Grandma Tased by Cop

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Jan 6, 2002
Originally posted by: zerocool84
Originally posted by: Sea Moose
Originally posted by: So
Originally posted by: DayLaPaul
Why does the video start in the middle of the encounter? I would have to see the full unedited video of how the woman acted from the moment he pulled her over to see if she deserved what she got.

There is no way she deserved that, period. The only thing a tiny old lady like that can say to a cop that justifies that is "I have a weapon and I'm gonna hurt you" and if she'd said that, he wouldn't have been acting the way he was at the beginning of the clip.

+1 No way an old lady deserved that. Biggest problem with the taser is the over use of the taser.

She didn't listen to an officer's commands, she resisted arrest, and trying to go back to her vehicle to possibly flee or get a weapon........she got exactly what she deserved.

Yeah, with how often fucking 72 year old are fleeing from cops and getting away, what he did was totally justified. A 72 year old could not possible flee from even the fattest, most out of shape pig in the world. Excuse me police office.

Sea Moose

Diamond Member
May 12, 2009
Originally posted by: zerocool84
Originally posted by: Sea Moose
Originally posted by: So
Originally posted by: DayLaPaul
Why does the video start in the middle of the encounter? I would have to see the full unedited video of how the woman acted from the moment he pulled her over to see if she deserved what she got.

There is no way she deserved that, period. The only thing a tiny old lady like that can say to a cop that justifies that is "I have a weapon and I'm gonna hurt you" and if she'd said that, he wouldn't have been acting the way he was at the beginning of the clip.

+1 No way an old lady deserved that. Biggest problem with the taser is the over use of the taser.

She didn't listen to an officer's commands, she resisted arrest, and trying to go back to her vehicle to possibly flee or get a weapon........she got exactly what she deserved.

you make a valid point, i am on the fence with this one


Jun 24, 2004
I'm sort of on the fence with this one too... normally I'm suspicious of police but this wasn't obviously unjustified like in some cases. At one point she actually pushed the guy toward the road and almost walked into the road herself, which of course was full of fast-moving traffic. In a way, you could say the officer was actually trying to protect her and himself.

I guess he maybe could have done more to try to cuff her before using the taser, but I don't really know and I'll trust JLee on this that it can often be dangerous to simply wrestle someone to the ground. That danger is magnified when they're right next to the highway like that. And if he did do that, we'd just be complaining about a cop wrestling a 72-year-old woman rather than tasing her.

I think the biggest criticism I have of the officer would be allowing things to get that bad in the first place. I guess I don't understand the law, just as she clearly didn't. This all came from her unwillingness to sign a ticket. Is it really so important that someone signs a ticket that it's worth getting into a fight over it? Clearly she didn't understand the law, so it seems like it would have been best if he had done a better job of explaining why she needs to sign it or maybe even pointed out the part of the ticket that specifies that signing is not an admission of guilt. I know if a police officer were to ticket me, I'd want to read over the ticket and make sure of that myself, and I wouldn't want a taser-happy cop breathing down my neck or trying to arrest me for being careful. But maybe he tried that (he did mention it but there's no way of knowing how much he explained it) and she just didn't listen; after all, she was being kind of unreasonable.

Anyway, the fact that this all came from a failure to sign sort of bothers me. It shouldn't have gotten that far in the first place, but I don't think the cop really did anything terribly wrong.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Another piggy got out of his pigpen.

Today's police academies graduate class after class of limp-wristed donut-munching pussy willows that can't even restrain/handcuff a 70 year old woman without electrocuting them first.

Did it ever occur to that bumbling sack of lard that an old woman's heart/body probably shouldn't be exposed to large jolts of electricity?

Do they even teach cops how to restrain people by hand anymore, or is the only touching they're allowed to do during strip searches of female suspects?


Sep 12, 2001
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Another piggy got out of his pigpen.

Today's police academies graduate class after class of limp-wristed donut-munching pussy willows that can't even restrain/handcuff a 70 year old woman without electrocuting them first.
And if he had physically restrained her and injured her in the process, you would be whining about that.

Did it ever occur to that bumbling sack of lard that an old woman's heart/body probably shouldn't be exposed to large jolts of electricity?
Looks to me like she was just fine.

Do they even teach cops how to restrain people by hand anymore, or is the only touching they're allowed to do during strip searches of female suspects?
Yes, defensive tactics and handcuffing techniques are taught. Your second question is beyond stupid and does not merit a response.

Now that I've addressed your tirade of ignorance and bias, go back under your bridge.


Sep 12, 2001
Originally posted by: QueBert
Originally posted by: JLee
Originally posted by: QueBert
Cops are taser happy, this video doesn't surprise me one bit. There was a time when a person resisted arrest resulted in the cop trying harder to get them to comply without using excessive force. This is a good example of excessive force. If a cop has to taser a 72 year old woman because he couldn't get her under control without excessive force, he needs to be one of the people who reads parking meters, or better yet. Give him a desk job. If she had been 25 I'm sure he would have shot her. Totally unacceptable, and he won't even get a slap on the wrist.

