[GURU3D] Did EVGA just Steal the Rivatuner RTSS design concept into PrecisionX 15 ?

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Senior member
Apr 25, 2002
EVGA isn't claiming they bought anything. They are trying to say that Precision 15 is all new and done in house. If that's their defense they're in trouble, because it's blatantly obvious they "slapped a new coat of paint on it" and called it their own.

And yet, it's the same core program and same Rivatuner backend that they contracted for and that's existed in Precision for what, 18 months now?

If the contract specifies EVGA owes licensing fees, then they owe fees for continuing to use it. Otherwise, the contract means they can continue to use what they previously bought & paid for. Without seeing the contract it's silly to rush to judgment on either side.


Aug 10, 2002
And yet, it's the same core program and same Rivatuner backend that they contracted for and that's existed in Precision for what, 18 months now?

If the contract specifies EVGA owes licensing fees, then they owe fees for continuing to use it. Otherwise, the contract means they can continue to use what they previously bought & paid for. Without seeing the contract it's silly to rush to judgment on either side.

Read the Guru3D post. Unwinder indicated some of the contract terms from his perspective.

The agreement defines the following intellectual property ownership terms: software product which I develop remains my copyrighted property, but during the contract the company receives exclusive distribution rights on it.

Second, I just decided to peek inside "in-house" application EXE. I'd better avoid doing so: even my original EXE string table is inside new executable as is. Including all the messages of original application, including all the messages of my proprietary USF skin compiler / decompiler built into original RivaTuner skinning engine, even including the references to original RivaTuner core libraries (RTTSH.dll). Even including the messages related to RivaTuner’s G15 LCD output module, which the company probably also tried to clone but couldn’t get working yet. Really, EVGA?


Mar 13, 2006
Yeah, Unwinder is an ass. He even admits in one of his posts on guru that EVGA didn't use his code. He's just all butt hurt about losing a customer and is throwing a tantrum about it.

The part he doesn't understand is that other companies are going to see his behavior and not do any business with him in the future. He's basically cutting his own throat.
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Aug 10, 2009
How is the blatantly obvious? Rivatuner isn't using some new and revolutionary design scheme. Literally, every program from the XP days looks like that.

And, all that is show are screen shots of the finished program. The code behind it could be entirely different. And if he (Alex) was contracted to code this for EVGA, he is screwed. Also, if Afterburner had these "advanced features" Alex is crying about before Rivatuner, prior art exists.

Read the article. The Afterburner features discussed were done by Unwinder/Alex for MSI. He didn't do them for Precision and EVGA got their panties twisted. He claims he wasn't contracted to do it for EVGA is why he didn't. EVGA hasn't disputed that. I guess they expected him to do it for free?


Aug 10, 2009
My opinion is, the guy who develops riva tuner (unwinder) is basically a jerk and is one of the most unpleasant people to converse with on the forums by a mile. Just look at his post history at guru3d. The guy's a piece of work. I mean there are jerks, and then there's unwinder, a whole new level.

I'm not sure what to think, but I don't think i'll lose any sleep if he's losing on licensing fees from EVGA. OTOH, I don't what ramifications are there - it seems to me that it's just reporting similar things as what the afterburner overlay does. Over apps do this as well. I mean, it's just reporting information. Is that wrong? I don't know. I don't have a problem with EVGA and this affects nothing, really, I guess unwinder really sticks out in my mind as being very rude, far more than anyone else i've ever seen really. Of course that doesn't affect whether this is wrong or right, and I don't know, but i'm inclined to say that many apps report the same thing with no ramifications. And unwinder being so unpleasant certainly doesn't make me want to join his cause. I mean what's the big deal. It is reporting GPU clockspeeds, memory, framerate, etc etc etc. Who cares? Tons of apps have done and will do this. Big deal.

That makes ripping off his work OK? I'm sure there are people here who think that you're a jerk, or I'm a jerk. Does that mean people can steal from us and it's OK? You say lose some royalties like it's trivial. It's how the person earns a living, feeds his family, puts a roof over his head.


Aug 10, 2009
And yet, it's the same core program and same Rivatuner backend that they contracted for and that's existed in Precision for what, 18 months now?

If the contract specifies EVGA owes licensing fees, then they owe fees for continuing to use it. Otherwise, the contract means they can continue to use what they previously bought & paid for. Without seeing the contract it's silly to rush to judgment on either side.

Please read what you are responding too. I'll repeat it. They are claiming it's completely new and done in house. Why would they claim that if they had "bought" anything? They would just say they paid for it and can do what they like, and they aren't.


