Grandma Tased by Cop

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Feb 3, 2004
Originally posted by: Sea Moose
Originally posted by: So
Originally posted by: DayLaPaul
Why does the video start in the middle of the encounter? I would have to see the full unedited video of how the woman acted from the moment he pulled her over to see if she deserved what she got.

There is no way she deserved that, period. The only thing a tiny old lady like that can say to a cop that justifies that is "I have a weapon and I'm gonna hurt you" and if she'd said that, he wouldn't have been acting the way he was at the beginning of the clip.

+1 No way an old lady deserved that. Biggest problem with the taser is the over use of the taser.

So now that the surveillance tape is out, that interview just proves that the old lady is a liar.

"I was not argumentative, I was not combative. ... Pulled away from him, I did not."


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
she dared him to. According to common law he is not responsible for anything beyond that point.


Sea Moose

Diamond Member
May 12, 2009
Originally posted by: tfinch2
Originally posted by: QueBert
We learned how to disarm a mugger with a gun using only our hands.


it can be done. Its a proper technique, lots of training required. I have seen videos of it being done.


Jun 24, 2004
Originally posted by: gorcorps
All I know is that if grandma can survive being tased, then anyone can. This kills all arguments that tasers are too strong and will kill.

No it doesn't. People have been killed by tasers. In many of those cases, though, they were tased repeatedly over several seconds or minutes.

The one that sticks out to me is where an old woman in a wheelchair was shocked ten times. I am still saying that in this particular case the officer was justified. But there have been several cases of officers misusing or overusing their tasers, with dangerous consequences.

What's with that logic anyway? If a grandma can survive being tased, tasers are safe? So if I shoot an old lady with a gun and she survives, then that kills all arguments that guns are dangerous and can kill?


Feb 3, 2004
Originally posted by: Sea Moose
Originally posted by: tfinch2
Originally posted by: QueBert
We learned how to disarm a mugger with a gun using only our hands.


it can be done. Its a proper technique, lots of training required. I have seen videos of it being done.

I'm not saying it can't be done, but you pretty much hit the nail on the head: "lots of training required". This toolbag said he learned the technique in a 3 hour class:

Originally posted by: QueBert
That's one of main things they use to teach in self defense classes, the only time I was robbed the gun was to my head and not my chest. So I was unable to use the skill I learned over my 3 hour course. I still know without any offical training I could easily hand cuff an old lady. I have plenty of hand cuffing experience on my nephew back in the days. I never left any bruises, and he always put up a fight. I even was pretty good at hog tying him without leaving so much as a mark.



Aug 31, 2001
Originally posted by: Amused
Yes, I did watch it. Did you? He gave her no chance to by keeping her away from him. That's what you do. You don't wrestle with a suspect if you don't have to. You don't give them an opportunity if you don't have to.

Also, tasing her was LESS violent than throwing her to the ground or beating her with a baton.

She was treated fairly considering how she was acting.

why is 'throwing her to the ground and beating her with a baton' the only other option to tasing her? If he cant manage to put cuffs on a 72 yr old woman, he shouldnt be a cop. dont they get training for these sorts of things?

and no, i havent watched the video. youtube's blocked at work


No Lifer
Nov 1, 2001
Originally posted by: Aharami
Originally posted by: Amused
Yes, I did watch it. Did you? He gave her no chance to by keeping her away from him. That's what you do. You don't wrestle with a suspect if you don't have to. You don't give them an opportunity if you don't have to.

Also, tasing her was LESS violent than throwing her to the ground or beating her with a baton.

She was treated fairly considering how she was acting.

why is 'throwing her to the ground and beating her with a baton' the only other option to tasing her? If he cant manage to put cuffs on a 72 yr old woman, he shouldnt be a cop. dont they get training for these sorts of things?

and no, i havent watched the video. youtube's blocked at work

watch the video :doh:


Mar 16, 2001
i say she had it coming.
You don't want to be scuffling on the side of the highway when cars are coming at you at 45+MPH.

Sea Moose

Diamond Member
May 12, 2009
Originally posted by: tfinch2
Originally posted by: Sea Moose
Originally posted by: tfinch2
Originally posted by: QueBert
We learned how to disarm a mugger with a gun using only our hands.


it can be done. Its a proper technique, lots of training required. I have seen videos of it being done.

I'm not saying it can't be done, but you pretty much hit the nail on the head: "lots of training required". This toolbag said he learned the technique in a 3 hour class:

Originally posted by: QueBert
That's one of main things they use to teach in self defense classes, the only time I was robbed the gun was to my head and not my chest. So I was unable to use the skill I learned over my 3 hour course. I still know without any offical training I could easily hand cuff an old lady. I have plenty of hand cuffing experience on my nephew back in the days. I never left any bruises, and he always put up a fight. I even was pretty good at hog tying him without leaving so much as a mark.

