Gov. Chris Christie in hot water over Bridge Scandal


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013
More subpoena's have been issued. Turns out there was no traffic study, and still no explanation for why this was done. It is alleged that this was done as a way to "punish" a Democratic Mayor who refused to endorse Gov. Chris Christie, and now more things are beginning to pop up over this whole bridge debacle.

Emergency services were unable to get to people, it held up the entire bridge and turned the whole thing into a parking lot essentially. If there is any truth to Gov. Chris Christie having done this, in my opinion he is not fit to be President nor keep his position. This was dangerous, and bullying to extreme over something very petty. It's not looking good for him.

WASHINGTON -- New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) sought to quell mounting questions over whether his administration used the busiest U.S. bridge in a political retribution scheme, holding a lengthy press conference Friday where he gave his first extended remarks on the issue since the controversy erupted.

Christie essentially admitted that some of his top appointees at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey screwed up, but he insisted there was no political motivation behind what they did, and said he had not known what was happening.

"I'm responsible for everything that happens in this government. ... I didn't know anything about it, but I'm responsible," said Christie. "For every person who acts in this government, I am ultimately responsible. So if you want to hear that, I'm happy to say that, because it's true. ... That's different obviously than direct responsibility, but ultimate responsibility, sure."

The problems began on the morning of Sept. 9, when New Jersey drivers attempting to cross the George Washington Bridge by one of the three access lanes in Fort Lee, N.J., found two of the lanes closed. The result was massive traffic jams, with cars backed up into Fort Lee's local roads.

The closures were ordered by David Wildstein, a high-ranking Port Authority official and Christie ally, without the knowledge of the Port Authority Executive Director Patrick Foye, who was appointed by the governor of New York. Wildstein's boss, Christie appointee and former New Jersey state Sen. Bill Baroni, defended the closure, saying it was necessary for a traffic study. Foye said he was never informed of the study, and he ordered the lanes reopened on Sept. 13 when he found out what had happened.

Just weeks before the closures, Fort Lee's Democratic mayor, Mark Sokolich, refused to endorse Christie's reelection bid. On Sept. 12, Sokolich said he believed Wildstein's actions were "punitive," although he later backed off that accusation.

Wildstein resigned last week, although it was reported that he would continue to collect his six-figure paycheck. On Friday, Christie said Wildstein was off the payroll.

Christie also announced that Baroni was resigning, although he denied that it was connected to the bridge controversy. He said the move was planned because Baroni already had served four years with the Port Authority, and the reason it was being announced on Friday was simply because it had become a distraction.

Christie stood by Baroni and Wildstein, characterizing the incident as a "mistake" and asserting that they did not have malicious motives and did not do it for political reasons.

"I can only tell you what Sen. Baroni has said publicly and to everybody in this office, which is they believed the traffic study was necessary and that they ordered it, but the way they did it was mistaken and they didn't follow protocols," he said.

When pressed on the issue of whether there was more wrongdoing, Christie said to a reporter, "There's got to be a time ... that you made a mistake in a story. By definition, you didn't do it on purpose. It was a mistake. ... Sen. Baroni has characterized this as a mistake.

Christie also denied a Wall Street Journal story that said Christie called New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) recently and complained that Foye was pressing too hard to get to the bottom of the bridge matter.

"The story is categorically wrong. I did not have that conversation with Gov. Cuomo in any way, shape or form, and Gov. Cuomo didn't have it with me," said Christie. "And when the story came out yesterday, I called him and said, 'Did we talk about this?' and he said, 'No.'"

National Democrats have begun hammering Christie, seen as a possible 2016 presidential contender, over the controversy as well. On Friday morning, the Democratic National Committee put out a video saying Christie was "playing politics." Super PAC Correct the Record also made a graphic this week charging the governor with "political retribution."

Christie dismissed the Democratic attacks on Friday.

"National Democrats will make an issue about everything about me. So get used to the new world, everybody," he said. "You know, we're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy. That's the way it goes, so it's fine."

