Government Intervenes with naming of child...WTF?

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Aug 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Czar
And you dont get it that this is a cultural difference here. The laws say that if the name you want is not on the list apply for it, in most cases it is accepted. And take a look at the list again, see the foreign names there? yes there are alot of them. Icelandic names so to speak are the list of accepted names.

And how on earth do you think I am angry because there are foreign names on the list?

Absolutely you are trying to hide behind culture to hide your support of racist tactics. Good job, Czar.

Bottom line is that you openly supported a law, be it fictitious or not, that would discriminate against immigrants. You supported racism to what you perceive as protecting culture. That is the crux of the argument.

You're angry at seeing foreign names on the list because you support a law that would ban foreign names. You support stripping people of a part of their heritage.

Get rid of your damn signature.


Oct 9, 1999
and im back

I'm sorry that it went out like that. But when I say icelandic names I mean the names on the list, its like you are icelandic when you are an icelandic citizen. When I was talking about foreign names then it was names of foreign origin.

Do you support that to become a US citizen you have to take a test on US history, isnt that discriminating against immigrants?

The law does not ban foreign names, only requires you to apply for the name if its not on the list of names approved. If we didnt have this law we would have kids named Satan and other oddities. Whats odd is that immigrants who live here are not complaining and they are the ones supposed to be "suffering" from this racial discriminiation.
Aug 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Czar
Do you support that to become a US citizen you have to take a test on US history, isnt that discriminating against immigrants?

I don't really care even if immigrants don't have to take a test on US history. Either way, it isn't a racist policy. If the policy was all people had to change their names to an 'Americanized' name upon citizenship, then I and most of the US would be against such a horrendous policy.

You just don't get it.

The law does not ban foreign names, only requires you to apply for the name if its not on the list of names approved. If we didnt have this law we would have kids named Satan and other oddities. Whats odd is that immigrants who live here are not complaining and they are the ones supposed to be "suffering" from this racial discriminiation.

How do you know that no immigrants are complaining? Wow, you know every immigrant in Iceland?

Again, you miss the entire point of the argument. You openly supported a law, be it fictitious or not now that you have run away from it, that is openly racist. That is the problem. Until you realize this you will continue to be hateful to some degree. Look at your own sig. You can learn wonders from it.

Don't be a sheep to your country. Look at your arguments. They are akin to saying 'If there are no black people in Iceland then it is OK to have slavery against black people', 'If there is a law saying that no Asians can marry each other in Iceland then it is OK as long as they are not saying anything'. Are you serious? Look at your arguments. They are absolutely ridiculous. Do you have to go through such lengths to defend what is clearly a racist policy?

Do you even think that policy is racist? I doubt you do.

I used to think you were one of the more rational European members on this forum. Now I know better.

Again, there is just a fundamental difference between Europeans and American/Canadians in regards to race/immigration/etc. I feel that Europeans see immigrants as outsiders, invaders if you will. They are threats. Europeans don't want these threats to change any aspect of their culture or society. You want them to look like you, act like you, speak like you, and be like you. You want all immigrants to be carbon copies of yourselves. You are even willing to go through racist measures to do this.


Oct 9, 1999
Again, there is just a fundamental difference between Europeans and American/Canadians in regards to race/immigration/etc.
ah getting closer
The US and Canada are a multicultural society. Europe is split by country borders so that each culture basicly has its own border, its own identiy its own language. With time I think Europe will become more multicultural since there is no stopping it and at the same time that the US will split up into smaller regions based on cultural differensies. This is a cycle that we as a human race go through, many places in Europe used to be way more multicultural than they are now and many places way less.

Now let me ask you a few questions, do you think that everyone should be allowed to have whatever name they want?


Junior Member
Mar 15, 2001
I think it's funny how we bash others for racial tendencies, when it was not many years ago that blacks and whites could not be mixed in society. Now suddenly a few years later we considder our society free from discrimintation and racism. All you have to do is take a trip to the South in the US and you will still see people using their conservative rights in discriminating minorities.


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2004
Originally posted by: ChrisSwede
I think it's funny how we bash others for racial tendencies, when it was not many years ago that blacks and whites could not be mixed in society. Now suddenly a few years later we considder our society free from discrimintation and racism. All you have to do is take a trip to the South in the US and you will still see people using their conservative rights in discriminating minorities.

It will take you about one hour to be called a racist, one hour for someone to claim that you are too busy bashing the US to know your own problems in your own country and less than one day before someone tells you you are a Nazi.

The two resident team taggers when it comes to screaming racist and Nazi at europeans are Rabid Mongoose and CanOWorms as you no doubt have already noticed.