Gonna need more than 3 hours, Where Maui Thai and karate are great sports martial arts, Krav Maga is a more "practical" martial art. It was developed in Israel and in Krav Maga, like in a real contact, there are no rules.

karate fighter vs Maui Thai = Maui Thai Win
Maui Thai vs Krav Maga = Krav Maga win. <--- Watch this



Sep 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Aharami
why is 'throwing her to the ground and beating her with a baton' the only other option to tasing her? If he cant manage to put cuffs on a 72 yr old woman, he shouldnt be a cop. dont they get training for these sorts of things?

and no, i havent watched the video. youtube's blocked at work

He was quite able. Here's a sample use of force chart for you to take a look at.

Let's say that he went hands-on and she ended up with an injury. Here's her attorney.
"Officer, isn't it true that you are trained with a Taser?"


"Did you have a Taser with you at the time you injured my client?"


"Was your Taser in proper working condition? I'm sure you're trained to make sure all of your equipment is working properly, correct?"


"Officer, isn't it true that Tasers cause no or minor injury in over 99% of cases?"


"Can you explain why it is that you chose to physically restrain and injure my client, when you are trained in other methods which would have been more appropriate for the situation?"

Not saying that would happen word-for-word...just giving you an idea.


Aug 31, 2001
Originally posted by: moshquerade
Originally posted by: Aharami
Originally posted by: Amused
Yes, I did watch it. Did you? He gave her no chance to by keeping her away from him. That's what you do. You don't wrestle with a suspect if you don't have to. You don't give them an opportunity if you don't have to.

Also, tasing her was LESS violent than throwing her to the ground or beating her with a baton.

She was treated fairly considering how she was acting.

why is 'throwing her to the ground and beating her with a baton' the only other option to tasing her? If he cant manage to put cuffs on a 72 yr old woman, he shouldnt be a cop. dont they get training for these sorts of things?

and no, i havent watched the video. youtube's blocked at work

watch the video :doh:

from my earlier post
and no, i havent watched the video. youtube's blocked at work

but reading some of the responses, if she pushed him while he was trying to cuff her, tried running away from him, and dared him inspite of him warning her 5 times, then he had no other choice.


Jun 5, 2000
Originally posted by: I Saw OJ
Why couldnt he have just made her comply with some physical force? I'm sure he could easily overpower her and get cuffs on her without her being able to do a damn thing about it.

yea and have her in the hospital with a broken hip? the tazer did its job and was used the way its was intended.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
Originally posted by: JLee
Originally posted by: QueBert
Originally posted by: JLee
Originally posted by: QueBert
Cops are taser happy, this video doesn't surprise me one bit. There was a time when a person resisted arrest resulted in the cop trying harder to get them to comply without using excessive force. This is a good example of excessive force. If a cop has to taser a 72 year old woman because he couldn't get her under control without excessive force, he needs to be one of the people who reads parking meters, or better yet. Give him a desk job. If she had been 25 I'm sure he would have shot her. Totally unacceptable, and he won't even get a slap on the wrist.

You are an idiot.

Ever try to cuff someone who doesn't want to be cuffed? Sure, it can be done. With force. Statistically, officer injuries and suspect injuries are lower with the use of Tasers.

Tasers are typically on the same force level as pepper spray - below hard hand control.

How much training do you have, again?

I have eyes and ears, and when I was growing up cops didn't use tasers on 72 year old females. You taser a woman of that age you run a good risk of her falling and breaking her hip. I would have to assume a few bruises on her wrists would infinitely outweigh falling and possibly never being able to walk again due to a broken hip. Funny how 25-30 years ago cops didn't taser people much at all, but today it seems common place. And instances like this aren't exactly "oh I can see why he did that" cases. Cops aren't trained to taser whenever they feel like it. It's a recent (fairly any ways) phenomenon. Cops are much shitter and far less competent than they were 30 years ago.

I am very out of shape and I could easily have cuffed her. She's 72, and even with her fully resisting it wouldn't be hard.

The Taser X26 did not exist 25 years ago. That would be a likely explanation as to why you didn't see it used much back then.

Your arrogance is astounding. How many people have you cuffed? I'd like to give some of you a pair of cuffs and try to cuff someone, actively resisting, without causing any injury.

How much training do you have, again?

they didn't have youtube to spread these videos all over the world 25 years ago either.

this kinda shit probably always happened we just never knew about it.


Jun 5, 2000
Originally posted by: manowar821
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: RESmonkey
You do not need to slam an old lady to the ground to cuff her. You simple grab one hand, grab the other, and cuff. I guess (according to Amused's post) you can consider that "wrestling" the lady, if you stretch the definition.

Ya know, he's fucked in your eyes no matter what. If he had manhandled her into cuffs, or tased her, your opinion would be the same.

