GTA 5 gameplay

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Aug 18, 2012
I suck at deathmatch, have to sit super close to the tv, I lose my money, and usually loose the round. It's tough to make money online. I got on with my buddy and we spent the time trying to find missions we could do together. Yet I think we want to get a place to plan heists but every place is so expensive. Robbing stores only get you so much.

Also if you rob a place with a friend, can you split the cash?


Dec 12, 2001
Unfortunately it kind of does. I enjoy changing the car's color and jacking up its power, but as I mentioned already, most of the other stuff doesn't matter. Upgrading brakes barely changes them, lowering suspension doesn't change its performance, either.

Also, get a sports car and level 4 engine upgrade tops out its acceleration. However, you can still add a turbo. Does that make it faster? No idea, the graph line is already tapped out. And now upgrade transmission. Does that make a difference? No idea.

GAWD I wish body armor didn't suck so fking badly. Make it a one-time increase in health is stupid. It should be a damage modifier. I don't bother buying it because in any kind of extended confrontation, the entirety of health is spent between 0 and 50% anyway. I'd also like to be able to buy the heavy duty bomb blast armor, like exists in one of those missions.

The bars don't seem to move but I swear upgrading the brakes makes the cars stop faster. I don't know about top speed as the only way to max out the top speed is to use Franklin's special ability.


Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2011
I think you're missing the point. Some people above have already said they loved single, but when you're done single all that is left is multi, so they are complaining that it sucks. Apparently it does and rockstar let out a patch this morning.
Wow, I hate that shit! I still am annoyed having to "jog" up and down stairs.

Exactly. Thought single player was great (minus collectibles).

Multiplayer reminds me of Diablo 3 and it's Auction House. If Rockstar would entirely remove losing money when you died, it would be a better game, but they want people to buy money through micro-transactions.

As it stands now, when someone kills you, even if it is in the most unusual and interesting way, it sucks because you need money for everything and barely make any on jobs.

My friends and I used to run around in GTA 4 playing impromptu deathmatch or just going crazy and getting five stars to see how long we could stay alive. None of use want to any of that in GTA 5, because we want a house/garage/cars/aircraft, which will never be accessible if we keep dieing and losing money.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2008
The online is good when playing with friends but if you jump into a lobby full of randoms it's worse then call of duty. All you hear is music blaring and kids screaming curse words when robbing a store so you have to mute everyone. I have 4 friends that I play this with online and we have fun.


Aug 18, 2012
Had a good amount of money saved up and I logon today to find out I gotta recreate my character and start all over. Oh well I'm done with the online in this game, the fourth time I had to do this. With how long it takes to make money I'll just play single player.
Feb 6, 2007
The economy in single player is beyond stupid. There are a handful of missions / random encounters that offer a pretty good payout, and that all makes sense. But too many missions pay nothing, and since the properties at the upper end of the scale are so expensive, there's only one possible way to actually get them; save all the assassination missions until you've beaten the game, invest wisely in your manipulated stock market and make a killing. OK, fine; except now I'm rich, I own everything, and there's nothing left to do except a few random strangers/freaks missions and collectibles. There's no sense of progression. The entire game is "save your money, save your money, save your money, finish the game, do the stock market stuff, great, now you can afford things but there's nothing left to do." I would've preferred to play the story slower, but still had an opportunity to build up some sizable cash reserves and invest in property as I was playing through the story, not just get a huge wad at the end when I have nothing left to play for.

There should have been more missions that paid out large sums of money spread more evenly throughout the game, such as
the Merryweather Heist; $20 million but I can't fence it? Bullshit!
There also should be a lot more assassination missions, and ways to manipulate the stock market in general. And make the properties slightly less stratospheric in cost; $150 million may be accurate for a golf course, but it also limits you to one possible avenue to get enough cash for it, and that limits creativity, which is kind of the antithesis of what the game purportedly wants to do. I have choices for how I want to plan a heist or carry out particular missions, but there's literally only one possible way to afford this property? Absurd.

And while I'm complaining, the properties feel like an afterthought. Take Franklin. He's my driver, and he's from the hood, so it makes sense that his garage is near Grove Street. But then he moves out of the hood up into the hills, and suddenly his garage location makes no sense. And to make matters worse, he can buy a customization shop, but it's way out in the boondocks near exactly nothing else of his. If I start at Franklin's house and buy a new car, it's several miles to the garage to retrieve it, twice as many miles out to the boondocks for free upgrades, and a few miles back to home to store it; it takes upwards of half an hour, and why? Because some idiot decided that the customization shop Franklin can buy should be near nothing else he ever does. Where is the logic in that? There's a customization shop a few blocks from Franklin's garage, why can't he buy that one? Hell, why can't he go full franchise and buy all of them? They could have done franchise ownership for everything in the game; Ammunation, Bin-Co, SubUrban, Posonby's, 24/7, barber shops, the Del Perro pier entertainment venue... They really blew a golden opportunity.