You are an idiot.

Ever try to cuff someone who doesn't want to be cuffed? Sure, it can be done. With force. Statistically, officer injuries and suspect injuries are lower with the use of Tasers.

Tasers are typically on the same force level as pepper spray - below hard hand control.

How much training do you have, again?

I have eyes and ears, and when I was growing up cops didn't use tasers on 72 year old females. You taser a woman of that age you run a good risk of her falling and breaking her hip. I would have to assume a few bruises on her wrists would infinitely outweigh falling and possibly never being able to walk again due to a broken hip. Funny how 25-30 years ago cops didn't taser people much at all, but today it seems common place. And instances like this aren't exactly "oh I can see why he did that" cases. Cops aren't trained to taser whenever they feel like it. It's a recent (fairly any ways) phenomenon. Cops are much shitter and far less competent than they were 30 years ago.

I am very out of shape and I could easily have cuffed her. She's 72, and even with her fully resisting it wouldn't be hard.

The Taser X26 did not exist 25 years ago. That would be a likely explanation as to why you didn't see it used much back then.

Your arrogance is astounding. How many people have you cuffed? I'd like to give some of you a pair of cuffs and try to cuff someone, actively resisting, without causing any injury.

How much training do you have, again?


Jan 6, 2002
Originally posted by: JLee
Originally posted by: QueBert
Originally posted by: JLee
Originally posted by: QueBert
Cops are taser happy, this video doesn't surprise me one bit. There was a time when a person resisted arrest resulted in the cop trying harder to get them to comply without using excessive force. This is a good example of excessive force. If a cop has to taser a 72 year old woman because he couldn't get her under control without excessive force, he needs to be one of the people who reads parking meters, or better yet. Give him a desk job. If she had been 25 I'm sure he would have shot her. Totally unacceptable, and he won't even get a slap on the wrist.

You are an idiot.

Ever try to cuff someone who doesn't want to be cuffed? Sure, it can be done. With force. Statistically, officer injuries and suspect injuries are lower with the use of Tasers.

Tasers are typically on the same force level as pepper spray - below hard hand control.

How much training do you have, again?

I have eyes and ears, and when I was growing up cops didn't use tasers on 72 year old females. You taser a woman of that age you run a good risk of her falling and breaking her hip. I would have to assume a few bruises on her wrists would infinitely outweigh falling and possibly never being able to walk again due to a broken hip. Funny how 25-30 years ago cops didn't taser people much at all, but today it seems common place. And instances like this aren't exactly "oh I can see why he did that" cases. Cops aren't trained to taser whenever they feel like it. It's a recent (fairly any ways) phenomenon. Cops are much shitter and far less competent than they were 30 years ago.

I am very out of shape and I could easily have cuffed her. She's 72, and even with her fully resisting it wouldn't be hard.

The Taser X26 did not exist 25 years ago. That would be a likely explanation as to why you didn't see it used much back then.

Your arrogance is astounding. How many people have you cuffed? I'd like to give some of you a pair of cuffs and try to cuff someone, actively resisting, without causing any injury.

How much training do you have, again?

It takes training to learn how to taser an old woman? The only "training" I have was some self defense classes 20 years ago. We learned how to disarm a mugger with a gun using only our hands. The technique we learned didn't cause any real damage to the perp, it was just to disarm them. I suppose a 72 year old woman poses a much higher threat than a mugger though. *shrug* Maybe police might not be trained as well as typical citizens enrolled in a self defense class that lasts all of 3 hours spread out over 2 days. But than again we didn't learn how to deal with 72 year old females in the self defense class. So you're right, I don't know what I'm talking about.


Sep 12, 2001
Originally posted by: QueBert
It takes training to learn how to taser an old woman? The only "training" I have was some self defense classes 20 years ago. We learned how to disarm a mugger with a gun using only our hands. The technique we learned didn't cause any real damage to the perp, it was just to disarm them. I suppose a 72 year old woman poses a much higher threat than a mugger though. *shrug* Maybe police might not be trained as well as typical citizens enrolled in a self defense class that lasts all of 3 hours spread out over 2 days. But than again we didn't learn how to deal with 72 year old females in the self defense class. So you're right, I don't know what I'm talking about.



Jan 6, 2002
Originally posted by: JLee
Originally posted by: QueBert
It takes training to learn how to taser an old woman? The only "training" I have was some self defense classes 20 years ago. We learned how to disarm a mugger with a gun using only our hands. The technique we learned didn't cause any real damage to the perp, it was just to disarm them. I suppose a 72 year old woman poses a much higher threat than a mugger though. *shrug* Maybe police might not be trained as well as typical citizens enrolled in a self defense class that lasts all of 3 hours spread out over 2 days. But than again we didn't learn how to deal with 72 year old females in the self defense class. So you're right, I don't know what I'm talking about.


