Help find a cure for Cancer!


Dec 5, 1999

I suggest you all check it out and run it, rather than finding little green men (SETI) or crunching distributed packets just to prove RC5-72 can be broken in 5 years, why not help crunch numbers for a real cause?

As a cancer survivor (of course, I have the rest of my life to find that out) I urge you to sign up.

We can even make an Anandtech team!


Thank you for your invitation to others to join your preferred cause, and we are glad you are a survivor. However, others have their own priorities, and some of them posted, bashing their groups' projects is not conducive to maintaining a freindly forum.

AnandTech Moderator


Dec 5, 1999
Seems we already have an anandtech team on grid. However it's not listed on



No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Hmm...coming in and bashing two other DC projects is not a good way to recruit.


Dec 5, 1999
Originally posted by: conjur
Hmm...coming in and bashing two other DC projects is not a good way to recruit.

I didn't bash them, I just simply think that there are better causes to be after. IE. Cures for diseases.

Seti? Shrug.. sure if you feel like looking for little green men.

And distributed crunching? Just to break encryption.. whee. IMO Worthless cycles.


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Mindflux
Sorry I made you guys feel guilty for crunching worthless packets.

Get a life.
Listen bub; we have gone over this before with many new members long before you. We fought a very large flamewar over the issue and then some, all to come up with 1 simple rule: thou shall not diss other projects when promoting a new project. Now, we certainly welcome you to work on, F&H, or whatever project you want for TA; we want more people on the team, but we're not going to let project "fanboys" insult each other to get there, that's just counter-productive. So, if you would like to shape up and participate, that's great, we'll welcome you with open arms; otherwise I doubt you'll find yourself too well liked on this team.


Dec 5, 1999
Originally posted by: ViRGE
Originally posted by: Mindflux
Sorry I made you guys feel guilty for crunching worthless packets.

Get a life.
Listen bub; we have gone over this before with many new members long before you. We fought a very large flamewar over the issue and then some, all to come up with 1 simple rule: thou shall not diss other projects when promoting a new project. Now, we certainly welcome you to work on, F&H, or whatever project you want for TA; we want more people on the team, but we're not going to let project "fanboys" insult each other to get there, that's just counter-productive. So, if you would like to shape up and participate, that's great, we'll welcome you with open arms; otherwise I doubt you'll find yourself too well liked on this team.

First I'm not 'bub'. That may be what you call your friends, or whatever but I'm not a 'bub'. Secondly, I'm not a fanboy of any distributed system.. I do however think that grid is a "better" cause than say.. RC5-72. Or Seti. As far as TA goes, they don't even list on the page, how's that for support? You guys don't even acknowledge the client exists.

Go back to crunching your distributed packets.



Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2001
Is the same as or related to United Devices? The webpages and clients seem to ressemble each other. And we do have a UD team.


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Mindflux
Originally posted by: ViRGE
Originally posted by: Mindflux
Sorry I made you guys feel guilty for crunching worthless packets.

Get a life.
Listen bub; we have gone over this before with many new members long before you. We fought a very large flamewar over the issue and then some, all to come up with 1 simple rule: thou shall not diss other projects when promoting a new project. Now, we certainly welcome you to work on, F&H, or whatever project you want for TA; we want more people on the team, but we're not going to let project "fanboys" insult each other to get there, that's just counter-productive. So, if you would like to shape up and participate, that's great, we'll welcome you with open arms; otherwise I doubt you'll find yourself too well liked on this team.

First I'm not 'bub'. That may be what you call your friends, or whatever but I'm not a 'bub'. Secondly, I'm not a fanboy of any distributed system.. I do however think that grid is a "better" cause than say.. RC5-72. Or Seti. As far as TA goes, they don't even list on the page, how's that for support? You guys don't even acknowledge the client exists.

Go back to crunching your distributed packets. isn't actively updated any more; I'm the one that used to do it, but double-majoring is very timing consuming. There are a few people that have thrown some ideas out there, but none have come to pass yet.

As for thinking is "better" than RC5, that's fine, everyone is entitled to their opinions, but the rules still stand that if you want to recruit for a project, you do it without belittling other projects.


Elite Member
Nov 20, 2001
Originally posted by: Mindflux
Sorry I made you guys feel guilty for crunching worthless packets.

Get a life.

