can't even take care of himself to take care of the country? Are we going to have an obese President guide us into universal health care? What a joke that would be!

I'd pay you not to vote, your logic is so defective. I won't waste the time to type it out, everyone but you, I think, sees it.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: Stunt
Gore won the election in 2000; why would you nominate a winner who most Americans wish had taken office in 2000?

Fixed it.

Next time Craig tries to pass himself off as a moderate democrat, lets all remember this gem of a post!

No "moderate democrat" would ever be a Chavez supporter.

I liked Gore in 2000 and voted for him then. I wouldn't vote for him now. The reason? Quite frankly, it's because I'm a health and fitness nut and I don't want Taft II in office. Maybe if he lost 100 pounds I'd reconsider. Otherwise, how can we trust someone who can't even take care of himself to take care of the country? Are we going to have an obese President guide us into universal health care? What a joke that would be!

I'd pay you not to vote, your logic is so defective. I won't waste the time to type it out, everyone but you, I think, sees it.



Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: Stunt
Gore won the election in 2000; why would you nominate a winner who most Americans wish had taken office in 2000?

Fixed it.

Next time Craig tries to pass himself off as a moderate democrat, lets all remember this gem of a post!

No "moderate democrat" would ever be a Chavez supporter.

I liked Gore in 2000 and voted for him then. I wouldn't vote for him now. The reason? Quite frankly, it's because I'm a health and fitness nut and I don't want Taft II in office. Maybe if he lost 100 pounds I'd reconsider. Otherwise, how can we trust someone who can't even take care of himself to take care of the country? Are we going to have an obese President guide us into universal health care? What a joke that would be!

I'd pay you not to vote, your logic is so defective. I won't waste the time to type it out, everyone but you, I think, sees it.

Read my sig.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: shadow9d9
Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: Stunt
Gore won the election in 2000; why would you nominate a winner who most Americans wish had taken office in 2000?

Fixed it.

Next time Craig tries to pass himself off as a moderate democrat, lets all remember this gem of a post!

No "moderate democrat" would ever be a Chavez supporter.

I liked Gore in 2000 and voted for him then. I wouldn't vote for him now. The reason? Quite frankly, it's because I'm a health and fitness nut and I don't want Taft II in office. Maybe if he lost 100 pounds I'd reconsider. Otherwise, how can we trust someone who can't even take care of himself to take care of the country? Are we going to have an obese President guide us into universal health care? What a joke that would be!

I'd pay you not to vote, your logic is so defective. I won't waste the time to type it out, everyone but you, I think, sees it.

Read my sig.

That only works in yours and Craig's bizarro world, where logic is whatever partisan doublethink hackery you've been brainwashed into believing is logic.

You would think that you would realize that I was trying to do you a favor. An unhealthy-looking fattie doesn't have a prayer of winning the Presidential election in this modern day and TV age. I'd much rather see the Dems run someone who has a chance of actually winning, instead of just giving the election to the Pubs by running yet another McCarthy, Mondale, Dukakis, or Kerry. Have you considered that?


Golden Member
Nov 1, 2004
For all those who question the existence of the "idiot masses": Reality TV.

That is all.


Moderator<br>Networking<br>Elite member
Mar 19, 2001
Originally posted by: shadow9d9
Originally posted by: ScottMac
Originally posted by: shadow9d9
Originally posted by: ScottMac
"Gore's message is pure, regardless of what he personally does."
Very little of what Gore does is "pure," unless it involves "pure profit." His message is whatever helps him to gain fame & fortune. He's found a good niche and he's driving it. It's a moneymaker and comes with a lot of perks, I don't blame him. P.T. Barnum was right.

"There is 0 downside to the idea of being environmentally conscious."
There is always a downside, don't fool yourself. In very general terms, it comes down to cost. For example, if/when you crank up the CAFE standards, the automakers will comply if they can ... but the cost of the car is going to go up. If people can't afford the new cleaner car, they buy old used cars or keep driving the one(s) they already own. You put a few cleaner cars on the road, but you keep at least that many more beaters on the road, probably more, since fewer people can afford the newer cars.

Saying there are no downsides is like saying that a drug has no side effects; just because you don't see it, doesn't mean that they don't exist.

Money is nothing to me compared to healthy environment. It won';t matter how much money we have when the environment becomes unlivable. We could spend trillions upon trillions of dollars on useless wars, but when when someone brings up being environmentally savvy, they point to cost. Unbelievable!

But Al Gore is not environmentally savvy, and his messages are aimed at the wrong countries. For example, check out the smog levels in Delhi (India) some summer. I was there on several different occasions over a couple years, it's amazingly bad ... like something out of a horror movie.

