Got my new E6300


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Editted 11.23.2006 with what likely be final results:
7x487 (3409 MHz) 1:1 (DDR2-974 4-4-4-4)

Okay, i kinda cheated.

I have an E6400 i run 24/7 @ either 8x425 or 7x486.

So when i switched to my new E6300, i kinda forgot to reset CMOS, so she booted right up @ 3.4 GHz (using all my E6400 settings)

I'm hoping to get a little more outta the E6300 than my older week 26 E6400, but only time will tell.

At least she's passed 10 minutes of Orthos small FFTs, which is a good sign.

Stepping info:

Week 29...hopefully this newer one will be better.



Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
We'll see.

With my E6400, i never needed to run anything higher than 7x486 (or 8x425), so i could keep mobo's voltages quite low.

vFSB = 1.4
vNB = 1.45
vSB = 1.5

That's causing freezing @ 7x495, so i bumped them all up to one notch below least it hasn't froze again thus far.

I just hope i don't end up with my P5B-D being a limiting factor...


Dec 12, 2001
Originally posted by: n7
We'll see.

With my E6400, i never needed to run anything higher than 7x486 (or 8x425), so i could keep mobo's voltages quite low.

vFSB = 1.4
vNB = 1.45
vSB = 1.5

That's causing freezing @ 7x495, so i bumped them all up to one notch below least it hasn't froze again thus far.

I just hope i don't end up with my P5B-D being a limiting factor...

I maxed the voltages and left them (FSB term, NB, SB). There's no harm in it as long as there is adequate cooling.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
I'm kinda disappointed

I know expecting much more than my E6400's 3400 MHz was rather optimistic, but hey, i had to hope.

Looks like i can't get much more than that outta this E6300 either though.

Orthos starts taking craps once i get much over 7x490, so i suspect that to get 4 hrs. Orthos stable, i'll be sitting just over 3.4 GHz, if at all.

My damn TT BT simply doesn't contact well with either CPU though, & it pisses me off.

If i go above 1.45V bios, i'm getting 70C + temps under small FFTs, which is retarded.



Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Notice the pattern?? For most of the currnet e6300-E6400...all of which I have had between week 28-week 31...all peaked at around 3.4ghz with 1.45v and 3.5ghz if you were willing to give it 1.5-1.525v...


Dec 12, 2001
Originally posted by: n7
I'm kinda disappointed

I know expecting much more than my E6400's 3400 MHz was rather optimistic, but hey, i had to hope.

Looks like i can't get much more than that outta this E6300 either though.

Orthos starts taking craps once i get much over 7x490, so i suspect that to get 4 hrs. Orthos stable, i'll be sitting just over 3.4 GHz, if at all.

My damn TT BT simply doesn't contact well with either CPU though, & it pisses me off.

If i go above 1.45V bios, i'm getting 70C + temps under small FFTs, which is retarded.

I feel ya...even my lapped E6400 won't do over 3.4 at any vcore. Just rockets up in temps.


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
Originally posted by: Duvie
Notice the pattern?? For most of the currnet e6300-E6400...all of which I have had between week 28-week 31...all peaked at around 3.4ghz with 1.45v and 3.5ghz if you were willing to give it 1.5-1.525v...

Yes, mine and Duvie's ? 5 total that do 3.4 to 3.5 ? see a pattern ?


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Yeah, i just was hoping for some kinda miracle
At least i've gotten 3430 MHz Orthos blend stable for 1.5 hrs... which oddly enough, seems to work better for me for stressing CPU than small FFTs

That's 30 MHz better than my E6400 :laugh: (if it keeps going to 4 hrs. that is)


Golden Member
Nov 7, 2001
At least you can get your FSB that high, with my P5WDH I'm hitting a wall at around 420. Trying to push it up as we speak...


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Originally posted by: littlezipp
At least you can get your FSB that high, with my P5WDH I'm hitting a wall at around 420. Trying to push it up as we speak...

I suppose that's true.

975X never gets much past that though...prescisely why i got a P965 mobo.

As an update i suppose, i ran Orthos Blend all night, so she passed 8.5 hrs. @ 3409 MHz.
3430 MHz was failing after only a short while, so it looks like i basically have the exact same max as on my E6400.

Now i just have to sell my E6400...


Junior Member
Nov 22, 2006
no its not your cpu hitting a mark you should get a little more out of it

if i were you push up your ram voltage and Northbridge voltage a little more

you SHOULd get into the 400's fsb at X9 multiplier




Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
81 ?

My RAM does at least DDR2-1063 5-5-5-5 @ 2.1V.
Right now it's loosened to DDR2-974 5-5-5-10 to keep it out of the way while finding my new CPU's max.
New CPU = E6300, which means a 7x multi max, not 9x.

vNB is already bumped to 1.55V, but i suspect i'll be able to lower that eventually anyway.


Dec 12, 2001
Originally posted by: gilgamesh1
no its not your cpu hitting a mark you should get a little more out of it

if i were you push up your ram voltage and Northbridge voltage a little more

you SHOULd get into the 400's fsb at X9 multiplier



You're an idiot... E6300 = 7x multi

He's already running OVER 450Mhs FSB so why should he need more voltages if he is already up at that mark?


Nov 8, 2006
so are you guys basically saying that an E6300 is the same CPU with same capabilities as E6400 except 1x less multiplier?


Dec 12, 2001
Originally posted by: dantonic
so are you guys basically saying that an E6300 is the same CPU with same capabilities as E6400 except 1x less multiplier?

It's dependant on your mobo and memory, but generally yes.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
It really is.

In fact, as i was at work today, it failed around 2.5 hrs. when at 3416 MHz.

I am running it @ 3409 MHz now, but it seems i am going to end up with an identical overclock to what i had with my E6400!

