Guildwars 2 Beta Thread

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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I don't think theres anything 30-50 except the titles. Like those blank tiles are just that blank. As far as like the items usefulness it would be nice to have a full set of starter gear for each class. That shield looks dope though.

Just going to try and play GW as much as possible for a while. I still haven't gotten the hang of it. I may try a new character. Ritualist was just not my thing. Any suggestions for a relatively easy class to start with?

Honestly, Ritualist is only fun as a last character, to try something a bit different. it's basically spam some spirits and sit back and watch them destroy everything, or heal (mostly by loading spirits that mitigate damage, so again--you don't do that much.)

The destruction rit isn't terribly useful (forget if that's what the skill set is called--channeling? whichever set has the offensive spells)

The easiest class is probably either Ele--if you like casting, or Warrior, if you like either tanking or DPS. Ele isn't as OP as it used to be, But there are are still plenty of valid fire builds that work jsut fine and earth builds (which I have come to prefer) that are fun to play.

Mes now seems to be the current OP class, but it takes a lot of unlocking to get it working well. Mes does have my favorite armor set--the female elite Canthan set (end game). Well, I like Dervish vanguard set in GWEN.

If you like casting, then I'd go with Mes (as it's a unique type of system to Guild Wars, but takes some time) or then Ele--typical blow shit up.

If you do like mele, then Assassin is my favorite, Fun combo system of playing off of your previous attack, and then stackinga third attack which either depends on the first or 2nd attack.

Dervish is fun, too, and actually completely changed since I went on hiatus. It's the only class that I haven't touched again, since coming back, So will have to completely re-learn it. The forms have completely changed and while the descriptions have changed for some of those skills--flash or something, I don't see any real difference as to how they act--or at least, how I always used many of them. Casting is now instant, though, so that probably just makes them too powerful, heh., if you really like support. It has truly been limited to one overlal useful build in PvE. it's fun to play, but eventually gets old. "Imbagon" is a fantastic support build--but depends on a massively overpoweredKurzick/Luxon warrior skill that requires at least ~5 levels in that title to work (it can still work at lower levels of the title, but less spamy and useful). the time required to grind that title is insane, and generally requires faction bonus weekends to dedicate any amount of time to it. (I'm actually doing some vanquishing which gives you faction points, but there is only so much of this you can do for those titles--as faction really only counts to one side, so you have to focus).

Ranger is kind of fun....very versatile as it works well with any secondary, but it ends up being a different variation of the same build (Barrage x ranger--suing barrage to spam DPS with splinter weapon on rit, interrupt with Mes, whatever).

You can try whatever, but it's always good to learn the vetted builds to see how a really good build rolls.


--Easy mele: Warrior, Derv

--Easy cast: Ele, Nec (didn't go into detail, but a couple of very fun, easy to make Nec builds out there)

--Fun, challenging mele: Assassin, Derv
--Fun, challenging Casting: Mes, Nec, as well.

based on my taste, anyway.

My primary use for my Rit has been to farm feathers (80% of his use), and more recently to farm some green boss items--most recently a mes wand to deck out my heroes.

...and that's the other thing--getting a solid Hero build running, these days, is crucial to PvE. There is, essentially, no mission that now requires human players. Elite dungeons tend to need real players--though some you can solo those bosses....excepting Duncan and Urgoz and the like.


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2010
That is exactly why I lost all interest in Guild Wars after playing it for many years. I was among those who played the early beta of the thing. In the beginning, there was many items, and although you didn't gain too much "stat wise" with better looking items, you still had a sense of accomplishment. I know I did. Also, in the beginning, "purples" were actually worth something. Just about ALL purples.

But then Anet became overzealous in their drive to "equalize" everyone. Make the same more about "fun and teamwork" and less about item grinding. (exactly why communism failed)

It is in peoples nature to always fight, compete, and try to rip a better piece from another, even if it means from their cold dead hands. And even the so called "pacifists" cant resist their evil greedy human nature, when their pacifist ideals clash with their personal needs or interests. Therefore, we NEED to grind for items, at least to some extent. We NEED something to strive for in MMORPGS. Where is the perfect balance between too much grinding, and just the right amount? I'll let Anet worry about that. But they clearly screwed up. What basically happened in the end is that items became a little too accessible to everyone, and the only thing left to strive for was that "perfect stat with just 1 percent difference or slightly better looking "skin".