Welcome to P&N.


Jul 3, 2001
Originally posted by: ChrisSwede
I think it's funny how we bash others for racial tendencies, when it was not many years ago that blacks and whites could not be mixed in society. Now suddenly a few years later we considder our society free from discrimintation and racism. All you have to do is take a trip to the South in the US and you will still see people using their conservative rights in discriminating minorities.

Yeah, people used to say the same thing when someone would criticize Apartheid.

Personally, I think that Europe is about 30-50 years behind US/Canada regarding minority/immigrant issues. I think it's pretty obvious with the constant legislations specifically against minorities, stripping minorities of the right to vote, the rise of racist white supremacist political parties, the desire to put immigrants in concentration camps in the Libyan desert, etc.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2004
LOL how did I miss this one yesterday? So funny. If they want a way around it, they should name their child Clark Kent (last name).
Aug 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Czar
Again, there is just a fundamental difference between Europeans and American/Canadians in regards to race/immigration/etc.
ah getting closer
The US and Canada are a multicultural society. Europe is split by country borders so that each culture basicly has its own border, its own identiy its own language. With time I think Europe will become more multicultural since there is no stopping it and at the same time that the US will split up into smaller regions based on cultural differensies. This is a cycle that we as a human race go through, many places in Europe used to be way more multicultural than they are now and many places way less.

Thanks for avoiding almost every point. Please address my post properly.

What we are basically agreeing upon is the REASONS why Europe is more racist and discriminatory.

Now let me ask you a few questions, do you think that everyone should be allowed to have whatever name they want?

I think people should be able to name their children as they see fit. I think these name laws are ridiculous, but not nearly as ridiculous as the position you support. I would say that name restrictions on 'Superman' or 'Communist Boy' are stupid but more understandable but name restrictions on 'Elise' or whatever is ridiculous while name restrictions on 'Jose' are atrocious.


Oct 12, 1999
Actually I agree with this. Superman is no kind of real life name for a person. It kind reminds me of Frank Zappa who named his children Dweezel and Moon Unit. :Q Now both of my girls have somewhat uncommon names but not odd. My daughters are named Autumn and Turquoise.
Aug 14, 2001
Originally posted by: ChrisSwede
I think it's funny how we bash others for racial tendencies, when it was not many years ago that blacks and whites could not be mixed in society. Now suddenly a few years later we considder our society free from discrimintation and racism. All you have to do is take a trip to the South in the US and you will still see people using their conservative rights in discriminating minorities.

Nobody is saying any society is free of discrimination. However, it is clear to me that Europe is more discriminatory and racist than the US or Canada.


Oct 9, 1999

Thanks for avoiding almost every point. Please address my post properly.

What we are basically agreeing upon is the REASONS why Europe is more racist and discriminatory.

There was nothing to address except that part. And yes we are agreeing on that part, but its not racist it applies to everyone. For example I was once dating a girl whose father was from japan, if we would have had a kid and wanted to name the kid after her grandfather on her fathers side then I would have to go through the same process. If I would have a kid with a girl who was fully icelandic and we wanted to name the kid with a name that is not on the list we would still have to go through the same process.

I think people should be able to name their children as they see fit. I think these name laws are ridiculous, but not nearly as ridiculous as the position you support. I would say that name restrictions on 'Superman' or 'Communist Boy' are stupid but more understandable but name restrictions on 'Elise' or whatever is ridiculous while name restrictions on 'Jose' are atrocious.

So witch is it? should there be laws or no laws?


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: RabidMongoose
Originally posted by: Czar
Originally posted by: RabidMongoose
Originally posted by: Czar
so you guys dont accept different cultures? isnt that racism?


I am respecting the culture. That doesn't mean that it is OK to be racist against immigrants

you are? then why are you so much against my culture and just cant accept it?

When people decide to move for example from Mexico to Iceland they are not coming here to make a little mini Mexico, they come here fully knowingly that here is a different culture and you must adapt to that society.

I am not against your culture. What have I stated that is against your culture? Nothing. That law is not part of your culture. Or are you now going to say everything about Iceland is about your culture? :roll: It is made to force other people away from their culture.

Mexicans can go to Iceland and adapt to the society while still being of Mexican culture. If Jose moves to Iceland and keeps his name, there is nothing wrong with that. He is still of Mexican descent. Stop discriminating against him.

Why are you against other people's culture? Why are you openly supporting racist policies?

Then again....if an immigrant is so obsessed with their own culture and doesn't want to accept any other cultures, then why the heck would they immigrate to another land??


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Every potential immigrant to Iceland knows, or should know of their naming policy. Iceland has a culture, a very storied and literate one, which they would like to preserve. They have the right to wish to preserve their cultural identity, forged as it has been over the last thousand years or more.

