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Golden Member
Oct 11, 1999
Hey, Russ, I know you're an honorable man! I know you'll pay back the SETI team when this is all over... Never doubted that for a second...

It just makes me laugh to think of a Borg looking for aliens... Trying to make contact with the Borg in the Delta quandrant?


EDIT Oh, yeah, and somehow this is all DanC's fault...


Elite Member
Dec 5, 1999

<< Oh, yeah, and somehow this is all DanC's fault... >>

Compaq probably made some of the servers that the newsletter traveled through.


Past Lifer 1957-2014 In Memoriam
Oct 21, 1999
Mmm...As far as dirty fighting is concerned, if it's allowed under the rules of the competition as set by dnet, I'll definitely do all I can to win. But rules are rules. Until something is forbidden, it's allowed in my book. Once it's forbidden, trespassers beware. If I would find that someone has assimilated a computer without permission, I'd definitely report it to dnet and let them take whatever action they deem appropriate on that individual.

Bottom line is: I don't compete to lose but I don't cheat and I don't tolerate cheaters. Moreover, if I find a legal way of nuking an entire rival team, I won't hesitate. To those who might call this dirty fighting I say tough sh*t. When you play hockey, don't lower your head in front of me or you'll legally end up on your ass pronto.



Golden Member
Dec 15, 1999
Thanks Dennil - I knew there was a reason I didn't play hockey!!!

All that we need, now that everybody else has made up, is for the DPC's to formally issue an apology on belhalf of those members of their team that harass and attempt to humiliate one of TA's oldest, hardest working and respected members - PeterN. (Just because he's Dutch) :|

If you can't find within you to issue an apology, then at least go back to GOT and lay it down to your own people. In fact, do both!

Insert apology below and then this thread dies!!!



Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999

Get your poop in a group.
You quote me, then say what you think my meaning was.
Well, if you feel the need to put words in my mouth that I never said, I guess that's how you are.

<< So that means its OK for TA members to behave like that? >>

You said that I didn't! That's quoting you, not me.

Where do you get &quot;makes me no difference&quot; to mean I don't give a damn?

Stretch the words any way you want if you think it'll make you look better.

I'll post the way I see fit. Period. Like it or not.


Golden Member
Dec 12, 1999
This is just what we needed. Our finest moment with front page support from Anand and were busy having our monthly flame war with each other. This is really getting old.:frown:

I guess this will really help us gain any of the potential members that decide to drop by and see just how friendly the DC forum is.


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
I've been cracking RC5 keys for Team AnandTech for 6 months now. I frequent Anandtech at least 5-10 times per DAY, and I visit the forums at least as much. I tend to read more than I post.

This time I couldn't read without throwing something out. I can't believe how &quot;childish&quot; I've seen the team &quot;rivalries&quot; become. It's completely obsurd. There is nothing wrong with a little friendly competition, but this plain stinks. It reminds me much of the zealots that advocate for anything, whether it's a political party, sports team, operating system or whatever.

Why can't people express their views and beliefs without stomping all over others'? Intolerance. I've seen it all over and to be honest, I've grown tired of it. I like the the Balitmore Ravens and Orioles. Does that me I have to HATE the Yankees or Browns, or any other team. No. I love linux, but do I hate Microsoft? No. I'm a TeAm AnandTech'r to the core, but do I hat DPC? No. If I voted for Bush, does that mean I hate Gore or other Democrats? No.

I'm not calling any one individual out, but some people need to grow up. All I can say is ... When all else fails, there is always natural selection. ;-)


Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999

>>>>Well, if you feel the need to put words in my mouth that I never said, I guess that's how you are.
Wrong I didn't put words into your mouth.......

<< So that means its OK for TA members to behave like that? >>

You said that I didn't! That's quoting you, not me.<<<<<<

I wasn't trying to quote you ! ,if you look carefully you'll see its a question.I'll rephrase it.
So do you think its OK for TA members to behave like that?
Now do you understand the question?

>>>>Where do you get &quot;makes me no difference&quot; to mean I don't give a damn?
Stretch the words any way you want if you think it'll make you look better.<<<<

Your words below....
>>>I couldn't care ......<<<

It's not stretching the words at all ,they mean the same thing ,if thats not what you meant then you should word things clearer &amp; I apologise.
BTW do you seriously think I responded to your post purely to 'look good'? ,lol.I was responding to your post because some of what you said was out of order.



Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
Come on, can't you guys please wait until I get home from work before starting a flame war? Anyways...

PeterN: You acted human. It's not perfect, but it's excusable. Just remember that as the writer of the TA newsletter, you have a major voice as part of TA. Use it for good, not evil...

DPCs: Sorry about this whole misunderstanding. With the language barrier, and our different cultures, things seem to obviously get out of hand at times. Hopefully, we can continue to learn on how to prevent future incidents like this.

