Graduating Law School in 2 Weeks - Reflections


Mar 21, 2002
This may turn out to be a long post, or it may not. I'm speaking from the heart, partly because I need to get out so much after all this time and all this experience, and partly because I want to give all of you law school hopefuls, and there surely will be many among you, the god honest truth.

I. What Law School is and What it Isnt.

While both medical school and law school share a prestige, or rather, being a lawyer and being a doctor both carry a degree of prestige, there are fundamental differences between the two. I introduce to the topic of medicine only to juxtapose it against the legal sphere, to make clear the difference that exists and to make clear many fallacies surrounding law school.

Getting into medical school is incredibly difficult. Getting into law school is comparatively easy. What, you say? Hear me on. The medical establishment has wisely organized their admissions process, providing on some level, a general equivalence between the medical schools of this country, where a student attempting to get into one medical school stands a chance of acceptance not TOO different than at another medical school. Of course, there are "better" schools than others, with admission spots at Harvard and Hopkins being harder to obtain than at a school in the Midwest, for example. HOWEVER, there is a base competency required; a base performance on both the MCAT and undergraduate experience that is required to get into even the "worst" medical school.
This is not the case with law school. While entry in to Yale, Harvard, and their ilk are EXTREMELY competitive, there are schools that will allow entry with nothing more than a showing of a graduate degree and the most minimal of LSAT scores. I'm talking 40th percentile scores. Scores that would make anyone question whether the profession was even appropriate for them.
What does this mean? Getting into law school isn't a privilege. Getting into a GOOD one is. Remember this, because the employers out there, who are the ones who seek to hire new law school grads, do.

II. Getting a Job out of Law School Isn't Easy

Before I start, let me say that I have a job at one of the top ten law firms in the country. I say this for 2 reasons: (1) to dispel any assumptions that my rant is due to the fact that the legal industry passed me by, that is, I'm suffering from some "sour grapes" effect. On the contrary, I was courted by most of the prestigious firms in this country, and ended up at one of my choice. I STILL find disgust in the process, perhaps becase I have been given the opportunity of insight than most.(2) I want to use my own experience as an example of how difficult the legal hiring process is, and how difficult it is to get a job when one is not in the inner circle of law schools.

I attend what is called a 2nd-tier law school. A school that is in the 2nd tier of the USNEWS rankings. However, I could have very well attended a school in the 1st tier, but outside the top 14 schools and have had the same job-hunting experience. Why? Because the reality, folks, and this is what NONE of these place are willing to tell you is this: the legal profession is still an old boys network with the VAST MAJORITY of legal hiring coming from the top 14 schools in the nation. The Ivys, those with law schools obviously, and a handful of others that have made it into that elite circle. After that, the ticket to into the prestigious jobs in the legal industry, often called BIGlaw (yes, this industry is full of self-aggrandizing hierarchy and labels to follow) is only obtainable, as with me, by being at the top of one?s class.
A HARD EXAMPLE: one of my best friends in the world attends NYU, #3 on the USNEWS list of law schools. At his school, 90% of the students are employed with jobs in NY that pay the standard ?BIGlaw? salary of $125,000 a year plus bonus (usually $15k). At MY school merely 10 blocks away? 90% of the students HAVE NO JOB, with only the top 10% of our class offered the same jobs.
Now what does this tell you? That the worst of that school is better than or equal to the best of ours? Clearly not, since those who have transferred from my school to his after the first year are all still at the top of the class there. What it says is this: an old boy?s network remains in the hiring process. Unless you go to the top 14 schools ? and don?t ask me why its 14, since that seems to be how it played out - getting the best jobs in the legal community is hard work.
Now, you ask, DigDug, why are you complaining, since you have one of these jobs? Why? Because 90% of my hardworking friends at my school ? those who are easily capable of doing the work at any of these firms, especially since all of the firms make clear that they are going to teach you how to do it ? have NOTHING.
But what about the smaller jobs, with less pay, you say? Well, here?s another tidbit of information. In the NY legal community, at least, there isn?t a smooth gradation in job opportunities. There are TONS of opportunities at the BIGlaw level, the $125k level as I said, but after that, the next big run of opportunity is at the $40-50k level. There isn?t much in between! Most of the smaller firms that could have offered salaried in between have merged or dissipated.
As you?ve suspected, my writing has deteriorated since the alcohol has taken effect, but know this:
Think long and hard before going to a law school that isn?t well-known. There is truth to the fact that a regional school, that is, a school that is known in the region it exists, can place you in job in that area simply because of the loyal alumni that practice there. However, be cognizant of the fact that if your idea of going to law school is to be rich, or at least make a good living, you might be in for a rude awakening. To put some numbers to the situation, my two good friends at school are both unemployed, and have $100k of debt from law school. What are they supposed to do?

1. I am writing to dispel notions that lawschool is a ticket to riches.
2. To be clear, I have an excellent job, so I'm not ranting because I feel I've been fvcked by law school.
3. Law school hiring is very much limited to the top schools.
4. If you are thinking that law school will provide a ticket to wealth and security, think again.