It really shows that there is absolutely no reason to buy an E6400 over an E6300, unless of course you are buying a questionable mobo or poor OCing RAM.



Nov 8, 2006
I was planning to get a Gigabyte P965 S3
and an E6300 or E6400... would I think i could reach 3.4 with that mobo and E6300? assuming I also get good overclockable memory.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004

Best value combo right now, though the mobo might be an issue:

S3 + E6300 + Buffalo Firestix 2x1 GB DDR2-800 CAS 5.

Step up would be to the same but with the P5B-E...rev. 1.02 if you can find it.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
I have had 2 S3's and MarkFW900 has had 2 S3's and all of them can do 490 in 24/7 operations and most of them will do 500 and the ones that dont cpu may be the issue.....I have 1 that will do 505 fine but after that I can boot at 515fsb but then restarts are 50/50 it will actually bootup....under 505 it is fine...It may be a power issue cause 501 was an issue with a weaker Antec 550 but the OCZ 600watt didn't have same issue until 505...

Who knows but based on basic data I have seen most E6300-E6400s are going to top out at 3.4ghz in the 1.45v and then need a lot more to get stability beyond that 3.5ghz may need 1.525-1.55v...


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
7x490, sure i can do that.

But can you pass Orthos blend at those speeds?

Just for fun, i ran my E6400 @ 3.5 GHz for a week.

It could pass every single bench i threw at it, except for Orthos.

That, it'd fail immediately.

So i played my usual UT2k4.
Worked great @ the "unstable" 3.5 GHz.

Then i played some Q4.
And the game froze about an hour in.
Then later on it crashed again.

That's why i am such an Orthos nazi.

Even though it's generally true that everyday use won't stress systems nearly as much as Orthos, i've realized i prefer having a rock solid system, since there's nothing more frustrating than random crashes in games.


Diamond Member
Aug 29, 2006
Originally posted by: n7

Best value combo right now, though the mobo might be an issue:

S3 + E6300 + Buffalo Firestix 2x1 GB DDR2-800 CAS 5.

Step up would be to the same but with the P5B-E...rev. 1.02 if you can find it.

What do you mean the mobo might be an issue? Am I better off going for an S3 instead of a DS3? Do the solid capacitors make that much difference? Does the S3 have the same memory issues as the DS3?

I'm currently refining a shopping list I may commit to either mid december or just after christmas, and I'm looking at a DS3/Corsair PC6400 5-5-5-12/E6300/Zalman 9500. Are there any flaws in my line-up, any suggestions you could make or any issues I may need to think of (especially memory, which I keep hearing about)? Thanks for any feedback.


Jan 16, 2001
Originally posted by: n7
7x490, sure i can do that.

But can you pass Orthos blend at those speeds?

Just for fun, i ran my E6400 @ 3.5 GHz for a week.

It could pass every single bench i threw at it, except for Orthos.

That, it'd fail immediately.

So i played my usual UT2k4.
Worked great @ the "unstable" 3.5 GHz.

Then i played some Q4.
And the game froze about an hour in.
Then later on it crashed again.

That's why i am such an Orthos nazi.

Even though it's generally true that everyday use won't stress systems nearly as much as Orthos, i've realized i prefer having a rock solid system, since there's nothing more frustrating than random crashes in games.

Let me buy you a beer. :beer: I agree with you 100%. If it weren't for the fact I love my PC games, I'd still have my Thunderbird 1GHz box w/512MB ram and I'd be really happy with it. You can surf the net and do email with very little in the way of a "system."

If you want to play the latest games, however, you've gotta have the goods. And that means a rock-stable system. It was nice to read this post of yours. So many people brag that they "can boot stable at 4.52GHz" but is that really a STABLE system? I don't think so.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Originally posted by: MichaelD
Let me buy you a beer. :beer: I agree with you 100%.
But make it either Heineken or Strongbow (cider-beer), since i don't really like most beers
FYI, like most ppl's, your rig link doesn't work (so i can't see what you ended up running your C2D at).
Link to your user's page instead of your rig directly & then it works.



Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Originally posted by: Roguestar
Originally posted by: n7

Best value combo right now, though the mobo might be an issue:

S3 + E6300 + Buffalo Firestix 2x1 GB DDR2-800 CAS 5.

Step up would be to the same but with the P5B-E...rev. 1.02 if you can find it.

What do you mean the mobo might be an issue? Am I better off going for an S3 instead of a DS3? Do the solid capacitors make that much difference? Does the S3 have the same memory issues as the DS3?

I'm currently refining a shopping list I may commit to either mid december or just after christmas, and I'm looking at a DS3/Corsair PC6400 5-5-5-12/E6300/Zalman 9500. Are there any flaws in my line-up, any suggestions you could make or any issues I may need to think of (especially memory, which I keep hearing about)? Thanks for any feedback.

The S3/DS3 are sketchy for RAM.
Seems the new bios sorta fixed the D9s overclocking issues for some ppl.

If you're not concerned with maxing things out to the limits, the S3 should be fine.

As for the RAM you just mentioned, no NO NO.

I know ppl like Corsair, but there is far better RAM for the money or less!
Corsair uses Elpida/Promos ICs in all their RAM except teh Dominator series, which are overpriced, of course.

The Buffalo stuff i mentioned will OC very nicely since it uses D9GMH, & it's only $241 @ teh egg right now.

I am gonna keep posting this list of D9 IC goodness till it's drilled into ppl's heads...

2x1 GB kits:

Buffalo Firestix DDR2-800/1000
Crucial 10th anniversary (if you can find them)
Super Talent DDR2-800 4-4-3/1000
Anything Team Xtreem
Anything Corsair Dominator
Mushkin DDR2-800 4-4-3/1000...
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