Gun owners who own the gun for self-defense


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2001
I'm not talking about hunting or sport firearms; I'm only asking the population that owns at least one firearm with the purpose of self/family defense: Have you ever used or needed to use your weapon for this purpose? Stories are welcome.

edit typo


Diamond Member
Jul 24, 2006
I haven't personally, but my grandmother has. She works graveyard shift at the local hospital. She stopped at the local safeway to get something to eat before going to work one night, and she noticed a guy waking out from the building towards her. The parking lot was pretty much empty at 10:30 at night. Keep in mind this is a small town with less than 9,000 people. Anyways, he reached into his pocket as he was walking up and told her to drop her purse onto the ground. She told him to back off, and when he got to within about 20 feet or so, she pulled out a Beretta 9000S .40S&W from her jacket pocket and fired once, hitting him in the chest. He lived.

He is now doing time at Snake River Correctional Institute the last I heard.


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
I own several guns. None are owned for the purpose of self-defense. However, if I needed to use one for that purpose (i.e. intruder in our home makes it past the 3 large dogs and has the intent to harm me or my family) I wouldn't hesitate. Every person in my household has been trained to use the guns; my kids are a better shot than I am with one of my guns (shot freehand; not from a rest). My wife is a good shot, but obviously (after a recent incident when she went out to shoot a coyote) she needs more training with the 22.


Golden Member
Apr 14, 2006
Originally posted by: adairusmc
I haven't personally, but my grandmother has. She works graveyard shift at the local hospital. She stopped at the local safeway to get something to eat before going to work one night, and she noticed a guy waking out from the building towards her. The parking lot was pretty much empty at 10:30 at night. Keep in mind this is a small town with less than 9,000 people. Anyways, he reached into his pocket as he was walking up and told her to drop her purse onto the ground. She told him to back off, and when he got to within about 20 feet or so, she pulled out a Beretta 9000S .40S&W from her jacket pocket and fired once, hitting him in the chest. He lived.

He is now doing time at Snake River Correctional Institute the last I heard.

Your Grandma get any charges?


Diamond Member
Jul 24, 2006
Originally posted by: wazzledoozle
Originally posted by: adairusmc
I haven't personally, but my grandmother has. She works graveyard shift at the local hospital. She stopped at the local safeway to get something to eat before going to work one night, and she noticed a guy waking out from the building towards her. The parking lot was pretty much empty at 10:30 at night. Keep in mind this is a small town with less than 9,000 people. Anyways, he reached into his pocket as he was walking up and told her to drop her purse onto the ground. She told him to back off, and when he got to within about 20 feet or so, she pulled out a Beretta 9000S .40S&W from her jacket pocket and fired once, hitting him in the chest. He lived.

He is now doing time at Snake River Correctional Institute the last I heard.

Your Grandma get any charges?

Nope, none at all. The Sheriff just wrote down her statement and account of what happened, and that was it. Did not even confiscate the weapon.

That is the way it is supposed to happen.



Diamond Member
May 20, 2001
When I was 14 I stayed home from school with the flu. I heard glass break and grabbed a little 410 I had. I started to sneak down the stairs and the guy walked past me into the kitchen. I shot him in the back from maybe 15 feet away. He ran into the laundry room and out the back door then over the fence so fast it was crazy.

We got something a little bigger in the house after that.


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2001
Originally posted by: adairusmc
Originally posted by: wazzledoozle
Originally posted by: adairusmc
I haven't personally, but my grandmother has. She works graveyard shift at the local hospital. She stopped at the local safeway to get something to eat before going to work one night, and she noticed a guy waking out from the building towards her. The parking lot was pretty much empty at 10:30 at night. Keep in mind this is a small town with less than 9,000 people. Anyways, he reached into his pocket as he was walking up and told her to drop her purse onto the ground. She told him to back off, and when he got to within about 20 feet or so, she pulled out a Beretta 9000S .40S&W from her jacket pocket and fired once, hitting him in the chest. He lived.

He is now doing time at Snake River Correctional Institute the last I heard.

Your Grandma get any charges?

Nope, none at all. The Sheriff just wrote down her statement and account of what happened, and that was it. Did not even confiscate the weapon.

That is the way it is supposed to happen.

Haha, well I'm certainly glad it all worked out for your grandmother. That said, if I were the sheriff I probably would have done a bit more in the way of questioning a woman who shot a man in the chest, instead of just taking her word for it and sending her on her way. But it sounds as though justice was served in this case.


Diamond Member
Jul 24, 2006
Originally posted by: johnjohn320
Originally posted by: adairusmc
Originally posted by: wazzledoozle
Originally posted by: adairusmc
I haven't personally, but my grandmother has. She works graveyard shift at the local hospital. She stopped at the local safeway to get something to eat before going to work one night, and she noticed a guy waking out from the building towards her. The parking lot was pretty much empty at 10:30 at night. Keep in mind this is a small town with less than 9,000 people. Anyways, he reached into his pocket as he was walking up and told her to drop her purse onto the ground. She told him to back off, and when he got to within about 20 feet or so, she pulled out a Beretta 9000S .40S&W from her jacket pocket and fired once, hitting him in the chest. He lived.

