GTA 5 to look way better on PC.

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Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2008
so AMD graphics cards are all the rage these days? I'm always used to getting nVidia cards.

Not exactly. Both AMD and Nvidia provide a good number of options at different price points. I think Nvidia has a slightly larger market share, but otherwise the two companies are roughly neck-and-neck in terms of overall performance in the GPU sector. AMD/ATI has a history of providing better value than Nvidia though.

Don't buy based on brand loyalty; buy based on performance/price, and what your needs are.


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2012
I have tried Steam in home streaming with GTA V. My notebook is using hd 4000 graphics and fans are on idle.

This game works flawlessly with streaming*. GTA IV was a lag fest with streaming but GTA V looks fantastic and doesn't lag.

*Not working correctly in OS X.

Edit: will be streaming with Windows instead of OS X. Getting far worse network performance in Yosemite vs Windows 8.1. But it is nice to know this game can actually be streamed.
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Platinum Member
Feb 15, 2002
Why do the distance shadows get all pixellated looking?

Are you using the amd special mode of shadows? that could very well be how the game handles distant shadows under its normal renderer. Shadows are perfect when I use the Nvidia shadoworks mode.

BTW I enabled MFAA at 2x(4x mfaa), gives me just enough AA while still maintaining 30-60fps (dips to about 27... havnt seen it drop lower then that yet). Good thing I have the next 2 days off. -_-
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Sep 15, 2010
Hi Guys, I was wondering how this game will run @ 1680x1050. Older monitor I know. See my specs in my signature. THanks.


Golden Member
May 3, 2011
It will run very well at that res as in close to max settings. You might have to leave MSAA off

EDIT: just noticed you have an FX processor. I still say it wlll run fairly decent. Definitely worth buying.
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Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2012
Are you using the amd special mode of shadows? that could very well be how the game handles distant shadows under its normal renderer. Shadows are perfect when I use the Nvidia shadoworks mode.

BTW I enabled MFAA at 2x(4x mfaa), gives me just enough AA while still maintaining 30-60fps (dips to about 27... havnt seen it drop lower then that yet). Good thing I have the next 2 days off. -_-

it happens regardless of what shadow setting i use


Platinum Member
Feb 13, 2008
I just want to come back and say, after a good 3-4 hours of this game tonight, I am utterly blown away, the first hour or so is astonishing but once you start to explore you start to get a feel for this game and just how utterly epic it is.

There's HD textures everywhere, and everything you look at is unique, they re-use next to nothing, in fact the only things I can see re-used are things you'd expect in real life, a few billboards, vending machines, but the spray painting in slums, the shops and advertising, just's re-used so little that it's an actual challenge to drive around and find something that's straight copy/pasted. It makes the city feel like a real unique city.

I dunno how the hell they crammed this into ONLY 60Gb, that sounds INSANE saying it considering the size of the game, but I'm not kidding after a few hours of seeing nothing but a uniquely painted world in HD, you do begin to question how on earth they did this. It's hands down one of the most impressive game experiences I've ever had.


Platinum Member
Oct 11, 2005
I picked it up yesterday from the store (had left under the counter by a friend who works there) got it home and put in the 1st DVD and nothing happens... tried 6 drives and 3 PC's so I am still waiting for it to download.

18.35GB done as of this post currently @ 84KB/s speeds.............. not gone above 100KB/s in the last hour.


Golden Member
May 3, 2011
Are you sure you waited long enough? It took the first disc forever to install on my system. I was beginning to think it was stuck myself. Total install time of just the disc was around the 2 hr mark


Platinum Member
Feb 13, 2008
Just uploaded a few pics from the adventures me and my brother had tonight, here.

We were too taken aback by the sheer level of detail and expansiveness of the world to really get a diverse set of screenshots, we mostly took pics of things that caught our eye. We went on a crazy rampage into the desert where we stole a digger and started rampaging around picking up cars and smashing them into each other and flipping them over.

Then we highjacked a cluckin' bell articulated lorry and accidentally ejected the trailor onto a busy motorway at high speed while trying to find the "switch radio key".

Then we went Jetskiing and found the pier where we went and had an ice cream and rode the roller coaster.

Scary fun times.


Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2011
Stole fighter jet, was told to land but didn't. Got hit by a missile and sank to the bottom of the ocean and the ocean bottom was HD and very detailed... 10/10


Platinum Member
Feb 8, 2014
So since 50GB+ games are becoming the norm now, when the hell are we going to see data caps increase? As it stands a 60GB download is just a tad less than half of my data cap of 125GB.

