Graphics Marketshare Q2 2015


Apr 22, 2012

No surprises:

Quick highlights:
•AMD’s overall unit shipments decreased -25.82% quarter-to-quarter, Intel’s total shipments decreased -7.39% from last quarter, and Nvidia’s decreased -16.19%.
•The attach rate of GPUs (includes integrated and discrete GPUs) to PCs for the quarter was 137% which was down -10.82% from last quarter, and 26.43% of PCs had discrete GPUs, which is down -4.15%.
•The overall PC market decreased -4.05% quarter-to-quarter, and decreased -10.40% year-to-year.
•Desktop graphics add-in boards (AIBs) that use discrete GPUs decreased -16.81% from last quarter.

The quarter in general
AMD’s shipments of desktop heterogeneous GPU/CPUs, i.e., APUs, increased 25.0% from the previous quarter, and were down -53.5% in notebooks. AMD’s discrete desktop shipments decreased -33.33% from last quarter, and notebook discrete shipments decreased -9.1%. The company’s overall PC graphics shipments decreased -25.8% from the previous quarter.

Intel’s desktop processor embedded graphics (EPGs) shipments decreased from last quarter by -7.4%, and notebooks decreased by -7.3%. The company’s overall PC graphics shipments decreased -7.4% from last quarter.

Nvidia’s desktop discrete shipments were down -12.03% from last quarter; and the company’s notebook discrete shipments decreased -21.6%. The company’s overall PC graphics shipment decreased -16.2% from last quarter. The company saw strength in gaming from Western Europe and China which helped it buck a down quarter for the industry.
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Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2010
So the Qtr Market Share breakdown is roughly 10%-15%-75%. But is there overlap? Like, would some computers contribute to both Intel and (AMD or Nvidia)?

Would there be anything meaningful gained by including a market share category of "AMD+Intel" and "Nvidia+Intel," and subtract off those units from the corresponding category they are currently listed under?


Golden Member
Jul 8, 2014
Both Nv and AMD drops.Yeah GPUs are just overpriced...they better drop prices or they will lose more and more.
Majority of ppl simply dont buying those overpriced GPUs
They better return to 500USD high-end if they want stop dropping sales.
Mar 10, 2006
Both Nv and AMD drops.Yeah GPUs are just overpriced...they better drop prices or they will lose more and more.
Majority of ppl simply dont buying those overpriced GPUs
They better return to 500USD high-end if they want stop dropping sales.

NVIDIA's GeForce gaming revenue increased >50% year-over-year last quarter.

People are buying high end GPUs -- just not AMD's.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2010

AMD released a revamped Hawaii almost 20 months after the original which did a great job erasing the original blemishes, but seriously - 20 months later only to jack up the price to the EOL Rx 200 series? Any savvy buyer would avoid it or scoop up a refurb/used R9 290/290X while they are still available unless they held off buying Rx 200 thinking things would be better.

AMD has shortage on Fury X on top of pump issues which cause a portion of units to get allocated for returns/exchanges. This just hurts the already limited stock. Almost a month after release one of the core components enters volume production.

Fury only two options and also suffering from stock issues (though not as severe as Fury X due to no requirement to allocate for returns/exchanges).

Any one thinking AMD was going to see growth in marketshare ignored some huge draw backs. Now, the question is - will these gambles (higher MSRP for RX 300 replacing Rx 200, Fury X/Fury prices) bring in what AMD wanted - higher revenues? We'll have to wait and see for more on that.

DX12+ACE(whatever it's called) better hit a home run, because as it stands - AMD is floundering in the Discrete GPU side. And I doubt they'll see any positive change in their CPU side. Zen better come with a huge winch to pull AMD out of the hole Bulldozer left it in.

What i see is Nv dropping dGPU shipment last 2 quarters and also year to year.

What is driving growth right now is its GPU business. Revenue for GeForce GPUs grew 51%, and NVIDIA has continued to see strength in the PC gaming sector. Fueled by the release of the GTX 980 and GTX 980 Ti, sales of high-end GTX GPUs “grew significantly” year-over-year. The Titan X would certainly fall in there as well, although unlikely at as high of volume. Maxwell has been a very strong performer, and gamers tend to go where the performance is. Souring the results somewhat is a decline in Tesla GPU sales, as well as Quadro GPU sales. Overall, GPU revenue was up 9% year-over-year to $959 million. Even as NVIDIA has tried to diversify with SoCs, their GPU business is still almost 85% of the company.


Jul 22, 2015
I agree with Head1985, GPU's are just overpriced and no one is buying them!

