Gran Turismo 6 coming out this fall, allegedly


Sep 20, 2007
For PS3! Guess Polyphony didn't get the memo.

Anywho, it's apparently been in development since 2010 and was originally projected to come out in 2013. IGN now says some retailers are putting up pre-orders and placeholders on their website for it. Release date pegged sometime in the last quarter of this year.

Dunno about this. Would have rather seen this pushed to the PS4. There's nothing wrong with GT5 other than the car list getting a bit outdate. Something that can and should have been fixed with DLC.

Things I would like to see for GT6
-Better AI, way better AI. Ones that actually compete against you rather than just blindly following the driving line. Don't know how many times I got disqualified in the top gear race because an AI car swerved into me.
-Better difficulty curve and career mode. Difficulty ramps up pretty fast in GT5. First race in the beginner tier you're up against 120hp econoboxes and by the last you're racing 400+ hp super cars. It's a big leap and that's even before you get into the amateur class. A proper career mode like in Dirt/Grid would be nice.
-More tracks. Be nice to see some options outside of Japan and Europe.
-More cars, specifically more classic, North American, and European cars. They really need to better DLC this time around to add new vehicles

Edit: Linky
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Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2003
Give me the ability to race ANY car, on ANY track, right out of the gate. ALL premium cars too, please, not BS PS2 models.

One of the areas where Forza absolutely blew GT5 out of the water. I could start it up, and Hot Lap or race ANY CAR IN THE GAME, at any time, on any track. That cannot be overstated. Wanted to see who would lap Laguna Seca faster, a ZR1 or a new Viper? Just start it up and go. Maybe an Italian supercar race, with the 458? See who wins a Camaro SS ZL1 or Mustang Boss 302? There's nothing like hot lapping some cars on famous tracks, and seeing who pulls the better times; just Push Start.

I didn't have to 'unlock' or 'buy' some car after 30 hours of play time. Obviously, if you're in a "career" type mode, sure, you have to earn it.
But in "exhibition mode" so to speak, every car should be available for a quick race, on whatever track you want.

American Gunner

Platinum Member
Aug 26, 2010
I don't know, won't polyphony need at least 2 years of delays before they are ready with this one?


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
I don't know, won't polyphony need at least 2 years of delays before they are ready with this one?

well yeah, the keywords in the OP was in the second paragraph - originally projected to come out 2013.

had they said it was originally projected to come out in 2011, then maybe i would believe it could come out this year. but originally projected this year? definitely means it will be out in 2015 at the earliest.
Feb 6, 2007
Give me the ability to race ANY car, on ANY track, right out of the gate. ALL premium cars too, please, not BS PS2 models.

One of the areas where Forza absolutely blew GT5 out of the water. I could start it up, and Hot Lap or race ANY CAR IN THE GAME, at any time, on any track. That cannot be overstated. Wanted to see who would lap Laguna Seca faster, a ZR1 or a new Viper? Just start it up and go. Maybe an Italian supercar race, with the 458? See who wins a Camaro SS ZL1 or Mustang Boss 302? There's nothing like hot lapping some cars on famous tracks, and seeing who pulls the better times; just Push Start.

I didn't have to 'unlock' or 'buy' some car after 30 hours of play time. Obviously, if you're in a "career" type mode, sure, you have to earn it.
But in "exhibition mode" so to speak, every car should be available for a quick race, on whatever track you want.

This is true. GT5 had great graphics and great physics, really just an impressive overall engine. But as a game, it fell completely flat, and was absolutely obliterated by Forza 4. Some issues:

GT has atrocious AI, and it feels like it's gotten worse. Having a game model that provides a realistic sensation of tires sliding across wet asphalt is amazing, but the illusion is shattered the first time an AI opponent steers directly into you as if you don't even exist exactly the way a human never would. And this happens so often that it just becomes an exercise in bumper cars until you take the lead, at which point you hold it through the end of the race. Where's the excitement in that?