The facts remain this: She resisted arrest and defied lawful orders. Tasing her was justified and probably caused the LEAST harm to her and the least risk to him.

It's cute that you assume things. Can't spell assume without ASS. I'd be totally fine if he had just handcuffed her. Which was completely plausible, and don't fucking bullshit. I could've done it.

the cop could have as well.


Jun 5, 2000
Originally posted by: QueBert
Originally posted by: JLee
Originally posted by: QueBert
Cops are taser happy, this video doesn't surprise me one bit. There was a time when a person resisted arrest resulted in the cop trying harder to get them to comply without using excessive force. This is a good example of excessive force. If a cop has to taser a 72 year old woman because he couldn't get her under control without excessive force, he needs to be one of the people who reads parking meters, or better yet. Give him a desk job. If she had been 25 I'm sure he would have shot her. Totally unacceptable, and he won't even get a slap on the wrist.

You are an idiot.

Ever try to cuff someone who doesn't want to be cuffed? Sure, it can be done. With force. Statistically, officer injuries and suspect injuries are lower with the use of Tasers.

Tasers are typically on the same force level as pepper spray - below hard hand control.

How much training do you have, again?

I have eyes and ears, and when I was growing up cops didn't use tasers on 72 year old females. You taser a woman of that age you run a good risk of her falling and breaking her hip. I would have to assume a few bruises on her wrists would infinitely outweigh falling and possibly never being able to walk again due to a broken hip. Funny how 25-30 years ago cops didn't taser people much at all, but today it seems common place. And instances like this aren't exactly "oh I can see why he did that" cases. Cops aren't trained to taser whenever they feel like it. It's a recent (fairly any ways) phenomenon. Cops are much shitter and far less competent than they were 30 years ago.

I am very out of shape and I could easily have cuffed her. She's 72, and even with her fully resisting it wouldn't be hard.

jesus christ yes we know it wouldnt be hard you seem to have that stuck in your head, cop bigger cop cuff cave man mentality. YOU ARE NOT A COP and having to follow the law and have to deal with bringing a law suit down upon your town for injuries sustained during the struggle. COPS ARE NOT PAID TO GET IN FIGHTS OR WRESTLING MATCHES


Jun 5, 2000
Originally posted by: QueBert
Originally posted by: JLee
Originally posted by: QueBert
Originally posted by: JLee
Originally posted by: QueBert
Cops are taser happy, this video doesn't surprise me one bit. There was a time when a person resisted arrest resulted in the cop trying harder to get them to comply without using excessive force. This is a good example of excessive force. If a cop has to taser a 72 year old woman because he couldn't get her under control without excessive force, he needs to be one of the people who reads parking meters, or better yet. Give him a desk job. If she had been 25 I'm sure he would have shot her. Totally unacceptable, and he won't even get a slap on the wrist.

You are an idiot.

Ever try to cuff someone who doesn't want to be cuffed? Sure, it can be done. With force. Statistically, officer injuries and suspect injuries are lower with the use of Tasers.

Tasers are typically on the same force level as pepper spray - below hard hand control.

How much training do you have, again?

I have eyes and ears, and when I was growing up cops didn't use tasers on 72 year old females. You taser a woman of that age you run a good risk of her falling and breaking her hip. I would have to assume a few bruises on her wrists would infinitely outweigh falling and possibly never being able to walk again due to a broken hip. Funny how 25-30 years ago cops didn't taser people much at all, but today it seems common place. And instances like this aren't exactly "oh I can see why he did that" cases. Cops aren't trained to taser whenever they feel like it. It's a recent (fairly any ways) phenomenon. Cops are much shitter and far less competent than they were 30 years ago.

I am very out of shape and I could easily have cuffed her. She's 72, and even with her fully resisting it wouldn't be hard.

The Taser X26 did not exist 25 years ago. That would be a likely explanation as to why you didn't see it used much back then.

Your arrogance is astounding. How many people have you cuffed? I'd like to give some of you a pair of cuffs and try to cuff someone, actively resisting, without causing any injury.

How much training do you have, again?

It takes training to learn how to taser an old woman? The only "training" I have was some self defense classes 20 years ago. We learned how to disarm a mugger with a gun using only our hands. The technique we learned didn't cause any real damage to the perp, it was just to disarm them. I suppose a 72 year old woman poses a much higher threat than a mugger though. *shrug* Maybe police might not be trained as well as typical citizens enrolled in a self defense class that lasts all of 3 hours spread out over 2 days. But than again we didn't learn how to deal with 72 year old females in the self defense class. So you're right, I don't know what I'm talking about.

holy shit you are dumb.