If such a naming restriction is a make or break thing, potential immigrants are free to go elsewhere. It is NOT a racist policy, but a cultural one. Potential immigrants are NOT discriminated against on the basis of race, but they are asked to conform in this small sense to the host Icelandic culture. Again, they are free to go elsewhere.

When we in the US demand of a devout muslim woman that she remove her veil in order to have her dirver's license picture taken, are we being racist?? No.

Our laws against cannibalism, polygamy, and the serving of dog meat in restaurants go against the historically accepted practices of certain other cultures. Are we being racist?? No.

In Germany, wherever you live, you MUST go and formally register your address with the police. Does this mean that Germany is not a democracy?? (It does not.)

In Great Britian, you are NOT presumed innocent until you are proven guilty. Does this make GB a facist police state?? (It does not.)

Different countries have different mores and socio-political histories. This does not a priori make them wrong, in many cases, such as this one, it just makes them different!

Are there a set of fundamental human rights that do transcend all cultures? The United Nations thinks so, but a careful scan of all 30 articles of their Universal Declaration of Human Rights, codified at their inception in 1948, does not indicate the right to name your son Superman.

It is amazing to me that some of the same people who revile our federal government and loudly trumpet state's rights as the only sure path to freedom and the right to preserve our local ways in the face of jackbooted thugs in our country would so easily impose our collective will on entire other nations, in matters so picayune as the supposed "right" to name your son after an action hero.

Am I glad I live in a country where you can? Well . . . YES (and sometimes no.)

Do I think Iceland is racist because they have a list of names? NO!



Nov 29, 1999
Originally posted by: classy
Actually I agree with this. Superman is no kind of real life name for a person. It kind reminds me of Frank Zappa who named his children Dweezel and Moon Unit. :Q Now both of my girls have somewhat uncommon names but not odd. My daughters are named Autumn and Turquoise.

You should be able to name you kids after a season and a color, but no one should be able to name theirs after a fictional character? Why do *you* get to decide that your daughters names are not *odd?* I wouldn't name my kids that, so should I be able to tell you that you have to change them? I don't get it..


Golden Member
Oct 13, 2003
Is this a joke?
This was posted almost 2 years ago.... talk about old repost.
I´m from Sweden and I definately support this, some swedish woman wanted to name her kid to a 100 digit number, some people are just stupid and their children should´nt have to suffer.
Why are everyone obsessed with this? In Sweden you can name your kid whatever foreign name you want, but not something degrading or just stupid, I´ve seen some fuked up names here in Sweden too. I have no idea why Americans want to have the possibilty to name their child "Uglyfuk" or anything like that.
Aug 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Czar
There was nothing to address except that part. And yes we are agreeing on that part, but its not racist it applies to everyone. For example I was once dating a girl whose father was from japan, if we would have had a kid and wanted to name the kid after her grandfather on her fathers side then I would have to go through the same process. If I would have a kid with a girl who was fully icelandic and we wanted to name the kid with a name that is not on the list we would still have to go through the same process.

It is racist and discriminatory against immigrants that have different cultures and background than you. You can come up with all of the hypothetical situations that you want - bottom line is that it is inherently discriminatory and disgusting.

Yes, I guess there is nothing else to address if you now believe that 'if there are no black people in Iceland then it is OK to have slavery against black people' is a ridiculous argument.

What is next - are you going to make them bleach their skin and hair?

I think people should be able to name their children as they see fit. I think these name laws are ridiculous, but not nearly as ridiculous as the position you support. I would say that name restrictions on 'Superman' or 'Communist Boy' are stupid but more understandable but name restrictions on 'Elise' or whatever is ridiculous while name restrictions on 'Jose' are atrocious.

So witch is it? should there be laws or no laws?[/quote]

There should be no laws that REQUIRE you to have an Icelandic name, like you have openly supported.

You just see immigrants as a threat and invaders. It's as simple as that.

Again, you miss the entire point of the argument. You openly supported a law, be it fictitious or not now that you have run away from it, that is openly racist. That is the problem. Until you realize this you will continue to be hateful to some degree. Look at your own sig. You can learn wonders from it.
Aug 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Chadder007
Then again....if an immigrant is so obsessed with their own culture and doesn't want to accept any other cultures, then why the heck would they immigrate to another land??

You can blend many cultures together. You can accept one while still retaining some of your own heritage.


Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: cKGunslinger
Originally posted by: classy
Actually I agree with this. Superman is no kind of real life name for a person. It kind reminds me of Frank Zappa who named his children Dweezel and Moon Unit. :Q Now both of my girls have somewhat uncommon names but not odd. My daughters are named Autumn and Turquoise.