Why can't I buy more houses with my characters so I can have residences closer to where my latest missions are? Why can't I get vehicles I buy online loaded to the garage attached to my house, so I can load them immediately rather than driving across town to retrieve them?

The total value of all the properties you can buy is around $220 million. But it isn't evenly divided among characters. One property, the golf course, represents 68% of that total. The three theaters than only Michael can buy represent another 27%. Those four properties represent 95% of the total value of real estate you can purchase. I think the designers realized there was only one way to get enough scratch to afford the golf course or the theaters, so they must have figured that people would be manipulating the stock market and getting all their characters rich. But if Michael ends up with ~30% of the real estate you can buy and Franklin or Trevor gets near ~70%, that means that at least one of your characters is going to be stupidly rich. If there were more properties to invest in, it wouldn't feel like such a waste. As it is, I have $200 million with Trevor and nothing to spend it on except tanks (which is admittedly fun), which is to say nothing of the people who built up fortunes of $1 billion or more. They could have added a bunch more properties so that one doesn't represent most of the money you'll have to spend.

The game gives you very little money during the course of the story, dumps a fortune on you at the end, and it feels utterly unrewarding as there's no sense that you've really built something from the ground up.

In spite of that, I think the game is excellent. There's a real sense of progression through the early stages through the middle. But after I pulled a couple heists which gave me nothing, I began to feel like I was just spinning my wheels waiting for the final payout. That's not as satisfying as it could have been.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003
The secret is to take all your earnings from the whole story, then do the Lester missions for Franklin. Each one makes one stock sky rocket. Make all three chars invest heavily each time. You can get hundreds of millions this way, you can even overload the 32-bit int (~$2.1B) and get negative cash.

I did some Lester missions early on until I read the secret, now I have ~$16m to do the rest. I'm hoping to earn anough to buy lots of cool stuff.


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2012
Wow, what a ridiculous wall of text. Are you even paying attention to the story. You arent in this for personal gain during the storyline missions. You are paying off a series of debts, and getting played like a videogame by the FIB. Then at the end the crew agrees to do ONE last job to score big before getting out. Thats why only the last mission nets YOU a big payout.

Pay attention to the story and it all makes sense.


Aug 18, 2012
Spoiler tags could have helped but anyway I'm only 30% into the story and can tell the FIB is messing with you. The point of the story is to just play the story not for money. Although I agree it's pointless because you can't own much until the end when everything is done.


Dec 12, 2001
Wow, what a ridiculous wall of text. Are you even paying attention to the story. You arent in this for personal gain during the storyline missions. You are paying off a series of debts, and getting played like a videogame by the FIB. Then at the end the crew agrees to do ONE last job to score big before getting out. Thats why only the last mission nets YOU a big payout.

Pay attention to the story and it all makes sense.

Did you even read what he said? He was talking NOTHING about the story. He was talking about game mechanics and how making money doesn't come until you finish the game and have nothing left to do. This is true and it's pretty obvious you didn't pay attention to what was written. The way the game is designed you can't buy many of the properties until you get to the end of the game so there is no enjoyment to break away from the missions.

No you aren't paying off debts. One heist mentioned had zero payout and was nothing to do with debt or doing dirty work for some FBI dude. It was filler.

What they need most is a way to do hostile takeovers of businesses like the clothing shops, ammunation, the extermination company etc. You should be able to destroy their assets of intercept shipments to them and then blackmail them for cash. Or they should have allowed you to tank their stock by destroying their assets and robbing the stores then when you buy enough stocks you become the majority shareholder and basically get paid as an owner. There is no way to do things like this.

The secret is to take all your earnings from the whole story, then do the Lester missions for Franklin. Each one makes one stock sky rocket. Make all three chars invest heavily each time. You can get hundreds of millions this way, you can even overload the 32-bit int (~$2.1B) and get negative cash.

I did some Lester missions early on until I read the secret, now I have ~$16m to do the rest. I'm hoping to earn anough to buy lots of cool stuff.

