Gun Violence

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Platinum Member
May 5, 2004
Originally posted by: Condor
Solve the drug problem, you solve most of the crime problems.

And thats a huge problem to solve....take away the money sources of these thugs and make them get real jobs....


Jul 11, 2005
i must say though, that even if you take away the money sources from the thugs... they'll simply resort to more violence to try and procure the funds necessary to continue their operations. i mean sure it would be nice to get rid of say the drug trade, but they will find something else to peddle on the streets. even if you shut down the access to the streets and selling anything, they'll simply commit more violent acts to get what they need. you can't necessarily "stop" the gun violence. as long as guns exist, and are around, there will be gun violence. even if every single gun were taken away, and i mean just simply vanished, they would use knives, or bare hands, or something. banning hand guns is, as most have posted, one of the dumbest and most asinine things i have ever heard of. i, for one, am a major proponent of guns and gun ownership. i agree that possibly more gun education for the average person could help to curb violence that is inflicted unintentionally and against the average person, but in a situation where two rival gangs simply open up on each other, firing as many rounds as possible on random trajectories? maybe a mandatory wearing of body armour would be more effective than a handgun ban. if a few more people were armed, and actually skilled in the use of handguns, accurate returned fire woul dhave curbed that issue quite quickly (seems a bit militaristic a solution though, and i'm giving the average educated gun owner a majore benefit of the doubt and overstatement of their abilities). though i'm not for the just random and even blanketing arming of everyone. i do think that arming a higher percentage would certainly curb violence, and dampen it, and lower the percentage... but will it ever completely eradicate it? nope. just be glad that most of the violence isn't inflicted with automatic weapons. i would take a few thugs with handguns and terrible aim over the same number and skill level with automatic weapons, with 30 round clips instead of 8-12 (or higher, depending on the handgun). that doesn't mean i'm condoning what happened, i'm just making a statement.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: addinator
i must say though, that even if you take away the money sources from the thugs... they'll simply resort to more violence to try and procure the funds necessary to continue their operations. i mean sure it would be nice to get rid of say the drug trade, but they will find something else to peddle on the streets. even if you shut down the access to the streets and selling anything, they'll simply commit more violent acts to get what they need. you can't necessarily "stop" the gun violence. as long as guns exist, and are around, there will be gun violence. even if every single gun were taken away, and i mean just simply vanished, they would use knives, or bare hands, or something. banning hand guns is, as most have posted, one of the dumbest and most asinine things i have ever heard of. i, for one, am a major proponent of guns and gun ownership. i agree that possibly more gun education for the average person could help to curb violence that is inflicted unintentionally and against the average person, but in a situation where two rival gangs simply open up on each other, firing as many rounds as possible on random trajectories? maybe a mandatory wearing of body armour would be more effective than a handgun ban. if a few more people were armed, and actually skilled in the use of handguns, accurate returned fire woul dhave curbed that issue quite quickly (seems a bit militaristic a solution though, and i'm giving the average educated gun owner a majore benefit of the doubt and overstatement of their abilities). though i'm not for the just random and even blanketing arming of everyone. i do think that arming a higher percentage would certainly curb violence, and dampen it, and lower the percentage... but will it ever completely eradicate it? nope. just be glad that most of the violence isn't inflicted with automatic weapons. i would take a few thugs with handguns and terrible aim over the same number and skill level with automatic weapons, with 30 round clips instead of 8-12 (or higher, depending on the handgun). that doesn't mean i'm condoning what happened, i'm just making a statement.

Drugs are easy money. It's also relatively safe and risk free to make $$ with Drugs. Taking away Drugs from Thugs will severely decrease the amount of Thugs. Perhaps not immediatley, but in time.


Senior member
Mar 4, 2005
We have a lot of freedoms in this country. And one freedom that Americans never bother to mention is the right to kill others and ourselves. There are literally pockets of American humanity who are actively conducting war on their fellow man. But who really cares? You? Me? Not really. Its sort of pathetic how people validate there reason for owning guns. The NRA or the second Amendment. Or the pure lunacy that Americans need guns to protect themselves from the government. Maybe you people don't realize this, but the government would kick your ass. I can't even imagine a scenario where American citizens would be able to hold off the government.