Actually you are the one who needs to get a life. I would like to know where you get off telling others what they should and shouldn't be doing with their computers. I would also like to know what qualifies you to judge the worthiness of any given project? You make ignorant statements that Seti is looking only for little green men when you don't realize that the data being processed is proving black hole theories and studying quasars. They are finding more uses for the data all the time.

Also did you realize that grid is a for profit organization? You might want to check out Find a Drug which is working on a cure for cancer and is a non profit project.


Dec 5, 1999
Originally posted by: Crazee
Originally posted by: Mindflux
Sorry I made you guys feel guilty for crunching worthless packets.

Get a life.

Actually you are the one who needs to get a life. I would like to know where you get off telling others what they should and shouldn't be doing with their computers. I would also like to know what qualifies you to judge the worthiness of any given project? You make ignorant statements that Seti is looking only for little green men when you don't realize that the data being processed is proving black hole theories and studying quasars. They are finding more uses for the data all the time.

Also did you realize that grid is a for profit organization? You might want to check out Find a Drug which is working on a cure for cancer and is a non profit project.

When did I TELL people to run it? I didn't, I SUGGESTED it. Big difference.

Again, get a life.


Platinum Member
Jul 24, 2002
Originally posted by: Mindflux
Originally posted by: Crazee
Originally posted by: Mindflux
Sorry I made you guys feel guilty for crunching worthless packets.

Get a life.

Actually you are the one who needs to get a life. I would like to know where you get off telling others what they should and shouldn't be doing with their computers. I would also like to know what qualifies you to judge the worthiness of any given project? You make ignorant statements that Seti is looking only for little green men when you don't realize that the data being processed is proving black hole theories and studying quasars. They are finding more uses for the data all the time.

Also did you realize that grid is a for profit organization? You might want to check out Find a Drug which is working on a cure for cancer and is a non profit project.

When did I TELL people to run it? I didn't, I SUGGESTED it. Big difference.

Again, get a life.

So your suggesting but if dont do as you suggest we'd need to get a life?

Actually SETI has told a lot about hydrogen in space which is a very important thing cos ~75% of the universes mass is hydrogen. I, myself, dont think that RC-72 is really useful but it sure beats doing nothing, and anyway RC-72 might be a way to find other projects and vise versa.

EDIT: And what if we find little green men? They just might tell us how to beat cancer, tumars, obesity, HIV, anthrax, flue and every single problem in the world...


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2003
Mindflux..... your posts are about as worthless as they come. You are a true asshat, that needs to take a walk.

Go back to the rock you came out from under. If SETI does find little green men they will no doubt be more intelligent than your narrow ass.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
Well, at least this is one of the more humorous of the "my project is cool & yours sucks" threads.

Seriously, the dood's a newbie - lets all cut some slack & chill a bit.

Mindflux, crunch whatever you want - whether it's to make money for some big corporation like Grid seems to do or for folding or whatever you want. Have a good one mate.

Most of us do the project of our choice for some good reason of our own, we don't diss other projects overly much because we respect each other's choices. I may not understand why someone wants to volunteer all their computers to one project or another, but that doesn't make it "stupid" or a "waste of time" for them to do so. Their computers = their choice.


Elite Member
Nov 13, 2000
OK guys, have you read the sign?

You know, the one that says:

Don't feed the troll

Now, onto a proper post

It is true that Devices does not have a large following here, as projects like Seti@home and many others do. Hell, the number of RC5 posts nowadays is next to minimal. Different people are interested in different things. It's what makes us human.

You may feel that is the best project for your CPU power, and others may feel that they would like to donate their CPU power to something else, such as analysing radio data from space, which helps increase our knowledge of the Universe, or by proving that a level of encryption is strong enough and that we don't need anything stronger, or some may like to use their CPU power to look for Prime numbers, or some might want to use their CPU power to look at how proteins fold, which can help to see how diseases occur.

All the projects have good aims, some mathematical, some scientific, some medical. Just because you don't agree with running certain projects, there is no need to be so bulshy about it.

I suggest you all check it out and run it, rather than finding little green men (SETI) or crunching distributed packets just to prove RC5-72 can be broken in 5 years, why not help crunch numbers for a real cause?