Money is always an issue. Maybe you don't care for it, but the vast majority of world's industrialized population does. You are (again) fooling yourself to believe otherwise.

So because India is worse, it is still not a good idea to be environmentally savvy in the U.S.?

Money is not an issue because many things could be done without money. We also waste TRILLIONS on killing and occupying land in other countries.. I think we could spare a few bucks here and there to make sure the planet is livable in a few hundred years, dontcha think?

No. The point is that when you start "cleaning the house," you start with the dirtiest parts first. Cleaning up what is already pretty clean doesn't make much sense. Do you take a crap, then brush your teeth before cleaning up the other end?

I think we could spare a few bucks here and there to make sure the planet is livable in a few hundred years, dontcha think?

"We?" I hope you have a mouse in your pocket. You can give all of your money to whatever cause you want, I will donate to whatever cause I want; Fair enough? Stop volunteering my money for your causes.

Personally, I don't expect to be around in a couple hundred years.

And, out of curiousity, what do you think can be done / what kind of impact do you think you'll have, without money?


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Originally posted by: PSUstoekl
Hello everyone! I just wanted to start a discussion on this topic: If a Gore/Obama ticket ran for office in '08, what would you make of it?
Personally, I think it would bring an era of great hope and credulity back to the executive branch and indeed, to the nation. What say you?

I think it would mean several extraordinary shifts or changes would have occured between now and the primaries.

A Gore/Obama ticket would imply that Gore won the primary.

Very unlikely for several reasons. HRC would have to falter really really badly, some monumental blunder even her hardcore faithful couldn't stomach. That's awfully hard to imagine IMO. Her approval (& disapproval) numbers seem etched in stone.

Iraq seem to be the No 1 issue in voters minds', and Gore's (almost) sole platform appears to be Global Warming. What could change GW to the top of the polls/issues for the election? Personally, I could forsee immigration top the list (have a few Islamic radicals cross the border illegally and successfully carry out an attack etc), but GW?

Then there's the Obama as VP - I haven't seen any indication he might do that. If he was certain that Gore would win (huh?), he may do it for "historic" purposes. Frankly, if not for Gore's past I could see him as VP and Obama as Pres. Gore could use the VP as a platform to spread the gospel of GWing. Obama seems far more concerned with other (Presidentail-type) issues of foreign policy and the domestic economy etc.



Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2007
Originally posted by: ScottMac
Originally posted by: shadow9d9
Originally posted by: ScottMac
Originally posted by: shadow9d9
Originally posted by: ScottMac
"Gore's message is pure, regardless of what he personally does."
Very little of what Gore does is "pure," unless it involves "pure profit." His message is whatever helps him to gain fame & fortune. He's found a good niche and he's driving it. It's a moneymaker and comes with a lot of perks, I don't blame him. P.T. Barnum was right.

"There is 0 downside to the idea of being environmentally conscious."
There is always a downside, don't fool yourself. In very general terms, it comes down to cost. For example, if/when you crank up the CAFE standards, the automakers will comply if they can ... but the cost of the car is going to go up. If people can't afford the new cleaner car, they buy old used cars or keep driving the one(s) they already own. You put a few cleaner cars on the road, but you keep at least that many more beaters on the road, probably more, since fewer people can afford the newer cars.

Saying there are no downsides is like saying that a drug has no side effects; just because you don't see it, doesn't mean that they don't exist.

Money is nothing to me compared to healthy environment. It won';t matter how much money we have when the environment becomes unlivable. We could spend trillions upon trillions of dollars on useless wars, but when when someone brings up being environmentally savvy, they point to cost. Unbelievable!

But Al Gore is not environmentally savvy, and his messages are aimed at the wrong countries. For example, check out the smog levels in Delhi (India) some summer. I was there on several different occasions over a couple years, it's amazingly bad ... like something out of a horror movie.

Money is always an issue. Maybe you don't care for it, but the vast majority of world's industrialized population does. You are (again) fooling yourself to believe otherwise.

So because India is worse, it is still not a good idea to be environmentally savvy in the U.S.?

Money is not an issue because many things could be done without money. We also waste TRILLIONS on killing and occupying land in other countries.. I think we could spare a few bucks here and there to make sure the planet is livable in a few hundred years, dontcha think?

No. The point is that when you start "cleaning the house," you start with the dirtiest parts first. Cleaning up what is already pretty clean doesn't make much sense. Do you take a crap, then brush your teeth before cleaning up the other end?