Russ: For almost the past 2 years of TA's life, we've been building upon a foundation of friendship, trust, good sportsmanship, and plenty of stats. Fighting dirty is not part of that foundation, nor is it something that most of us want to wedge in there. Remember that RC5(and all of TA's other projects) are part of a race, not a war. We want to win, but if someone can best us, then they have our respect and admiration.

The Rest Of You Guys: Think of your TA team mates as like a wife. We're here to keep you from doing dumb things. Before you do anything rash, try talking to someone about it. You may just realize that you're being hot-headed over something not so spectacular.
Oct 5, 2000

<< The thing that really ticked me off, was a letter from a DPC-member, in which he was asking me why I wasn't a member of their team. That's ok, I have had a few of those kind and answer politely, no thank you. The most insulting was, that he called me a traitor, because I didn't work for the 'right team' and said some more semi-insulting things. >>

PeterN, I understand that you get pissed off when you get a letter like that. But react to that person and not to the DPC as a whole.
The problem of the DPC and GoT at this moment is that we have a group of youngsters(In behaviour, not age) running around who don't no how to behave.

I apologize for those teammembers. Next time you have a problem come to us instead of writing such a piece


Platinum Member
Jun 27, 2000

<< Think of your TA team mates as like a wife >>

HHHHMMMMMMM Russ, DanC and all the other guys..... nope I don't think so


Apr 12, 2000
Thanx Virge

It was indeed a little misunderstanding, remember, we should not waste or idle-time flaming eachother, instead feed your cow

After all --> no hard feelings for anybody.... just a louzy misunderstanding.

BTW: Please give me ( the mailadres of any person sending you mail in order to join DPC, DNet doesn't like this kind of spam, neither do we (DPC-Crew)

Greetings to all of you


Junior Member
Nov 2, 2000
I am sickened by nearly this entire thread. As a relatively new member of TA (and the Federation), I must say that I joined this effort mostly because of the friendly rivalry between TA and the DPC (as well as the intra-team rivalries within TA between the various mini-teams). Note that I said rivalry, NOT WAR. This is not a war. Like it or not, we are only participants and groups of participants in various distributed computing efforts. I find the &quot;all's fair in war&quot; attitude disgusting in this context and have no desire to be affiliated with this sort of behavior. Does that mean that I haven't been dedicated to increasing my output so that TA stays ahead of the DPC? NO! Does that mean that I don't enjoy seeing TA leading the pack in the RC5 challenge? NO! Does that mean that I don't respect the recruiting efforts by DanC, Dennilfloss, Adul and others? NO! Does that mean that I'm not allowed to respect the DPC for the fantastic job they've done ramping up RC5 production? NO! The main point is that I realize this is not life and death. This is supposed to be fun. In fact, a fun thing would be for TA and the DPC to combine their efforts, form a distributed computing SuperTeam, and sweep through all the team-oriented distributed computing contests. Alas, I doubt such a thing could ever happen.

I am tired of all the infighting and the bickering. I am tired of people portraying this as a war. I'm tired of the &quot;us or them&quot; attitude.

I did not join the TA effort to see these sorts of things crop up every week, so I'm off to find some other project. I think I'll concentrate on projects without teams from now on.

No, TA won't even really miss the 6500+ blocks per day that I contribute. And no, I promise not to let the door hit my ass on the way out.



Senior member
Jun 12, 2000
I really hate to bring this back to the top but


<< No, TA won't even really miss the 6500+ blocks per day that I contribute >>

yes we WILL the team is sad when any member leaves (new or old)we will miss your input to the forum and your blocks no matter how many they may be.

don't get so upset by these little squable's personally i get a twisted kind of entertainment from them
like you said it's just for fun !
Oct 5, 2000
AdMk Ofcourse you're right it is not a war. we are just to groups competing in a contest.

a fusion between the teams is not an option not because of the flaming that has be done, but because it would take the fun outof the competion, the joined TA + DPC team would be unbeatable.

I would like to ask you to reconsider resigning from TA just because both of our teams have got people who don't no how to behave. And each WU counts.
When there is a group of people, and some of them spoil the fun should all the good peole leave or take action on the ones disbehaving.

Think about it.


Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
Another vote(request) for Admk to stay in TA ,whichever project.

+ what NotEasyBeingHappy said.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I understand how you feel has well. All this is just sickening to myself has well. But I know we are all human and we all act in our own way has individuals (despite the borg icons). So I can understand how some people will act whether it be on emotion, lack of maturity, lack of foresite of ones actions, or ones own perspective on how thing should be and not how they really are. Its what makes us humans, and we all will deal with this in our own way. I choose to go with forgive and learn from this.

