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Golden Member
Dec 3, 2009
Yeah, he left that small detail out. The list of positives for the 570 is a bit dubious as well. It doesn't run any cooler, isn't any quieter, and OP said nothing about PhysX, CUDA, or folding. Dx11 games and benches with tessellation on don't show any advantage for the 570 compared to with tessellation off. Other than that though, the 6950 does use less power and it's performance does improve as resolution increases. That part's right.

List of positives:

Number 1) Professional driver support

End list.

I'm sold. After buying a 5870 for myself and 5770 for my brother last year. I am done with AMD. Gray Screens, driver issues, 5870 CCC overdrive and eyefinity not working together stock.

It really is completely fscking ridiculous.


Golden Member
Dec 3, 2009
Well, in spite of what nVidia would like you to believe, it's very likely that he will never use CUDA. It's also not real likely he will use PhysX. It's not used in many games. Then it puts a hurting on your FPS.

I didn't miss your roast yesterday. I wasn't a part of it though.

Probably right with CUDA. At least for this generation.

Physx is in mafia ii, batman AC, metro 2033, breach. I enjoy the effects at least. If you do not plan on playing those titles then you are correct that it is worthless to him.


Aug 10, 2009
List of positives:

Number 1) Professional driver support

End list.

I'm sold. After buying a 5870 for myself and 5770 for my brother last year. I am done with AMD. Gray Screens, driver issues, 5870 CCC overdrive and eyefinity not working together stock.

It really is completely fscking ridiculous.

Sorry you had issues with AMD. I don't know why some people seem to have so many issues while most have none. Seriously, it's baffling. :\

Probably right with CUDA. At least for this generation.

Physx is in mafia ii, batman AC, metro 2033, breach. I enjoy the effects at least. If you do not plan on playing those titles then you are correct that it is worthless to him.

Mafia 2 looks will run fine w/physX on a 570. No way you're running Metro @ 1080 with PhysX. I can't find the other games you mentioned reviewed to know. I'm assuming that Batman AC should be OK.

I'm not trying to deny that PhysX adds to the eyecandy of games, and it's obviously up to the individual whether it's worth it or not. The OP says he likes to play MMO's though and, from what I could find, the games he mentioned don't use PhysX. My only objection is when people throw the terms around as a reason to buy nVidia, regardless if they're going to be used or not (not that you did, but the post I was responding to did). It's like telling someone who doesn't have 3 (or more) matching monitors to buy AMD because they have Eyefinity. Marketing crap.


Jan 21, 2011
Sorry you had issues with AMD. I don't know why some people seem to have so many issues while most have none. Seriously, it's baffling.

Yeah I never had problems with my 6870 that I had since release besides xfire not working with Arma 2. But I was selling the other 6870 I had anyways for money towards a 570 or 6950 to put in my bedroom rig. I think alot of people wrongfully blame AMD drivers for problems they have cause its the cool and easy thing to do. Not saying you are doing this digitaldurandal.

Mafia 2 looks will run fine w/physX on a 570. No way you're running Metro @ 1080 with PhysX.

Not true. The Physx effects in Metro must be very light because at 1080p with Nvidia control panel settings at high quality texture filtering, anisotropic at 16x, AA transparency at 2x supersample, with phyx on my fps never go below 40.

Edit..You are kind of right lol. I cant run the settings I listed above if my card isn't overclocked. Too choppy but if I turned a few things down it would still look good and be playable with Physx on.
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Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2008
Considering english isnt my first language and you were twisting my words yet still failed no you embarassed yourself. I seen you post here and every time someone says something you dont like you come back with veiled insults. Only reason i should be embarassed is failing to get through your blind fanboyism. Also the OP asked about the 570 and 6950 why shouldnt i compare them? Because you dont like the results? Wow I dont think Im the one intellectually embarrassed. Now i couldnt resist responding this time but i promise i wont again.

I'm asking a different user. Is there anyway to block someone here?

edit- nevermind i found the ignore feature

Wow you ignore me because you can't handle the facts? And then you accuse me of blind fanboyism? You make me laugh. It's probably a good thing you can't see this.

