Grandma Tased by Cop

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No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
How many times and people still don't learn. Don't resist arrest and you'll be fine. Don't try to kill or assault a cop and you won't get shot.

It's really, really, simple.


Jun 5, 2000
Originally posted by: 2Xtreme21
Originally posted by: JLee
Originally posted by: Aharami
why is 'throwing her to the ground and beating her with a baton' the only other option to tasing her? If he cant manage to put cuffs on a 72 yr old woman, he shouldnt be a cop. dont they get training for these sorts of things?

and no, i havent watched the video. youtube's blocked at work

He was quite able. Here's a sample use of force chart for you to take a look at.

Doesn't it say on the right hand side of your link that the actions are subject to age, sex, size, skill level, multiple subjects, and relative strength? If a fit, middle-aged man can't stand firm against a push from a 72 year old lady, then he really shouldn't be out on the street.

it also says that if the individual kicks or pushes the officer he can strike. punch, kick baton, pepper spray or TASER

it also says pulling away from officer, the officer may use stricking muscle groups, take downs, joint twisting and pressure points.

so telll me if the officer used any of those LEGAL techniques you would be all for? like slamming her to the ground and putthing his knee in her back? you are ok with that?



Jul 21, 2005
I don't see the big deal, he was shoving her to get out of the way of the freeway, he told her many times, and she never listened. If she was 50 this would never have made the 'news'. Plus she was not listening, resisting arrest, etc. Plus if he tried to arrest her forcefully he could have hurt her way worse than tasering her. Just did his job.


Diamond Member
Jan 4, 2001
I saw it on the news today and I thought the officer was completely justified. He gave her, many, many opportunities to comply with his orders and she not only refused but antagonized him at every opportunity. From my understanding making a traffic stop on the side of a busy road is quite dangerous for police officers, and with that lady trying to push him back toward traffic she seems to create a rather unacceptable situation.

This appears to be a case where the older lady thinks that due to her age she is somehow outside the scope of law enforcement.

Also, I don't recall seeing it mentioned here, but I believe she was pulled over for going 20MPH over the speed limit (45MPH speed limit I think?). She sped and got caught - that's how it goes, she should not be treated special just because she is 72.


Jun 24, 2004
Originally posted by: spidey07
How many times and people still don't learn. Don't resist arrest and you'll be fine. Don't try to kill or assault a cop and you won't get shot.

It's really, really, simple.

For once I agree with you Spidey!


Diamond Member
May 14, 2003
She got what she asked for, and I have no sympathy for her.

Don't tase me, maw!

EDIT >> I find it funny how in the interview with the reporter grandma says "I wasn't argumentative, I wasn't combative" and follows up with "All of this is a lie". :laugh:


Senior member
Dec 30, 2000
Originally posted by: I Saw OJ
Why couldnt he have just made her comply with some physical force? I'm sure he could easily overpower her and get cuffs on her without her being able to do a damn thing about it.

I was about to say, when you cuff someone you're supposed to get them off balance, that way it makes it easier to control them. You can have them lean over a car hood, or use a joint lock. This cop just grabbed her by the hand.


Elite Member
Dec 23, 2000
Originally posted by: QueBert
Originally posted by: JLee
Originally posted by: QueBert
Cops are taser happy, this video doesn't surprise me one bit. There was a time when a person resisted arrest resulted in the cop trying harder to get them to comply without using excessive force. This is a good example of excessive force. If a cop has to taser a 72 year old woman because he couldn't get her under control without excessive force, he needs to be one of the people who reads parking meters, or better yet. Give him a desk job. If she had been 25 I'm sure he would have shot her. Totally unacceptable, and he won't even get a slap on the wrist.

You are an idiot.

Ever try to cuff someone who doesn't want to be cuffed? Sure, it can be done. With force. Statistically, officer injuries and suspect injuries are lower with the use of Tasers.

Tasers are typically on the same force level as pepper spray - below hard hand control.

How much training do you have, again?

I have eyes and ears, and when I was growing up cops didn't use tasers on 72 year old females. You taser a woman of that age you run a good risk of her falling and breaking her hip. I would have to assume a few bruises on her wrists would infinitely outweigh falling and possibly never being able to walk again due to a broken hip. Funny how 25-30 years ago cops didn't taser people much at all, but today it seems common place. And instances like this aren't exactly "oh I can see why he did that" cases. Cops aren't trained to taser whenever they feel like it. It's a recent (fairly any ways) phenomenon. Cops are much shitter and far less competent than they were 30 years ago.

I am very out of shape and I could easily have cuffed her. She's 72, and even with her fully resisting it wouldn't be hard.

