Gov. Chris Christie in hot water over Bridge Scandal

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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
not to derail the thread by posting something on-topic, but...

Read more:

This is just a side issue of the fact that group loyalty morality of conservative brains is defective when that loyalty causes traffic jams that fuck the people in the name of the greater glorious moral state of loyalty to the Bully and the wrath of damnation he brings to apostates. You will be taught to fear authority or you will be crushed. We know what is best for you.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Come on, Moonie, even you have to admit the incredible irony in claiming on the one hand that conservatives have defective, fear-ridden brains and on the other hand claiming that you feel "the natural panic one would feel awakening in a world full of Zombies."

Do you equate the danger of Boogie Men in the closet to the threat of nuclear war. Fight or flight are survival mechanisms. The function of a rational person is to know what is which. There is no doubt at all to anybody who can think that huge numbers of the conservative brains we find in the US today are profoundly sick and dangerous to themselves and the rest of us. Very sorry, also.
Nov 30, 2006
Uh huh. You're good at spinning, i can see that. Another way of explaining it is that conservatives are giant pussies that are easily scared and that explains why they're scared of so many god damned things and overreact in the policy decisions.

Remember what you said:

No, liberals fear centers are not as developed and not as 'jumpy', which this study convfirms.
I'm just stating the facts of what the study actually found and calling out the bullshit. Is "jumpy" a scientific term found within the study or is that something else you just made up as well?


Jan 31, 2010
Do you equate the danger of Boogie Men in the closet to the threat of nuclear war. Fight or flight are survival mechanisms. The function of a rational person is to know what is which. There is no doubt at all to anybody who can think that huge numbers of the conservative brains we find in the US today are profoundly sick and dangerous to themselves and the rest of us. Very sorry, also.

Yet it appears that you have a fear of conservatives which had resulted in your compulsive obsession with all things conservative.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I'm just stating the facts of what the study actually found and calling out the bullshit. Is "jumpy" a scientific term found within the study or is that something else you just made up as well?

Can you provide the evidence from the study that said people with smaller amygdalae were more prone to irrational fears? The amygdala deals with threat and emotional processing, but I'm not aware of any scientific research that says a smaller amygdala would lead to greater irrationality in threat processing.

The research I have seen shows that those more sensitive to external threats are more likely to be conservative, but the relative rationality or irrationality of those threats was not analyzed. (nor am I sure how it would be) Conservatives tend to respond more strongly to threat and liberals tend to respond more strongly to complexity and new ideas.

Interestingly enough, Darren Schreiber one of my professors at UC San Diego and a personal friend of mine published an article a few years back that I believe we discussed here about differing conservative and liberal responses to risk taking, showing that you use different parts of your brain depending on what ideology you favor.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Yet it appears that you have a fear of conservatives which had resulted in your compulsive obsession with all things conservative.

I post here. I am constantly reminded of the fact that conservatives reason defectively. You have done so here. You can't tell the difference between compulsive obsession and your reflection in the mirror. Stop being nuts and posting your insanity and I will stop responding with helpful hints as to your actual condition. My aim is to help you. It's what humans do for each other. You just don't want help because you view people who need it as weak. You have a big ego and sense of self importance based on pride. You can't get to me on the level of ego because I know what I feel. I know I am worthless that way and there's nothing you can subtract. You, on the other hand, have a lot to lose. I will take that from you because I know which is better. You know only half a story.


Nov 20, 1999
I'm just stating the facts of what the study actually found and calling out the bullshit. Is "jumpy" a scientific term found within the study or is that something else you just made up as well?

Oh please explain, because what you stated was complete bullshit, no matter how you interpret the study:

Liberal fear centers (amygdala) have also been scientifically proven by neuroscience to be generally underdeveloped when compared to conservatives...this helps explain why irrational fears are so prevalent among liberals.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I'm just stating the facts of what the study actually found and calling out the bullshit. Is "jumpy" a scientific term found within the study or is that something else you just made up as well?

I know you want to win, and I like your spirit, but I think in a debate you want to go for something a bit less picky than his choice of the word jumpy. You probably know what he is trying to say. Debate that.


Nov 20, 1999
The bolded was my opinion that liberals have many irrational fears.

Yes, your opinion, based on that study, which made no fucking sense whatsoever, and it's just another example of conservatives thinking with their guts rather than brains.

If liberals had many irrational fears, they'd be conservatives - fear of minorities, fear of gays, fear of muslims, armed to the teeth just in case some hispanic black gay muslim socialist breaks into your house to rape you or something.
Nov 30, 2006
Yes, your opinion, based on that study, which made no fucking sense whatsoever, and it's just another example of conservatives thinking with their guts rather than brains.
I stated an opinion and said as much. You stated that the study confirms that liberals fear centers are not as "jumpy" which is a complete lie as the study doesn't say this.