How is this digital distribution model sustainable if ISP's don't increase caps or get rid of them, I'm paying way to much for internet as is and its complete bullshit.

Its also pretty crazy how 300k+ players were in the game at peak today, the last single player AAA game I remember that reached that was Skyrim which I think reached 180K+.
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Diamond Member
Feb 4, 2013

5930K @ 3.7GHz
780 Ti GHz @ 1215MHz
16GB DDR4 @ 2133MHz
350.12 drivers

Installing now (all 7 DVDs), will (eventually) post up some screens and Afterburner shots + FPS @ maxxxed out settings, less AA which is what I usually go for.

With all settings @ Very High and all sliders (car + density not advanced graphics) maxed including MSAA reflections @ x4, TXAA disabled and Vysnced to 59FPS (for some odd reason) I'm getting all solid performance, no dips, next to no hitches (some alleyways drop a frame). Game uses close to 4GB RAM (less 8.1 which only has games and drivers) and 2.5GB vRAM.

GPU usage is barely 70%, all cores are loaded. Pretty screenshots (click twice for full res):

Quality wise there are some poor assets (run over a bin and its like GTA III) plus the models are average at best but the world and environment certainly makes up for it. Biggest problem is crap sound FX. The M4 sounds like a .380. Gunplay audio is seriously lacking compared to IV which is odd considering Rockstar threw in a dialogue boost option. The internet is also hilarious they even included Spanish phrases and a Twitter knockoff. You can view transactions in your in-game bank account for some reason. Straight from your phone too no internet café. How very 2015. And you can quick save outside of missions. Via your smartphone. FINALLY.
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Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2002
So since 50GB+ games are becoming the norm now, when the hell are we going to see data caps increase? As it stands a 60GB download is just a tad less than half of my data cap of 125GB.

How is this digital distribution model sustainable if ISP's don't increase caps or get rid of them, I'm paying way to much for internet as is and its complete bullshit.

Its also pretty crazy how 300k+ players were in the game at peak today, the last single player AAA game I remember that reached that was Skyrim which I think reached 180K+.

Can't you pay more to ditch that cap? I used to have a 250gb cap but paid an extra $10 or whatever a month to go unlimited.


Platinum Member
Feb 8, 2014
Can't you pay more to ditch that cap? I used to have a 250gb cap but paid an extra $10 or whatever a month to go unlimited.

Well its either $10 bucks if you have their TV service which I don't(who watches the TV anymore?), or $30 without the bundle. So in reality your'e actually paying $30 for unlimited minimum, otherwise you just tack on the TV cost to that.
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Platinum Member
Oct 4, 2005
So since 50GB+ games are becoming the norm now, when the hell are we going to see data caps increase? As it stands a 60GB download is just a tad less than half of my data cap of 125GB.

How is this digital distribution model sustainable if ISP's don't increase caps or get rid of them, I'm paying way to much for internet as is and its complete bullshit.

Its also pretty crazy how 300k+ players were in the game at peak today, the last single player AAA game I remember that reached that was Skyrim which I think reached 180K+.

Yeah it also seems that if you don't use Steam and use RockStar's digital distribution it doesn't have an option to backup the game once you Download it! Hopefully they add it.... Or give users a Steam code....

Caps are bullshit but they want you to upgrade.... We as consumers are getting screwed. Unless Net Neutrality attempts to do anything about it or the masses threaten to not pay the cap fees.... Just BS....

I also can't seem to get RadeonPro, Steam Overlay or the Evolve Overlay to work....

Otherwise the game seems to play really well. Which is great.
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Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2012
they arent letting ANYthing 3rd party touch the .exe

i think its safe to say mod support is out, though i dont care about mods and think its a good thing if it keeps cheating in check


Platinum Member
Feb 15, 2002
So since 50GB+ games are becoming the norm now, when the hell are we going to see data caps increase? As it stands a 60GB download is just a tad less than half of my data cap of 125GB.

How is this digital distribution model sustainable if ISP's don't increase caps or get rid of them, I'm paying way to much for internet as is and its complete bullshit.

Well for one, many of us don't have caps. Brighthouse has none although I imagine if you used 300+ gb you would get a phone call.