So the question should all guns be banned? It would probably be the for best you know. But no, guns do not need to be banned. Why ban something that isn't a issue? Are you telling me the majority of Americans care about black people? LOL. Another way of saying American majority is white people. Honestly do white people even give a sh1t? No. As long as the blacks keep their "issues" in the ghettos then there are no problems. Thats not to say white people don't abuse guns. Ever see what white people do when they get fired? They shoot up their church or job location. Or white people shoot themselves in the head when their sweet heart girlfriends dumps them. And thats about it. But these blacks and mexicans are literally fighting each other. Its a god damn war that isn't big enough at the moment.



Golden Member
Sep 1, 2004
Originally posted by: Oderus
Originally posted by: hscorpio
Originally posted by: Oderus

Alcohol and drugs should be legalized as we should have the freedom to choice what we like. If I drink at home I hurt no one, if I smoke a joint I'm also not hurting anyone. Guns have no purpose in life other than to cause harm. There's no magic there.

I really hate this tendancy people have to say they should have the freedom to choose those things they like, while at the same time denying others the freedom to choose something different that they don't approve of.

Hypocrisy at it's finest.

Drugs don't kill other people. They kill the user if they overdose which is impossible with marijuana. Guns are DESIGNED to kill, not defend. Police in our country say that if you want a weapon for defence you should buy a shotgun because they are hard to conceal and give you a better shot at close range unlike a handgun. (I've fired both kinds and many other types) two handed weapons are easier to use and although handguns can be used 2 handed it's still not as accurate.

To boil down my philosophy, I think people should have the right to do anything they want as long as it does not negatively affect anyone else. This kills Vic's point of a bucket half-full of water and he doesn't like it. Smoking in public or near an entrance is bad for everyone, etc etc.

Guns are designed to fire a bullet. Where that bullet goes and does is up to the PERSON firing it. Guns have many purposes to many different people. Stop trying to deny that they have any purpose other than murdering someone. They can, and are used successfully for defensive purposes all the time, thats why cops carry them.

Drugs are involved in FAR more deaths than guns, period. Look at alcohol, it's a poison basically. Some anti-drinking nut could make the same kind of argument that whiskey is designed to kill people. And what legit use is there really for recreational drugs that makes all those deaths justifiable? Thats the meat of the anti-gun crowds argument, that guns have no legitamite purpose/use to justify all the deaths they are involved in, and therefore they should be banned so we can save all those lives.

I'm just trying to point out how similar the whole anti-gun mentality is to the anti-drug mentality. Listen to those nuts who say pot should be wiped off the face of the earth and its sellers given the death penalty. I hear that same nut when listening to the anti-gun dribble.


Golden Member
May 8, 2005
Originally posted by: Generator
We have a lot of freedoms in this country. And one freedom that Americans never bother to mention is the right to kill others and ourselves. There are literally pockets of American humanity who are actively conducting war on their fellow man. But who really cares? You? Me? Not really. Its sort of pathetic how people validate there reason for owning guns. The NRA or the second Amendment. Or the pure lunacy that Americans need guns to protect themselves from the government. Maybe you people don't realize this, but the government would kick your ass. I can't even imagine a scenario where American citizens would be able to hold off the government.

The right to kill others and ourselves?? WTF are you even talking about? I know you probably don't realize this because you've obviously never taken a history class, but the American people have overthrown thier government once before, by being armed no less. Despite having one the most powerful armies in the world, we can't seem to kick the ass of smaller, less populated countries with much less technology. I'm pretty sure if push came to shove, the American people could hold their own, those of us that are armed anyway...
So the question should all guns be banned? It would probably be the for best you know. But no, guns do not need to be banned. Why ban something that isn't a issue? Are you telling me the majority of Americans care about black people? LOL. Another way of saying American majority is white people. Honestly do white people even give a sh1t? No. As long as the blacks keep their "issues" in the ghettos then there are no problems. Thats not to say white people don't abuse guns. Ever see what white people do when they get fired? They shoot up their church or job location. Or white people shoot themselves in the head when their sweet heart girlfriends dumps them. And thats about it. But these blacks and mexicans are literally fighting each other. Its a god damn war that isn't big enough at the moment.

All I have to say at this is WOW. What has this to do with the issue? Are you saying we should ban black people?? Are you saying that if more white people cared about black people that they would quit shooting the mexicans? Perhaps a ban on breakups or firings could help the white population out...


Jan 29, 2004
Originally posted by: BarneyFife
Nothing can be done. When a group of people start shooting at each other, the only thing you can do is pray and duck. The gun problem will never be solved because we aren't civilized in the US. People start pulling guns out on other people over the dumbest things. At least you can flip someone off in Europe without the fear of being shot at. You imagine how bad the problem would have been in France during the riots if handguns were legal? I don't even want to think about it. Fortunately for the US, we have done an excellent job of keep most gun violence in certain neighborhoods.