You should be able to name you kids after a season and a color, but no one should be able to name theirs after a fictional character? Why do *you* get to decide that your daughters names are not *odd?* I wouldn't name my kids that, so should I be able to tell you that you have to change them? I don't get it..

People naming their kids after seasons and colors are not uncommon. Just like people name their children after all kinds of things. And you probably come a typical caucasian background where any name from a different culture might seem odd. But if you can't see the silliness in naming a child Superman, well to each is own I guess. Why not name him The Hulk, Spiderman, Flash, Batman, The Atom, Green Lantern, or how about, here's a good one, Sub Zero. :roll:

On side note, are you Gunslinger aka Quake player Gunslinger?


Golden Member
Oct 13, 2003
Originally posted by: RabidMongoose
Originally posted by: Czar
There was nothing to address except that part. And yes we are agreeing on that part, but its not racist it applies to everyone. For example I was once dating a girl whose father was from japan, if we would have had a kid and wanted to name the kid after her grandfather on her fathers side then I would have to go through the same process. If I would have a kid with a girl who was fully icelandic and we wanted to name the kid with a name that is not on the list we would still have to go through the same process.

It is racist and discriminatory against immigrants that have different cultures and background than you. You can come up with all of the hypothetical situations that you want - bottom line is that it is inherently discriminatory and disgusting.

Yes, I guess there is nothing else to address if you now believe that 'if there are no black people in Iceland then it is OK to have slavery against black people' is a ridiculous argument.

What is next - are you going to make them bleach their skin and hair?

I think people should be able to name their children as they see fit. I think these name laws are ridiculous, but not nearly as ridiculous as the position you support. I would say that name restrictions on 'Superman' or 'Communist Boy' are stupid but more understandable but name restrictions on 'Elise' or whatever is ridiculous while name restrictions on 'Jose' are atrocious.

So witch is it? should there be laws or no laws?

There should be no laws that REQUIRE you to have an Icelandic name, like you have openly supported.

You just see immigrants as a threat and invaders. It's as simple as that.

Again, you miss the entire point of the argument. You openly supported a law, be it fictitious or not now that you have run away from it, that is openly racist. That is the problem. Until you realize this you will continue to be hateful to some degree. Look at your own sig. You can learn wonders from it.[/quote]
Do you think a parent should be allowed to name their child for ex. "4324444444444432222235663546566346634666346436663436436643690099902930220000789"?
Aug 14, 2001
Originally posted by: nCred
Do you think a parent should be allowed to name their child for ex. "4324444444444432222235663546566346634666346436663436436643690099902930220000789"?

Do you think all immigrants in Iceland should be forced to have Icelandic names?

I guess this sort of mentality is common in Europe? Stamp out the immigrants as much as you can, huh?


Golden Member
Oct 13, 2003
Originally posted by: RabidMongoose
Originally posted by: nCred
Do you think a parent should be allowed to name their child for ex. "4324444444444432222235663546566346634666346436663436436643690099902930220000789"?

Do you think all immigrants in Iceland should be forced to have Icelandic names?

I guess this sort of mentality is common in Europe? Stamp out the immigrants as much as you can, huh?

No, I would not support that if I lived in Iceland, but I think you should have some control over nutcases naming their kids.


Jul 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Perknose
Every potential immigrant to Iceland knows, or should know of their naming policy. Iceland has a culture, a very storied and literate one, which they would like to preserve. They have the right to wish to preserve their cultural identity, forged as it has been over the last thousand years or more.

If such a naming restriction is a make or break thing, potential immigrants are free to go elsewhere. It is NOT a racist policy, but a cultural one. Potential immigrants are NOT discriminated against on the basis of race, but they are asked to conform in this small sense to the host Icelandic culture. Again, they are free to go elsewhere.

How do those damn filthy immigrants destroy Iceland's culture? It is a discriminatory policy. It is NOT part of their culture.

You sound like a typical Bush fanboi. If you criticize America, leave the country, you are free to go elsewhere!
Aug 14, 2001
Originally posted by: nCred
Originally posted by: RabidMongoose
Originally posted by: nCred
Do you think a parent should be allowed to name their child for ex. "4324444444444432222235663546566346634666346436663436436643690099902930220000789"?

Do you think all immigrants in Iceland should be forced to have Icelandic names?

I guess this sort of mentality is common in Europe? Stamp out the immigrants as much as you can, huh?

No, I would not support that if I lived in Iceland, but I think you should have some control over nutcases naming their kids.

Then you have an OK stance on this issue.
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