Aug 10, 2009
Yeah, Unwinder is an ass. He even admits in one of his posts on guru that EVGA didn't use his code. He's just all butt hurt about losing a customer and is throwing a tantrum about it.

The part he doesn't understand is that other companies are going to see his behavior and not do any business with him in the future. He's basically cutting his own throat.

Really? Link?


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2008
So basically, this is a contract dispute?

It depends on the contract if they bought their own copy of the software versus if they were simply licensing the software from Unwinder... If it was only a license then EVGA's in trouble. But if EVGA bought their own copy then they're entitled to keep the design as it was from the date they parted ways.

Yes, but it is significantly more complicated than that.

I see above that apparently he is claiming they only got an exclusive license to the work. So the contract dispute almost certainly comes down to the validity of the license. So its not really a contract dispute, but more a copyright dispute with contract mixed in. The majority of copyright cases pop up in this scenario (ownership disputes between author and assignee/contractee)

Like the others are saying, if EVGA did a "clean room design" where they re-coded it from scratch, then Unwinder would have a much harder case. However, what most people do not know is that he almost certainly still would have a case. Verbatim copying is only one potential theory. There are less stringent manners of copyright protection. However, a number of "defenses" apply against non-verbatim copying. There's probably also grounds for trade dress appropriation under trademark as well. He might have a theory for breach of contract, but that of course depends on its terms. There's no way to tell who would win unless you've got access to all the relevant information, and the only way to get all that information is to be the lawyers involved in a lawsuit (were one to start)

EDIT: ^ The other thing is that very often companies will CLAIM to have done a clean room design, but because they don't carefully oversee their coders, or their coders are unaware of the copyright implications, pieces of code will get copied while they look at the original code "for inspiration" or "to see how it works." They aren't necessarily lying, but they might not have 100% of the information they need to back their claim up
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Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2006
jerk or not, probably not (because he single handily had to support millions of questions), it is his product with clear defined license... hope he sues for damages.


Senior member
Apr 25, 2002
Headfoot, thanks for the post. So I used the wrong terminology, it's a copyright dispute, but it still comes down to who actually had the rights.

Read the article. The Afterburner features discussed were done by Unwinder/Alex for MSI. He didn't do them for Precision and EVGA got their panties twisted. He claims he wasn't contracted to do it for EVGA is why he didn't. EVGA hasn't disputed that. I guess they expected him to do it for free?

And yet Unwinder took EVGA's suggestion and used it to improve a competitor's product instead. So apparently he doesn't have much in the way of scruples either. :whiste:


Mar 13, 2006
Really? Link?

From Unwinder:
Neither EVGA nor MSI have access to source code.

EVGA’s brand new “in-house” OSD is also open a simple rip of open source FW1FontWrapper overlay.

Sadly some "genius" from EVGA decided that it is also good idea to throw away not only original Precision codebase but also hard work of all users from EVGA community who worked on designing custom skins for EVGA Precision during these years.

The most sad and painful thing for me is that the company entirely copy-pasted RivaTuner’s unique concepts of displaying data into On-Screen Display.

Out intellectual property ownership terms of agreement define that I own software product copyrights, the company exclusively owns the product distribution rights as well as non-software intellectual properties like trademarks, product name, logos and artwork I create for them during the contract.
Etc., etc.

Alex is just being a Richard, per usual. Did you forget how he stopped working on the original software once he started to get paid by the AIB vendors?
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Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2008
Headfoot, thanks for the post. So I used the wrong terminology, it's a copyright dispute, but it still comes down to who actually had the rights.

Well, you're not wrong. It is a contract dispute. But it's also a lot of other things at the same time. Of course, Unwinder could theoretically not bring any of those other claims were he to sue, and make it a purely contract matter if he so chooses. But in all likelihood it does depend on the copyright status along with the contract status

In fact, there is a definite strategy involved in convincing the judge what body of law the dispute should fall into. Its commonly called characterization and it can significantly change how well you do. For example, he could have a weak claim in contract but a strong one in copyright and thus focus his arguments accordingly.
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Aug 10, 2009
From Unwinder:

Etc., etc.

Alex is just being a Richard, per usual. Did you forget how he stopped working on the original software once he started to get paid by the AIB vendors?

How is that being a dick? Ever heard of conflict of interest? Are you begrudging someone earning a living?

Also, while I'm not disputing what you are attributing to him, out of context quotes make it difficult to decide what he was saying. Why avoid giving links?


Mar 13, 2006
They're all in the link provided by the op. I don't see how to give direct links to comments at Guru.


Aug 10, 2009
They're all in the link provided by the op. I don't see how to give direct links to comments at Guru.

That's fine. At least I know where to look and see everything he said. I'm not sure what you are getting at though that makes him a dick? At least not in this instance.