I think we could spare a few bucks here and there to make sure the planet is livable in a few hundred years, dontcha think?

"We?" I hope you have a mouse in your pocket. You can give all of your money to whatever cause you want, I will donate to whatever cause I want; Fair enough? Stop volunteering my money for your causes.

Personally, I don't expect to be around in a couple hundred years.

And, out of curiousity, what do you think can be done / what kind of impact do you think you'll have, without money?

That's just wonderful that you don't really care too much about the future seeing as you're not going to be there.

You know what I'd like? For the government and it's politicians to stop volunteering/using my money to kill people for no reason. For setting up secret bases of research, and not letting me know ANYTHING of whats going on inside. For filling in the holes that are left from religions who are tax exempt, for some god damned reason.

I doubt that fixing some of the environmental issues is a less worthy cause than the war machine and religions that get special treatment.

The parts that are bolded, I agree with, but then it just went down hill... Or should I say, a straight drop off.

You're selfish.


Jun 13, 2000
Originally posted by: Fern
Iraq seem to be the No 1 issue in voters minds', and Gore's (almost) sole platform appears to be Global Warming. What could change GW to the top of the polls/issues for the election? Personally, I could forsee immigration top the list (have a few Islamic radicals cross the border illegally and successfully carry out an attack etc), but GW?

Who said that's his sole platform? He's not even running. One thing he has that Hillary doesn't, is that he hasn't gone on record saying that he supports the war. Hillary did vote for the war. So he certainly has much more credibility than her in that regard.


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Originally posted by: Looney
Originally posted by: Fern
Iraq seem to be the No 1 issue in voters minds', and Gore's (almost) sole platform appears to be Global Warming. What could change GW to the top of the polls/issues for the election? Personally, I could forsee immigration top the list (have a few Islamic radicals cross the border illegally and successfully carry out an attack etc), but GW?

Who said that's his sole platform? (Frankly, I haven't heard much else out of him latley, other than bashing GWB which is generally considered insufficient given taht he's not running) He's not even running. One thing he has that Hillary doesn't, is that he hasn't gone on record saying that he supports the war. Hillary did vote for the war. So he certainly has much more credibility than her in that regard.

I find it unlikely that just going on the record gainst the war in the past is a sufficient platform. He'll need far more.

He's been pushing GW since he was a VP IIRC.


Moderator<br>Networking<br>Elite member
Mar 19, 2001
You know what I'd like? For the government and it's politicians to stop volunteering/using my money to kill people for no reason. For setting up secret bases of research, and not letting me know ANYTHING of whats going on inside. For filling in the holes that are left from religions who are tax exempt, for some god damned reason.

Talk to your elected representitives. They can do more about it than anyone on a forum.

You're selfish.

As it relates to this topic, that is correct. I agree. I'm selfish.

It's not that I don't think it's a good issue (I was around when "Ecology" became an issue in the 60's/70's, I even have the patch from the first Earth Day I attended), I disagree that the US is the place most in-need of cleaning up.

And, presenting your cause with a bunch of screaming, arm-waving, foul-mouth, self-rightious, fanatics prettty much diminishes the point: Valid or not, "Mainstream" Mom & Pop folks will think you're looney and ignore your "rantings."

All that aside, it's absolutely true; I'm a selfish SOB any way you cut it (about this).


Oct 24, 2005
Originally posted by: Stunt
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Stunt
Gore tried and failed to win the election in 2000; why would you nominate a loser? People want a fresh face and without partisan ties.
Obama is that fresh face, but nobody votes for a VP; the VP has to carry a swing state and Obama will not do that for Gore.
Too many similarities to mention; go back to the drawing board.
Why do you care about Democratic candidates/combos in the U.S. anyway?
I find myself agreeing with Democrats more than Republicans.
At this point I am looking for a non-partisan, fiscally conservative (spending cuts), anti-pork/lobbyists, pro-trade, anti-war, anti-religious right candidates...no matter what party they are from.

Right now I'm keeping my eye on Paul, Richardson, Giuliani, Obama...all for various reasons.

wow your statement is full of oxymorons


Apr 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Fern
I find it unlikely that just going on the record gainst the war in the past is a sufficient platform. He'll need far more.

He's been pushing GW since he was a VP IIRC.

Nah, he's got 11% or so of the looney left all locked up. He doesn't need anything else to secure those votes.