Jun 5, 2000
Originally posted by: purbeast0
Originally posted by: JLee
Originally posted by: QueBert
Originally posted by: JLee
Originally posted by: QueBert
Cops are taser happy, this video doesn't surprise me one bit. There was a time when a person resisted arrest resulted in the cop trying harder to get them to comply without using excessive force. This is a good example of excessive force. If a cop has to taser a 72 year old woman because he couldn't get her under control without excessive force, he needs to be one of the people who reads parking meters, or better yet. Give him a desk job. If she had been 25 I'm sure he would have shot her. Totally unacceptable, and he won't even get a slap on the wrist.

You are an idiot.

Ever try to cuff someone who doesn't want to be cuffed? Sure, it can be done. With force. Statistically, officer injuries and suspect injuries are lower with the use of Tasers.

Tasers are typically on the same force level as pepper spray - below hard hand control.

How much training do you have, again?

I have eyes and ears, and when I was growing up cops didn't use tasers on 72 year old females. You taser a woman of that age you run a good risk of her falling and breaking her hip. I would have to assume a few bruises on her wrists would infinitely outweigh falling and possibly never being able to walk again due to a broken hip. Funny how 25-30 years ago cops didn't taser people much at all, but today it seems common place. And instances like this aren't exactly "oh I can see why he did that" cases. Cops aren't trained to taser whenever they feel like it. It's a recent (fairly any ways) phenomenon. Cops are much shitter and far less competent than they were 30 years ago.

I am very out of shape and I could easily have cuffed her. She's 72, and even with her fully resisting it wouldn't be hard.

The Taser X26 did not exist 25 years ago. That would be a likely explanation as to why you didn't see it used much back then.

Your arrogance is astounding. How many people have you cuffed? I'd like to give some of you a pair of cuffs and try to cuff someone, actively resisting, without causing any injury.

How much training do you have, again?

they didn't have youtube to spread these videos all over the world 25 years ago either.

this kinda shit probably always happened we just never knew about it.

yea it was called officer involved shooting for resisting arrest.



Apr 29, 2003
Old lady was a dumbass, but he didn't make a whole lot of effort to handcuff her before he pulled out the taser. She refused to comply after being warned that she was going to be tased, so I have no sympathy for her, but I think the officer could have handled the situation better.


Sep 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Dari
They were on the highway, folks. Her pushing him could have led to one of them being roadkill. Just because she's old and a woman doesn't give her the right to do as she please.


Originally posted by: mugs
Old lady was a dumbass, but he didn't make a whole lot of effort to handcuff her before he pulled out the taser. She refused to comply after being warned that she was going to be tased, so I have no sympathy for her, but I think the officer could have handled the situation better.

She was warned five times, and said "I dare you." Looks like she thought she was in control of the situation. She wasn't. Hard lesson to learn.

Good thing they have dash cams, though...she initially reported that everything in the police report was a lie. Oddly enough, after the video came out she didn't answer the door for her appointment with the news.


Oct 25, 2002
They were on the highway, folks. Her pushing him could have led to one of them being roadkill. Just because she's old and a woman doesn't give her the right to do as she please.


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2004
Originally posted by: JLee
Originally posted by: Aharami
why is 'throwing her to the ground and beating her with a baton' the only other option to tasing her? If he cant manage to put cuffs on a 72 yr old woman, he shouldnt be a cop. dont they get training for these sorts of things?

and no, i havent watched the video. youtube's blocked at work

He was quite able. Here's a sample use of force chart for you to take a look at.

Doesn't it say on the right hand side of your link that the actions are subject to age, sex, size, skill level, multiple subjects, and relative strength? If a fit, middle-aged man can't stand firm against a push from a 72 year old lady, then he really shouldn't be out on the street.



Diamond Member
Nov 2, 1999
fuck her...I would be ashamed if that was my grandmother and I'd laugh at her stupidity....and wtf does being a grandma have to do with it anyway?

She is a piece white of trash that deserved everything she got....too bad when she was tased she didn't fall into traffic and get hit by a truck.....stupid old wise and beautiful woman.


Sep 12, 2001
Originally posted by: 2Xtreme21
Originally posted by: JLee
Originally posted by: Aharami
why is 'throwing her to the ground and beating her with a baton' the only other option to tasing her? If he cant manage to put cuffs on a 72 yr old woman, he shouldnt be a cop. dont they get training for these sorts of things?

and no, i havent watched the video. youtube's blocked at work

He was quite able. Here's a sample use of force chart for you to take a look at.

Doesn't it say on the right hand side of your link that the actions are subject to age, sex, size, skill level, multiple subjects, and relative strength? If a fit, middle-aged man can't stand firm against a push from a 72 year old lady, then he really shouldn't be out on the street.

The officer made a decision to deploy the taser after five warnings. The end result was that the situation was defused and no one was injured. I fail to see how you can find fault when things worked out exactly like they should have.

Here's a helpful tip. If a law enforcement officer tells you he will use force or you will be arrested if xyz, and you decide to do xyz, don't be surprised when it actually happens.
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