See, I have highlighted bits here to help explain:

Rather than: to do something instead of
a real cause: as if to say that checking a level of encryption is strong enough for normal every day use isn't a good cause. Tell me, do you ever buy anything with your credit card on the internet? Do you ever tell anyone your personal information, where it is stored on computers? If you do (i'm sure you have a mortgage, bank account, car loan etc), and your personal and financial details are stored on computer? Wouldn't you want to make sure that your personal data is stored safely, with a good level of encryption? No? So you don't mind if someone can hack into the system and get your credit ratings? And what could they do with it? Change your name to theirs? Put it through the floor? Who knows? With good levels of encryption, that should never happen.

But, if you don't want the encryption levels checked for their strengths and weaknesses, then fine, be my guest. Just don't come complaining to us when your bank gets hacked into and all your life savings are gone, and leaves you in thousands of dollars of debt

Have you ever looked up into the sky at night? Yes? Have you ever thought "I wonder if we're alone"? Have you ever thought "How or why does that happen" or "why is that there"? Have you ever read any books/magazine articles/newspaper stories about the Universe? Do you wonder if they were right or not? No? To be honest, I don't believe you. So, you are telling us that you don't want to know any more about the Universe we live in, you don't want to know why something's there and what it's there for? You honestly think that out of all the stars you can see in the night sky, and many many times more that you can't see, there is only 1 star that has a planet surrounding it that has any kind of life form? How narrow-minded you must be if you do truely think that.

Now, you have taken our words of advice to not put down other projects, and you seemed to fail that little test, those immortal words "Get a life" showed that. (Appendix A: The usage of "Get a life": This phrase is normally used when the poster is fighting a losing battle, and has nothing else to say. Is akin to poster saying "I lose, so here's a stupid comment to the rest of you").



Dec 5, 1999
Originally posted by: dnuggett
Mindflux..... your posts are about as worthless as they come. You are a true asshat, that needs to take a walk.

Go back to the rock you came out from under. If SETI does find little green men they will no doubt be more intelligent than your narrow ass.

Good going assclown.

Good luck with your little green men, jackass.


Dec 5, 1999
Originally posted by: Confused
OK guys, have you read the sign?

You know, the one that says:

Don't feed the troll

Now, onto a proper post

It is true that Devices does not have a large following here, as projects like Seti@home and many others do. Hell, the number of RC5 posts nowadays is next to minimal. Different people are interested in different things. It's what makes us human.

You may feel that is the best project for your CPU power, and others may feel that they would like to donate their CPU power to something else, such as analysing radio data from space, which helps increase our knowledge of the Universe, or by proving that a level of encryption is strong enough and that we don't need anything stronger, or some may like to use their CPU power to look for Prime numbers, or some might want to use their CPU power to look at how proteins fold, which can help to see how diseases occur.

All the projects have good aims, some mathematical, some scientific, some medical. Just because you don't agree with running certain projects, there is no need to be so bulshy about it.

I suggest you all check it out and run it, rather than finding little green men (SETI) or crunching distributed packets just to prove RC5-72 can be broken in 5 years, why not help crunch numbers for a real cause?

See, I have highlighted bits here to help explain:

Rather than: to do something instead of
a real cause: as if to say that checking a level of encryption is strong enough for normal every day use isn't a good cause. Tell me, do you ever buy anything with your credit card on the internet? Do you ever tell anyone your personal information, where it is stored on computers? If you do (i'm sure you have a mortgage, bank account, car loan etc), and your personal and financial details are stored on computer? Wouldn't you want to make sure that your personal data is stored safely, with a good level of encryption? No? So you don't mind if someone can hack into the system and get your credit ratings? And what could they do with it? Change your name to theirs? Put it through the floor? Who knows? With good levels of encryption, that should never happen.

But, if you don't want the encryption levels checked for their strengths and weaknesses, then fine, be my guest. Just don't come complaining to us when your bank gets hacked into and all your life savings are gone, and leaves you in thousands of dollars of debt

Have you ever looked up into the sky at night? Yes? Have you ever thought "I wonder if we're alone"? Have you ever thought "How or why does that happen" or "why is that there"? Have you ever read any books/magazine articles/newspaper stories about the Universe? Do you wonder if they were right or not? No? To be honest, I don't believe you. So, you are telling us that you don't want to know any more about the Universe we live in, you don't want to know why something's there and what it's there for? You honestly think that out of all the stars you can see in the night sky, and many many times more that you can't see, there is only 1 star that has a planet surrounding it that has any kind of life form? How narrow-minded you must be if you do truely think that.