I never said you can't compare the 570 to the 6950. That was not the point of my post, and it wasn't the point of your post either. You told the OP rescend his order and spend more money. If I were quick to make accusations like you then I would say you are a fizzing shill. I don't think you are, but you have to be out of your god damn mind to accuse me of fanboyism for simply pointing out how one-sided and context-limited your argument is as to why he should return something he already bought.

You seem to be implying I think the 570 is a bad card or a bad buy or no one should buy it, but I'm not suggesting those things at all. However your recommendation for the OP to cancel his order is assuming the 6950 is a bad buy, and that is the issue I have and that is why I'm calling you out. The 6950 is not a bad buy because it is significantly cheaper...

Also the OP asked about the 570 and 6950 why shouldnt i compare them?
Except you didn't compare them at all. You listed marketing bullet points for the 570. You didn't list the entire strengths and weaknesses of both cards.

And you weren't quite following the thread. The OP said if the card didn't work he would return it, and I don't have a single problem with that. But I do have a problem with you telling the OP to prematurely cancel his order.

Only reason i should be embarassed is failing to get through your blind fanboyism. Because you dont like the results?
Good job with baseless accusations. Continue your ad hominem attacks instead of posting real counter points. But wait, were you trying to spin my intellectually embarrassed line... How... Why... does not compute.

I seen you post here and every time someone says something you dont like you come back with veiled insults.
You should start paying more attention, because you're pretty wrong right here.

Considering english isnt my first language and you were twisting my words
Now you're just lying. And then making up an excuse? Your English isn't broken; it's probably better than a lot of native English-speaking users. But if I wanted I can use your excuse against you: Are you really trying to lie and blame me for your communication problems?
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Golden Member
Jan 30, 2010
Wow you ignore me because you can't handle the facts? And then you accuse me of blind fanboyism? You make me laugh. It's probably a good thing you can't see this.

I never said you can't compare the 570 to the 6950. That was not the point of my post, and it wasn't the point of your post either. You told the OP rescend his order and spend more money. If I were quick to make accusations like you then I would say you are a fucking shill. I don't think you are, but you have to be out of your god damn mind to accuse me of fanboyism for simply pointing out how one-sided and context-limited your argument is as to why he should return something he already bought.

You seem to be implying I think the 570 is a bad card or a bad buy or no one should buy it, but I'm not suggesting those things at all. However your recommendation for the OP to cancel his order is assuming the 6950 is a bad buy, and that is the issue I have and that is why I'm calling you out. The 6950 is not a bad buy because it is significantly cheaper...

Except you didn't compare them at all. You listed marketing bullet points for the 570. You didn't list the entire strengths and weaknesses of both cards.

Good job with baseless accusations. Continue your ad hominem attacks instead of posting real counter points. But wait, were you trying to spin my intellectually embarrassed line... How... Why... does not compute.

You should start paying more attention.

Agreed, though if I were you I'd edit out your swearing because it's not allowed in VC&G. I'm quoting this in the hopes that load81 sees it anyway, but I'm not sure how the ignore function works on this forum because, um, I don't need to resort to "na na na bu bu (covering my ears) I can't hear you!" strategies when faced with a position that challenges my own.

A number of people have mentioned avoiding the 570 but also mentioned "take a look at the 560ti" which is quite a speedy card for its price. How this became "AMD vs Nvidia" when there are viable options from both camps is confusing to me. Hopefully the OP will update this thread with whether or not his 6950 fits.


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2010
6950 is NOT 10.5 inches lol. It's at least 11 inches.

EDIT: I just measured the 6950's heatsink and it's around 10.6 inches long by itself.
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Jan 21, 2011
Agreed, though if I were you I'd edit out your swearing because it's not allowed in VC&G. I'm quoting this in the hopes that load81 sees it anyway, but I'm not sure how the ignore function works on this forum because, um, I don't need to resort to "na na na bu bu (covering my ears) I can't hear you!" strategies when faced with a position that challenges my own