He said that in his post...did you read it? It was literally the third full sentence.

At the end of the game, when there are no missions and only minigames like tennis and golf, there is no point to own a bunch of cool cars etc. You should have these cars and use them as getaway vehicles. They don't even do that properly. They need to let you stash vehicles around the city and mark them on your map as getaway cars and when you rob someplace or do an assassination mission to do a hostile takeover, use your strategically placed vehicle to evade the cops. This happens in a story mission but it should be a core gameplay mechanic.

The core mechanics of the game's economy is heavily flawed and Atomic Playboy is on point with it.
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Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2012
Its not broken or flawed, it all makes sense if you actually pay attention during the cutscenes. You arent supposed to have tons of cash until the end, this is called game design. If you owned all those properties before you finished the story it would make the story senseless.


Dec 12, 2001
Its not broken or flawed, it all makes sense if you actually pay attention during the cutscenes. You arent supposed to have tons of cash until the end, this is called game design. If you owned all those properties before you finished the story it would make the story senseless.

No, it makes no sense and yes I pay attention to the story. Geeze...can you honestly say that stealing a chopper and sub for a heist that has zero pay and was unrelated to paying debt or any dealings with the FIB was anything other than a filler mission?

It wouldn't be senseless cause you would have a mission that pays well, then you can do an assassination and double your money, then say "hey I can buy these cars and then this property and get a few income generating missions on the side". Then you gotta progress to buy more stuff. It pushes things along rather than trodding through missions with no pay for 3 hours until you get one that gives you everything. That is much more stupid. Remove your narrow vision goggles and think about what could have been done rather than "this is the way they made it..."
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Oct 30, 2008
No, it makes no sense and yes I pay attention to the story. Geeze...can you honestly say that stealing a chopper and sub for a heist that has zero pay and was unrelated to paying debt or any dealings with the FIB was anything other than a filler mission?

Not even that, but the fact that I had to rob a bank to buy a chopper non military grade chopper after I'd already stolen one from the military base itself is rather filler as well. I, for some reason, have to be all "legit" in obtaining this piece of equipment, but in order to be legit for that I can kill countless cops and soldiers (regardless if the money was for dirty cops, it wasn't just the dirty ones that responded).

The problem with this game was that they spend so much time on stupid things like golf, the game itself just wasn't more than a few hours long. I even made a ton of money (I own every property and still have over 1 billion dollars on Franklin) and after the main story, all the ? are stupid. They aren't full missions or entertaining for the most part.

I think splitting the story into 3 characters was also a bad idea. If they had focused on making everything for a single character (any of the 3, although I'd prefer Franklin), the missions would have been better, the story would have been better, and the game would have been better. The switching was okay for some parts, but most of the missions, I only did it when I was forced (like I had to fly the awful chopper and then switch to the gunner) or whatever. In all the missions where I had to do any shooting, I stayed with a single character unless the game forced a switch.

And they added awful mechanics like the heist members and their leveling for no reason. You can't do extra heists. You can't pick cheap guys and level them up (they die and you lose money for their incompetence). That was a waste. You should have just found friends who performed the tasks or had to do missions to recruit them.

I liked the game while I was playing it, but after beating it, I haven't even put it back in my Xbox to try out the online. It has virtually no replay value after playing it once over. It isn't even as fun to just cause mayhem in this one.


Dec 12, 2001
Not even that, but the fact that I had to rob a bank to buy a chopper non military grade chopper after I'd already stolen one from the military base itself is rather filler as well. I, for some reason, have to be all "legit" in obtaining this piece of equipment, but in order to be legit for that I can kill countless cops and soldiers (regardless if the money was for dirty cops, it wasn't just the dirty ones that responded).

The problem with this game was that they spend so much time on stupid things like golf, the game itself just wasn't more than a few hours long. I even made a ton of money (I own every property and still have over 1 billion dollars on Franklin) and after the main story, all the ? are stupid. They aren't full missions or entertaining for the most part.

I think splitting the story into 3 characters was also a bad idea. If they had focused on making everything for a single character (any of the 3, although I'd prefer Franklin), the missions would have been better, the story would have been better, and the game would have been better. The switching was okay for some parts, but most of the missions, I only did it when I was forced (like I had to fly the awful chopper and then switch to the gunner) or whatever. In all the missions where I had to do any shooting, I stayed with a single character unless the game forced a switch.

