Gun Freedom? Well, I guess we'll just keep opening up the ground and putting dead bodies in it

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Feb 15, 2000
Some food for thought:

My Ruger 10/22: A good target shooting gun that uses cheap .22 calibre rimfire ammo.
My Ruger 10/22+scope+bipod: assault rifle that is illegal to own in my state of residence.


Sep 6, 2000
Napalm, get used to it... the gun grabbers have always been this way...

Read my post above with the T. Roosevelt quote...

<<&quot;It is almost useless to attempt to argue with these well-intentioned persons, because they are suffering under an obsession and are not open to reason. They go wrong at the outset, for they lay all the emphasis on peace and none at all on righteousness. They are not all of them physically timid men; but they are usually men of soft life; and they rarely possess a high sense of honor or a keen patriotism.&quot; >>

See, even Teddy realized it's pointless to try to argue with the folks in the disarmament camp when they post their *ahem* &quot;thoughts.&quot;


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2000

<< t the end of the day, we have more guns here in America than just about any other country. Unfortunately, we have one of the highest murder rates and number of gun deaths of any industrialized nation. >>

Why would these two items be necessarily related? No doubt there are hundreds of factors that contribute to this, to try to place the blame on guns alone is a poor call. Prove the number of guns are evenrelated to this? We do have quite a large country, so we have a large number of legal gun owners, and a large number of illegal gun owners. Both can kill, but you want to bet who I think does it more?


Oct 12, 1999
Well yall just keep lobbying and guess we'll just keep burying'em. Just remember you, your kids, family, or friends might be next. Just remember when you go to the funeral don't get all emotional because remember you believe in guns.


Oct 12, 1999
Take a hint- we don't agree with you, and never will. Logic, and the Constitution, are on our side.
Napalm381 aka SuperSoaker381 lol

Look obviously you can't read because there are a few who agree with me on the gun issue. So instead of saying &quot;we&quot;, you should have said me and Peanut Gallery don't agree. And I am sure that when they wrote the Constitution they never thought a disgraceful organization like the NRA would arise claiming to protect the Constituion. I thought the Constitution was there to protect me and not me protect it.

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
Just remember when you go to the funeral don't get all emotional because remember you believe in guns.

If I went to the funeral, I certainly wouldn't be blaming guns. I'd be blaming the person behind the gun.

Wake up &amp; smell the gunpowder, classy, guns aren't the real problem.

I thought the Constitution was there to protect me and not me protect it.

It protects your rights, one of which it specifies is the right to arm yourself. If you don't want a gun, don't buy one. With your attitude it'd wind up encased in concrete at the bottom of your pool;. Nearby you'd have a glass box with a hammer, chisel, &amp; oxygen tank with a sign that says: In case of emergency, break glass.

Viper GTS


Diamond Member
Dec 17, 1999
If you buy into the gun lobby argument, high gun ownership=safety. I am sure I could point to a number of pro-gun websites that try to make that argument. The fact of the matter is that we have high gun ownership and high murder rate/gun deaths. I was simply refuting this argument. It doesn't hold up.

As far as other factors that play a role, agreed, socio-economic factors also play a huge part of our crime rate. And if you read my posts, I am not a &quot;gun nazi&quot;(no gun for you). I simply believe that the harder it is to own a gun, the less gun crime we will have(and quite possibly a lower murder rate).


Sep 6, 2000

<< I thought the Constitution was there to protect me and not me protect it. >>

Bingo. That's precisely the problem, and precisely what makes you a COWARD. If you don't have the guts to defend yourself, why on earth do you think a piece of paper will do it for you, or you think you'd ever be able (or willing) to defend the Constitution in the first place?


Diamond Member
Oct 25, 1999
Believing in the right to own a gun is different than believing it's OK to kill people for no good reason.

If we create laws to take away all guns in this country, except for police and the military, do you really think criminals will give up their guns? How do we get that to happen Classy?

Did someone mention that less than one tenth of one percent of registered guns are ever used in a crime? Stolen and illegal guns can't be stopped with laws.

Also, I grew up with guns in the house. They were not locked up or anything, but I knew I'd get my ass kicked it I messed with them. I knew right from wrong and I have a great respect for life, but I don't think kids today do. Most parents today are slackers and don't do their job.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2000
This BS again? Don't buy them if you don't like them but don't tell me I can't/shouldn't! Explain to me how this is different than a kid taking a car and driving way to fast and killing a bus load of people......or getting some alcohol and doing the same......this is an ignorant topic! If your going to lobby against guns.......better add in cars, alcohol, drugs, etc., etc.!