Golden Member
Mar 10, 2002
Thanks DigDug, law school has been a consideration for my future for some time, and I appreciate the words of wisdom


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
What you say is totally believable. The same thing can be applied to business schools as well. Its really only worth going if you get accepted in a top tier b-school.
Jul 1, 2000
No sh!t.

Just wait until you start feeling unappreciated, and you get your ass handed to you by a legal assistant who knows far more about your job than you do - or possibly ever will.

The long hours are great, too. Say goodbye to daylight, and kiss your family goodbye.

Enjoy your career.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I'm not much of an "OT'er" but in skimming I saw this and it interested me because my (ahem) boss has always mentioned that he wants to go to law school. After reading your post I hope he does...

Seriously though... Great post. Nice of you to share your experience to give some perspective to those who might consider following in your shoes.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
In light of this, I want to start a new reality series - "Who wants to be an engineer / lawyer". Cough up the money for some underserving schmoe (who claims he wants it) to be put in some prestigious engineering/law school then watch and laugh as he gets his ass kicked by life. I think it would make for good TV, better than the crap that's on these days.


Jul 3, 2001
Thanks for the info. I'm thinking about going to law school for patent law. Do you know anyone going that route and if so, what's their experience?

Do you think going to law school part-time is ok? I was wondering if there was any sort of negative image of doing that.
Jul 1, 2000
Originally posted by: RaynorWolfcastle
In light of this, I want to start a new reality series - "Who wants to be an engineer / lawyer". Cough up the money for some underserving schmoe (who claims he wants it) to be put in some prestigious engineering/law school then watch and laugh as he gets his ass kicked by life. I think it would make for good TV, better than the crap that's on these days.

It would bore the crap out of everyone watching it. I was bored to tears for 3 years.
Jul 1, 2000
Originally posted by: CanOWorms
Thanks for the info. I'm thinking about going to law school for patent law. Do you know anyone going that route and if so, what's their experience?

Do you think going to law school part-time is ok? I was wondering if there was any sort of negative image of doing that.

It is hard to find great programs that have part-time sections. You may take a hit on the school's ranking, but it may be worth it to you to have the flexibility of a part-time program.


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
i know all about that, my sister is gonna graduate from Wash U in St Louis in 2 or so weeks, she has a job at a huge firm out there pulling in 105K with a 7K bonus, dont know what tire that school is im guessing 1st shes smart as hell i think shes like 3rd in her class and she writes for law review

i wish i had her brain


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Originally posted by: DevilsAdvocate
Originally posted by: RaynorWolfcastle
In light of this, I want to start a new reality series - "Who wants to be an engineer / lawyer". Cough up the money for some underserving schmoe (who claims he wants it) to be put in some prestigious engineering/law school then watch and laugh as he gets his ass kicked by life. I think it would make for good TV, better than the crap that's on these days.

It would bore the crap out of everyone watching it. I was bored to tears for 3 years.

It wouldn't be real time, I'd edit it down to a 5 part mini-series. You'd only show the good parts, like the guy studying all night and getting massacred in his exam the next day regardless. You're a lawyer, of all people I thought lawyers would get a kick out of watching othe people's miseries


Jul 3, 2001
Originally posted by: DevilsAdvocate
Originally posted by: CanOWorms
Thanks for the info. I'm thinking about going to law school for patent law. Do you know anyone going that route and if so, what's their experience?

Do you think going to law school part-time is ok? I was wondering if there was any sort of negative image of doing that.

It is hard to find great programs that have part-time sections. You may take a hit on the school's ranking, but it may be worth it to you to have the flexibility of a part-time program.

Yeah, I noticed that not many good schools have part-time programs. I'm currently getting my MS in Electrical Engineering, so I think I'd like to work for a bit and go part-time instead of going straight full-time for another 3 years.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Originally posted by: CanOWorms
Originally posted by: DevilsAdvocate
Originally posted by: CanOWorms
Thanks for the info. I'm thinking about going to law school for patent law. Do you know anyone going that route and if so, what's their experience?

Do you think going to law school part-time is ok? I was wondering if there was any sort of negative image of doing that.

It is hard to find great programs that have part-time sections. You may take a hit on the school's ranking, but it may be worth it to you to have the flexibility of a part-time program.

Yeah, I noticed that not many good schools have part-time programs. I'm currently getting my MS in Electrical Engineering, so I think I'd like to work for a bit and go part-time instead of going straight full-time for another 3 years.

You're a maniac, you're finishing an MS and want to start law school? So you'll be what, 35 by the time you hit the job market? Do you have masochistic tendencies by any chance?


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2001
good luck!
my sister tried the law school thing but wasnt doing nearly as well as she hoped and left after the first year.


Dec 26, 2001
Thanks for the words of advice. My GPA/LSAT (3.37 GPA, 165 LSAT) combo is currently good enough to get me into most top tiers except the top 20 (the rest of the top tiers are ~40-60% + chance of admission); mosf of the top 20 place me somewhere between 10-50% chance. I'm hoping by staying to get a second degree (hopefully in accounting) and then getting a masters in accounting I can greatly increase my chances of a top 20. Might retake the LSAT and try to get a 173+.



