Guy at UCLA computer lab gets tasered (now with youtube video!!)

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Golden Member
Jan 4, 2001
If fine with the first taze, but they should than drag his sorry butt out.

People. I do not know anyone who after being attacked is going to just say, "O, yeah, Your right, I'll just be a quiet little boy and follow your every command silently".

I know if I was tazed I'd probaly be a bit confused, hyper, aggravated, excited, adrenaline flowing.

Do I know what it feels like? No! Was it a 1 sec shot? NO! It was 3 shots till I stopped watching because that was sick.

It was like watching someone being tortured. Might as well been a POW from Afghanastan or Iraq. That it happens in an American University to a student who is yelling is sick.

If you condone the 2nd to whatever tazing, than maybe you should look at yourself and think about why you are proud of your country and what it stands for.


Diamond Member
Sep 23, 2006
Originally posted by: Mill
If they are not students, they have no goddamn business to be on campus.

Smoke more crack. Seriously. What a stupid comment. It is a Public University, and I'm sure there are thousands of employees, friends, relatives, and tourists looking around. And, I'm sure there are restaurants and businesses that the General Public uses. Perhaps UCLA all of a sudden grew massive gates with bomb-sniffing dogs, but I doubt it.

At 3:00am?


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Wreckem
Originally posted by: Mill
If they are not students, they have no goddamn business to be on campus.

Smoke more crack. Seriously. What a stupid comment. It is a Public University, and I'm sure there are thousands of employees, friends, relatives, and tourists looking around. And, I'm sure there are restaurants and businesses that the General Public uses. Perhaps UCLA all of a sudden grew massive gates with bomb-sniffing dogs, but I doubt it.

At 3:00am?

I believe you mean 11:30pm which was the time of the incident. 3:00AM was the press deadline for the Daily Bruin.


Platinum Member
Feb 9, 2000
Do you guys realize that in order to access those computers in Powell Library, you need a UCLA user ID and password?


Senior member
Dec 28, 2004
honestly, you have no idea...have you ever been taser'd? i was once, voluntarily. i wasn't shot, just had the electrodes taped to me (thigh and shoulder) i can tell you that it is the most pain i have ever experienced in my life. 3 seconds was an eternity. and quite frankly, i'd be pretty reluctant to use it on someone else, unless they were a direct threat. this is not a water pistol or bb gun, isn't a safe, easy alternative. use it like a real gun, not just inadvertantly.


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: pg22
Do you guys realize that in order to access those computers in Powell Library, you need a UCLA user ID and password?

then wtf are they checking ID for?


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: canadageek
honestly, you have no idea...have you ever been taser'd? i was once, voluntarily. i wasn't shot, just had the electrodes taped to me (thigh and shoulder) i can tell you that it is the most pain i have ever experienced in my life. 3 seconds was an eternity. and quite frankly, i'd be pretty reluctant to use it on someone else, unless they were a direct threat. this is not a water pistol or bb gun, isn't a safe, easy alternative. use it like a real gun, not just inadvertantly.

I believe around 100+ people have been killed as a result of police using tasers.


Senior member
May 7, 2006
I am enjoying that many of you believe that the tazer was unnecessary, but that it would've been totally fine for the police to beat the ****** out of the guy and drag him out kicking and screaming.


Aug 4, 2000
Originally posted by: wicka
I am enjoying that many of you believe that the tazer was unnecessary, but that it would've been totally fine for the police to beat the ****** out of the guy and drag him out kicking and screaming.

Taser him again if he shows up without ID. :thumbsup:


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2001
Couple of things -

First of all, tasers ARE dangerous. They should be used as a substitute for deadly force. Do you think what that moron did justified use of deadly force? Fsck no. A bunch of power tripping irritated cops just wanted to play with their new toys.

Secondly, the issue isn't with what this kid did - it's that cops are getting worse and worse. If you roll over to some douchebag 'having a bad day' emotionally unstable cop in this type of situation, what next? You park in a no-parking zone and get body slammed (wait... already happened here in atlanta) etc etc etc.

As a retail sales clerk you can make mistakes. Who cares - stupid mistakes and abuse of power is UNACCEPTABLE for law enforcement. The bottom line is that it takes a 'special' type of person to be a cop - the type you really don't want in a position of power. This is simply a case in point.


Golden Member
Aug 8, 2001
That student was a complete idiot. Just get your ass up, get your ID card, and come right back. Instead, he decideds to be a little b!tch about the whole thing and gets himself tazered.