The level unlocks are almost all completely worthless. In Forza, when you beat a race, you were rewarded with a car that you could use to tackle another race. The progression made sense. In Gran Turismo, the unlocks are vastly underpowered and uncompetitive, or flat out useless in that you can't use them in anything, with the exception of the one B-Spec Mazda Miata race where you're rewarded with the Mazda Furai, a car that can win 90% of every race the game has to offer. What the hell is the point of that? Oh, got my Miata tuned, let the AI play, now I have a car that can't lose for the next 440 races while I try to unlock shit I'm never going to use. FUN!

Reward gearheads. It's not just about being able to tweak my stabilizer settings to 6 significant digits of precision; I want additions for people who appreciate the subtle nuances of cars. GT5 gave us the Top Gear test track; Forza gave us the Top Gear test track AND threw in Jeremy Clarkson giving his honest assessment of a number of select vehicles, not to mention car football. And the camera mode in Forza is so impossibly better than GT5, it's not even comparable. You pose my car for me in one of a few select locations vs you can enter picture mode at any point in any race on any track in any mode... Gee, which is better? I spent hours taking screenshots in Forza trying to get cool angles in novel locations; I got bored with GT5's camera mode after one screenshot.

I think the biggest issue is that GT just takes itself way too seriously. It knows it has the best engine on the block, and it rests on its laurels. But it seems to forget that it's a video game, and a game isn't judged based solely on physics and graphics. The video game aspects need tweaking. I'll probably still buy it, because for all it's faults, the sensation from Gran Turismo just hasn't been equaled by any other game, but I'll probably have more fun with the next Forza.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2003
This is true. GT5 had great graphics and great physics, really just an impressive overall engine. But as a game, it fell completely flat, and was absolutely obliterated by Forza 4. Some issues:

GT has atrocious AI, and it feels like it's gotten worse. Having a game model that provides a realistic sensation of tires sliding across wet asphalt is amazing, but the illusion is shattered the first time an AI opponent steers directly into you as if you don't even exist exactly the way a human never would. And this happens so often that it just becomes an exercise in bumper cars until you take the lead, at which point you hold it through the end of the race. Where's the excitement in that?

The level unlocks are almost all completely worthless. In Forza, when you beat a race, you were rewarded with a car that you could use to tackle another race. The progression made sense. In Gran Turismo, the unlocks are vastly underpowered and uncompetitive, or flat out useless in that you can't use them in anything, with the exception of the one B-Spec Mazda Miata race where you're rewarded with the Mazda Furai, a car that can win 90% of every race the game has to offer. What the hell is the point of that? Oh, got my Miata tuned, let the AI play, now I have a car that can't lose for the next 440 races while I try to unlock shit I'm never going to use. FUN!

Reward gearheads. It's not just about being able to tweak my stabilizer settings to 6 significant digits of precision; I want additions for people who appreciate the subtle nuances of cars. GT5 gave us the Top Gear test track; Forza gave us the Top Gear test track AND threw in Jeremy Clarkson giving his honest assessment of a number of select vehicles, not to mention car football. And the camera mode in Forza is so impossibly better than GT5, it's not even comparable. You pose my car for me in one of a few select locations vs you can enter picture mode at any point in any race on any track in any mode... Gee, which is better? I spent hours taking screenshots in Forza trying to get cool angles in novel locations; I got bored with GT5's camera mode after one screenshot.

I think the biggest issue is that GT just takes itself way too seriously. It knows it has the best engine on the block, and it rests on its laurels. But it seems to forget that it's a video game, and a game isn't judged based solely on physics and graphics. The video game aspects need tweaking. I'll probably still buy it, because for all it's faults, the sensation from Gran Turismo just hasn't been equaled by any other game, but I'll probably have more fun with the next Forza.

This. Great Post.

I purchased GT5 several months after Forza 4, and was thoroughly underwhelmed.

The only real defense I ever hear is, "Well, GT5 is the better sim" ...and many in some ways, that's true. But atrociously bad AI doesn't help much in the "sim immersion" department. Neither does ricocheting off other cars at speed, hearing a dull, hollow 'thud', and not having my trajectory or speed effected in the slightest; that's a better "simulation" of racing?