Farming with Monk AOE spells was fun for a while, but Anet killed that... So then we adapted and overcame and we kept farming with Ritualists and Assasins... But then Anet went and made the very act of farming a waste of time in itself.

Game seized to be fun at all. As far as teaming up with people went that was great in theory but didn't work in practice. Finding reliable, dedicated people to play with was impossible.

Quests became lame, and the more of them Anet added the lamer they got...

And what about those f-ing gay minipets?!??!?!

Yes, MMOs need itemisation. I think its a horribly wrong way to make a MMO, and like I said (never having played GW1 more than just the trail) its keeping me from wanting to buy GW2.

Why? because Ive seen games without itemisation, and those games all suck ass.

Why do I care? because GW2 videos of skill animations and the world look totally badass. All that wont matter if they ruin the game due to lack of content ei. raiding, and have sucky itemisation though.

I was hopeing to buy it and spend my time on it.

Wow. Glad you wont be playing then because this is the exact opposite of what I want in a game. I don't want to have to grind shit to feel better than someone else. I would rather have fun. To be honest Anet could care less if they keep your interest month to month. You're not playing a sub and if you get bored with the game take a break.

Honestly I love the way Anet is working here. Build it like a single player game in a way instead of an MMO grindfest. Play all you want don't feel pressure to be better than someone else and enjoy the content for what it is.Then release an expansion to bring you back to try the new content.

Really a game does not NEED to have a grind to be fun. Most single player games do not so why should multiplayer ones?

Isnt it kinda mean to say "Glad you wont be there then"?

Build it like a single player game in a way
Why? gawd why? you might as well just play Skyrim and use a companion then.... then youd truely get a real single player rpg feel to it.

I don't want to have to grind shit to feel better than someone else.
MMOs are buildt around this concept though.... if not for that, you might as well just be playing Counter-strike and see who has best "twitch" reaction times, when fireing guns.

A game thats only based on reaction timeing isnt what a MMO is.... that makes it sound more like a first person shooter, just with skills.... Might as well be playing Dota then.

MMOs are supposed to be about challengeing PvE content, raiding for better gear and the fun in that.

MMO without that, and just pvp is basically just Dota with pretty graphics.
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Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2010
Also open world has drawbacks too, as opposed to instanced dungeon/raids:

Originally Posted by Tree fiddy
People keep saying that there are no raids in GW2. There are raids, havent anyone seen the big dragon fights? There's just no traditional endgame raiding, but you raid big world bosses all the time while playing the game...
random guy "Urzon" re:
Which is very true, but if Tequatl the Sunless is anything to go by; there is alot of things to do just to summon him to fight. Mostly pushing back all the undead forces in the area to the coast. Not sure how long that would take, but given the time of day and players on the server; it could take awhile.

On low population servers, players/guilds might not have the time to clear an entire area of undead.

On high population servers, it might turn out that some group already killed the boss, and you will have to wait until the event resets (at an unknown time) to do your run.

Hard to plan around something, when a healthy dose of luck it needed to even get to the fight.
GW2 is gonna change alot of things, Im just hopeing it doesnt fall flat on its face is all.

Also if you look at Guildwars2guru's forums, the no raid thing seems to be a big issue for alot of people.
Anet are alienateing alot of people I think, if they dont add raids.
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Diamond Member
Nov 11, 2009
What defines a raid though? That is where everyone is misinformed here. If you are looking for challenging content there are extremely tough 5 man dungeons. If you're looking for large scale battles there are large world events. If you're looking for something arbitrary outside of either of these conventions then go play another game because this is not built as another wow clone.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Yes, MMOs need itemisation. I think its a horribly wrong way to make a MMO, and like I said (never having played GW1 more than just the trail) its keeping me from wanting to buy GW2.

Why? because Ive seen games without itemisation, and those games all suck ass.

Why do I care? because GW2 videos of skill animations and the world look totally badass. All that wont matter if they ruin the game due to lack of content ei. raiding, and have sucky itemisation though.