DNC Press Secretary Michael Czin responded. "At Governor Christie’s press conference today on the bridge scandal that has dominated headlines in New Jersey, Christie took a very long time to not answer one simple question: ‘Why?’ Why were the lanes to the bridge shut down? After an hour long performance, with a lot of his customary swagger Christie’s not answering and the people of New Jersey still deserve answers," he said.

The Democratic-controlled committee investigating the lane closures in the New Jersey General Assembly subpoenaed new documents on Thursday, indicating that it believed there was more to the matter than had been revealed. The inspector general of the Port Authority has also launched a probe into the issue.

Resignations of deputy executive and others who are Gov. Chris Christie's loyalists over Bridge shut down

Bill Baroni’s resignation as deputy executive director comes as New Jersey Democrats allege that officials loyal to the New Jersey’s Republican governor on the agency, which runs the bridges and tunnels between New York and New Jersey among other transportation infratructure, shut down lanes on the busy George Washington Bridge as payback for the refusal of Fort Lee mayor, a Democrat, to back Christie’s reelection. Fort Lee is directly affected by bridge traffic.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie with Port Authority Deputy Executive Director Bill Baroni (right) and Chairman David Samson (center). Baroni resigned from the agency over the growing controversy involving lane closures on the George Washington Bridge, being viewed as political payback for the Democratic mayor of Fort Lee, located near the bridge.
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s top appointee to the Port Authority resigned Friday — the second casualty of a growing scandal over lane closures that caused massive delays at the George Washington Bridge.

New Jersey Democrats have claimed that Christie loyalists at the Port Authority shut the lanes as payback after the Democratic mayor of Fort Lee — the town on the Jersey side of the bridge — refused to back the reelection of Christie, a Republican.

At the time, the Christie camp was seeking the endorsements of local Democrats to increase the margin of his expected victory and burnish his credentials as a 2016 presidential candidate.

The official who stepped down Friday, Bill Baroni, was the $289,000-a-year deputy executive director.

He had testified at a legislative hearing in Trenton that the lanes were closed for a traffic study.

But Port Authority Executive Director Patrick Foye, who is Gov. Cuomo’s top appointee to the bistate agency, testified he was unaware of any such study.

Other witnesses said another Christie ally at the Port Authority, David Wildstein, directed the bridge’s supervisor to close the lanes — and not notify Foye, Fort Lee’s mayor or the cops.

The shutdown, which began on Sept. 9 and lasted four days, closed two of the three local-access lanes from Fort Lee to the bridge’s upper level.

The closure caused four-hour delays on the Jersey side of the GWB — one of the world’s most heavily traveled bridges — creating a potential nightmare for emergency vehicles.

Fort Lee officials said they received no advance notice of the closures.

Wildstein, the Port Authority’s director of interstate capital projects and one of Christie’s high school friends, sent a resignation letter last week.

On Friday, Christie said he believes Baroni’s version of events and does not believe his staffers ordered the closures. He said that he did not learn about the closures until later. Christie also downplayed Baroni's exit, saying he “offered his resignation and I accepted it, but this wasn’t something I hadn’t planned already.”

The tough-talking governor also accused Democrats of hyping the bridge dustup and “all the other politics swirling around it.”


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Doesn't say there was no traffic study, it says the Democrat Executive Director was unaware of a traffic study.

Regardless, it's amusing that closing two of three local access lanes on a bridge for four days is a huge scandal and yet destroying our health insurance system, with millions already kicked off their insurance, is a great thing. Guess that magic 'D' is even more powerful than I dreamed!


Sep 6, 2000
How are closing lanes on a bridge going to "punish" a mayor? That doesn't make any sense, and connecting it to a governor is ridiculous. What next, the potholes in Texas highways are Obama's way of "getting even" with them for voting Romney in 2012? After all, interstate highways ultimately are his adinistration's responsibility.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013
How are closing lanes on a bridge going to "punish" a mayor? That doesn't make any sense

That is exactly what the media is saying. For those who don't know this is the busiest largest bridge in the country. There was no notice, or warning, and now that it is under investigation people are in hot water. There is no traffic study, and a lot of questions have gone unanswered. I think by the time they get done with this, it will definitely put a dent in Gov. Chris Christi's plans to run as president.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013
The George Washington Bridge connecting Manhattan to Fort Lee, N.J., is the busiest in the country. So it was no small matter when in September, two of the three access lanes to the bridge were shut down, creating significant traffic problems on the New Jersey side.