And they added awful mechanics like the heist members and their leveling for no reason. You can't do extra heists. You can't pick cheap guys and level them up (they die and you lose money for their incompetence). That was a waste. You should have just found friends who performed the tasks or had to do missions to recruit them.

I liked the game while I was playing it, but after beating it, I haven't even put it back in my Xbox to try out the online. It has virtually no replay value after playing it once over. It isn't even as fun to just cause mayhem in this one.

Agreed...There was so much wasted potential and seemingly useless moments that it almost sours the game. I think the amount of things you can do is cool but once you do them and see it, there's zero reason to do so again. I don't need to play tennis or golf or go hunting. It's filler too.


Diamond Member
Nov 29, 1999
All in all, it sounds like you've put many, many hours into the game and got your $60 worth. What else do you want from it?

So you can't criticize the game because you have finished it?

I agree with everything cmdrdredd and smackababy have said. You spend the entire game with no money to buy any of the toys, and by the time you can get those toys, there is nothing left to explore.
Feb 6, 2007
Wow, what a ridiculous wall of text. Are you even paying attention to the story. You arent in this for personal gain during the storyline missions. You are paying off a series of debts, and getting played like a videogame by the FIB. Then at the end the crew agrees to do ONE last job to score big before getting out. Thats why only the last mission nets YOU a big payout.

Pay attention to the story and it all makes sense.

I did pay attention to the story. Did you? The only person who is paying off a debt is Michael, and he gets that done fairly early on. Franklin is trying to find real scores so he can get out of the hood and stop the low level hustling. Trevor is just nuts and looking for any action he can find. That's two characters that would gladly take on a large score without all that namby-pamby nonsense of getting jerked around by various people.

And the thing that irritates me is that GTA has had property ownership in it before and did it better, especially with regards to safe houses. Holy God, does GTA V ever manage to drop the ball on safe houses. In San Andreas there were dozens of safe houses all over the map. In GTA IV, you get at least one safe house on every island. Vice City had a handful of safe houses for purchase. Even GTA III gave you more safe houses per playable character than GTA V. GTA III knew that a whole bunch of backtracking was a pain in the ass. Well why is it, 11 years later in a game that purports to be 40 times as large, do I not have ANY purchasable safe houses? None of my characters ever has access to more than two safe houses, most of the time it's just one, and Trevor is the only one who has anything in the top two thirds of the map. What's that, a mission in Paletto Bay? Looks like 5 minutes of driving because the designers couldn't bother to implement features they had in previous editions of this game a decade ago.

Oh, I forgot; they saved that feature for Online.

[edit to add another response]
All in all, it sounds like you've put many, many hours into the game and got your $60 worth. What else do you want from it?

I enjoyed the game; I thought it was the most complete GTA yet in terms of story and the actual missions are some of the best the series has ever seen. It's right up there with San Andreas as my favorite GTA ever. But that doesn't mean that it's perfect, and there's a few areas where I feel the designers really dropped the ball by not reusing features that have already been in GTA before.
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Oct 30, 2008
^best part is hearing ads on the radio for $150,000,000 houses, yet I can't buy one as a billionaire. Why can't I buy a house? I see for sale signs all over, but I can't purchase them.


Feb 5, 2011
The economy in single player is beyond stupid. There are a handful of missions / random encounters that offer a pretty good payout, and that all makes sense. But too many missions pay nothing, and since the properties at the upper end of the scale are so expensive, there's only one possible way to actually get them; save all the assassination missions until you've beaten the game, invest wisely in your manipulated stock market and make a killing. OK, fine; except now I'm rich, I own everything, and there's nothing left to do except a few random strangers/freaks missions and collectibles. There's no sense of progression. The entire game is "save your money, save your money, save your money, finish the game, do the stock market stuff, great, now you can afford things but there's nothing left to do." I would've preferred to play the story slower, but still had an opportunity to build up some sizable cash reserves and invest in property as I was playing through the story, not just get a huge wad at the end when I have nothing left to play for.
FACT! I finished a few nights ago. Each character had $40M and I had assassination left. I didn't even bother to do them. Why would I? To then buy a golf course and have nothing left to do? Basically you're fairly cash poor throughout much of the game until the very end unless you do the suitcase under water scam. Par excellence, after finishing the game I quickly lost interest. I bought a tank, played around for 20 min, and put it up for sale.