Second, the games are still offered on disc. You don't have to download them. Oh on that note, the store versions didn't need a pre order to get the pre order bonus. All the first release copies have a code that gives the pre order bonuses. Nice little surprise in my box this morning.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2005
I'm on the mission changing between the black dude and the white dude, and I just pulled the guys house down. I should just sit back, and just roam the city instead of power through the missions.. because to me it's okay, not the best marvel I've played yet... I have everything turned up (even the advanced graphics) except AA. that goes over my 3GB cap.

Playing @ 1680x1050... Makes me want a third monitor.. dual monitors is unplayable (the cross hair is int he middle of both monitors!)


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2005
but yes, runs 40-60 fps with vsync full. @ 1680x1050p with my specs.

i7 4770k stock
gtx 780 original

P.S. I think benchmark is bugged to hell. It forces you to quit to windows right afterwards without a score. (though you can see the current FPS during the test)
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Platinum Member
Feb 15, 2002
Ok so I poked around at all my settings and performance numbers and I've settled on a setup that I find best. The target lowest performance FPS is 40, I really didn't like running around the game at just 30fps, 40-60 really made it feel like something epic.

My CPU is the FX6300, and the game was consistently using about %70 on all 6 cores with an average load of %70. GPU load on my EVGA 970 ranges from %65 outside when my FPS were at their lowest to %95 indoors when frame rates where high or maxed 60. Clearly shows I am CPU bound out doors. My system is an ideal budget system where some money was thrown at the video card part of it. The memory is nothing special, running at 1866mhz. So consider these the results of a system with an average gaming cpu (not quite as good as a good I5) with everyone's favorite current affordable high end card series, the 970. I did splurge a little on the FTW+, I used the step up program cause I really liked the improved heat spreader. I prefer my system to be cool and quiet so NO OVERCLOCKING. Now down to my settings.

EDIT: New settings from several days later. Traded Some view distance for better frame rates.

window boarderless
MSAA x4 (MFAA 8x) (Afaik this is working normaly, MFAA is not something enabled in game, instead you turn MFAA on in the control panel and then all your MSAA settings turn into MFAA settings. Normaly jaggies do not bother me but in GTA 5 they did so I am pretty happy with the quality of this setting vs it's small performance impact.)

Nvidia TSAA Off
Vsynch ON
Population density MAXED
Population Variety MAXED
Distance Scaling MAXED

Texture/Shader/Shadow/Reflection quality VERY HIGH

Reflection MSAA off
Water Quality Very High
Particles Quality Very High
Grass Quality HIGH
Soft Shadows Nvidia PCSS (Shadow Works)
Post FX Very High
Motion Blur OFF
Depth of Field OFF
Anistropic Filtering 8x
Ambient Occlusion High (maxed, no details here, I am guessing HIGH uses HBAO+)
Tesselation High (nvidia experience suggested I use normal, I did not notice any frame rate change outdoors, and since indoors and cut scenes I am close to 60fps I see no reason to lower it).

Advanced Settings:

long Shadows OFF
High resolution Shadows OFF
High Detail streaming ON
Extended Distance Scaling OFF (This setting has a big impact on frame rates and frankly it was hard to tell how much more distance I was getting from it. Its probably one of those options nice to have on if you have the extra horsepower).

Extended Shadows Distance MAXED (There is nothing more jarring IMO then to see huge shadows suddenly appear in front of me, especially when in the air. This setting also seems to have minimal impact. Turning it off only saved me 1fps).

I decided that the game would just be better enjoyed if it was super smooth ALL the time, so I traded in the extended distance scaling which I couldn't even tell how much of an effect it had, as well as high resolution shadows. Now my avg fps on the benchmarks is 50.. with the most congested scenes hitting 40fps. Meanwhile i bumped my MFAA to the second notch in help keep those jaggies smooth with only the lowest performance hit.
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Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2012
Turning off MSAA did the trick for me for solid 59/60 fps. I didn't realize how much of a performance impact it was in certain areas; especially with grass. With FXAA and no MSAA, I am not having any performance issues. I do notice the slight increase in aliasing, but it is nowhere near bad.

edit: still seeing the occasional dip in the mid 50's. Which makes me wonder if I should cap my fps again to ~52-54 to have a smoother experience; notably when driving at high speeds. I bet we will see performance boosts with upcoming drivers and updates so I would hold off at looking for a new graphics card if you are close to the gaming experience you desire. It's pretty annoying that a lot of the graphical settings require a full restart.
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