Why would anyone buy a "new" GPU that performs the same as a GPU 3 generations old and is priced higher?

Why buy say an AMD R370 when if you have an AMD 7870 or 7950 that is as fast if not faster?

Why buy a Nvidia 750ti when if you have a 660 you are already having faster performance than the newer card

Heck why buy 960 if you got 760 and the 960 is more expensive and only several frames faster?

It just doesn't make sense to upgrade if you have a GPU from the past 3 generations!

If you have 600, 700 series of Nvidia GPU's its not worth it to upgrade. If you got 7000, R 200 series its not worth it to upgrade. You are pretty much getting small performance increases for pretty much higher prices than 3 years old cards.

The GTX 960 is a complete overpriced turd, it should have been released at $150 and even then it would have been a failure just because they needed 3 years to come up with a medium end graphic card that barely outperforms the previous medium end GPU by few percent points.

In previous times a new medium end GPU would perform close to the previous gen top end GPU, a 560 would perform close t0 a 480 if not the same or even faster in certain games, etc...

For 3 generations though we've had same cards, same performance, same prices!
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Golden Member
May 14, 2011
AMD need to come up with a $100-$150 dGPU with decent features in 1/2 height for all the corp people driving 2-3 LCDs with SFF.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2010
I agree with Head1985, GPU's are just overpriced and no one is buying them!

Why would anyone buy a "new" GPU that performs the same as a GPU 3 generations old and is priced higher?

Why buy say an AMD R370 when if you have an AMD 7870 or 7950 that is as fast if not faster?

Why buy a Nvidia 750ti when if you have a 660 you are already having faster performance than the newer card

Heck why buy 960 if you got 760 and the 960 is more expensive and only several frames faster?

It just doesn't make sense to upgrade if you have a GPU from the past 3 generations!

If you have 600, 700 series of Nvidia GPU's its not worth it to upgrade. If you got 7000, R 200 series its not worth it to upgrade. You are pretty much getting small performance increases for pretty much higher prices than 3 years old cards.

The GTX 960 is a complete overpriced turd, it should have been released at $150 and even then it would have been a failure just because they needed 3 years to come up with a medium end graphic card that barely outperforms the previous medium end GPU by few percent points.

In previous times a new medium end GPU would perform close to the previous gen top end GPU, a 560 would perform close t0 a 480 if not the same or even faster in certain games, etc...

For 3 generations though we've had same cards, same performance, same prices!

I agree with some of this. The shipment numbers prove the majority of this post correct, but the revenue numbers show Nvidia is selling enough cards on the higher price range (ie better margins).

So while people who do have a medium/low card from a few generations aren't upgrading (proven by decreased overall shipments) there are enough enthusiast or people on the top end upgrading/buying to give Nvidia increased revenues (51% growth shown by their own numbers).

Not enough people on the bottom are upgrading, that is true, but those that are upgrading on the top are buying NV products. AMD showing increased revenues in their next quarterly would show their new strategy worked.
Feb 19, 2009
With iGPU encroachment, dGPU will have to be higher margin to offset the lower volume moving forward. Aka. Gamers better get used to paying more for GPUs.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2010
With iGPU encroachment, dGPU will have to be higher margin to offset the lower volume moving forward. Aka. Gamers better get used to paying more for GPUs.

When I saw how successful Titan-series prices were, I gave up hope on prices.

As a long time PC gamer, I have no issues paying "more" for a product I perceive as earning it. I was already dropping $500-600 every year for a GPU going as far back as 1998. Until AMD was nice enough to give me $300-400 cards, which they took back.

Those buyers won't fade, and Nvidia knows it and it looks like AMD is realizing it.

Mar 10, 2006
What i see is Nv dropping dGPU shipment last 2 quarters and also year to year.

It's right in NVIDIA's CFO commentary:

Revenue in the GPU business grew 9 percent from the second quarter of the prior year. Revenue from GeForce GPUs
for gaming grew 51 percent, fueled by continued strength in PC gaming. Growth was particularly strong for our highend
GeForce GTX GPUs which grew significantly from year-ago levels. Revenue from Tesla GPUs for accelerated
computing decreased, reflecting variability in project purchasing. Revenue from Quadro® GPUs, which deliver
industry leading graphics and rendering performance, declined due to weakness in the overall workstation market. PC
OEM GPUs declined year-over-year, reflecting the decline in overall consumer PCs.