I was hopeing to buy it and spend my time on it.

Isnt it kinda mean to say "Glad you wont be there then"?

Why? gawd why? you might as well just play Skyrim and use a companion then.... then youd truely get a real single player rpg feel to it.

MMOs are buildt around this concept though.... if not for that, you might as well just be playing Counter-strike and see who has best "twitch" reaction times, when fireing guns.

A game thats only based on reaction timeing isnt what a MMO is.... that makes it sound more like a first person shooter, just with skills.... Might as well be playing Dota then.

MMOs are supposed to be about challengeing PvE content, raiding for better gear and the fun in that.

MMO without that, and just pvp is basically just Dota with pretty graphics.

Guild Wars is about skills, not gear. This is one of those arguments that people keep trying to make: MMO is about "this." Well, no--someone may seem to think it's "about this," and is probably the same person that bitch's and moans about nothing but WoW clone after WoW clone, then when something comes out that doesn't subscribe to the WoW formula, they bitch that it isn't as good as WoW.

The MMO game play that you like is about itemization and grinding. Amazingly, not all of them fall into that category.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2007
Yes, MMOs need itemisation. I think its a horribly wrong way to make a MMO, and like I said (never having played GW1 more than just the trail) its keeping me from wanting to buy GW2.

Why? because Ive seen games without itemisation, and those games all suck ass.

Why do I care? because GW2 videos of skill animations and the world look totally badass. All that wont matter if they ruin the game due to lack of content ei. raiding, and have sucky itemisation though.

MMOs are buildt around this concept though.... if not for that, you might as well just be playing Counter-strike and see who has best "twitch" reaction times, when fireing guns.

A game thats only based on reaction timeing isnt what a MMO is.... that makes it sound more like a first person shooter, just with skills.... Might as well be playing Dota then.

MMOs are supposed to be about challengeing PvE content, raiding for better gear and the fun in that.

That's the thing though, you're equating raiding and gearing up to fun and not everyone thinks it is fun. I like playing MMO's but I hate the whole gear thing, it's boring and burns up a lot of time I could be doing other fun things in the game. I'm sure there will be challenging PVE content in GW2, but it won't include better gear. It might have cosmetic gear that is equal to end game gear but it won't be any better.

Equating the game to CS or DOTA is pretty shallow too. Just because it's twitch based doesn't mean it's an fps, it's still totally different gameplay. Dota is very much an item based game too, so that doesn't really make it comparable to pvp in GW at all. MMO's don't need itemisation beyond cosmetic gear really, if you had played GW1 you would see people are willing to go to pretty ridiculous lengths just to get better looking armor that has the same stats as the armor they're already wearing.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2007
I don't think theres anything 30-50 except the titles. Like those blank tiles are just that blank. As far as like the items usefulness it would be nice to have a full set of starter gear for each class. That shield looks dope though.

Just going to try and play GW as much as possible for a while. I still haven't gotten the hang of it. I may try a new character. Ritualist was just not my thing. Any suggestions for a relatively easy class to start with?

Just to add because Zinfamous didn't say much about necros can be pretty fun. You can get a bunch of minions like with the ritualist but they can actually run around so it makes it a lot more useful. If you don't want to use the minions curses are pretty nice as well and you get a lot of life drain skills too.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Just to add because Zinfamous didn't say much about necros can be pretty fun. You can get a bunch of minions like with the ritualist but they can actually run around so it makes it a lot more useful. If you don't want to use the minions curses are pretty nice as well and you get a lot of life drain skills too.

yeah, I got tired of typing and completely ignored Necromancer. I had tons of fun running several minion master builds--from Flesh Golem then when the various NF skills made that irrelevant. My problem with that build is that there isn't an "auto-target minion" button, or--"cycle from minion to minion button." With that, it would be much more fun to play, as you could easily create those minion bombs (The similar ritualist skills have "target nearest spirit" built into the function. IIRC, for the nec skill that spreads damage and disease, you have to physically target one. This is difficult to do). Anyway, my point is that MM is much better used as a hero build, as their AI does this really well.