You would be surprised at how strong and agile some older folks can be when they get angry and the adrenaline starts flowing. I have experienced it first hand with my 78 year old mother and have seen it in nursing homes and hospitals.



No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
Grandma got tazered by the po-po
Resisting arrest one christmas eve
You may think there's not such thing as appropriate force
But as for me and Grandma, we believe


Jun 9, 2007
Originally posted by: CPA
"I dare ya" I would have tased her right after she said that to me.

Yup, right after the first "I dare ya", I would have tased her ass.



Senior member
Jan 11, 2001
Originally posted by: QueBert
Originally posted by: JLee
Originally posted by: QueBert
It takes training to learn how to taser an old woman? The only "training" I have was some self defense classes 20 years ago. We learned how to disarm a mugger with a gun using only our hands. The technique we learned didn't cause any real damage to the perp, it was just to disarm them. I suppose a 72 year old woman poses a much higher threat than a mugger though. *shrug* Maybe police might not be trained as well as typical citizens enrolled in a self defense class that lasts all of 3 hours spread out over 2 days. But than again we didn't learn how to deal with 72 year old females in the self defense class. So you're right, I don't know what I'm talking about.


That's one of main things they use to teach in self defense classes, the only time I was robbed the gun was to my head and not my chest. So I was unable to use the skill I learned over my 3 hour course. I still know without any offical training I could easily hand cuff an old lady. I have plenty of hand cuffing experience on my nephew back in the days. I never left any bruises, and he always put up a fight. I even was pretty good at hog tying him without leaving so much as a mark.

Leave your perverted sexual fantasies out of this.

She got what she deserved.



Oct 21, 2000
I have no problem with this video. The lady, despite her age, was not crippled or disillusion. She was disobeying direct orders.


May 4, 2001
I dunno. Tasering gets such a bad rap, but it might be less harmful to an elderly lady with possibly brittle bones, than having to man-handle her in to handcuffs.


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
Originally posted by: spidey07
How many times and people still don't learn. Don't resist arrest and you'll be fine. Don't try to kill or assault a cop and you won't get shot.

It's really, really, simple.



Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2003
Originally posted by: Ns1
Originally posted by: spidey07
How many times and people still don't learn. Don't resist arrest and you'll be fine. Don't try to kill or assault a cop and you won't get shot.

It's really, really, simple.


This and That.


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2005
I have a hard time hearing what is going on in the video. So bear that in mind. I wonder if a little better communication would have gone anywhere in this situation. If the woman was aware that failing to sign the ticket resulted in an arrest, would this have ended this way. From what I see, he walks up and hands her the ticket, then a little bit later tells her to get out of the car. Tells her she is under arrest, and then shoves her around...etc. Arresting her should have been a last resort, after trying to convince her that signing was in her best interests.

FWIW I think that the cop acted fine and by the book, I'm just wondering how hard he tried to avoid this end result.
Aug 23, 2000
Originally posted by: amdhunter
For those of you with older parents or grandparents -- one question. Do you think that they would have complied with that officer? My parent's wouldn't have for sure. They are way too old for stupidness from an officer.

When you guys get that old, do you want to be bothered with that shit? I don't give a shit what she did. Tasering a person of that age could have killed her.

All she had to do was sign a speeding ticket. That's all. Refusal to sign the ticket in Texas means you go to jail. It's that simple.


Jun 24, 2004
Originally posted by: waffleironhead
I have a hard time hearing what is going on in the video. So bear that in mind. I wonder if a little better communication would have gone anywhere in this situation. If the woman was aware that failing to sign the ticket resulted in an arrest, would this have ended this way. From what I see, he walks up and hands her the ticket, then a little bit later tells her to get out of the car. Tells her she is under arrest, and then shoves her around...etc. Arresting her should have been a last resort, after trying to convince her that signing was in her best interests.

FWIW I think that the cop acted fine and by the book, I'm just wondering how hard he tried to avoid this end result.

Agreed. I don't know how much the cop explained it to her, but it seems like if he had been just a touch more patient with her before choosing to escalate the situation himself and arrest her, this whole incident might have been avoided. I still think his use of the taser was justified.

Originally posted by: JeffreyLebowski
Originally posted by: amdhunter
For those of you with older parents or grandparents -- one question. Do you think that they would have complied with that officer? My parent's wouldn't have for sure. They are way too old for stupidness from an officer.

When you guys get that old, do you want to be bothered with that shit? I don't give a shit what she did. Tasering a person of that age could have killed her.

All she had to do was sign a speeding ticket. That's all. Refusal to sign the ticket in Texas means you go to jail. It's that simple.