Golden Member
Oct 28, 2010
That's fine. At least I know where to look and see everything he said. I'm not sure what you are getting at though that makes him a dick? At least not in this instance.

Trust me. The dude is a major "----"head. I asked him a simple question in a thread a while back that had a question similar to mine, and to avoid overloading the sub-forum with a gazillion threads..I just asked mine in it since it was related. His response was basically to curse me out about not making my own thread and tell me to read the instructions before finally deciding to tell me how to figure out what app was loading my auto 3d profile in desktop 2d mode. I had tried as hard as I could to research it to avoid asking him because I knew how he was but could not figure out how unfortunately. I posted on Guru quite a bit back in the day and he was always the rudest, most intolerable, person you could ever imagine. Pretty much to the point I could not tell if he was really being serious or sarcastic because it was seemingly borderline psychotic at times.

So, that makes it hard to sympathize with him. But, if EVGA did steal from him...then that is equally a turd move on their part and they should pay the price for doing so.
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Golden Member
Apr 14, 2007
I have asked in a number of forums so I ask here also

how many man years would it take evga to write Px from nothing ? if done 100% all in house.

people are talking about the code but what about the per card data base
this a overclocking software on very expensive hardware , so not just a monitoring tool.

so a per card data must be made ,voltage control , oc profiles and every card/s need to be tested which means cards need to be in the hands of someone that can run the test for the safe overclocking and then program that range of values into the program.

so did evga run/test on all these cards or just use the data base in RT which would be a copy and paste of work alex did over years.


Senior member
Jul 9, 2001
My opinion is, the guy who develops riva tuner (unwinder) is basically a jerk and is one of the most unpleasant people to converse with on the forums by a mile. Just look at his post history at guru3d. The guy's a piece of work. I mean there are jerks, and then there's unwinder, a whole new level.

I'm not sure what to think, but I don't think i'll lose any sleep if he's losing on licensing fees from EVGA. OTOH, I don't what ramifications are there - it seems to me that it's just reporting similar things as what the afterburner overlay does. Over apps do this as well. I mean, it's just reporting information. Is that wrong? I don't know. I don't have a problem with EVGA and this affects nothing, really, I guess unwinder really sticks out in my mind as being very rude, far more than anyone else i've ever seen really. Of course that doesn't affect whether this is wrong or right, and I don't know, but i'm inclined to say that many apps report the same thing with no ramifications. And unwinder being so unpleasant certainly doesn't make me want to join his cause. I mean what's the big deal. It is reporting GPU clockspeeds, memory, framerate, etc etc etc. Who cares? Tons of apps have done and will do this. Big deal.

Spoken like a true EVGA fanboy. I love how you totally shrug this breach of contract and say there's no problem. Have you ever been a victim of theft?

EVGA blatantly plagiarized from unwinder:
I just decided to peek inside "in-house" application EXE. I'd better avoid doing so: even my original EXE string table is inside new executable as is. Including all the messages of original application, including all the messages of my proprietary USF skin compiler / decompiler built into original RivaTuner skinning engine, even including the references to original RivaTuner core libraries (RTTSH.dll). Even including the messages related to RivaTuner’s G15 LCD output module, which the company probably also tried to clone but couldn’t get working yet. Really, EVGA?

blackened23's train of thought: "The developer is an asshole anyway, who cares, no big deal."

I honestly hope unwinder sues them.
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Diamond Member
Dec 17, 2004
Evga has withdrawn PrecisionX 15 and issued a statement:

We understand that there is a lot of confusion and misinformation in the internet community about Guru3D’s article titled “Did EVGA just Steal the Rivatuner RTSS design concept into PrecisionX 15 ?”. We would like to clarify the following:

Precision’s original main GUI concept was designed and provided to the community by EVGA in 2008.
The RivaTuner control panel and backend code in prior versions of Precision were developed and is owned by the RivaTuner developer. EVGA does not own the source code for any RivaTuner code. EVGA paid for the development and distribution rights per the contract.
The new EVGA PrecisionX 15 was coded from scratch by EVGA without copying any of the RivaTuner code.
Both RivaTuner and EVGA PrecisionX 15 make use of the NVIDIA NVAPI to communicate with NVIDIA graphics cards and drivers, which is owned and provided by NVIDIA.

Some people mentioned that the file structure in EVGA PrecisionX 15 is similar to the previous version of Precision. During development, we referenced the USF skin format (which has been published by RivaTuner developer at Guru3D forums in 2009 http://forums.guru3d.com/showpost.php?p=3316361&postcount=8 to allow the community to create their own skins). The above mentioned feature would make it simple to allow users to recompile any previous skins to work with the new version of PrecisionX 15. However, we do understand the confusion caused by trying to maintain this feature and we will change it in the next release.

