Greatest raw athlete ever?

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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I believe you mean live ball era.

Either way, what he gained from ground rule doubles he lost from the rule of balls needing to LAND in fair territory in order to be home runs. Nowadays it just need to clear the fence in fair territory.

So, deduct between 20 and 30 home runs for ground rule double, and add how many you think? 40+?

Furthermore, he played a good portion of his career when the spitball was legal until 1920. After 1920, they just had to hide it.

Greatest baseball player to ever play. It really isn't even a discussion.

Of course there is a discussion. I think most people would argue for Willie Mays. Babe Ruth was great, obviously, but I rarely see him mentioned as greatest ever...except by Yankee's homers.


Diamond Member
Dec 17, 2006
Obviously baseball isn't ATOT's sport. Babe Ruth not a top 10 hitter? Lol. He's WELL ahead of almost everyone else at the plate. The only players post-dead ball era with whom it's even a discussion are Ted Williams, Lou Gehrig, and Barry Bonds (and that's taking Bonds's inflated cheater roid stats at face value- if you adjust them or discount them, he drops out of the hitter discussion completely). Remember, adjusted OPS+ is a stat which shows fairly comprehensively how well a batter did compared to others of his time. Career numbers: Ruth 206, Williams 190, Bonds 182, Gehrig 179. Pretty hard to get past that.

I did make a mistake earlier, though. I confused Ruth's and Gehrig's lifetime batting averages. Ruth batted .342, four points ahead of Tony Gwynn, a 3000-hit man with the highest average since Williams.
Aug 12, 2004
what makes Ruth the greatest baseball player of all time is the fact that he was well on his way to the hall of fame as a pitcher, before they realized he was an even better hitter and moved him to being an everyday player. Imagine adding 5 more years of offense to his stats as well.

As to the so called issue of playing before integration, etc. The stats for the all time greatest generally speaking would carry from era to era. If you want to play this game, modern players would like Bonds or Griffey would literally double their stats playing in those old eras due to how much better shape they were in. You cannot put Babe Ruth on a list of great athletes because he was not a great athlete, nor was Lawrence Taylor. They however, had such tremendous talent and skill that the lack of working out did not hurt them at all.


Dec 13, 2013
Anabolic steroids were first used in the 1930s.


Other than laboratory testing I would say steroids probably were not used until the 1950s. Maybe the Soviets started using steroids in their government sport program in the 1940s.


Aug 26, 2000
It's probably neither of these guys, as these are only the ones that have applied themselves enough to participate at the highest level. Many of the worlds best athletes were probably never recognized because they didn't follow the protocol (ie go to college) or dedicate themselves to a sport(s) in order to get the opportunities they were capable of.


Oct 12, 2009
Jesse Owens?
This might be #1 over 45 minutes.