Jun 13, 2000
Originally posted by: Fern
Originally posted by: Looney
Originally posted by: Fern
Iraq seem to be the No 1 issue in voters minds', and Gore's (almost) sole platform appears to be Global Warming. What could change GW to the top of the polls/issues for the election? Personally, I could forsee immigration top the list (have a few Islamic radicals cross the border illegally and successfully carry out an attack etc), but GW?

Who said that's his sole platform? (Frankly, I haven't heard much else out of him latley, other than bashing GWB which is generally considered insufficient given taht he's not running) He's not even running. One thing he has that Hillary doesn't, is that he hasn't gone on record saying that he supports the war. Hillary did vote for the war. So he certainly has much more credibility than her in that regard.

I find it unlikely that just going on the record gainst the war in the past is a sufficient platform. He'll need far more.

He's been pushing GW since he was a VP IIRC.

He's been 'pushing GW' long before he was even VP.

As for his platform, he has more to stand on than most other candidates. He was 2nd to only Bill Clinton in the democratic nominees, and he was VP for 8 years, and his 20someodd years as senator. So i'm sure his platform will be 'far more' than just GW and a stance on the war.


May 1, 2006
Originally posted by: Looney
Originally posted by: Fern

I find it unlikely that just going on the record gainst the war in the past is a sufficient platform. He'll need far more.

He's been pushing GW since he was a VP IIRC.

He's been 'pushing GW' long before he was even VP.

As for his platform, he has more to stand on than most other candidates. He was 2nd to only Bill Clinton in the democratic nominees, and he was VP for 8 years, and his 20someodd years as senator. So i'm sure his platform will be 'far more' than just GW and a stance on the war.

It's funny to see the right suggest that Gore's platform is light. The man has more in his platform than the republicans combined for 40 years, probably.

What do theie candidates have, again? Except for Ron Paul, they have the usual nonsense about how they back small government (when it comes to the average citizens, anyway) and a 'strong' America, which is a euphamism for spending far too much on the military special interests and pursuing empire, and the fear card with 9/11. Yippee.

In other words, yet further concentration of wealth, debt, incompetent crony government, reduction of democracy, and unjustified aggressions, but with damn nice slogans.


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
Craig, still waiting for your "proof" of all the things you claim in this thread like Bush stealing the election in 2000 and lieing about the war in Iraq.


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Looney
Originally posted by: Fern
Iraq seem to be the No 1 issue in voters minds', and Gore's (almost) sole platform appears to be Global Warming. What could change GW to the top of the polls/issues for the election? Personally, I could forsee immigration top the list (have a few Islamic radicals cross the border illegally and successfully carry out an attack etc), but GW?

Who said that's his sole platform? He's not even running. One thing he has that Hillary doesn't, is that he hasn't gone on record saying that he supports the war. Hillary did vote for the war. So he certainly has much more credibility than her in that regard.


Al Gore backs Bush?s war plans
By Patrick Martin
20 February 2002

In a speech February 12, his first major political address since the US Supreme Court stopped a vote count in Florida and handed the 2000 presidential election to George W. Bush, the Democratic presidential candidate, Al Gore, declared his full support to the Bush administration?s plans for expanded warfare in the Middle East. Gore called for a ?final reckoning? with Iraqi president Saddam Hussein.



May 1, 2006
Gore added, ?So this time, if we resort to force, we must absolutely get it right. It must be an action set up carefully and on the basis of the most realistic concepts. Failure cannot be an option, which means that we must be prepared to go the limit. And wishful thinking based on best-case scenarios or excessively literal transfers of recent experience to different conditions would be a recipe for disaster.?

This amounts to a rebuke to the more optimistic war planners in the White House and Pentagon, who have suggested that it would be possible to overthrow Saddam Hussein with only 50,000 US troops, or perhaps no ground troops at all, using proxy forces and American air power on the Afghanistan model. Gore declared in advance his support for a much larger commitment of American forces against Iraq than was required to overthrow the Taliban.

Bingo... Oh, that's right, he's just a politician so his views on the issue of how many troops might be needed are useless compared to the war planners in the Pentagon, like the war architect Wolfowitz at the time.


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
Come on Craig. It cant be that hard to prove your points since you have done so much research! Please explain how you came to conclusion that GWB stole the 2000 election. Then prove how he lied to bring us into war.


Jul 6, 2004
I recently saw Gore at an interview and book signing for The Assault on Reason in Los Angeles. He was interviewed by Harry Shearer. Interesting. He must have personally signed about 1000 copies. I was among the last to get a signature; and when it was my turn, I told him, "Good practice for signing bills." At which he chuckled.


May 1, 2006
Originally posted by: Corbett
Come on Craig. It cant be that hard to prove your points since you have done so much research! Please explain how you came to conclusion that GWB stole the 2000 election. Then prove how he lied to bring us into war.