No, liberals fear centers are not as developed and not as 'jumpy', which this study convfirms.

^ Bullshit.

If liberals had many irrational fears, they'd be conservatives - fear of minorities, fear of gays, fear of muslims, armed to the teeth just in case some hispanic black gay muslim socialist breaks into your house to rape you or something.
^ More bullshit. Tell me do you stand the stench?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I stated an opinion and said as much. You stated that the study confirms that liberals fear centers are not as "jumpy" which is a complete lie as the study doesn't say this.

^ Bullshit.

^ More bullshit. Tell me do you stand the stench?

What the science tells us is that these disgusting smells you detect are more a product of conservative rather than liberal brains. The way irrational fear is prevented from causing us to jump out of the frying pan into the fire is by the ability to suppress that reaction so the reason and higher analysis can take place. This is the liberal forte. Knee jerk jumping is a conservative strength and it is a strength in some cases. This is why conservative need to stop destroying liberals who are on the same team which is what the team loyalty morality is doing.


Mar 19, 2007
Can you provide the evidence from the study that said people with smaller amygdalae were more prone to irrational fears? The amygdala deals with threat and emotional processing, but I'm not aware of any scientific research that says a smaller amygdala would lead to greater irrationality in threat processing.

The research I have seen shows that those more sensitive to external threats are more likely to be conservative, but the relative rationality or irrationality of those threats was not analyzed. (nor am I sure how it would be) Conservatives tend to respond more strongly to threat and liberals tend to respond more strongly to complexity and new ideas.

Interestingly enough, Darren Schreiber one of my professors at UC San Diego and a personal friend of mine published an article a few years back that I believe we discussed here about differing conservative and liberal responses to risk taking, showing that you use different parts of your brain depending on what ideology you favor.

Moonbeam seems to have made his own judgments on it.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Moonbeam seems to have made his own judgments on it.

Moonbeam knows that the alternative to the fact that conservatives respond with emotion to threat rather than reason is not that liberals enjoy novelty, but that they respond to threats more analytically, being able to keep emotions out of that process. Conservatives react instinctually, liberals respond with intelligence. Each has survival advantage, under certain conditions. Where a measured analysis composed of grays is needed, the liberal mind is superior. A conservative may down ducks faster than a liberal, but may also shoot his friend in the face. Probably where the name duck came from.
Nov 30, 2006
What the science tells us is that these disgusting smells you detect are more a product of conservative rather than liberal brains. The way irrational fear is prevented from causing us to jump out of the frying pan into the fire is by the ability to suppress that reaction so the reason and higher analysis can take place. This is the liberal forte. Knee jerk jumping is a conservative strength and it is a strength in some cases. This is why conservative need to stop destroying liberals who are on the same team which is what the team loyalty morality is doing.
What neuroscience seems to be telling us is that liberals/conservatives appear to be wired differently. I only brought up "liberal brain defects" to mock your obsessive preoccupation with "conservative brain defects". I personally don't get this obsession you have. All people are imperfect regardless of ideology and I hope you would agree with me when I say it's OK for people to be different. Both liberals and conservative have positive and complementary attributes that contribute to the evolution of our species. To primarily focus on what you perceive to be negative attributes of conservatives (while ignoring negative attributes of liberals) comes off as elitist, as if these perceived imperfections of others somehow validates your own political views. Let me clue you in on doesn't. Both ideologies have their extremists and crazies and both have their highly intelligent and rational folks as well. To argue one side has more crazies or intelligent people than the other is a fools game which is best left to the ideological bigots among us. You're better than this.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Doc Savage Fan: What neuroscience seems to be telling us is that liberals/conservatives appear to be wired differently.

What it does not tell us is why. There are some indications, as I recall, that brains lean left in teen times where social networks are large. My thinking runs along the lines of victim identification in childhood, whether there is something in the parent that will tolerate differences in children or whether the demand for conformity is strict and threatening and violent.

DSF I only brought up "liberal brain defects" to mock your obsessive preoccupation with "conservative brain defects". I personally don't get this obsession you have.