Next, it was also mentioned that the code contains text references (not code) to the word “RivaTuner” and the word “RTTSH.dll”, a RivaTuner file. This actually came from the user interface localization / help (wording). During the original Precision development, EVGA worked with several outside firms to help translate user interface help files into various languages, unfortunately this is a misprint in the translation files and will be fixed. Again, no RivaTuner code was ever used in EVGA PrecisionX 15. We apologize to the RivaTuner developer for this error.

Originally our goal was to add more features such as 64bit OSD, Steam, updated voltage controls, and more to a new version without changing the Precision user’s experience that they were already familiar with. Unfortunately, the “similarities” between the two programs have led people to believe that EVGA might have copied the code and design from RivaTuner, which is not the case.

Given the circumstances, in order to remove any questions and to further differentiate it visually from the previous versions of EVGA Precision, EVGA has decided to listen to the community and suspend the downloading of EVGA PrecisionX 15 temporarily while these updates are being implemented.

Thank You,


Golden Member
Apr 14, 2007
We apologize to the RivaTuner developer for this error.
I guess they forgot his name already.


Golden Member
Dec 26, 2008
i see both sides.

One thing everyone should note is Unwinder claimed he would not pursue legal action against EVGA for what they have done. In my opinion, if he really had grounds suing them would have been the most appropriate thing to do. Not throw a huge public fit with slander and defacing involved.

The route he took is extremely interesting and it might even be telling. He probably had no real grounds for a lawsuit. Although he may not have grounds, his actions of defamation give grounds for EVGA especially if it hurts sales. So ultimately the way he handled this is could come back to haunt him in a very profound way. Not only from EVGA but he hurt his own image. No business would want to work with such a loose cannon.

In every single way a lawsuit would have been better. It is the way you handle a licensing dispute. So it really makes me question if unwinder really thinks that his code was actually used. I believe he knows it wasnt. But the idea, yeap. The style, yep. It look similar for sure. But in EVGAs mind they took over the project and they were trying to add the features they wanted.

Unwinder was angry with their decision (probably thought they couldnt do it without him) and blew up. It looks similar because EVGA didnt want to radically change the look of their software and make a big fuss. Had not unwinder blew a gasket, the majority of their users would know nothing about the fall out. And this is most likely what EVGA wanted to do. Quietly move on.


Diamond Member
Dec 17, 2004
i see both sides.

One thing everyone should note is Unwinder claimed he would not pursue legal action against EVGA for what they have done. In my opinion, if he really had grounds suing them would have been the most appropriate thing to do. Not throw a huge public fit with slander and defacing involved.

The route he took is extremely interesting and it might even be telling. He probably had no real grounds for a lawsuit. Although he may not have grounds, his actions of defamation give grounds for EVGA especially if it hurts sales. So ultimately the way he handled this is could come back to haunt him in a very profound way. Not only from EVGA but he hurt his own image. No business would want to work with such a loose cannon.

In every single way a lawsuit would have been better. It is the way you handle a licensing dispute. So it really makes me question if unwinder really thinks that his code was actually used. I believe he knows it wasnt. But the idea, yeap. The style, yep. It look similar for sure. But in EVGAs mind they took over the project and they were trying to add the features they wanted.
Whether he had solid legal grounds vs evga or not, it still may not be worth the time or trouble to pursue it as well as burning his bridges with them. I dont think theres much to gain from any legal action against evga anyway. If push came to shove, they could just say it was a mistake and alter the code or stop offering it as their software... which they seem to have done anyway.


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2011
blackened23's train of thought: "The developer is an asshole anyway, who cares, no big deal."

I honestly hope unwinder sues them.

I said that I am not sure if there are any legal grounds or not. Fact of the matter is, there is plenty of prior art of other applications doing the very same thing, and that's a fact. Whether the "look and feel" of the application is grounds for suing, I really don't know. All I know is that my interactions with unwinder, with me just asking him questions about afterburner, is that he is not a friendly person. In fact, I have not seen such a rude person on any forum ever like him. That makes it hard to sympathize with the guy.

Now if EVGA is in the wrong, he should fully pursue it. I stated in my prior post that I do not know if EVGA is in the wrong or right. I'm not a lawyer. But as an outsider looking in , there is prior art and plenty of other applications doing the very same thing. So that's my non expert opinion: the fact that prior art exists makes the claim very questionable if EVGA did indeed use all of their in-house code. But if they didn't use in house code, unwinder should certainly pursue legal action to the fullest extent possible.
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