Either way, it's a hollow excuse; Forza is VASTLY more accessible and enjoyable. And the frustrating part is, there's no secret formula to it! GT could easily match it by just putting out a better, more accessible game to match the sim/driving bits. Sure, some things do need real work (the collision physics, for example, as well as the car selection; do you really need 45+ Nissans and only 6 Ferrarris?) , but most of it is just a collection of little, niggling issues that as a whole drag it down.

Hopefully the emergence of Forza as a real, true threat can light a fire under Polyphony.


Sep 20, 2007
I don't know how much of a fire Forza will light under Polyphony. Kazunori Yamauchi designs the games he wants and Sony doesn't seem to care as long as it sells. As a professional race driver as well, I don't think he has much interest in making the game accessible to the non-hardcore crowd.

At best, the series has become dated. It's a frustrating exercise in extreme patience at times. I find I have more fun just screwing around with different cars on the Nurburgring in arcade mode. The actual races aren't enjoyable, mainly due to the stupid AI and constant grinding. Then there's the special events and license tests where there's no room for error. All I wanted to do was be able to unlock the Top Gear test track but I just can't beat that idiotic Samba Bus race. Hell I can't even do my own reasonably priced car laps anyway because there's 40 Nissans but no Kia Cee'd.

Polyphony does seem to be in Nissan's back pocket by the way. They designed the GUI for the GT-R's multifunction display among other things.


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2001
If Polyphony could figure out how to quickly load maps and make an easy to use menu screen, it would win major points. That was the major upside to Forza Horizons. I could just drive and not have to watch loading screens.


Senior member
Apr 16, 2012
I would love a full install or PSN version of the game, should improve loading times as there wouldn't be need to wait the disk anymore.
Also if the game comes to Ps4 as well, it's the version to get..


Dec 7, 2009
The PS4 and GT6 will be on hold at my house until reviewers online chime in with:

1. "No the AI in GT6 are not clinically retarded."

2. "Yes the AI in GT6 do realize you are actually there!"

3. "GT6 cars sound real! As good as Forza 4!"

4. "Yes GT6 finally has Spa Francorchamps and it still has the full Nurburgring as well!"
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Senior member
Apr 21, 2010
Man I used to love GT back in the day. Got bored after 3. It's amazing how much Forza has made me forget about it. I'd like some real competition between the two because as it stands it seems Polyphony forgot what got them to the top. Forza 4 was a major shot across the bow and I'd be interested to see what they can come up with. Please though, for the love of God, don't release this on the PS3. It's time has passed, time to make the move to the future. I promise you MS has a tasty Forza game cooking on Durango.


Jul 26, 2002
The Gran Turismo series has been outclassed by Forza for me. They would REALLY have to exceed expectations here for me to even think about a purchase. Even then, not being next gen.... I can't see myself caring.


Dec 12, 2001
Never did like Gran Turismo. Too many license tests to get the cool cars, I don't mind unlocking things but not by having to perfect some timed course. I don't care how much of a sim it is or how real the car sounds and feels, a game has gotta be fun and punishing license tests are not fun.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2003
Never did like Gran Turismo. Too many license tests to get the cool cars, I don't mind unlocking things but not by having to perfect some timed course. I don't care how much of a sim it is or how real the car sounds and feels, a game has gotta be fun and punishing license tests are not fun.


GT still follows the archaic old philosophy that was very prevalent in older, mostly Japanese games, and something as I've gotten older and busier I've grown to detest. I call it;

"Earning the fun".

You have to slog your way through tedious and mind-numbing portions to "unlock" or reach the real, fun meat of the game.
That has it's place to some extent in Career and other modes, where you do have to prove yourself, or there are certain challenges that need completing to unlock later areas.

But there is simply no reason whatsoever I shouldn't be able to turn on GT5, right out of the box, and race ANY AND EVERY car in the in the game, on any track I want, against whatever competition I choose. Period. That doesn't take anything away from the simulation, or anything away from the accomplishment of a Career mode.
Mar 11, 2004
While I kinda agree with you wanting to be able to just get whatever and do whatever, I actually liked the license tests. I kinda hated them later (really didn't like them much in GT4, in GT5 they were mixed) but I never had that much issue with them. Also, the thing is, the game is a bout the progress, and the journey was the best part, having to start out with junk and build up from there, it was a lot like an RPG for me, only your earlier equipment could still be fun to use.