M: Mock is a sort of good word. I believe that conservatives do largely as predicted by science, deny what makes them feel bad. In short, conservatives like to shame people because they were controlled and made to conform by shame and by means of ego identification with the ones who shamed them, became the purveyors of shame in turn. In short by bulking up their egos, and picking up the whip, they deny themselves any further experience of that feeling. This allows them to become such towering assholes who put others down as you see so often in these threads, insensitive vicious scum, who, of course, can't help but be who they are because they took on the Stockholm syndrome in order to survive that same viciousness directed at them as children. This, of course, makes them very difficult to treat. Nobody knows how but I see no reason why the weapon they use against others shouldn't be used against them. They became shameless in order not to feel shame, so why not remind them of what they really feel. You can see how crazy it makes them. And of course because I have had to feel terrible shame in order to grow in self understanding, mocking me doesn't buy anything. Been there and done that. Dumping shit on me can be part of their healing. My dear friend, I think you must know very well the impotency of rage. I know what rage is and to know what it is never ever to be able to get even.

DSF: All people are imperfect regardless of ideology and I hope you would agree with me when I say it's OK for people to be different.

M: I am here to tell you that it's OK to change. That is what makes me different.

DSF: Both liberals and conservative have positive and complementary attributes that contribute to the evolution of our species.

M: I am curious as to why you tell me this. I have said this over and over. If you do not know I have made this point over and over my suspicion is that it may be because you hear me defensively. Only a theory, I don't know if you are aware that I say this all the time in order to alleviate the sensitivity I speak of here.

DSF: To primarily focus on what you perceive to be negative attributes of conservatives (while ignoring negative attributes of liberals) comes off as elitist, as if these perceived imperfections of others somehow validates your own political views.

It definitely does validate it. In the first place, I have also explained this as many times, I am pretty sure, as I did the point above. Conservatives are first out of the frying pan, liberals that make it land where reason tells them it's a good place. This insures that some survive or reflexive low level thinking when the pan is the place of danger, and some survive by not jumping into the fire. In short, when faced with an external enemy, the liberal becomes the conservatives friend, he welcomes him onto the team, but when there is no Soviet Union to fight, the conservative turns on them. This is our present condition. Conservatives are using a survival capacity to gin up imaginary enemies, build team loyalty to defeat, and destroying the country with their low level reflexive thinking. We are at peace but the reptilian brain sees fear everywhere because we were traumatized as children and have suppressed those feelings. Monsters pop up from under the bed when things are calm and there is no real threat to focus on.

DSF: Let me clue you in on doesn't.

M: It does when you factor in all the facts which is what liberal brains try to do.

DSF: Both ideologies have their extremists and crazies and both have their highly intelligent and rational folks as well.

M: But we are dealing here only with probabilities as determined by science. Conservatives are the more guilty party in present conditions.

DSF: To argue one side has more crazies or intelligent people than the other is a fools game which is best left to the ideological bigots among us. You're better than this.

M: I never argue for the greater intelligence of either side, and I see the issue of crazies as largely irrelevant. I am looking at probabilities and scientific implications as I see them. The science tells me that regardless of whether liberals or conservatives are more or less correct, my point has always been that conservatives have at this time in our history created a bubble reality from which they cannot escape. They have created a Fox News and psychopathic ranters that feel millions of conservative minds lies and bull shit to the point where conservatives live in a totally different reality than rational people. They are bathed in confirmation bias day and night, and we know also that any attempt to detox their delusions only make them stronger, that their intelligence serves only rationalization, not reason and logic. And they have turned on the nation and are destroying it. Sorry, but something needs to be done. I don't know what, but I think the sooner something changes the better it will be for everybody.

We face massive problems as a nation that can't be solved by conservative brains. The advantages of the conservative brain in present conditions are antagonistic to reason and logic and it will take those to save us. Don't be so worried about the fact that liberals can be crazy and miss what you see as dangers. Liberals can change their minds. That's what it means to be liberal, to form ones beliefs based on reason. All you have to do is present real evidence that he is wrong and he will change. But even here, conservatives are at a disadvantage because reasoning isn't their forte. Liberals are better at correcting themselves and can be persuaded by the best of liberal thinking. Also, liberals are not fanatical teem players. They tolerate differences as you wanted me to do. They like the novelty. A straight diet of conservatives or liberals would be extremely boring. Liberals don't like boredom.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013
Well according to this New York Times news peice one of the Port Authority officials said Chris Christie did know about the lane closings;

Quote: "In a letter released by his lawyer, the former official, David Wildstein, a high school friend of Mr. Christie’s who was appointed with the governor’s blessing at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which controls the bridge, described the order to close the lanes as “the Christie administration’s order” and said “evidence exists as well tying Mr. Christie to having knowledge of the lane closures, during the period when the lanes were closed, contrary to what the governor stated publicly in a two-hour press conference” three weeks ago."



Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Yeah if he really did know about it and lied all through that press conference you can stick a fork in him.
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