Spiteful Spirit and those Blood spike builds are tons of fun to play, though. similar to Mes, in that you let individual targets kill themselves, and the mobs around them.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2007
yeah, I got tired of typing and completely ignored Necromancer. I had tons of fun running several minion master builds--from Flesh Golem then when the various NF skills made that irrelevant. My problem with that build is that there isn't an "auto-target minion" button, or--"cycle from minion to minion button." With that, it would be much more fun to play, as you could easily create those minion bombs (The similar ritualist skills have "target nearest spirit" built into the function. IIRC, for the nec skill that spreads damage and disease, you have to physically target one. This is difficult to do). Anyway, my point is that MM is much better used as a hero build, as their AI does this really well.

Spiteful Spirit and those Blood spike builds are tons of fun to play, though. similar to Mes, in that you let individual targets kill themselves, and the mobs around them.

Yeah spiteful spirit is really fun, I used to use it with archane echo so I could cast it on two guys and have it dealing AOE damage each time one of them attacked, then I'd use an assortment of other curses and mayb a couple other mesmer skills, nec/mes is a pretty fun combo to play as. There was also a fun AOE build built around aura of the lich that I used sometimes, I forget the skills used with it but it was a bunch of sacrifice health to do damage skills and one blood skill that gave you a bunch of health regen, since aura of the lich halved you life and damage taken the health regen skill could heal through all the sacrifice damage you would take pretty easily.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Yeah spiteful spirit is really fun, I used to use it with archane echo so I could cast it on two guys and have it dealing AOE damage each time one of them attacked, then I'd use an assortment of other curses and mayb a couple other mesmer skills, nec/mes is a pretty fun combo to play as. There was also a fun AOE build built around aura of the lich that I used sometimes, I forget the skills used with it but it was a bunch of sacrifice health to do damage skills and one blood skill that gave you a bunch of health regen, since aura of the lich halved you life and damage taken the health regen skill could heal through all the sacrifice damage you would take pretty easily.

Heh, Aura of Lich is now a big minion skill--animates all corpses at once, even exploited corpses, I think. Something like that.

I would pretty much all of caster builds with some sort of echo, too. But what's better than echo, is Assassin's Promise. You sacrifice the elite slot for an Assassin skill, but it recharges your skill bar instantly while restoring a nice package of energy. I was running that on everything before I quite playing for two years, and was rather surprised that when I re-loaded, the skill hasn't changed. It puts casters on autopilot--especially spike or CoP mesmers and Meteor Shower Eles.
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Senior member
Feb 1, 2008
This game is the closest to DAoC(best PvP MMO ever) as I've seen in the last 7 years in term in world PvP. And that's the only reason I need. RvRvR = WvWvW. 3 meaningful faction battles are always fun.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
This game is the closest to DAoC(best PvP MMO ever) as I've seen in the last 7 years in term in world PvP. And that's the only reason I need. RvRvR = WvWvW. 3 meaningful faction battles are always fun.

GW1 has been doing that, for like, 7 years now, you know?


Diamond Member
Jul 13, 2008
Arkadrel, do you know why people like me like Guild Wars?

Because it isn't an MMORPG in the traditional sense.

Guild Wars isn't trying to compete with WoW or ToR or whatever.

Guild Wars was/is offering a different experience. and Guild Wars 2 builds on that.

I understand you look on such a streamlined game as Guild Wars is and Guild Wars 2 is shaping to be and wished your MMORPGs that you enjoy would be like that, but thank goodness for one like me it isn't.

I and my girl played WoW recently for 6 months or so. We didn't disliked it, and there were good momenta, but it lacked a sense of sharpness of fluidity that we feel with guild wars. Additionally, in guild wars it feels much more like you are in a party and feels that the party is working together as a team (even when the party are heroes).

I'm not sure if Guild Wars 2 will also feel like that, but Guild Wars certainly did.

Additionally a great selling point of Guild wars to me is the fact you are completely independent from other people - you don't need to trade or play with anyone else if you don't like. Actually I'm not sure how I feel about Guild Wars 2 dungeons designed for parties of 5 without any AI heroes on it.

So, thank goodness for no raids. Thank goodness for no need to trade for the rare item that has so and so stats.