Well, maybe he should have explained that. Maybe he did, but it sounded like he basically asked her to sign, then said it's not an admission of guilt, and jumped straight to arresting her. Not everyone has read up on every little law. I know that ignorance of the law isn't considered an excuse, but in this situation he has a responsibility to let her know the situation.
Aug 23, 2000
Originally posted by: Citrix
Originally posted by: 2Xtreme21
Originally posted by: JLee
Originally posted by: Aharami
why is 'throwing her to the ground and beating her with a baton' the only other option to tasing her? If he cant manage to put cuffs on a 72 yr old woman, he shouldnt be a cop. dont they get training for these sorts of things?

and no, i havent watched the video. youtube's blocked at work

He was quite able. Here's a sample use of force chart for you to take a look at.

Doesn't it say on the right hand side of your link that the actions are subject to age, sex, size, skill level, multiple subjects, and relative strength? If a fit, middle-aged man can't stand firm against a push from a 72 year old lady, then he really shouldn't be out on the street.

it also says that if the individual kicks or pushes the officer he can strike. punch, kick baton, pepper spray or TASER

it also says pulling away from officer, the officer may use stricking muscle groups, take downs, joint twisting and pressure points.

so telll me if the officer used any of those LEGAL techniques you would be all for? like slamming her to the ground and putthing his knee in her back? you are ok with that?

Some people are pissed off at all cops because they got busted doing 90 in a 45 and can't grasp with the reality of taking the blame for their own stupidity and thusly villify all cops regardless of the facts. To them a cop could run into a burning building save 14 infant orphans, but still be a monster baby killing piece of shit, because he couldn't get one of them out in time.


Jun 24, 2004
Originally posted by: JeffreyLebowski
Originally posted by: Citrix
Originally posted by: 2Xtreme21
Originally posted by: JLee
Originally posted by: Aharami
why is 'throwing her to the ground and beating her with a baton' the only other option to tasing her? If he cant manage to put cuffs on a 72 yr old woman, he shouldnt be a cop. dont they get training for these sorts of things?

and no, i havent watched the video. youtube's blocked at work

He was quite able. Here's a sample use of force chart for you to take a look at.

Doesn't it say on the right hand side of your link that the actions are subject to age, sex, size, skill level, multiple subjects, and relative strength? If a fit, middle-aged man can't stand firm against a push from a 72 year old lady, then he really shouldn't be out on the street.

it also says that if the individual kicks or pushes the officer he can strike. punch, kick baton, pepper spray or TASER

it also says pulling away from officer, the officer may use stricking muscle groups, take downs, joint twisting and pressure points.

so telll me if the officer used any of those LEGAL techniques you would be all for? like slamming her to the ground and putthing his knee in her back? you are ok with that?

Some people are pissed off at all cops because they got busted doing 90 in a 45 and can't grasp with the reality of taking the blame for their own stupidity and thusly villify all cops regardless of the facts. To them a cop could run into a burning building save 14 infant orphans, but still be a monster baby killing piece of shit, because he couldn't get one of them out in time.

Do you have a link to someone who actually believes this, or are you just making up a straw man argument?
Oct 19, 2000
Some of you guys act like being tasered is equal to being shot. A taser is good for incapacitating someone, nothing more, nothing less. Cop warned her repeatedly, she didn't listen, so she was tasered into cooperating. Problem solved. Some people these days just want to say "fuck the man" without giving any thought whatsoever.


Sep 12, 2001
Originally posted by: AstroManLuca
Well, maybe he should have explained that. Maybe he did, but it sounded like he basically asked her to sign, then said it's not an admission of guilt, and jumped straight to arresting her. Not everyone has read up on every little law. I know that ignorance of the law isn't considered an excuse, but in this situation he has a responsibility to let her know the situation.

She knew.

Winkfein refused. Bieze insisted, saying he would have to arrest her if she didn?t sign the ticket. When she wouldn?t sign, he opened the door to the truck and told her to get out.


When Bieze tells her to get out of her truck, Winkfein says, ?Take me to jail. Go on and take me to jail.?


Jun 24, 2004
Originally posted by: JLee
Originally posted by: AstroManLuca
Well, maybe he should have explained that. Maybe he did, but it sounded like he basically asked her to sign, then said it's not an admission of guilt, and jumped straight to arresting her. Not everyone has read up on every little law. I know that ignorance of the law isn't considered an excuse, but in this situation he has a responsibility to let her know the situation.

Winkfein refused. Bieze insisted, saying he would have to arrest her if she didn?t sign the ticket. When she wouldn?t sign, he opened the door to the truck and told her to get out.


When Bieze tells her to get out of her truck, Winkfein says, ?Take me to jail. Go on and take me to jail.?

Ah, I see. Yeah, looks like she doesn't have much of a case at all.
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