[H]Titanfall just 6v6

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Senior member
Feb 9, 2010
This really isn't a sensible point you're making. You're basically saying that a MOBA shooter is better than a TDM game type because games already have TDM. Your logic is literally hipster logic--it must be good because it's not popular!

If people legitimately wanted a MOBA shooter, don't you think that said MOBA shooter would be getting worked on somewhere? Maybe a major minority (which includes you) wants it, but that's not how a company works--you don't aim to provide a service that won't have much of an audience (unless you're a luxury provider who charges $1,000 per product).

But like I said, we're getting a bit of a MOBA thing in Titanfall. We have the mindless drone A.I. that will barely register on your threat meter, but it's there as an attention span checker. That's what the creeps in MOBAs are. That's what the A.I. guys are in Titanfall.

Titanfall literally has that MOBA element in it, just without a static base to defend. Guess what? People are complaining up and down the streets because they think that the inclusion of A.I. combatants is moronic, and I can't exactly blame them and say that their complaints aren't justified.

Hmm, so in your world the same thing over and over again is good. Your world must be really boring.

And Id hardly consider the inclusion of random NPC = MOBA.


Feb 5, 2001
So from the majority of the reviews I've read from people in the beta from various forums is it boils down to this. PC gamers don't care for it, Console gamers think it is amazing. lol


Golden Member
May 2, 2011
So from the majority of the reviews I've read from people in the beta from various forums is it boils down to this. PC gamers don't care for it, Console gamers think it is amazing. lol

I think there is a serious barrier between PC gamers and console gamers. You tend to see more critique and criticism from the PC gamers while the console ones usually give in to what ever they get. I mean you rarely hear the cries of the console game. Were pretty loud over here on the PC side and I guess thats because most of us have a higher technical background that allows us to make judgement on games based on rehashed game play, sub par graphics, and disrespectful business practices. Oh, and don't forget we have all seen the light!


Senior member
Oct 24, 2006
So from the majority of the reviews I've read from people in the beta from various forums is it boils down to this. PC gamers don't care for it, Console gamers think it is amazing. lol

Bingo. If I was playing this on my Xbox One, and that's all I had, sure... I can see how it'd be a bit more interesting, as it does overall feel a bit more console-ized, from the console quality graphics, down to the small maps, to the small amount of players, and the fact its not a half bad title in a starved-for-games new generation of consoles. In fact it fits in very well with that scope of FPS player mentality on consoles.

On PC though, its kind of "meeeeeh". But we definitely have higher standards to uphold to. I played 2 hours of the beta. Have yet to start it back up. Probably won't either. Too busy with Hawken, Strike Vector, NaissanceE and Last of Us: Left Behind today.


Senior member
Oct 17, 2005
So from the majority of the reviews I've read from people in the beta from various forums is it boils down to this. PC gamers don't care for it, Console gamers think it is amazing. lol

I'm in the beta rather than quoting random stuff from the internet.

The game is quite fun. I've already maxed level and unlocked just about everything. Will it have the longevity of games like TF2? Not sure the variety is quite there.

The hullabaloo about the bots is stupid. You can ignore them 95% of the time. More than 6 players on the current maps would be terrible. Choke points and the action when you have 12 titans and 12 pilots running around is already chaotic enough. I hope they allow custom maps and higher numbers on servers, but the game is fine in 6v6. I'd always prefer that gamers have the choice to play whatever amount of people they want. TF2 is 6v6 in competitive. I preferred 12v12 most of the time. 16v16 is just a straight up spam fest. Sometimes I wanted a spam fest, though.

6v6 in Titanfall is definitely the most balanced, but sometimes I want spam and maybe bigger maps. Unfortunately, I think we might all be held back by the fact the game is backwards compatible with the 360.


Feb 5, 2001
I'm in the beta rather than quoting random stuff from the internet.

Good for you, I'm in the beta as well and can't even play it due to some bug. When the vast majority of people from various forums all give for the most part the same opinion, it is easier to believe then just random quoting.

I'm not saying the game is good/bad etc. It was a simple observation. Look at this very thread, PC gamers don't like it, yet look in the console forum in the last page of the Xbox One thread and they like it. Super small sample size with just this forum, but it repeats across many.


Senior member
Mar 31, 2011
My main impression so far - feels like CoD with mechs and double-jumps/parkour. The chaos on offer is pretty cool, but there's nothing in the core gameplay that has wowed me to this point. We'll see if it retains my interest, but I'm not holding my breath right now.


Jul 13, 2000
Biggest overhyped glorified gaming flop since Daiketana
John Romero's About To Make You His Bitch.... :biggrin:
Daikatana single player was horrid but the few nites my old clan played it we had a decent time. Not anywhere near Quake 3 or Unreal Tourney level but imho biggest FPS hype flop is Duke Nukem Forever.