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2000
Hey Thom......why don't you explain to us then, if we are so wrong, why your stance to ban guns has a whopping 7% of the US citizens behind it? I suppose you're just that darn smart huh? Yeah......RIGHT! Get a clue.....


Diamond Member
Dec 17, 1999
76 should probably check your numbers before you get all righteous.......polls

It looks like there is a pretty good number of people that would vote to ban handguns....around 30-50 % in some polls.....

Double Trouble

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Somehow, I knew this would happen. Someone shot someone else, and of course, the knee-jerk liberal moron reaction is &quot;ban guns&quot; , or &quot;we need more gun control&quot; or some other such drivel.

When will we learn to place the blame where it belongs? The blame rests squarely with the parents that didn't pay enough attention to the kid and, more importantly, didn't keep the guns in a safe place. The blame rests with the nut that did the shooting. The blame does NOT rest with the responsible gun owners of the country, or with the gun itself.

Now please, you folks that fall for the media drivel and their anti-gun agenda, inform yourself of the true statistics and know what the issues are. Don't just recite what the idiots on TV tell ya :|


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999
What's your solution classy? (apart from infantile username &quot;jokes&quot; that aren't even remotely funny) More laws? Yeah, we all know how well THOSE work. Laws against guns work as well as laws against drugs.

<< And I am sure that when they wrote the Constitution they never thought a disgraceful organization like the NRA would arise claiming to protect the Constituion. >>

And they obviously never thought that half-wits like YOU would be citizens of this fine nation.

&quot;The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground. &quot;
Thomas Jefferson

&quot;They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.&quot;
Benjamin Franklin


Senior member
Jan 22, 2000
I cannot believe what people will say or do to keep their guns. Yes banning guns isn't gonna solve crimes, but it is a start. What does gun bring to all you gun owners??? Tell my any one of you actually used it to protect your own family even once. 99% of gun owners do it for collection, hunting or just the heck of it. If you think having a shot gun at home make your home that much safer, think again. You think one guy with semi auto weapen can deal with bunch of theif with high powered weapons?? Don't you think bad guys will be prepared to deal with you with a puny gun in your hand??

So is gun collection, hunting or whatever you use it for worth all the things going on?? Don't give me the speech people kills people not gun. A student with a shot gun is more capable of killing than a student with a fist, or even a knife. Without easy access to a gun, many killing would never happened.

Yeah parents and society are as much to blame as guns. But even with the perfect parents or society, young people get furstrated, and not think clearly often times. With guns so easily accessed here, things are gonna to happen.

To all you gun owners and supports out there, I sincerely pray that your children in the future never get teased in school, never get furstrated or never act crazy in anyway. If they ever do, your life and someone else life is gonna be destroyed, trust me if your kids want to, whatever lock you put on your safe, they will break it when you are not watching!!!


Senior member
Jan 10, 2000
Not to say that I support Bush's every move, but this took some guts:

<< Bush called the shooting &quot;a disgraceful act of cowardice,&quot; adding, &quot;When America teaches our children right from wrong and teaches values that respect life in our country, we'll be better off.&quot; >>

He's right, in this case.

I also have a feeling that if the situation in America ever reached the point where Americans had to protect their liberties with violence and the firearms protected by the second amendment, they would be totally crushed and overwhelmed by their opponents = American army. Basically, the 2nd amendment is irrelevant for the purpose it was written. Possessing guns for protection from other citizens is not really in the constitution, but is handy nonetheless.


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999

<< Yes banning guns isn't gonna solve crimes, but it is a start. >>

They banned guns in Washington DC. Seen the murder rate there recently?

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
??? Tell my any one of you actually used it to protect your own family even once. 99% of gun owners do it for collection, hunting or just the heck of it. If you think having a shot gun at home make your home that much safer, think again. You think one guy with semi auto weapen can deal with bunch of theif with high powered weapons?? Don't you think bad guys will be prepared to deal with you with a puny gun in your hand??

Since when is a 12 guage pump shotgun a &quot;puny gun?&quot; You're probably right, though, the vast majority of us have never used our guns for self defense. But you're going to get your ass kicked if you try to tell me that you're going to take away my right to join that minority.

To all you gun owners and supports out there, I sincerely pray that your children in the future never get teased in school, never get furstrated or never act crazy in anyway. If they ever do, your life and someone else life is gonna be destroyed, trust me if your kids want to, whatever lock you put on your safe, they will break it when you are not watching!!!

You're absolutely right. When I get frustrated &amp; teased, the first thing I do is head for my guns. Umm... No. I sleep, listen to music, play on my computer... I have never been prone to violence. Ever.

You people seem to think that the violent behavior is inevitable, &amp; that the only solution is to take away their weapon. Why not stop the behavior, &amp; then the weapons won't matter?