He is now doing time at Snake River Correctional Institute the last I heard.

Your Grandma get any charges?

Nope, none at all. The Sheriff just wrote down her statement and account of what happened, and that was it. Did not even confiscate the weapon.

That is the way it is supposed to happen.

Haha, well I'm certainly glad it all worked out for your grandmother. That said, if I were the sheriff I probably would have done a bit more in the way of questioning a woman who shot a man in the chest, instead of just taking her word for it and sending her on her way. But it sounds as though justice was served in this case.

Let's see, you would take the word of a man with 3 arrest warrants and a sucking chest wound over a 62 year old nurse/city councilwoman with a legal concealed carry permit? Okay.


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2001
Originally posted by: adairusmc
Originally posted by: johnjohn320
Originally posted by: adairusmc
Originally posted by: wazzledoozle
Originally posted by: adairusmc
I haven't personally, but my grandmother has. She works graveyard shift at the local hospital. She stopped at the local safeway to get something to eat before going to work one night, and she noticed a guy waking out from the building towards her. The parking lot was pretty much empty at 10:30 at night. Keep in mind this is a small town with less than 9,000 people. Anyways, he reached into his pocket as he was walking up and told her to drop her purse onto the ground. She told him to back off, and when he got to within about 20 feet or so, she pulled out a Beretta 9000S .40S&W from her jacket pocket and fired once, hitting him in the chest. He lived.

He is now doing time at Snake River Correctional Institute the last I heard.

Your Grandma get any charges?

Nope, none at all. The Sheriff just wrote down her statement and account of what happened, and that was it. Did not even confiscate the weapon.

That is the way it is supposed to happen.

Haha, well I'm certainly glad it all worked out for your grandmother. That said, if I were the sheriff I probably would have done a bit more in the way of questioning a woman who shot a man in the chest, instead of just taking her word for it and sending her on her way. But it sounds as though justice was served in this case.

Let's see, you would take the word of a man with 3 arrest warrants and a sucking chest wound over a 62 year old nurse/city councilwoman with a legal concealed carry permit? Okay.

Dude. That's not what I said. Wow that's not what I said. It's kind of impressive how much that is not what I said. The amount of information you derived that is NOT what I said is at a surplus. If what I said was Florida, what you apparently thought I said would be...not Florida.

What I said was "I would probably have a few questions for a woman who shot a man in the chest." As in, I would pursue the case a little further. I did NOT say I would take the man's word over hers. Did I say that? No I did not.


Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2004
Guns should be banned like they are in countries light years ahead of us on this problem.


Edit: muahaha

Edit2: we all knew it would come down to this subject



Oct 14, 1999
Originally posted by: adairusmc
Originally posted by: johnjohn320
Originally posted by: adairusmc
Originally posted by: wazzledoozle
Originally posted by: adairusmc
I haven't personally, but my grandmother has. She works graveyard shift at the local hospital. She stopped at the local safeway to get something to eat before going to work one night, and she noticed a guy waking out from the building towards her. The parking lot was pretty much empty at 10:30 at night. Keep in mind this is a small town with less than 9,000 people. Anyways, he reached into his pocket as he was walking up and told her to drop her purse onto the ground. She told him to back off, and when he got to within about 20 feet or so, she pulled out a Beretta 9000S .40S&W from her jacket pocket and fired once, hitting him in the chest. He lived.

He is now doing time at Snake River Correctional Institute the last I heard.

Your Grandma get any charges?

Nope, none at all. The Sheriff just wrote down her statement and account of what happened, and that was it. Did not even confiscate the weapon.

That is the way it is supposed to happen.

Haha, well I'm certainly glad it all worked out for your grandmother. That said, if I were the sheriff I probably would have done a bit more in the way of questioning a woman who shot a man in the chest, instead of just taking her word for it and sending her on her way. But it sounds as though justice was served in this case.

Let's see, you would take the word of a man with 3 arrest warrants and a sucking chest wound over a 62 year old nurse/city councilwoman with a legal concealed carry permit? Okay.
Way to get defensive. What are you hiding? :roll:


Diamond Member
Jul 24, 2006
Originally posted by: Howard
Originally posted by: adairusmc
Originally posted by: johnjohn320
Originally posted by: adairusmc
Originally posted by: wazzledoozle
Originally posted by: adairusmc
I haven't personally, but my grandmother has. She works graveyard shift at the local hospital. She stopped at the local safeway to get something to eat before going to work one night, and she noticed a guy waking out from the building towards her. The parking lot was pretty much empty at 10:30 at night. Keep in mind this is a small town with less than 9,000 people. Anyways, he reached into his pocket as he was walking up and told her to drop her purse onto the ground. She told him to back off, and when he got to within about 20 feet or so, she pulled out a Beretta 9000S .40S&W from her jacket pocket and fired once, hitting him in the chest. He lived.