If you do decide to go on your own, I wish you the best of luck.




Junior Member
Jun 27, 2000
Ok, it was my post on the DPC forum that offended PeterN, so let me translate it. I'm sorry i didn't discover this thread sooner, but i only come here when i'm bored by a stats-outage or when i want to read a second opinion about something like when DNet is letting OGR run dry.

my post on the DPC forum in tread

Team Anandtech heeft zelfs als taktiek verzonnen om alle resterende ogr-25 stubs te downloaden, zodat zij de competitie kunnen winnen doordat de andere teams droog komen te staan.

Team Anandtech even made up the tactic to download all remaing ogr-25 stubs, so they can win the competition because all other teams run dry.

I gave the link to this in the same thread, but apparently PeterN missed that:


'Basically if TA can get enough OGR stubs buffered and the other teams can't and
run out then TA would be able to win for certain right?'

Een gast van Slashdot heeft dit trouwens met de laatste ogr-24 stubs gedaan, waardoor /. nog bijna TA ging inhalen in die competitie.

A guy of Slashdot did the same with the last ogr-24 stubs, what resulted in /. almost overtaking TA in that competion.

I was referring to SyZ, who had collected a huge amount of the
remaining ogr-24 stubs by searching all the proxies.

link:;threadid=286238 wacht blijkbaar zo lang mogelijk met het herzenden van niet uitgerekende ogr-blocks, om de originele ontvangers van de blocks de kans te geven ze alsnog af te ronden.

[translation] is apparrently waiting as long as possible with reissuing the non-calculated ogr-blocks, to give the origional recievers of the blocks the chance to complete them yet.

(Personal observation, no link to TA-forum)

And PeterN quotes another post of me in the same DPC-thread, but he quotes only a part of it. I think that's inappropriate, because my whole post is about the same subject:

25.000 Stubs? daar gaan we maanden over doen... als het geen jaren zijn. Volgens mij zijn we nu een beetje aan het doorslaan.
Maar goed, humor is het wel. ik hoop alleen dat er niet over aat klagen dat je alle resterende stubs inpikt

25.000 Stubs? that is gonna take us months... perhaps even years. I think we are exaggerating a bit.
But, funny it is. i just hope won't complain when you take away all the remaining stubs

I hope this clarifies the discussion a bit.



Golden Member
Dec 12, 1999
Wow!!! I can't believe this whole mess started because of me. This is my complete post from the thread Dijkhuis mentioned above:

<<So let me get this right. Basically if TA can get enough OGR stubs buffered and the other teams can't and run out then TA would be able to win for certain right?

If this is so then if it's a close race down the stretch in RC5 then it may come down to who has the most keys buffered. Am I understanding this right? Or would Dnet reissue some of the last few keys or stubs to everyone so no one would run out before the contest is over?>>

This was not a strategy that TA come up with to drain the proxies. This was just me trying to find out if the outcome of the contest would come down to who could get wu's and who couldn't. I don't even do OGR or RC5. I was just wondering how Dnet would handle the situation of the last few blocks or stubs in the contests.

I make no apoligies for my post in that thread. If someone took it the wrong way that's just unfortunate.

Possessed Freak

Diamond Member
Nov 4, 1999
How many times will it take guys?

every month (or even more frequently), something bad happens in relation to a DC project or the TA community. Every month we blow it out of proportion and the end result is: a weaker team than we had. Either somebody leaves, or a whole group becomes alienated (no pun intended seti guys) from TA. This is freaking pathetic people, I quit RC5 because of this CRAP, even if I chose not to at the time, I would have by now! Get over this bickering noncence. THINK before you post...

Realize what JUST happened...
1) Anand puts up a review on DC projects...
2) People join
3) This Sh*t starts
4) at LEAST one person leaves
5) the respected members of this forum are at eachothers throats and many have LOST respect in the eyes of others.

I realize that all of this means two things to certain members of TA... jack and $hit, but also realize that the team is not you, the team is something bigger, and in most cases better than the individual. Where the individuals logic might fail, there are enough smart guys (smart_guys = num_doing_seti + num_doing_dnet + num_doing_dcypher + giligan/*speling*/ + all_the _rest) in TA to reason through this.

If you want to raise sdome controvercial issue that will (always does) raise arguments, why not CONSULT with others in TA before stepping up on your high horse and speaking... this will lessen grammatical errors and loopholes in your logic and allow you to make a better speech (text based or verbal).

Anyone want to make a list of members who have left TA in disgust, you can put on there the hundreds of people that no longer crack for TA who decided one day to just quit for no known public reason. Lets not try to make it any easier to quit TA, no more easy excuses for quitting.


[edit] bloody no good loser spelling problems... (there are probably more I just don't care to lok for them)
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