Viper GTS


Sep 6, 2000

<< Tell my any one of you actually used it to protect your own family even once. 99% of gun owners do it for collection, hunting or just the heck of it >>

Tell me, ever actually used your 5th Amendment right either? That's the one which affords you protection against self-incrimination in the event you are tried of a crime, in case you forgot... Or how about your 8th Amendment right against cruel and unusual punishment, since you don't have the 5th Amendment any more by your logic.

Nope, i think i like keeping and affirming ALL my Constitutional rights, including the Second, whether or not i actually need them at this particular moment or not...


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< Yeah parents and society are as much to blame as guns. But even with the perfect parents or society, young people get furstrated, and not think clearly often times. With guns so easily accessed here, things are gonna to happen. >>

Do you think this is the first generation of teenagers who've been teased or made fun of at school? Is this the first generation of teens who've gotten frustrated? We had just as many guns available when I was in school and this crap never happened.


Senior member
Jan 22, 2000

<< You're absolutely right. When I get frustrated &amp; teased, the first thing I do is head for my guns. Umm... No. I sleep, listen to music, play on my computer... I have never been prone to violence. Ever. >>

That's great, but think about it, when you got so pissed at some @sshoe in school just did some incrediblelly bad things to you, and your GF just broke up with you and you got an F and your parents are really mad at you and you feel no one love you in the world........(of course that's just a scenario)...hey, it could happen, and if that happen and you got a gun right next to your bed, what is the probability you are gonna use it? It only take that once in your few years of teenage life and your life can change for ever.

Not to mention that not everyone young kids have your self control.

But just think about it, if unstable kids have easy acess to guns, would you feel safe to have your kids in school??

Comeon...what is so great about your shot guns.....maybe I am not from your background and I don't get your point of view, but I really don't understand why a habit is such a big deal to you guys??


Senior member
Jan 22, 2000

<< Do you think this is the first generation of teenagers who've been teased or made fun of at school? Is this the first generation of teens who've gotten frustrated? We had just as many guns available when I was in school and this crap never happened. >>

I think you got a point, there is definitely something other than guns that's creating all these violence. But still it dosen't change the fact that without all these parents with gun collections, many shootings would not have happened.



Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< That's great, but think about it, when you got so pissed at some @sshoe in school just did some incrediblelly bad things to you, and your GF just broke up with you and you got an F and your parents are really mad at you and you feel no one love you in the world........(of course that's just a scenario)...hey, it could happen, and if that happen and you got a gun right next to your bed, what is the probability you are gonna use it? It only take that once in your few years of teenage life and your life can change for ever. >>

Not very high if the kid is raised with a higher sense of right vs. wrong rather than the current &quot;Go ahead and do whatever you want as long as it makes you feel good&quot; morality.

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
That's great, but think about it, when you got so pissed at some @sshoe in school just did some incrediblelly bad things to you, and your GF just broke up with you and you got an F and your parents are really mad at you and you feel no one love you in the world........(of course that's just a scenario)...hey, it could happen, and if that happen and you got a gun right next to your bed, what is the probability you are gonna use it? It only take that once in your few years of teenage life and your life can change for ever.

I've been through a fair amount of that recently, I can probably answer that question for you:


what is so great about your shot guns


Viper GTS


Aug 4, 2000
I'll say this once, and once only

a.  An armed man is a citizen.  An unarmed man is a subject.
b.  A gun in the hand is better, than cop on the phone.
c.  Smith &amp; Wesson: The original point and click interface.
d.  Gun control is not about guns; it's about control.
e.  If guns are outlawed, can we use swords?
f.  If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.
g.  Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.
h.  If you don't know your rights, you don't have any.
i.  Those who trade liberty for security have neither.
j.  The United States Constitution (c) 1791.  All Rights Reserved.
k.  What part of &quot;shall not be infringed&quot; do you not understand?
l.  The Second Amendment is in place in case they ignore the others.
m.  64,999,987 firearm owners killed no one yesterday.
n.  Guns only have two enemies: Rust and Politicians.
o.  Know guns, Know peace and safety.  No guns, no peace nor safety.
p.  You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.
q.  911 - government sponsored dial a Prayer.
r.  Assault is a behavior, not a device.
s.  Criminals love gun control - it makes their jobs safer.
t.  If Guns cause Crime, then Matches cause Arson.
u.  Only a government that is afraid of its citizens try to control them.
v.  You only have the rights you are willing to fight for.
w.  Enforce the &quot;gun control laws&quot; in place, don't make more.
x.  When you remove the people's right to bear arms, you create slaves.
y.  The American Revolution would never have happened with Gun Control.
z.  &quot;.... a government by the people, for the people...&quot;
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