The shutdown was ordered by a political appointee of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Christie's administration said the closure was justified due to a traffic study, while Democrats questioned whether it was political retribution against the mayor of Fort Lee, who weeks before had refused to endorse Christie's reelection.

But on Monday, the top Port Authority official threw cold water on the Christie administration's claim, testifying at a state Assembly hearing that he didn't know about any traffic study. The Christie ally who ordered the closure, David Wildstein, resigned on Friday, reigniting questions about whether the traffic snarl created by the closure was all just political payback -- allegations that the Christie administration has dismissed as "crazy."

Christie brought Wildstein into his administration as a top Port Authority official in 2010. But the two go back much further. Wildstein, who founded the political website PolitickerNJ, and Christie were just a year apart in high school. A 2012 profile of Wildstein in The Record newspaper said figured "prominently" in Christie's effort to change the Port Authority.

"Longtime employees ... privately describe a man intent on carrying out a political agenda rather than one built on reform or improving the region's transportation system," wrote the paper.

Wildstein ordered the closures on Sunday, Sept. 8, according to The Wall Street Journal. The move created a "horror story" of traffic jams in Fort Lee the next day -- the first day of school in the borough -- with cars backed up into local streets. The access lanes reopened on Sept. 13, upon the orders of the Port Authority's executive director, Patrick Foye, an appointee of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D).

Fort Lee's Democratic mayor, Mark Sokolich, wrote on Sept. 12 to Christie's top appointee at the Port Authority, Bill Baroni, saying he believed Wildstein's actions were "punitive," although he has since backed off that accusation.

Just two weeks earlier, Sokolich had declined to endorse Christie's reelection bid.

In late November, Baroni told state lawmakers that a traffic study was the reason for the closures. He asked why so many lanes needed to be dedicated to Fort Lee traffic.

Several Democrats said at the time they were unhappy with his testimony

“While it was nice for him to come, his appearance was somewhat clownish,” Assemblyman John Wisniewski (D) told The Record. “He smirked through most of the hearing, changed the direction of the hearing as many times as possible to the point where he was asking the committee if we agreed with the policy call the Port Authority made.”

The Wall Street Journal reported that the closures were ordered without notifying police, emergency officials or officials on the New York side of the Port Authority's leadership.

Christie, meanwhile, has been going after Democrats for being "obsessed" with the issue, arguing that they were the ones playing politics.

Christie also defended Baroni's charge that Fort Lee perhaps had too many bridge lanes, telling reporters early this month, "We should look at this policy because I don’t know why one town gets three lanes. One lane maybe; three lanes?”

When asked if he had anything to do with the lane closures, he sarcastically replied, "I moved the cones, actually unbeknownst to everybody."

On Friday, just days before a legislative hearing on the closures, Wildstein announced that he will resign on Jan. 1 because the investigation had become a "distraction." He continues to collect his six-figure paycheck in the meantime. Christie spokesman Michael Drewniak called him “a tireless advocate for New Jersey’s interests at the Port Authority.”

Foye testified before a New Jersey state Assembly committee on Monday that he would have fired Wildstein, but did not have the authority. Other Port Authority officials said Wildstein directed them not to tell Foye about the bridge closures.

When asked if he knew about a traffic study, Foye replied, "I don't."

"I'm not aware of any traffic study," Foye said. "I don't know why it was done."

Christie's office has declined further comment after Monday's hearings, according to The Wall Street Journal, and his office did not immediately return a call to The Huffington Post. Democratic lawmakers are now calling for the firing of Baroni.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
I hadn't heard about that. What's going on?
Some idiots in government couldn't get the socialism they wanted, so they decided to ruin a bunch of people's lives and hopefully make things so bad that the country would decide that more socialism wouldn't really be that bad after all. But then it backfired, because these idiots had never actually run a large start-up company. Or, um, a small start-up company. Or ANY company. Or really even worked in a company in the private sector, much less in health care or IT, except for a few weeks "behind enemy lines". So they really, really screwed the pooch and their website didn't work. And then when they finally made the website work, everyone discovered that they had been lying all along.