I'm sorry such is a turn off for you, but it is a turn on for me and people like me.


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2010
a great selling point of Guild wars to me is the fact you are completely independent from other people - you don't need to trade or play with anyone else if you don't like.
thats like WoW all over again, being able to solo to max level easily....

I think PvE should be hard, so hard you need to form a group.
That way you promote people playing together.

I guess its just a difference of opinion. I can understand why some like a easy game, with no challenges, no need to group, where u can just take down world boss with random people.
Where gear has no effects at all, so lazy people dont need to farm.

I just hope you can understand there are other people that feel, that takes everything good out of a MMO.

To me, forming bonds with people you group with is what makes a mmo great.
You dont get that, when monsters are open world and its all a bunch of random people in area that team up to take it down (chances are you ll never talk to any of those guys).

Again Raids promote people to gather, stick together, play together ect.
No raids = no need for that.

I and my girl played WoW recently for 6 months or so. We didn't disliked it, and there were good momenta, but it lacked a sense of sharpness of fluidity that we feel with guild wars. Additionally, in guild wars it feels much more like you are in a party and feels that the party is working together as a team (even when the party are heroes).
playing with a team of bots you can put into your group (alla diablo's mercinaries) feels more like teamplay than actually playing with "real" people?

To me it sounds like you dont want to play with other people, and your happy GW2 will be that for you.

Made up my mind, not getting GW2 until Ive seen how it pans out... unless my brother drags me into it something.
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Diamond Member
Jul 13, 2008
thats like WoW all over again, being able to solo to max level easily....

That is assuming the objective of Guild Wars is achieving max level.

In GW it wasn't. In GW2 probably it isn't either.

I think PvE should be hard, so hard you need to form a group.
That way you promote people playing together.

Maybe that is the point of games like guild wars - you aren't forced to play with other people. You do as you are pleased.

Although in the original guild wars, solo is limited to a few mobs and build, so for general adventuring and missions, you are pretty much required a team, but it can be composed of AI.

I guess its just a difference of opinion. I can understand why some like a easy game, with no challenges, no need to group, where u can just take down world boss with random people.
Where gear has no effects at all, so lazy people dont need to farm.

Don't confuse (imo) boring, time consuming and repetitive with challenge, unless you find it challenging because you find it hard to keep doing the same thing over and over again.

Additionally, just because a task can be done alone, it doesn't mean it isn't challenging - it is a question of scaling. Guild wars will have that - the more people the more powerful the mobs get, so it is still challenging.

on the contrary, just because a boss has 10,000hp while the average player deals 100 damage/sec and so takes age to kill alone, while a group of 10 ppl deal a combined 1000 damage/s, but you are still throwing the same fireball by pressing 1, it doesn't make it more challenging.

I just hope you can understand there are other people that feel, that takes everything good out of a MMO.

Sure. People are entitled to enjoy grinding, like they are entitled to not enjoy it.

To me, forming bonds with people you group with is what makes a mmo great.
You dont get that, when monsters are open world and its all a bunch of random people in area that team up to take it down (chances are you ll never talk to any of those guys).

one thing is to create bonds cause I can, and I've met loads of nice people in games and some of them became real life friends as well, other thing is to be forced to.

Again Raids promote people to gather, stick together, play together ect.
No raids = no need for that.

Again, freedom vs "have to".

playing with a team of bots you can put into your group (alla diablo's mercinaries) feels more like teamplay than actually playing with "real" people?

Yes, as in WoW vs GW, GW with people feel more like playing with a team than AI (except for speed clears, where you actually split while heroes can't do that).

First, they are fully customizable.

In Guild Wars all players/heroes can only bring 8 skills, so a team has 64 skills available. So, a player playing solo or with a couple of friends, can choose a focus for a team from the hundreds of skills. Additionally, in guild wars there is no (with a few rare exceptions, which is more abusing Ai and Anet concession to those that like traditional MMORPGs) there are no tanks to hold aggro, so everyone in the team is responsible for defence - just because you are an elementalist, it doesn't give you a free pass on sitting there spamming offensive skills, you may need to drop a ward or knock that guy bashing your monk or you maybe required to bring hex/condition removal (from a secondary profession, gw2 doesn't have them) to keep the rest of your party free of negative effects (and in gw2 enchantments don't last hours but just a few seconds).