Apr 22, 2012
Short summon up:
Intels IGPs continue their march forward.
dGPU share keeps falling heavily compared to CPU sales.
nVidia sells more highend dGPUs than previous.
AMDs markedshare is still in free fall with big losses.

AMD now dropped from 38% to 18% YoY.


Golden Member
Jan 12, 2012
the moment apus can do 1080p on medium is the moment desktop gpu market dies. then you have the high end gpus only. then we will get the steam boxes. maybe finally pc gaming and console gaming will merge. look at xbone n ps4, basically crappy pc boxes.

I for one welcome the 3 pound gaming laptops. I am ready!


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2008
18%? AMD's entire new stack dropped market share? I thought for sure, even if it was just almost entirely rebrands, their market share would gain some traction.

I guess when a company is in the dumps no one wants to be a part of it. Great knowing you AMD. Anyone who wants to deny AMD's perilous financial position at this point is in....well, denial.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2008
the moment apus can do 1080p on medium is the moment desktop gpu market dies. then you have the high end gpus only. then we will get the steam boxes. maybe finally pc gaming and console gaming will merge. look at xbone n ps4, basically crappy pc boxes.

I for one welcome the 3 pound gaming laptops. I am ready!

XB1 and PS4 games are mostly 30fps. :/ It's still going to be awhile for IGPs, unless you want to play 3 year old games at 1080p. My gtx 860m based laptop, with a 20% OC, is 60% faster than the absolute best IGP and I still have to drop current games to 900p AND drop settings to get consistent 60fps.

Besides that, whenever I game or web surf on my laptop for a day then get back to my 27" desktop, my eyes do a happy dance. Bigger screens are so much better.
Feb 19, 2009
18%? AMD's entire new stack dropped market share? I thought for sure, even if it was just almost entirely rebrands, their market share would gain some traction.

I guess when a company is in the dumps no one wants to be a part of it. Great knowing you AMD. Anyone who wants to deny AMD's perilous financial position at this point is in....well, denial.

Q2 data. -_-


Diamond Member
Sep 12, 2012
basically the vast majority don't care about GPU performance and goes with whatever is cheaper/easier (Intel), AMD can't do much here because they don't sell enough CPUs.

the other end, buying discrete graphics continues to move towards Nvidia...


Diamond Member
May 9, 2004
Nvidia is already the psuedo-Apple in discrete for a while, not helped by AMD overpaying so much for the ATI buyout and ended up ruining the financials of both companies, while getting rid of the much superior ATI branding.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2010
Why are things so bad for AMD in the dGPU space? They are typically best bang for buck

Bang for buck don't matter when the bottom is falling out. As AMD's parts race to the bottom in price segments, you got users rather holding on to older hardware than upgrading. Oh, and integrated-GPUs are getting better.

So bottom sits on shelves. While on the top Nvidia is just crushing it.

See how things are in Q3 and AMD's next quarterly, really want to see if their new strategy at least improves revenues. If both revenues and market share take another tumble, I think AMD is seriously gonna have to reconsider things.


Feb 2, 2009
What I find most interesting is that AMD Desktop APUs were increased by 25% when AMD Notebook APUs had a massive decreased of 53%. That could be due to Carizzo starting shipping in low volume in Q2.

AMD Desktop APU shipments increased by +25%
Intel Desktop iGPU shipments decreased by -7.4%

AMD Notebook APU shipments decreased by -53,5%
Intel Desktop iGPU shipments decreased by -7.4%

I want to see Q3 shipments with new products like Carizzo and Skylake.


AMD Desktop GPU shipments decreased by -33,33%
NVIDIA Desktop GPU shipments decreased by -12,03%

AMD Notebook discrete GPU shipments decreased by -9,1%
NVIDIA Notebook discrete GPU shipments decreased by -21,6%

Lets see how things will shape in Q3 with new products like Fury X, Fury, Fury Nano and R7/9 3xx series.
Feb 19, 2009
Seems quite a few people confused the results and linking it to 300 series & Fury.. wrong data dates.

This data is the continuation of the pwnage that the 200 series suffered with its bad rep of hot, loud, power hungry.


Apr 22, 2012
Seems quite a few people confused the results and linking it to 300 series & Fury.. wrong data dates.

This data is the continuation of the pwnage that the 200 series suffered with its bad rep of hot, loud, power hungry.

If Steam is to be taken into account from July as an indication, its only going to get worse in Q3.

I wouldnt be surprised if AMD was ~10% share of the dGPU in Q4.

But again, the dGPU is going out of fashion at an alarming rate. We are looking at something like a 40% drop in 2015. The only good point is more highend GPUs are sold.
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