Golden Member
Jun 19, 2000
Whether Tabatabainejad had some sort of punishment coming his way for failing to comply in a timely manner with orders from CSOs is up for debate. But the fact that UCPD officers shocked Tabatabainejad with a Taser five times for merely being uncooperative should concern everyone.

Quoted from the DailyBruin Article

An article in the Lancet Medical Journal in 2001 reports that a charge from a Taser of three to five seconds can result in immobilization for five to 15 minutes.

Also shocking is witnessing the male student who was threatened with a Taser after requesting an officer's badge number.

Quoted From another DailyBruin Article2

Video evidence suggested that Tabatabainejad's wrists had already been restrained by the third time he was stunned, which eyewitness reports confirmed.
Feb 19, 2001
Originally posted by: wicka
I am enjoying that many of you believe that the tazer was unnecessary, but that it would've been totally fine for the police to beat the ****** out of the guy and drag him out kicking and screaming.

No one says beat the sh*t out of the guy. Do you know what a take down means? You put him on the ground and you cuff him. That does nto require taking out your baton and whacking him 10 times. Yes dragging him kicking and screaming is better than tasering him and then dragging him out kicking and screaming. GG money.

Plus he wasn't kicking, so it would've just been dragging. So either you taser and make a scene and have the public yell at you, or you do it in a less intrusive manner by just cuffing him and taking him out.


Dec 28, 2003
Well, I herad on the news this morning that the kid is sueing either the school or the security company. Good for him. I hope he sues the hell out of them, and pays for his college education and much more. And next time, he'll also think twice about being a trouble maker.


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2004
Originally posted by: Syringer

People in the "community" are bringing up "police brutality" accusations too, which is absolutely ridiculous. He wasn't beat up, he wasn't even hit at all. Calling police brutality on cases like these would be a great insult to american heroes such as Rodney King.

Just because you are not punched does not mean you are not being brutalized.

And Rodney King was on coke and attacked police further even after they knocked his ass down in the first place. He is not a hero, but rather a scumbag junky.


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2004
Are there any non-youtube links to this video? Maybe a direct link to a video file? I would really like to see it to make my own judgements, but youtube is blocked at work .


Platinum Member
Feb 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: pg22
Do you guys realize that in order to access those computers in Powell Library, you need a UCLA user ID and password?

then wtf are they checking ID for?

Heh, good question. I guess for extra safety? All I know if that I've been in that exact room many, many times without my Bruin ID, past 11pm.

Keep mind, when I say you NEED ID/pass, you need them not only for those private stations you see in the video, but also for the "Quick 10 minute" stations.

Basically, if you're not a student, it's almost impossible to use any type of computer at Powell Library.

Dessert Tears

Golden Member
Feb 27, 2005
My original post, in which I distinguish between normal and "drive stun" Taser modes.

Originally posted by: Flatscan
It should be no more strenuous than standard pain compliance. I wonder how well breaking the student's fingers - accidentally, but fairly easy to do with inadequate training - would have gone over.
A more appropriate application of pain compliance would have been a wrist lock, which is less likely to cause accidental broken bones. With the student going limp, an arm lock could lead to serious injury if his body weight were suddenly applied against the lock.

Originally posted by: LS20
Originally posted by: Flatscan
How many UCPD officers responded? I believe I saw 3 or 4 in the video, which is insufficient to simultaneously remove the student and perform crowd control.
My reasoning and conclusions, mostly from listening to the video:
  • If "drive stun" was used, it is unlikely that the student was incapacitated and unable to stand.
  • The student demonstrates that he is capable of speaking when he yells a couple or few times (not counting the screaming as the Taser is applied). At no point did I hear "I have a medical condition" (as one of the articles claimed - please post an approximate time if you heard it), "I can't get up", "my legs don't work", etc.
  • Since it is likely that the student was capable of standing and did not specifically protest that he was unable, I believe that his not standing was deliberate non-compliance as described in the police report.

1. there would be no riotous crowd if he was simply dragged from the library
2. it matters not whether he was incapacitated by the tazer or not, because...
1. Just in general, it seems like a good idea to keep at least one officer free to cover even a peaceful crowd. From the video, I thought that 2 officers were having difficulties moving the student, which is likely why they attempted to gain compliance after the initial application of the Taser.
2. Whether he was incapacitated is related to whether additional Taser applications were justified, given the context. It's not completely irrelevant. If he was not incapacitated, repeated applications of the Taser could plausibly force him into compliance.