Wall of text

It still looks like a misprint.
Four world records in three-quarters of an hour. Not 45 weeks or 45 days but 45 minutes.
Seventy-five years ago Tuesday, at the 1935 Big Ten Track and Field Championships in Ann Arbor, Mich., Jesse Owens didn't rewrite the record book -- he tore it up.
In less than an hour, the 21-year-old Ohio State sophomore tied the world record in the 100-yard dash and then set the world record in the long jump, the 220-yard dash and the 220 low hurdles.
One year later at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, the black son of an Alabama sharecropper became an athletic legend when he grabbed Adolf Hitler's toxic theories of racial supremacy and stuffed them in the fuhrer's face by winning gold medals in the 100 and 200 meters, the long jump and the 4x100 relay.
Owens' dominant week in Berlin is part of American athletic lore, but his Olympic performances have been duplicated or surpassed. Carl Lewis won the same four events at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. Speedskater Eric Heiden captured five gold medals at distances ranging from 500 to 10,000 meters at the 1980 Lake Placid Winter Games.
Swimmer Mark Spitz won seven gold medals, all in world-record time, over eight days at the 1972 Munich Games. Michael Phelps won eight golds at the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
But Owens' one-day blockbuster in Ann Arbor has no parallel, not only in track and field but in any sport. It is the greatest single day performance in athletic history, superior to Wilt Chamberlain's 100-point outburst or to the Redskins' Sammy Baugh throwing four touchdown passes and adding an NFL record four interceptions in one game.
That Owens took care of business in less than an hour -- and with an injured back -- adds even more luster to a name that has always ranked near the top of American sports heroes.
"People are surprised at how competitive Owens would still be as an athlete today," said Robert Gary, the current Ohio State track and field coach and meet director of the annual Jesse Owens Track Classic in Columbus. "I don't think many people realize what a phenomenal athlete he was."
Indeed, 75 years later, Owens still holds the Buckeyes' school record in the long jump.
Owens' time in the national spotlight was short -- only about four years. He first drew attention when he tied the 100-yard dash world record of 9.4 seconds as a Cleveland high school senior in 1933. He followed with a record four individual titles at both the 1935 and 1936 NCAA championships (Owens scored 40 of the Buckeyes' 40.2 points at the '35 meet) and then exited track shortly after draping himself in glory in Berlin.
But if Owens' career was abbreviated in years it was long on achievement, and never more so than at Michigan's Ferry Field on May 25, 1935.
At the start of the day, Owens didn't know if he could finish even one event. He had injured his lower back falling down the stairs five days earlier while roughhousing with his fraternity brothers and was still hurting as he warmed up.
After debating with Ohio State track coach Larry Snyder on whether to compete, Owens decided to take it one event at a time.
And what a time it was.
3:15 p.m. 100: After a slow start Owens' tremendous acceleration put him ahead at 30 yards. His official winning time of 9.4 seconds tied the world record, yet more than half of the race's official timers clocked him in 9.3, a new world mark. Rules of the day, however, stipulated that a runner be given his slowest time. The first official 9.3 100 would have to wait for 1948.
3:25 p.m. Long jump: Owens needed just one leap to improve the world record by more than a half-foot to 26 feet 8¼ inches. Only Bob Beamon's legendary 29-2½ jump at the 1968 Mexico City Olympics has improved the long jump record by a greater distance. Beamon's altitude-aided record lasted 23 years. Owens' mark lasted 25. Seventy-three years later at the 2008 Olympics, Owens' 1935 jump would have placed seventh.
"The scary part to me always has been how good Owens was for the very little long jump training he did," said Jon Hendershott, associate editor of Track and Field News. "And the back problem restricted him to just a single jump at the '35 Big Ten. Yet he set a world record that lasted for a quarter-century. Pretty stunning stuff."
3:34 p.m. 220: Until the 1960s, the 220 in the United States often was run on a straightaway rather than on a curve, and the sight of the smooth-striding Owens in full flight over a furlong must have been breathtaking. Owens ran 20.3 seconds to crush the old mark of 20.6. Because the 220 is more than a yard longer than 200 meters, Owens also received credit for breaking the world 200 straightaway record.
Ohio State's Gary said photos of the 220 make it appear "like no one else is in the race."
4 p.m. 220 low hurdles: Low hurdles stand only 2 feet, 6 inches (high hurdles are a foot taller), allowing Owens, who was not a gifted hurdler, to use his great speed between the barriers to defeat more technically superior opponents. He became the first runner to break 23 seconds with a time of 22.6 to win by five yards. He also received credit for the 200-meter hurdle record. The low hurdles event was discontinued at U.S. national meets after 1962.
Owens had averaged a world record every 11 minutes. To find a similar scale of achievement one has to journey to the realm of art and think of Mozart needing only six weeks to compose his final three symphonies in the summer of 1788 or of Shakespeare writing Henry V, Julius Caesar and As You Like It in the same year.
Owens, perhaps the smoothest sprinter of all time, was an athletic artist and with each record the Ferry Field crowd of 5,000 cheered louder. So many fans wanted to congratulate Owens after the meet that he had to leave the locker room through a bathroom window.
He was a national story and would join boxer Joe Louis as the best-known black athlete in the country. His startling achievement impressed even those not normally associated with sports.
Humorist Will Rogers observed: "Mr. Owens ... broke practically all the world records ... with the possible exception of horseshoe pitching and flagpole sitting."
Honors and financial opportunities were slow to flow Owens' way. For all the talk of being snubbed by Hitler at the '36 Olympics (some reports say the German leader actually offered a small wave to the American champion), Owens always said he was more upset by never having received recognition from President Franklin D. Roosevelt. In neither 1935 nor 1936 did he win the Sullivan Award, emblematic of the nation's top amateur athlete.
Only weeks after his historic triumph in Berlin, he was suspended by the Amateur Athletic Union for not competing in a minor track meet in Sweden. Owens preferred to get back to the U.S. to see his family and take advantage of endorsement opportunities that, ultimately, failed to materialize.
White Olympic swimmers like Johnny Weissmuller and Buster Crabbe could play Tarzan in the movies. Such avenues weren't open to Owens. To make money he had to run in exhibitions against horses.
Finally, in 1955, President Dwight Eisenhower honored Owens as an "ambassador of sport" and he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Gerald Ford in 1976. He also worked as a roving ambassador for Ford Motor Company and the U.S. Olympic Committee.
A decades-long cigarette habit eventually caught up with Owens and he died of lung cancer in 1980 at the age of 66.
Owens' records seem almost quaint today. Jamaica's Usain Bolt can run 100 meters about as fast as Owens covered 100 yards even though the metric sprint is more than 9 yards longer.
Bolt, however, doesn't compete in the hurdles or the long jump. Unlike Owens, he doesn't run on dirt tracks or without the benefit of starting blocks.
With prize money and commercial endorsements now permissible in international track and field, Bolt can train year round and doesn't have to work in a gas station as Owens did in college. Bolt can compete as long as his body allows him. Owens last raced when he was 22.
One can speculate what Owens might have accomplished had he competed longer. Carl Lewis recorded his best marks in the 100 meters and long jump when he was 30.
Maybe Owens would have run a 10.1 100 meters, which wasn't accomplished until 1956, or notched the first 27-foot long jump, which didn't happen until 1961.
Yet considering how transcendent Owens was at Ann Arbor and again at Berlin, it would be like asking Michelangelo to touch up the Sistine Chapel or for Mark Twain to rework Huckleberry Finn.
The masterpieces speak for themselves.
As Hendershott noted, Owens' day of days in Ann Arbor "is likely never to be equaled, let alone beaten, in any sport."
Ferry Field still stands. Outside the track a plaque commemorates Owens' record-shattering day. It is, perhaps, the ultimate compliment in college sports that a University of Michigan athletic facility continues to honor the achievements of an Ohio