Great game, but it is flawed.
the Merryweather Heist; $20 million but I can't fence it? Bullshit!
That mission was pure f**king bullshat. Absolute RUBBISH pulling that at the end, and then the
cargo plane that crashes and you get nothing piled on top
, it was just ridiculous.
The game gives you very little money during the course of the story, dumps a fortune on you at the end, and it feels utterly unrewarding as there's no sense that you've really built something from the ground up.
Absolutely agree. During the game a $500k plane might have been nice to have, but I couldn't afford it easily, so by the end when I can suddenly I just don't care. The only vehicle I bought at all was a tank, I didn't buy anything else.
Pay attention to the story and it all makes sense.
No, it doesn't.
Throwing that sub mission was pointless. Also, why no salvage of the cargo plane mission?
What they need most is a way to do hostile takeovers of businesses like the clothing shops, ammunation, the extermination company etc. You should be able to destroy their assets of intercept shipments to them and then blackmail them for cash. Or they should have allowed you to tank their stock by destroying their assets and robbing the stores then when you buy enough stocks you become the majority shareholder and basically get paid as an owner. There is no way to do things like this.
Yep. The stock market SHOULD have worked like some people thought it did when it first came out. It should have been possible to manipulate it.
You should have these cars and use them as getaway vehicles. They don't even do that properly. They need to let you stash vehicles around the city and mark them on your map as getaway cars and when you rob someplace or do an assassination mission to do a hostile takeover, use your strategically placed vehicle to evade the cops. This happens in a story mission but it should be a core gameplay mechanic.
Yep, interestingly there is very little actual difficult driving at all during core missions. There should have been far more getaway plays.
And they added awful mechanics like the heist members and their leveling for no reason. You can't do extra heists. You can't pick cheap guys and level them up (they die and you lose money for their incompetence). That was a waste. You should have just found friends who performed the tasks or had to do missions to recruit them.
Undeniable TRUTH. The leveling of heist members was a total load of horse shit. If it were possible to do random heists throughout the game--something that really should have been built in--this could have been worthwhile, but as it was it made no sense at all. IIRC they even level them up after the final heist. Wow, great, now Packie McCreary is a better gunner and I can use him on...uh, no mission at all. Ever again.
Rdr > gta5
I actually hated that game. It was ungodly boring to me, like GTA minus the cars and minus the cool guns. I couldn't do more than around 5 hours or so.


Nobody has mentioned it, but GTA has too many guns. There I said it. What's the difference between the pistols? One is a full auto when upgraded, how is that different from the Micro SMG? It's not. And Machine gun vs combat machine gun and assault rifle vs carbin vs advanced rifle? Come on, these are all hugely similar. And other than the assault shotgun how do the regular and sawn off differ? Substantially, they don't. Sniper vs advanced sniper? Again, minutiae. I really think the fatal flaw here is the unlimited ammunition. Holding 1000 rounds for a weapon means you have no inclination to ever switch to a different one. I'm also not sure that the suppressors really did anything.


Dec 12, 2001
After playing more, the biggest flaw of all for me is the cops. They magically know where you are when you are out in the desert sniping someone. How can they pinpoint you like that immediately? There's literally nobody else around and supposedly I was using a suppressed weapon. What makes it worse is you stand next to someone for a bit and do nothing just stand there, but for some reason that dude is all like "hey man I'm gonna call the cops" and bam you get one star. The hell is that?!?


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2001
After playing more, the biggest flaw of all for me is the cops. They magically know where you are when you are out in the desert sniping someone. How can they pinpoint you like that immediately? There's literally nobody else around and supposedly I was using a suppressed weapon. What makes it worse is you stand next to someone for a bit and do nothing just stand there, but for some reason that dude is all like "hey man I'm gonna call the cops" and bam you get one star. The hell is that?!?

I find that very frustrating as well. The cops appear instantly, are unlimited and are crack shots. Just one of the many things in the game that I hate. More often than not, I just go mission to mission and really don't bother.

Another favorite is car collisions. Sometimes you can ram something going extremely fast, other things a little rock will completely stop your progress. Once I smashed into a golf cart in an SUV, was ejected and died in mid air. The golf cart appeared to stumble and drive off.


Aug 18, 2012
There are times where I get away from the cops only to have them spawn in front of me randomly at intersections. Definately annoying and makes it tough to get away at times. It's amazing how long it took to make this game the way it is, but some of the important game mechanics were overlooked, especially with the money scenario in single player. If they had spent as much time on extra heists as side missions and other mechanics maybe we wouldn't need golf or tennis, cycling, and whatever else there is to do only once to experience it then that's all. Mainly because you don't get anything from doing those activities except improving your characters strength and stamina.
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