I didn't read what you quoted him saying. You telling him to edit out his swearing shows why I blocked him. He is insulting and pointless talking to. Nothing to do with me not being able to handle his challenge as you can see above I had no problem. He seems to be the one not able to handle it rofl!! Also plenty of people have challenged me here and I respond to them no problem. wow lol. I dont get why people are so mad about what I said. The original poster mentioned returning his 6950 and getting a 570. So I said it would be a good idea considering the 570's benefits. I'm truly sorry believe me.
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Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2008
I didn't read what you quoted him saying. You telling him to edit out his swearing shows why I blocked him. He is insulting and pointless talking to. Nothing to do with me not being able to handle his challenge as you can see above I had no problem. He seems to be the one not able to handle it rofl!! Also plenty of people have challenged me here and I respond to them no problem. wow lol. I dont get why people are so mad about what I said. The original poster mentioned returning his 6950 and getting a 570. So I said it would be a good idea considering the 570's benefits. I'm truly sorry believe me.

Revionist history. Check. Ad hominems. Check. Baseless assumptions. Check. Insulting and mad now mean disagreeing, correcting, enlightening; perhaps he actually has a valid point about bringing up English as his second nature, because he's not using words that fit the description of what is happening here.

Someone quote me because this is ridiculous.
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Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2010
I didn't read what you quoted him saying. You telling him to edit out his swearing shows why I blocked him. He is insulting and pointless talking to. Nothing to do with me not being able to handle his challenge as you can see above I had no problem. He seems to be the one not able to handle it rofl!! Also plenty of people have challenged me here and I respond to them no problem. wow lol. I dont get why people are so mad about what I said. The original poster mentioned returning his 6950 and getting a 570. So I said it would be a good idea considering the 570's benefits. I'm truly sorry believe me.
Although I agree with your recommendation of the GTX 570 due to the OP's space constraints, cusideabelincoln did bring up valid points. The HD 6950 is slower than the GTX 570 but it also costs less so any performance you gain from buying a GTX 570 over the HD 6950 you are paying for it.

In terms of raw performance the GTX 570 is the OP's best choice because it fits his budget, fits his case, and its the fastest card he can buy. In my opinion the HD 6950 would be too big to fit in his case anyways so it automatically gets disqualified and the next card down is the GTX 560 Ti and HD 5870/6870.


Golden Member
Jan 30, 2010
I didn't read what you quoted him saying. You telling him to edit out his swearing shows why I blocked him. He is insulting and pointless talking to. Nothing to do with me not being able to handle his challenge as you can see above I had no problem. He seems to be the one not able to handle it rofl!! Also plenty of people have challenged me here and I respond to them no problem. wow lol. I dont get why people are so mad about what I said. The original poster mentioned returning his 6950 and getting a 570. So I said it would be a good idea considering the 570's benefits. I'm truly sorry believe me.

In this thread (alone) you have posted twice about putting people on ignore, because you think their posts are 'ridiculous'. Your attempts at a) perceiving their arguments and b) contrasting those arguments with your own can be reduced to this sort of statement "If you disagree with me you're stupid and I'm going to ignore you". That doesn't seem like the sort of thing someone who actually has arguments to present needs to do. Grooveriding and cusideabelincoln actually provide an argumentative and logical structure to the points they are trying to make. Please reread their posts.

Did you miss some of the recent 570 threads here, or something? I don't own a 570 so I can't come down either way, but overclocking a 570 appears to be a problem, and either way that's irrelevant here because the OP said that overclocking is out of the question. So we want to find a stock clock card that fits his case and provides good performance for his budget.

In short: this thread was made so that this community could help the OP track down a video card that was $300 (or less) and 10.5 inches (or less). Some members gave the OP this help, and he came to a decision about his video card options. Whether you think that PhysX/Cuda/Folding are things to consider with respect to his video card choice is neither here nor there, frankly. He gave us the relevant criteria in the OP, and that's that.
Reactions: Grazick


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
<snip> I'm not going through this with you again. I felt insulted enough last night. This is the last time I will ever reply to you so don't bother quoting me again.

I wasn't insulting you, but frankly you should be and feel intellectually embarrassed.


Considering english isnt my first language and you were twisting my words yet still failed no you embarassed yourself. I seen you post here and every time someone says something you dont like you come back with veiled insults. Only reason i should be embarassed is failing to get through your blind fanboyism. Also the OP asked about the 570 and 6950 why shouldnt i compare them? Because you dont like the results? Wow I dont think Im the one intellectually embarrassed. Now i couldnt resist responding this time but i promise i wont again.