I avoided addressing your other points, as I want to formulate my position. Please specify if you would like me to address them in a later post.

Originally posted by: Ricemarine
Originally posted by: Flatscan
The student demonstrates that he is capable of speaking when he yells a couple or few times (not counting the screaming as the Taser is applied). At no point did I hear "I have a medical condition" (as one of the articles claimed - please post an approximate time if you heard it), "I can't get up", "my legs don't work", etc.
he says he has a ****ing medical condition.
Thank you, I missed it - I went back and reviewed that segment.

Originally posted by: Ricemarine
3. Medical condition? Either the guy should've stated his medical condition if it would help not get him tazed again. That should've given a warning to the officers to avoid tazing him. Remember the article where a kid was killed by being tazed? Difference in age could mean nothing. Each body reacts differently to shocks.
4. Yes, being tazed could leave you immobilized. After the first one, since he was capable of talking, ok fine. 2nd thru 5th was not. Hence why people stood up for the guy.
I posted earlier that "drive stun" mode has reduced effectiveness and reduced danger of sudden death. This is not to say that it can't be a factor in a death, but it is less likely to be the proximate cause.

Within the last few years, an unruly male passenger died after being subdued by other passengers. In order to restrain him, one or more passengers had sat on him once he was under control. He had not been asphyxiated, he had had a heart attack as a result of the stress leading up to the disruption, from the disruption itself, and from being restrained. He also had the existing medical condition of being overweight.


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2005
Originally posted by: Gooberlx2
Originally posted by: George P Burdell
Fvcking racist rent-a-cops

race? wtf does that have to do with anything?

the kid was being a whinny a-hole. obviously he could walk, he got there and was not in a wheelchair! medical?? bull crap.


Golden Member
Feb 10, 2002

God, the guy who got stunned sounds like a tard. People should stop pulling the race card blah blah.

He said that Tabatabainejad, when asked for his ID after 11 p.m. Tuesday, declined because he thought he was being singled out because of his Middle Eastern appearance. Yagman said Tabatabainejad is of Iranian descent but is a U.S.-born resident of Los Angeles.

So, did he have his card on him than?

I still don't think they needed to taser him 5 times.



Senior member
Sep 14, 2004
The police report looks much more probable than the news report. I mean, it's just totally illogical for a cop to get physical with a person when the person is complying with the cop's request to leave.

I'd have sympathy for him if he didn't yell "**** you" at the cops and start talking about the patriot act as loud as he possibly could. Just do what the cops tell you to and tell them you have a problem with it after they've gotten you into the back of the car. At this point they will be much less tense and won't feel you are a threat any more.


Nov 20, 1999
Originally posted by: fishmonger12
The police report looks much more probable than the news report. I mean, it's just totally illogical for a cop to get physical with a person when the person is complying with the cop's request to leave.

I'd have sympathy for him if he didn't yell "**** you" at the cops and start talking about the patriot act as loud as he possibly could. Just do what the cops tell you to and tell them you have a problem with it after they've gotten you into the back of the car. At this point they will be much less tense and won't feel you are a threat any more.

Tell me what you're supposed to do when you're handcuffed and they keep tasing you regardless.


Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: swimscubasteve
The cops weren't rent-a-cops, they were police officers. The guy didn't comply so he got tasered. Then he wouldn't get on his feet after he was ordered to about 8 million times so he got tasered again (FYI, you you have full mobility about 3 seconds after being hit by a taser).

I don't see what the problem is except for there being too many douchebag college students.

Ive seen people that couldnt get up for minutes.
Feb 19, 2001
Originally posted by: fishmonger12
The police report looks much more probable than the news report. I mean, it's just totally illogical for a cop to get physical with a person when the person is complying with the cop's request to leave.

I'd have sympathy for him if he didn't yell "**** you" at the cops and start talking about the patriot act as loud as he possibly could. Just do what the cops tell you to and tell them you have a problem with it after they've gotten you into the back of the car. At this point they will be much less tense and won't feel you are a threat any more.

Except there's video evidence + bystanders to confirm stories.

The police report was written after the incident meaning they already knew their asses were on the line and a few people includign the department + administration are going to get a LOT OF FLAK for their actions, so they had to bend the truth as much as possible.
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