Man I used to love GT back in the day. Got bored after 3. It's amazing how much Forza has made me forget about it. I'd like some real competition between the two because as it stands it seems Polyphony forgot what got them to the top. Forza 4 was a major shot across the bow and I'd be interested to see what they can come up with. Please though, for the love of God, don't release this on the PS3. It's time has passed, time to make the move to the future. I promise you MS has a tasty Forza game cooking on Durango.

I haven't gotten into Forza, but yeah my interest got killed after 3. I played the hell out of the first 3 (2 is still the pinnacle of the series for me personally). 4 I just didn't like that much, and 5 was a big letdown (although I thought the basic feel of driving was improved over GT4).

I would really have loved to see them port GT5 to the PS4 for the launch or near launch. Fix some of the graphical stuff (the spray, AA, things that they shouldn't have to totally overhaul the engine for but would help up the visuals over the PS3 version), and put the rest of the focus on the AI and making the interface a lot better. Call it GT6, get it out ASAP, let Sony have some other developer add cars and tracks while Polyphony Digital goes to work on the "native PS4" GT. They could make GT7 what they wanted GT5 to be, only maybe go for a modern free-to-play model instead of the over the top microtransaction model they talked about originally.

American Gunner

Platinum Member
Aug 26, 2010
I didn't care for GT at all this generation. I loved Forza, but skipped the last one because I was burnt out on racing in general. I have thought about picking up the newer one, but I am pretty sure they will launch the next xbox with a Forza.


Senior member
Jul 28, 2008
Wonder if there is a line in vegas for this...

Ill put line at Q4 2014 and ill take the over please...


Sep 20, 2007
Demo's out. Played it for about half an hour today and quickly realized it's just GT5 with a fresh coat of paint. It's going to be tough going against Forza on the Xbone.


Nov 11, 2004
Demo's out. Played it for about half an hour today and quickly realized it's just GT5 with a fresh coat of paint. It's going to be tough going against Forza on the Xbone.

Yea it feels the same thing. Wish it was coming out for PS4 so at least it'd have better graphics.


Feb 5, 2001
Yea it feels the same thing. Wish it was coming out for PS4 so at least it'd have better graphics.

From what it sounds like it will eventually. I can't remember his name but the guy in charge of GT said it would follow a natural progression and show up on the PS4.

Personally I am tired of all the sim racing games. They really aren't different from their previous versions besides maybe some tweaks even when they say they redid or added xxx. Probably not for me anymore.


Sep 20, 2007
From what it sounds like it will eventually. I can't remember his name but the guy in charge of GT said it would follow a natural progression and show up on the PS4.

Personally I am tired of all the sim racing games. They really aren't different from their previous versions besides maybe some tweaks even when they say they redid or added xxx. Probably not for me anymore.

That's the problem with Gran Turismo. It hasn't really changed since GT3. The same problems that make it needlessly frustrating keep cropping up in game after game. The AI for example still drives around like they're drunk and texting. It has to stick to that racing line or else, I don't know, the universe will implode. I never get the feeling like I'm actually racing. More like cutting in and out of traffic on the highway. I guess GT is more fun as a multiplayer experience.


Feb 5, 2011
Personally I am tired of all the sim racing games. They really aren't different from their previous versions besides maybe some tweaks even when they say they redid or added xxx. Probably not for me anymore.
I made a thread about this a while ago; I really hate sim games now. Used to be my favorite genre, but is so played out now and thoroughly boring.

I'm really confused on why this isn't coming out for PS4. Was it a strategic move or has the game been in dev so long that they just messed up with it coming out for PS3?

That said I'm surprised GTAV wasn't slated for a next-gen console release also, although its developer is interested in game sales not, console, but a Sony owned studio wants console sales and GT6 for PS4 would have helped sales a great deal.
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