Jul 3, 2001
Originally posted by: RaynorWolfcastle
Originally posted by: CanOWorms
Originally posted by: DevilsAdvocate
Originally posted by: CanOWorms
Thanks for the info. I'm thinking about going to law school for patent law. Do you know anyone going that route and if so, what's their experience?

Do you think going to law school part-time is ok? I was wondering if there was any sort of negative image of doing that.

It is hard to find great programs that have part-time sections. You may take a hit on the school's ranking, but it may be worth it to you to have the flexibility of a part-time program.

Yeah, I noticed that not many good schools have part-time programs. I'm currently getting my MS in Electrical Engineering, so I think I'd like to work for a bit and go part-time instead of going straight full-time for another 3 years.

You're a maniac, you're finishing an MS and want to start law school? So you'll be what, 35 by the time you hit the job market? Do you have masochistic tendencies by any chance?

Nah, I'd be like 27 or maybe 28 when I graduate depending on when I start. Tons of patent lawyers have MS degrees or PhDs, it's almost required in some fields. I'm just extremely interested in patents, strategy, etc. and I'd like to be in that area sometime in the future

I wonder how the whole networking thing in patent law is. Anyone know?


Dec 26, 2001
My sister recently graduated from USD; she's taking the CA bar for the second time and is looking at working for a DA's office making $45k. Go figure. Her husband is working at a firm making probably $100k (though I don't know for sure), so maybe it balances out.


Platinum Member
Jun 13, 2001
I couldv'e told you all that about law school and I haven't even looked into it yet

Especially here in Northern Virginia. I have places like George Washington and Georgetown about 15 minutes away from me but also places like American Univ. and Catholic Univ. Then two hours south, there is the Univ of Virginia. A few different tiers represented there.

My thoughts of law school have been very hampered after finding out my friend with a 3.5 gpa and 172 LSAT got wait listed at GW and UVA. I have yet to take the LSAT but I know I've always sucked at standardized tests.

If I do go to law school, I'll probably try to go into IP. I'm hoping I can pull a respectable LSAT and the fact that I've worked at the USPTO as a patent examiner for a couple years plus will soon be taking the patent bar (and hopefully, pass) will look good on college applications.


Jul 3, 2001
Originally posted by: nitsuj3580
I couldv'e told you all that about law school and I haven't even looked into it yet

Especially here in Northern Virginia. I have places like George Washington and Georgetown about 15 minutes away from me but also places like American Univ. and Catholic Univ. Then two hours south, there is the Univ of Virginia. A few different tiers represented there.

My thoughts of law school have been very hampered after finding out my friend with a 3.5 gpa and 172 LSAT got weight listed at GW and UVA. I have yet to take the LSAT but I know I've always sucked at standardized tests.

If I do go to law school, I'll probably try to go into IP. I'm hoping I can pull a respectable LSAT and the fact that I've worked at the USPTO as a patent examiner for a couple years plus will soon be taking the patent bar (and hopefully, pass) will look good on college applications.

I think I've heard that George Mason is pretty good in IP/patent law. Isn't that in your area, too?


Platinum Member
Jun 13, 2001
Originally posted by: CanOWorms
Originally posted by: nitsuj3580
I couldv'e told you all that about law school and I haven't even looked into it yet

Especially here in Northern Virginia. I have places like George Washington and Georgetown about 15 minutes away from me but also places like American Univ. and Catholic Univ. Then two hours south, there is the Univ of Virginia. A few different tiers represented there.

My thoughts of law school have been very hampered after finding out my friend with a 3.5 gpa and 172 LSAT got weight listed at GW and UVA. I have yet to take the LSAT but I know I've always sucked at standardized tests.

If I do go to law school, I'll probably try to go into IP. I'm hoping I can pull a respectable LSAT and the fact that I've worked at the USPTO as a patent examiner for a couple years plus will soon be taking the patent bar (and hopefully, pass) will look good on college applications.

I think I've heard that George Mason is pretty good in IP/patent law. Isn't that in your area, too?

yes, I've heard GM is a law school on the rise. Not in the same class yet though as GW, UVA, and G'town.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2003
Originally posted by: CanOWorms
Originally posted by: nitsuj3580
I couldv'e told you all that about law school and I haven't even looked into it yet

Especially here in Northern Virginia. I have places like George Washington and Georgetown about 15 minutes away from me but also places like American Univ. and Catholic Univ. Then two hours south, there is the Univ of Virginia. A few different tiers represented there.

My thoughts of law school have been very hampered after finding out my friend with a 3.5 gpa and 172 LSAT got weight listed at GW and UVA. I have yet to take the LSAT but I know I've always sucked at standardized tests.

If I do go to law school, I'll probably try to go into IP. I'm hoping I can pull a respectable LSAT and the fact that I've worked at the USPTO as a patent examiner for a couple years plus will soon be taking the patent bar (and hopefully, pass) will look good on college applications.

I think I've heard that George Mason is pretty good in IP/patent law. Isn't that in your area, too?

You have to have atleast a 3.75 and good/high LSATs to stand a chance of getting into a top 10 law school.
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