It was in all the papers.


Apr 9, 2000
I cannot imagine the amount of dirt digging going on between the campaigns of the top 5 republican presidential candidates


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Doesn't say there was no traffic study, it says the Democrat Executive Director was unaware of a traffic study.

Regardless, it's amusing that closing two of three local access lanes on a bridge for four days is a huge scandal and yet destroying our health insurance system, with millions already kicked off their insurance, is a great thing. Guess that magic 'D' is even more powerful than I dreamed!

You have to remember that the rest of the country doesn't look at things through your delusional, hyper partisan glasses. This probably explains why you are so consistently surprised as to what people care about, not to mention so serially unable to rationally evaluate what is going on with the health law. In the end the website will work fine and people will get their health insurance. Life will go on.

Now the insane ranting aside, this is a non story that people are trying to pick up on because they want to attack a likely presidential candidate. Who cares.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013
What is strange about this is that this action basically shut down the entire city for a week and no one has yet to give an explanation. In addition, why did these two guys resign? They did say publicly they knew it was wrong but would not say why they did it, other than they were ordered to, and were afraid of losing their job if they didn't follow orders. The whole thing is beyond bizarre.


Senior member
Dec 13, 2013
Hey Gov Christie,

I don`t know why you`d be reading this, but the off chance you are here's some free advice (mind you don`t have to take it if you don`t want to). Find yourself a real-life Olivia Pope. Hire her and her entire team. Then go to bed and try not to do this again

Ok thank you.

Seriously, if these allegations are true, its damning, but I`m pretty sure he`ll weather the storm and be alright in 6 months and certainly for the RNC for 2016.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Some idiots in government couldn't get the socialism they wanted, so they decided to ruin a bunch of people's lives and hopefully make things so bad that the country would decide that more socialism wouldn't really be that bad after all. But then it backfired, because these idiots had never actually run a large start-up company. Or, um, a small start-up company. Or ANY company. Or really even worked in a company in the private sector, much less in health care or IT, except for a few weeks "behind enemy lines". So they really, really screwed the pooch and their website didn't work. And then when they finally made the website work, everyone discovered that they had been lying all along.

It was in all the papers.

Obamacare? Surely you don't mean that? It has a mandate that folk have to have insurance. The only way you can lose insurance is if you willfully opt out and volunteer to pay a fine. Mine went up as it does every year with no change but the one I paid 425 dollars a month for a family member is now going to be paid for out of our taxes. And folk who don't have family that can support them will be able to avail themselves of care too. I gots 425 dollars a month for my taxes to go up before I start to suffer the slings and arrows of government caring for people. A conservative might just say, I got mine, fuck you.


Feb 18, 2004

Christie was trying to punish a guy and they're arguing that the best he can do is cause a traffic jam?


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Since nobody has yet to cough up proof that any study was actually approved through regular process or even conducted it seems kind of suspect. The emails released from the executive director are pretty epic in their "what the fuck are you doing?" tone.


Jul 2, 2005
So, just to make sure I understand, a couple of lanes are closed for a study that may or may not have actually happened or even existed. We don't know anything about the motivation for the lane closures, and there is absolutely nothing linking Christie to any of it. That's the big 'smoking gun' against Christie? LOL Idiots.
Nov 30, 2006
So, just to make sure I understand, a couple of lanes are closed for a study that may or may not have actually happened or even existed. We don't know anything about the motivation for the lane closures, and there is absolutely nothing linking Christie to any of it. That's the big 'smoking gun' against Christie? LOL Idiots.
This kind of speculative bullshit is only the beginning. More smear campaigns to come. Stay tuned.


Jul 2, 2005
This kind of speculative bullshit is only the beginning. More smear campaigns to come. Stay tuned.

Oh, no doubt you're right, the smear campaigns will be in full swing before too long, this is just the early on smearing to see try to find something that can stick.
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