Aug 11, 2005
Jim Brown and it's not even close... NFL Hall of Fame and Lacrosse Hall of Fame, most dominant RB ever


Nov 21, 2001
Maybe not as flashy as the rest of the guys being discussed, but Dave Winfield was drafted by 4 different pro leagues in 3 sports, including the NFL. And he never played college football.
Came in to post this. He was also a class act in the business.


Sep 11, 2014
Maybe not as flashy as the rest of the guys being discussed, but Dave Winfield was drafted by 4 different pro leagues in 3 sports, including the NFL. And he never played college football.
Yes sir. My choice for my era.

Not sure if it was mentioned but Jim Brown was a HOF Lacrosse player. In fact, he got his college scholarship at Syracuse for it and was a walk on in football. Some say he was the greatest lacrosse player ever.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2005
Many of the PED's are not a direct in-game advantage.

Besides increased physical strength, they can also aid recovery. If you can pump more iron, harder, faster, and more often than the equally talented player not taking PED's, you will gain the advantage over the course of a career. Especially in season, being able to maintain a diligent workout routine and recover from wear and tear is a great advantage.

In game drugs would be more like amphetamines to give a real "5 hour energy" boost.


Sep 11, 2014
Many of the PED's are not a direct in-game advantage.

Besides increased physical strength, they can also aid recovery. If you can pump more iron, harder, faster, and more often than the equally talented player not taking PED's, you will gain the advantage over the course of a career. Especially in season, being able to maintain a diligent workout routine and recover from wear and tear is a great advantage.

In game drugs would be more like amphetamines to give a real "5 hour energy" boost.
Speaking of that, you seem knowledgeable. Would Barry Bond's head shrink back to its normal size after not using?


Dec 13, 2013
You do not need to use steroids to have a big head. And Barry Bonds does not have a massive head.


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2011
Of course there is a discussion. I think most people would argue for Willie Mays. Babe Ruth was great, obviously, but I rarely see him mentioned as greatest ever...except by Yankee's homers.

Not even close to a yankee homer, not even a baseball fan really. But I know the greatest to play was Babe Ruth. He had the most value to his team by any measure, statistical or otherwise. Don't forget his pitching either.

Willie Mays is definitely #2.

Neither of which would make a modern MLB club today, nostalgia ahoy!
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