No beta key yet :'( When people refer to it as "CoD with mechs" I have to question which CoD? I love Black Ops 2 and let's say CoD ghosts is the most vile word u can mention on my clan's teamspeak. Most got burnt for Ghosts $120 preorder and its just about worst fps I have played disregarding the lag and rampant cheating. The difference for me between BO2 and Ghosts is how campy Ghosts is compared to BO2 where aggression is rewarded. If its BO2 w/ mechs count me in, if its ghosts w/ bots uuggh... My clan continues on with small steam BO2 community and BF4 infantry which is good but autobalance servers tend break our squads up once we commence beatdown.

Last question is how does Titanfall compare to Hawken? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?


Senior member
Oct 24, 2006
Last question is how does Titanfall compare to Hawken? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

HAWKEN is more like Unreal Tourney style MP with Mechs, and only Mechs. The game maps are also a bit larger, and you can highly customize each part of your mech and its core.

Titanfall is, of course, COD with Mech's as a temporary use for Killstreaks. Everything is more confined and your going to spend a lot more time on foot than in a mech.

The better Mech game is HAWKEN. Though it's all mech and nothing but mech. Though I do find HAWKEN more enjoyable than Titanfall, as #1.. it free, #2 it doesn't feel at all pay-to-win, #3 the level design is more open with a bit more roaming and freedom, #4 it looks better graphically (though not by much) and is more competitive than Titanfall. A lot less fluff to it too. Oh, and hawken supports my beloved oculus rift.
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Golden Member
Jul 6, 2004
6 vs 6 will be ok since sales figures show thats about all the bone owners.. almost, less then half the sales of its competition, trending down. Sad I was looking at it this gen, liked the tv/game feature. COD with mechs, they meant BF2042 which had mechs and was quickly forgotten (but was fun). Most of the reviews i read sound like.. well most reviews..its Ok.. nothing we havent seen before.. HALO brought the (extremely playable) FPS to consoles.. they are banking on this like its something new.. it inst.. doesnt mean its a bad game.. its to bad.. "by the guys who made XXX" you know it so-so when they keep saying that.. fanboys please apply! is what it should say. Ah well, i hope its good, right now Ryse was , best forgotten.. and there inst much else to play. and the competition, while selling ok.. has squat to play too.. Killzone is pretty.. and .. well its ok.. that's about it.. hmm you think having 90% FPS game for the last 10 years.. maybe its getting old?


Senior member
Oct 17, 2005
HAWKEN is more like Unreal Tourney style MP with Mechs, and only Mechs. The game maps are also a bit larger, and you can highly customize each part of your mech and its core.

Titanfall is, of course, COD with Mech's as a temporary use for Killstreaks. Everything is more confined and your going to spend a lot more time on foot than in a mech.

The better Mech game is HAWKEN. Though it's all mech and nothing but mech. Though I do find HAWKEN more enjoyable than Titanfall, as #1.. it free, #2 it doesn't feel at all pay-to-win, #3 the level design is more open with a bit more roaming and freedom, #4 it looks better graphically (though not by much) and is more competitive than Titanfall. A lot less fluff to it too. Oh, and hawken supports my beloved oculus rift.

Actually, as someone who played thousands of hours in various mechwarrior games I wouldn't consider Hawken a mech game either. I had extraordinary high hopes for Hawken to be the next MW:2 but was sorely disappointed by its simplified dynamics.

Titanfall isn't really a mech game either by traditional standards. The titans add some pretty cool tactical tools are fast, but they don't act like "mechs". Putting them in slave mode is just too much fun.


Senior member
Oct 24, 2006
Actually, as someone who played thousands of hours in various mechwarrior games I wouldn't consider Hawken a mech game either. I had extraordinary high hopes for Hawken to be the next MW:2 but was sorely disappointed by its simplified dynamics.

Titanfall isn't really a mech game either by traditional standards. The titans add some pretty cool tactical tools are fast, but they don't act like "mechs". Putting them in slave mode is just too much fun.

Nevertheless, HAWKEN is more mech than Titanfall pretends to be.


Diamond Member
Sep 6, 2005
I got to try the beta myself last night. Def just another FPS in the pack. I didn't think it was a bad game but nothing at all new and not at all worth it's hype or the $60 price tag.

I did feel it ran really well for me though and I like how fast I was able to take down people. Seemed like the server tick rates were really good.

Lil Frier

Platinum Member
Oct 3, 2013
Hmm, so in your world the same thing over and over again is good. Your world must be really boring.

And Id hardly consider the inclusion of random NPC = MOBA.

Do you have a degree in twisting words? You should look into joining Congress or something.

Just because I don't demand a complete change on everything, it does not mean that I only like one style of play. Stop putting words in my mouth. Stop making assumptions. Your argument is extremely flawed here, and the fact you are drawing assumptions the way you are has me sick of trying ot have a "rational" conversation with you.

You are the one who keeps saying that everything is TDM or Capture and Hold, even though every shooter has alternatives, plenty of which I pointed out for both Halo and CoD (and it carries over a bit into Gears, CS:GO, and TF2 as well). You keep making the same point about game types over and over, and it's a flat-out lie.

I give up. Ignorance wins.