Corbett, there's no point spending the time to lay out an issue for some people - call them trolls, ideologues, whatever, but they don't have any interest in the truth.

You have shown yourself to be such a person to me, sadly. I can point you to books; will you read them? I don't think so.

This issue is large enough that I can lay out some highlights, but to get into the details of the 'proof' is almost writing a book. It needs some effort on your part, that's lacking.

But I'll give you a few bullets on the issue, which you could look into easily - but you won't, you'll post a cheap, fallacious, response which I'll finally just ignore.

First, you have repeatedly claimed I said Bush lied to bring us into war; I'm not the one saying that. I have some views on the issue, but that's another topic.

Second, saying the election was stolen is not the same as saying, as you again put words in my mouth, that GWB stole it. I'm not saying that, either.

The most important issue is that the election put the man who lost the election in office; we need to ask how that happened and try to prevent it next time.

Here are a few of the problems, each of which was far more than enough to swing the election's 537 vote margin:

- Accidental: The butterfly ballot, which gave thousands of votes intended for Gore to Patrick Buchanan - as Buchanan acknowledges.

This was not intentional, but the accidental effect of a poor ballot.

- Accidental/suspicious: more democratic/poor/black districts had far higher (up to 10%) vote disqualication rates while the most white counties had the lowest (as low as 1%).

This also cost many thousands of Gore voters their votes. The cause was democratic counties spending less on the election by using the less ecpensive centralized vote counting, while the white counties used the more expensive local vote counting, where the machine identified any error immediately and let the voter fix it.

There is a report that Katherine Harris had this demonstrated to her, and she sat on the info to let the democrats make the mistake.

- Intentional: Katherine Harris' office implemented a very defective system for identifying 'suspected felon voters' and removing them from the voter lists. The way they did this was set up to identify far too many people, by using very loose matching that very disproportionately identified black voters and removed them (much more than their percent as felons in the population). This, too, cost Gore thousands of votes.

Katherine Harris' office was warned about the problems, and directed them to actually make the matching even less accurate.

- Intentional: Denial of voting rights to ex-felons who had the right to vote who had moved to Florida.

Courts had to order Katherine Harris' office to stop removing these people from the voting lists repeatedly; Katherine Harris' offive showed they knew they had done wrong by sending a letter to counties to remove the voters, and then denying to an investigative reporter they had done so, sending him a false letter saying the opposite. He obtained the original letter from her office. Here, too, thousands of voters were affected.

One more note - even with all these problems, had the votes simply been counted under Florida law, as the Florida Supreme Court and 4 of 9 US Supreme Court justices were going to order, Al Gore would have won the recount. We know this from the comprehensive recount done by the Media Consotrium, paid for by the major media companies, the reuslts released sortly after 9/11.

Unfortunately, the story was broadly mis-reported. The recount showed that Gore won, under every scenario in which the voters' intent was counted, which is the standard specified by Florida law. Apparently the media companies didn't want to report that Gore had won at the height of 9/11 fever, and so they created some pointless alternative counting methods, called 'undervote' counting, under which Bush won; this had no clear use but to let them say under some counting, Bush won.

There were some other controveries as well, but when you look at the issues, the balance shows Gore won.

This led to quotes such as the following report quoting Jimmy Carter saying Gore had clearly won 'without a doubt' (easy to find with Google):

There is "no doubt in my mind that Gore won the election," the erstwhile President [Carter] declared, saying the 2000 election process "failed abysmally."

So, there're your pointers, now you can go read and confirm and deal with the truth, or you can post a lame snipe post based on the ignorance of not doing the research.

Prove me wrong on which to expect. I predict it's likely, but not certain, you will put partisanship first and democracy second and refuse to deal with the facts.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: Craig234One more note - even with all these problems, had the votes simply been counted under Florida law, as the Florida Supreme Court and 4 of 9 US Supreme Court justices were going to order, Al Gore would have won the recount. We know this from the comprehensive recount done by the Media Consotrium, paid for by the major media companies, the reuslts released sortly after 9/11.

The main problem was that Gore did not want ALL the votes recounted.
He wanted to cherry pick certain counties.
The Fla Supreme court allowed that without setting any stanrdards for the recount.

The US Supreme Court stated that a State recount must have consistent standards and cover everyone.

Had Gore not wanted to cherry pick, he would have had the time to have a recount under the US Supreme Court guidelines. He gambled, rolled the dice and lost the bet. It was his choice of which path to take.
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