It wouldn't have lasted half as long that?s how it would have been. I saw video footage of some punks hurling molotovs at random cars driving by and they would just step on it and run. OMFG I would have locked the brakes and unloaded on the animals (use of a deadly weapon, threat of deadly force, arson of an occupied structure, etc, etc).

There is crime because people (i.e.: average Joe civilian) tolerate it and yield to it. It will get worse and worse until your average Joe citizen en masse grows some balls and does something about it instead of waiting for the police or the government to come up with some magical solution.

A lot of the tolerance comes from goody two shoes people who sit on a moral high horse and think they should never do anything "wrong." These are the kind of people who talk about how horrible crime is and always say "we need to do something", but swear they would never harm an invader or inflict violence on them because "it's just plain wrong" and they feel they are morally superior. You don't want crime but you don't want to punish or harm those who commit crimes in an effective way.

Committing an act of violence is not inherently evil, only the intentions behind the act are evil. You can still be a peace loving passive person and commit violence and still be morally superior if your actions are not of malice and ill will. The difference is that one person chooses under normal circumstances to avoid violence at all costs, but knows it's a fact of life and will resort to it as a last resort. This is the kind of person that would shoot a home invader, and put it out of his/her mind as an unfortunate incident and move on. They don't regret, and they don't look forward to it again, but they know they will do it again if they need to.

The other kind of person (i.e.: violent criminal) uses violence as a means to control, intimidate, extort, instill fear, feel empowered, and vent anger and hatred. These people are essentially a lost cause who have no place in a civilized society because they cannot respect the fundamental right of another person to his/her property (including his/her own body).

There is a third type of person who isn't a criminal of any kind, but are so passive and moral that they would stand by helpless while someone 10 feet away, even a family member, from them is beaten to death. This is the kind of person, who feels guns are wrong no matter what, and when you ask them what they would do if their family was assaulted; they reply ?I don?t know, but I don?t think its right to hurt someone else.? I prefer to think of them as lambs. These are the people I blame for crime. These are the average Joe citizens without balls that won't stand up and say "no more" or "not in my neighborhood". Instead they blame the police and guns for high crime.


Senior member
Mar 4, 2005
Originally posted by: thorny169

All I have to say at this is WOW. What has this to do with the issue?

What it has to do with the issue is that there is no issue. No problem. Do you think the majority of Americans care about 13,000 people getting shot dead a year? Or how about the millions of obese people who are literally killing themselves one bite at a time? Or about the countless drunks running into other people which results in 40,000 people dying a year?

So now maybe you can understand how Americans really do have the freedoms to kill each other and themselves. Maybe you don't know this, but humanity is still a simple beast. We got a long ways to go in this galaxy. We are still barbarians! And if humanity was a little smarter some freedoms should be restricted. But this the United States of America. The land of the free and all that. You literally have the right to fail yourself and others because this is a free country.

I honestly don't know why these seatbelt laws have been put into effect. Its as if some people have come to the realization that stupid people don't deserve freedom. Which is correct by the way, but it kind goes agaisnt the whole hypocrisy and theme of America.



Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Originally posted by: Generator
Originally posted by: thorny169

All I have to say at this is WOW. What has this to do with the issue?

What it has to do with the issue is that there is no issue. No problem. Do you think the majority of Americans care about 13,000 people getting shot dead a year? Or how about the millions of obese people who are literally killing themselves one bite at a time? Or about the countless drunks running into other people which results in 40,000 people dying a year?

So now maybe you can understand how Americans really do have the freedoms to kill each other and themselves. Maybe you don't know this, but humanity is still a simple beast. We got a long ways to go in this galaxy. We are still barbarians! And if humanity was a little smarter some freedoms should be restricted. But this the United States of America. The land of the free and all that. You literally have the right to fail yourself and others because this is a free country.

I honestly don't know why these seatbelt laws have been put into effect. Its as if some people have come to the realization that stupid people don't deserve freedom. Which is correct by the way, but it kind goes agaisnt the whole hypocrisy and theme of America.

There are some people who think that many freedoms, which we now take for granted, are more important than life itself. I consider the right to suicide one of these as it is the ultimate right we all inherently possess as individuals.

There is no such right for people to hurt/kill others without just cause (self defense).
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