That's one of main things they use to teach in self defense classes, the only time I was robbed the gun was to my head and not my chest. So I was unable to use the skill I learned over my 3 hour course. I still know without any offical training I could easily hand cuff an old lady. I have plenty of hand cuffing experience on my nephew back in the days. I never left any bruises, and he always put up a fight. I even was pretty good at hog tying him without leaving so much as a mark.


No Lifer
Nov 1, 2001
Originally posted by: Amused
She clearly defies his lawful orders and resists being handcuffed.

Would you have rather he beat her with a baton? How about throw her to the ground? Or maybe just beat the crap out of her?

Cops do everything they can to AVOID physical contact with suspects because their weapons can be taken and used against them.

It may be shocking to see a 72 year old woman tased but... to me, it is even more shocking to see her defy lawful orders given to her by an officer, then physically resist arrest.



May 19, 2003
For those of you with older parents or grandparents -- one question. Do you think that they would have complied with that officer? My parent's wouldn't have for sure. They are way too old for stupidness from an officer.

When you guys get that old, do you want to be bothered with that shit? I don't give a shit what she did. Tasering a person of that age could have killed her.


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2006
Originally posted by: loki8481
she deserved to be made into soylent green

the cop said "you're gonna be tased," what exactly did she think was going to happen?



No Lifer
Nov 1, 2001
Originally posted by: amdhunter
For those of you with older parents or grandparents -- one question. Do you think that they would have complied with that officer? My parent's wouldn't have for sure. They are way too old for stupidness from an officer.

When you guys get that old, do you want to be bothered with that shit? I don't give a shit what she did. Tasering a person of that age could have killed her.

Here's the thing... sometimes senior citizens develop this "the world owes me" attitude and don't think they have to comply with laws and have a right to disrespect whomever whenever they please just because they have been around so long.

Nuh-uh. That didn't fly in this case.

If it were my Grandmother and she was acting like she was above the law, I wouldn't want to see her tased, but she had it coming. Just like I would have it coming if I played hardball with an officer of the law.


Sep 5, 2000
Originally posted by: Sea Moose
Originally posted by: So
Originally posted by: DayLaPaul
Why does the video start in the middle of the encounter? I would have to see the full unedited video of how the woman acted from the moment he pulled her over to see if she deserved what she got.

There is no way she deserved that, period. The only thing a tiny old lady like that can say to a cop that justifies that is "I have a weapon and I'm gonna hurt you" and if she'd said that, he wouldn't have been acting the way he was at the beginning of the clip.

+1 No way an old lady deserved that. Biggest problem with the taser is the over use of the taser.

I have no problem with what he did. He warned her and she attempted to defy his orders which were reasonable. People here seem to underestimate how hard it is to get somebody in cuffs. If she struggled while the cop cuffed her its a guarantee she would be bruised and sore at the very best.

She refused orders and wasn't allowing herself to be cuffed. She was warned multiple times. If she didn't want to be tased she just had to follow his orders.


Sep 5, 2000
Originally posted by: amdhunter
For those of you with older parents or grandparents -- one question. Do you think that they would have complied with that officer? My parent's wouldn't have for sure. They are way too old for stupidness from an officer.

When you guys get that old, do you want to be bothered with that shit? I don't give a shit what she did. Tasering a person of that age could have killed her.

What stupidness are you refering to? He didn't ask her to do anything unreasonable and whoever edited the video didn't show why she was pulled over.


Sep 5, 2000
Better link

She screams at him and gets in his face while clearly defying what he asked to her to do. The officer warned her 5 times that she was going to get tased if she didn't comply. I fail to see anything that he did wrong. Being 72 doesn't give you a free ride to do what you want.


Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2003
I'm not sure what the problems is. Clearly, she deserved it. I do have a grandmother, I would rather they tase her than wrestle her down to ground.

If she only comply with the officer, it wouldn't be a problem.



Jan 3, 2001
I saw the whole clip on the Today show this morning. She kept edging toward traffic, so the officer had to keep pushing her back. She deserved it. She was not complying- what did you expect him to do? Say "Oh, you're old, you don't have to do what I say."

The lady was also all over the media saying everything in the police report was a lie, then when the video came out, she suddenly will not comment anymore.



aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
All I know is that if grandma can survive being tased, then anyone can. This kills all arguments that tasers are too strong and will kill.


No Lifer
Oct 9, 1999
I would have tased her too. They had this video on the Today Show this morning. Before the video was released, the old lady said she did nothing wrong, that she didn't argue with the officer, and that the report was lying.

After the video was released, she stopped talking and "couldn't be reached for comment"

She knew she was in the wrong.
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