All the chars are intertwined like that, so you can feel all of that happening - the enemy casted an hex on me so I miss half the time and then I see it going, etc, etc.

Guild Wars 2 will be a bit different, as you don't target other character directly, you create opportunities - like drop a firewall that a ranger can use to apply fire damage to its arrows or place a symbol on the floor so everyone around it heals.

To me it sounds like you dont want to play with other people, and your happy GW2 will be that for you.

Made up my mind, not getting GW2 until Ive seen how it pans out... unless my brother drags me into it something.

It isn't a question of not wanting or not, it is a question of being required to.

I wake up at 3 in the morning, i can go do a high end area on my own if I so choose to. You wake up, your friends aren't one, ooops, can't do high-end areas.

I want to do something alone or with a few friends, i go and do it.
You want to do something with your friends, but the tank can't make it cause he got a cold, bad luck, no tank no fun, etc,etc.

Guild Wars is about freedom - freedom to play with whoever you like, instead of need, freedom to play whatever class you want (none of your friends want to be a healer, no sweat, in GW2 you don't have healers, in GW you use an AI monk, freedom to not grind, etc.

If what you want is WoW with a new costume, you will be disappointed. if what you want is a different kind of MMO game, you might be pleasantly surprised.

If you have a brother and like to play together, i would recomend taking a shot at the first GW - it won't be gw2, but is a good game on its own and the gw complete edition is cheap.
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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
thats like WoW all over again, being able to solo to max level easily....

I think PvE should be hard, so hard you need to form a group.
That way you promote people playing together.

I guess its just a difference of opinion. I can understand why some like a easy game, with no challenges, no need to group, where u can just take down world boss with random people.
Where gear has no effects at all, so lazy people dont need to farm.

I just hope you can understand there are other people that feel, that takes everything good out of a MMO.

To me, forming bonds with people you group with is what makes a mmo great.
You dont get that, when monsters are open world and its all a bunch of random people in area that team up to take it down (chances are you ll never talk to any of those guys).

Again Raids promote people to gather, stick together, play together ect.
No raids = no need for that.

playing with a team of bots you can put into your group (alla diablo's mercinaries) feels more like teamplay than actually playing with "real" people?

To me it sounds like you dont want to play with other people, and your happy GW2 will be that for you.

Made up my mind, not getting GW2 until Ive seen how it pans out... unless my brother drags me into it something.

you're taking gear to have a lower shelf to equal no effect. Obviously, you haven't played GW, as gear has plenty of effect. Like with leveling, though, there is a low shelf on max gear and it is more streamlined because, again--GW is about skills and builds--IT IS NOT ABOUT GEAR.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, and no natural law that dictates this is how MMOs should be. It's an assumption based on a subjective desire to play the same thing over an over again, despite professing that you want something new.

The intent of GW1 was to focus on PvP, and make it very integrated into PvE--this was much improved with Factions. As such, you can't have super high levels and completely randomized gear with 50 enchantments on them. That defeats the structure of PvP in GW model.

GW does things very differently, so either accept that it is not the next WoW clone and enjoy it, or keep playing the WoW clones that you claim not to enjoy? I don't really know what to say. :\


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
and yeah, before the introduction of Heroes, one had to play with teams to get through much of the content. The mercenaries were basically useless after a certain point.

much later in the life of GW, Heroes were introduced and the mechanic tweaked significantly. Now, it is certainly possible to get through the main games with just heroes--but only because you gear them yourself and set their builds. To get that kind of Hero team, though, requires tons and tons of unlocking to make it successful.

Otherwise, you very much need to team up with people. There are plenty of high level and elite dungeons that are more or less impossible with hero AI.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2007
thats like WoW all over again, being able to solo to max level easily....

I think PvE should be hard, so hard you need to form a group.
That way you promote people playing together.

I guess its just a difference of opinion. I can understand why some like a easy game, with no challenges, no need to group, where u can just take down world boss with random people.
Where gear has no effects at all, so lazy people dont need to farm.

I just hope you can understand there are other people that feel, that takes everything good out of a MMO.