I'm asking a different user. Is there anyway to block someone here?

edit- nevermind i found the ignore feature


Seen a few ridiculous and useless posts by you. I love the ignore feature.

<snip> And I didnt attack you. You must of missed what happened last night when I was lynched for using the 6950 in an example showing if you mess with the bios any card can fail.

I didn't read what you quoted him saying. You telling him to edit out his swearing shows why I blocked him. He is insulting and pointless talking to. Nothing to do with me not being able to handle his challenge as you can see above I had no problem. He seems to be the one not able to handle it rofl!! Also plenty of people have challenged me here and I respond to them no problem. wow lol. I dont get why people are so mad about what I said. The original poster mentioned returning his 6950 and getting a 570. So I said it would be a good idea considering the 570's benefits. I'm truly sorry believe me.

Revionist history. Check. Ad hominems. Check. Baseless assumptions. Check. Insulting and mad now mean disagreeing, correcting, enlightening; perhaps he actually has a valid point about bringing up English as his second nature, because he's not using words that fit the description of what is happening here.

Someone quote me because this is ridiculous.

Folks, please read and reflect upon the following comments taken directly from our AnandTech Forum Guidelines:
We want to give all our members as much freedom as possible while maintaining an environment that encourages productive discussion.

It is our desire to encourage our members to share their knowledge and experiences in order to benefit the rest of the community, while also providing a place for people to come and just hang out.

We also intend to encourage respect and responsibility among members in order to maintain order and civility.

Our social forums will have a relaxed atmosphere, but other forums will be expected to remain on-topic and posts should be helpful, relevant and professional.

We ask for respect and common decency towards your fellow forum members.

^ these passages and words are in our posting guidelines for a reason.

Telling someone they should "feel intellectually embarrassed" is not the sort of behavior that exhibits the desired spirit of the forum.

Lacing your posts with sensationalized rhetoric and hyperbole by claiming "last night when I was lynched" is not the sort of approach to the forums that we want to see our member engaging in.

We expect our forum members to approach the community with decorum and respect.

We expect your posts to foster positive discussion, and not be inflammatory or laced with hyperbole and rhetoric.

Furthermore, this is a technical forum, this is not myspace and it is not facebook. If you feel the need to state that you are "unfriending" a member of the community by way of putting them on your ignore list then we expect you to refrain from posting such statement in this technical forum.

Find another way to express your inner teenage-selves, do it by pm or twitter or go blog about it, etc. But doing it here, in a technical sub-forum such as VC&G, is a thread-derail and future occurrences of it will be met with infractions.

If any of you wish to discuss this any further then please use the appropriate venue, Moderator Discussions sub-forum, otherwise I am expecting all of you to get back to the thread topic at hand and leave all this needless tripe out of the thread.

Moderator Idontcare


Jan 21, 2011
In this thread (alone) you have posted twice about putting people on ignore, because you think their posts are 'ridiculous'.

I didnt ignore Groove. I was just irritated. He makes me laugh telling me to let him know how my rma goes and all that I know he isnt all serious. The other guy is a different story. Just let it go and stop digging please.

Edit: sorry I posted this before seeing the warning.

I'm not sure what you mean by digging, but I'm simply taking your posts at face value.

Like I said I was irritated. I didnt block him. I dont block people who disagree with me or 8 people would be on ignore not 1. Please look up at what Idontcare wrote about the posting guidelines.
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Golden Member
Jan 30, 2010
After having quoted a piece by Groove, you wrote this:

Using this logic you shouldnt buy any card and overclock it. Not just the 570. I see posts on OCN about other types of cards failing from overclocks.

Seen a few ridiculous and useless posts by you. I love the ignore feature.

I'm not sure what you mean by digging, but I'm simply taking your posts at face value. Please look up at what Idontcare wrote about the posting guidelines.


Jan 25, 2011
a) you didn't get tons of money, you can't file until Feb 15th

b) you got raped by Hewitt Jackson or H&R block?

c) Rapage amount could've got you a 580GTX

a. Really because i filed on Jan 13, accepted on the 18th and got them back on the 26th. State and gov employees get theirs the fastest.
b. taxact is free
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