He is now doing time at Snake River Correctional Institute the last I heard.

Your Grandma get any charges?

Nope, none at all. The Sheriff just wrote down her statement and account of what happened, and that was it. Did not even confiscate the weapon.

That is the way it is supposed to happen.

Haha, well I'm certainly glad it all worked out for your grandmother. That said, if I were the sheriff I probably would have done a bit more in the way of questioning a woman who shot a man in the chest, instead of just taking her word for it and sending her on her way. But it sounds as though justice was served in this case.

Let's see, you would take the word of a man with 3 arrest warrants and a sucking chest wound over a 62 year old nurse/city councilwoman with a legal concealed carry permit? Okay.
Way to get defensive. What are you hiding? :roll:

I am not defensive.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2004
Dosn't someone need to do something like show equal force before grandma capping them?

Chode Messiah

Golden Member
Apr 25, 2005
Not me personally, but my uncle took on a robber with his sawwed off shotgun. Broke in through the sliding glass door and my uncle heard him and nailed him in the back with the shotgun. Didn't kill him, but the guys locked up.


Sep 10, 2003
I own a .22 for self defense because I am a baddass motherfvcker who shoots motherfvckers in the damn eye.

Don't fvck with me ho, I'll shoot your damn eye out, b!tch.


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2001
Originally posted by: adairusmc
Originally posted by: Howard
Originally posted by: adairusmc
Originally posted by: johnjohn320
Originally posted by: adairusmc
Originally posted by: wazzledoozle
Originally posted by: adairusmc
I haven't personally, but my grandmother has. She works graveyard shift at the local hospital. She stopped at the local safeway to get something to eat before going to work one night, and she noticed a guy waking out from the building towards her. The parking lot was pretty much empty at 10:30 at night. Keep in mind this is a small town with less than 9,000 people. Anyways, he reached into his pocket as he was walking up and told her to drop her purse onto the ground. She told him to back off, and when he got to within about 20 feet or so, she pulled out a Beretta 9000S .40S&W from her jacket pocket and fired once, hitting him in the chest. He lived.

He is now doing time at Snake River Correctional Institute the last I heard.

Your Grandma get any charges?

Nope, none at all. The Sheriff just wrote down her statement and account of what happened, and that was it. Did not even confiscate the weapon.

That is the way it is supposed to happen.

Haha, well I'm certainly glad it all worked out for your grandmother. That said, if I were the sheriff I probably would have done a bit more in the way of questioning a woman who shot a man in the chest, instead of just taking her word for it and sending her on her way. But it sounds as though justice was served in this case.

Let's see, you would take the word of a man with 3 arrest warrants and a sucking chest wound over a 62 year old nurse/city councilwoman with a legal concealed carry permit? Okay.
Way to get defensive. What are you hiding? :roll:

I am not defensive.
Maybe not, but you still haven't acknowledged my reply.


Chode Messiah

Golden Member
Apr 25, 2005
Originally posted by: preslove
I own a .22 for self defense because I am a baddass motherfvcker who shoots motherfvckers in the damn eye.

Don't fvck with me ho, I'll shoot your damn eye out, b!tch.

with your peashooter? pfft. come and get meh.


Dec 15, 2006
Originally posted by: adairusmc
I haven't personally, but my grandmother has. She works graveyard shift at the local hospital. She stopped at the local safeway to get something to eat before going to work one night, and she noticed a guy waking out from the building towards her. The parking lot was pretty much empty at 10:30 at night. Keep in mind this is a small town with less than 9,000 people. Anyways, he reached into his pocket as he was walking up and told her to drop her purse onto the ground. She told him to back off, and when he got to within about 20 feet or so, she pulled out a Beretta 9000S .40S&W from her jacket pocket and fired once, hitting him in the chest. He lived.

He is now doing time at Snake River Correctional Institute the last I heard.

dude, your grandma is the sh!t


Diamond Member
Nov 7, 1999
I haven't, but both my parents have, kind of.

One night someone broke into a wood-working and metal-working shop my Dad had beside our house, lots of tools and equipment in there. So Dad took a gun with him, can't remember what kind, and as he neared the shop he fired a shot into the air. The shop was made out of metal sections and whoever was in there was in such a hurry to get out that he tore a section of the wall out to get away.

Another night someone was trying to break into my parents' grocery store and my mother happened to be in it at the time. The store had doors at each end in the front and she grabbed a .45 revolver she kept under the checkout counter and opened the door at one end of the building and pointed it at the guys trying to break in at the other end. That was all it took, they left so fast that they forgot to take their flashlight and crowbar with them.

I Saw OJ

Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2004
Originally posted by: preslove
I own a .22 for self defense because I am a baddass motherfvcker who shoots motherfvckers in the damn eye.

Don't fvck with me ho, I'll shoot your damn eye out, b!tch.



Aug 17, 2000
After getting my head bashed in in my own house I won't be caught without it again.

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