To me, forming bonds with people you group with is what makes a mmo great.
You dont get that, when monsters are open world and its all a bunch of random people in area that team up to take it down (chances are you ll never talk to any of those guys).

Again Raids promote people to gather, stick together, play together ect.
No raids = no need for that.

playing with a team of bots you can put into your group (alla diablo's mercinaries) feels more like teamplay than actually playing with "real" people?

To me it sounds like you dont want to play with other people, and your happy GW2 will be that for you.

Made up my mind, not getting GW2 until Ive seen how it pans out... unless my brother drags me into it something.

I think you're misinterpreting what people are saying, GW isn't really that easy PVE-wise, a lot of the missions in the first game were really hard and you couldn't just run through them with random people and easily win. I had a dedicated healer with me throughout the game and even with that we had a hard time getting through some missions because you had to work together in order to beat them. One or two weak people would just end up with you failing the missions over and over. The AI was useless for the harder missions too, I'm not sure how heroes would fare on them but I don't think you could some of the later missions with them, people needed to act independently in some of those missions and bots couldn't cut it. Also in EoTN the end game dungeons are supposed to be very challenging, I haven't played them myself but I bet they can't be done with a bunch of random people.

Anyways despite not having raids people still played together a lot, it's not a game full of soloers there were a lot of guilds and people grouped more often than not. It may be more friendly to people who didn't want to group but those people certainly weren't the majority. Also there is no AI in GW2 so that option is no longer there, making it even more necessary to group up if you want to do harder PVE stuff. Also just because items were easier to max out doesn't mean there were a lot of "lazy" people in the game. It was still obvious when someone who didn't know what they were doing was playing with you.


Diamond Member
Jul 13, 2008
The AI was useless for the harder missions too, I'm not sure how heroes would fare on them but I don't think you could some of the later missions with them, people needed to act independently in some of those missions and bots couldn't cut it.

You can do everything with heroes these days (as long you know the game mechanics or can copy builds), especially since a single person can add 7 of them.

It still is much more interesting than WoW quests/dungeons. Raids require one to have a bunch of free time, etc, etc. Might be ok for younger people, but once you reach the point of having to schedule stuff, meh, it isn't the kind of stuff I want to do. And I bet there are more people like me.


Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2004
This game is the closest to DAoC(best PvP MMO ever) as I've seen in the last 7 years in term in world PvP. And that's the only reason I need. RvRvR = WvWvW. 3 meaningful faction battles are always fun.

Guild wars I've heard is the closest to DAOC. Warhammer kinnnnnda wanted to do somethint like it, but was just a gimped 1 on 1 in the end right?

GW2 I have high hopes.


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2010
Guild wars I've heard is the closest to DAOC.
GW2 I have high hopes.

Have there been any open world pvp videos?
so far Ive only seen the 5man "team vs team" capture the flag mini games.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2007
You can do everything with heroes these days (as long you know the game mechanics or can copy builds), especially since a single person can add 7 of them.

It still is much more interesting than WoW quests/dungeons. Raids require one to have a bunch of free time, etc, etc. Might be ok for younger people, but once you reach the point of having to schedule stuff, meh, it isn't the kind of stuff I want to do. And I bet there are more people like me.

Ah ok I didn't realize heroes were so good, I haven't used them that much. I agree with you about raiding, I can't keep to a schedule in games. I generally play games when I have free time and I won't ditch my real life friends just to keep up in a game.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2007
Have there been any open world pvp videos?
so far Ive only seen the 5man "team vs team" capture the flag mini games.

I'm not sure there have been videos but they did a Q and A on reddit (there's a link in their blog) and they mentioned they've had a world pvp with around 500 players participating. They mentioned attacking castles with trebuchets so it sounds pretty cool there will be some siege elements in it.


Nov 18, 2007
Ah ok I didn't realize heroes were so good, I haven't used them that much. I agree with you about raiding, I can't keep to a schedule in games. I generally play games when I have free time and I won't ditch my real life friends just to keep up in a game.

You can also manually use the hero skills too. You can also disable skills so they can't use it only you. I was able to do that to create a hero that would maintain the continuous monk spell on me.
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