Now, you have taken our words of advice to not put down other projects, and you seemed to fail that little test, those immortal words "Get a life" showed that. (Appendix A: The usage of "Get a life": This phrase is normally used when the poster is fighting a losing battle, and has nothing else to say. Is akin to poster saying "I lose, so here's a stupid comment to the rest of you").


It's already been proven that RC5-64 took over 3+ years to 'crack' with many thousands of computers working on it. So, one single, or a handful of people trying to break whichever encryption they wish (bank software or whatever) is not likely to happen in any timeframe between system/encryption upgrades of the bank or establishment. So, yes in essense it's worthless (IMO).



Dec 5, 1999
Originally posted by: Wiz
Well, at least this is one of the more humorous of the "my project is cool & yours sucks" threads.

Seriously, the dood's a newbie - lets all cut some slack & chill a bit.

Mindflux, crunch whatever you want - whether it's to make money for some big corporation like Grid seems to do or for folding or whatever you want. Have a good one mate.

Most of us do the project of our choice for some good reason of our own, we don't diss other projects overly much because we respect each other's choices. I may not understand why someone wants to volunteer all their computers to one project or another, but that doesn't make it "stupid" or a "waste of time" for them to do so. Their computers = their choice.

I realise it's their choice, but why not put forward some effort on something good like grid of F@H? Again RC5-64 took ages to break.. with thousands of computers working it. What did it prove? That you CAN crack it over a 3 year period. Joy.

Seti? I personally don't see a point.. but again Folding or Grid hits home for me. I am a cancer survivor.

Not necessarily a noob, look at my register date. I just don't post much...


Golden Member
Oct 1, 2002
Mindflux, I think we get your agenda by now. There's no need to continue bashing the other projects - you're just banging your head against a wall. The reason that there are so many projects is that people have so many different interests. Just because a project is not medically-related does not diminish its significance in many peoples' minds. Not everyone becomes a doctor, myself, I chose to study engineering because that's what I'm interested in. Does it make me a bad person for not becoming a doctor? I would hope not. So just because SETI isn't doing anything on Earth doesn't make it worthless. Please, just respect the other projects.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
"Not necessarily a noob"

ok, I was just putting forth a reason to cut you some slack, thanks for the change of tone & not telling me to "get a life"

I think (IMHO) if and when a good (scientifically passes muster) anti-cancer (preventative, genetic, pharmacological, etc.) project comes along that isn't designed simply to line someone elses pockets with the use of everyone elses computer cycles it may get mass support.

I believe that so far the greatest positive impact of the seti project has been on the development of & proof that the distributed computing model works. The evolution of the science of distributed computing has been moved forward by the participation of 4.75+ million seti users.
As the new focus of the seti project emerges there may (and should) be some significant discoveries.

So far I believe the limiting factor has been one of imagination. As projects mature and change we should see more "useful" things being done with our computer cycles.

For now there is a significant level of disbelief that any of the projects actually are doing "useful" work.
That's no reason to quit, scientific development & the evolution of projects takes time.
With BOINC we should be seeing more options and the broadening of research.

Time goes on, personal computers get more and more powerful, more people sign up to give their cycles to projects and things (hopefully) improve.

Remember, all this is IMHO - so take it or leave it


Dec 5, 1999
What gets me is just the way people treat diseases. They chose to look away in most cases. All I'm getting at is nobody is DYING because RC5-64 can be cracked, nobody is DYING because the satellite array for SETI isn't getting attention. People die from cancer and all the other diseases that F@H and Grid help to try and figure out or fight.

I just sort of see it selfish to put forth those work cycles into that, rather than helping humanity. But then again, I didn't think this way until I found out I had cancer either, I used to crack on RC5-56 at the time.. and when SETI first started..

Again, my cycles will go toward F@H or Grid.. or , something that means *AND* hits VERY close to home for me and most of my immediate family members.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Oh, UD's "new" name...

Been there, crunched that, #4 in my team, will not continue crunching before better client is released...

BTW, the fact the newest grid/ud-client is from 2002 and over 1 year old should maybe be an indication to Mindflux this isn't a completely new project, so most frequenting the distributed forums probably already knows about this project and has made up their meaning of it's merit...
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