Lil Frier

Platinum Member
Oct 3, 2013
"by the guys who made XXX" you know it so-so when they keep saying that.. fanboys please apply! is what it should say.

I think there's a bit of that, but also a bit of the opposite. I didn't like what Infinity Ward did at the end of the Respawn team's run. Saying it's from those people is actually a turn-off to me. At the same time, how many people have come in here complaining about it for being like CoD? There are just as many people dumping on Titanfall for being from the CoD makers as there are people considering it because of that fact, at least in this thread.

So what I'm curious about, since people are saying it's a console shooter, what's a PC shooter nowadays? Personally, there are times I flat-out HATE CS:GO. I've been dying to see Unreal and Quake come back. If Titanfall is bad for being a CoD clone, CoD is obviously bad as well. Is the answer the buggiest shooter of all time, Battlefield?

I just see nothing but negativity towards everything nowadays, I'm wondering which shooter(s) the PC community consider playable.


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2002
I just see nothing but negativity towards everything nowadays, I'm wondering which shooter(s) the PC community consider playable.

A lot of PC gamers are snobby nerds with a sense of entitlement. They actually believe they're better than console gamers and that consoles have no redeeming qualities whatsoever. If a game is on both PC and console then it must be terrible. If a game has less than 100 simultaneous players or can be played on a sub $400 graphics card or looks worse than Crysis 3 they feel insulted that the developer even has the nerve to release the game or price it at $60. How dare they right? Even if the game has those qualities there will be mass complaining however. On top of that is the standard "hating things because they're popular" behavior that a lot of people do.

It's not everybody though. Just ignore the people like that imo.
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Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2010
Try the beta, short term fun that I think should be $29.99 or $39.99 to start. I don't see it as a game changer though, but it's been fun in small doses. Feels very antiquated in gameplay though.


Golden Member
Apr 6, 2001
My main impression so far - feels like CoD with mechs and double-jumps/parkour. The chaos on offer is pretty cool, but there's nothing in the core gameplay that has wowed me to this point. We'll see if it retains my interest, but I'm not holding my breath right now.

I agree with this. The game isn't bad at all but the second I logged in I "felt" the CoD vibe. It's a fun in very short bursts but I don't think I'd pay $60 for it. I'd actually be more apt to purchase it on console (if it were coming to PS4 that is).
Feb 4, 2009
A lot of PC gamers are snobby nerds with a sense of entitlement. They actually believe they're better than console gamers and that consoles have no redeeming qualities whatsoever. If a game is on both PC and console then it must be terrible. If a game has less than 100 simultaneous players or can be played on a sub $400 graphics card or looks worse than Crysis 3 they feel insulted that the developer even has the nerve to release the game or price it at $60. How dare they right? Even if the game has those qualities there will be mass complaining however. On top of that is the standard "hating things because they're popular" behavior that a lot of people do.

It's not everybody though. Just ignore the people like that imo.

Not so much, I do feel that consoles are kind of dominated by new gamers and they simply expect less. As a PC gamer here is what I expect:

Dedicated servers
and dedicated servers that won't shut down after 24 months
Reasonable amount of players like 16 or more per match
Controls and on screen text/menu's that are made for a monitor & keyboard
Some kind of a voice client for shooters
I'm fine with DLC just don't constantly nickle & dime me
I'd like people to be able to mod games (my biggest gripe with BF3)
Graphics make them look nice on a mid range machine. Its a myth that you need to constantly update your video card. Hell I'm still rocking a GTX260 yes I'll need a new card for Star Citizen but that is about the only reason I'd get a new one.
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Diamond Member
May 13, 2008
I think there is a serious barrier between PC gamers and console gamers. You tend to see more critique and criticism from the PC gamers while the console ones usually give in to what ever they get. I mean you rarely hear the cries of the console game. Were pretty loud over here on the PC side and I guess thats because most of us have a higher technical background that allows us to make judgement on games based on rehashed game play, sub par graphics, and disrespectful business practices. Oh, and don't forget we have all seen the light!

PC Gamers are very judgemental. PC users in general HATE change. Look at the adaptation of Windows 8 for example. Windows 8 isn't bad at all. It's actually better than Windows 7. I've been able to do everything I normally do on Windows 7 faster on Windows 8. The interface, once you get used to it is very efficient. The all inclusive search thing allows me to launch applications and get to exactly what I need every time in under 1 second. It's great.

PC Gamers have a TERRIBLE habit of calling something bad before they even get their hands on it.

I'm excited for TitanFall, but I'm more excited for a game that is 6v6 or something small. The reason I don't like Battlefield that much is because it's a HUGE game. In the end, most of what you do as a single player means nothing as there are SO many other people. Also, the "team" aspect of the game is lost. Most people aren't using mics (from what I've seen anyway), there isn't much coordination at all. Just people running around. When I played Halo 4 (4v4 infinity slayer), or other small 4v4,5v5,6v6 games there is TONS of cooperation. Your input as a team member means a lot more. Halo 4 infinity slayer was my favorite mode, I dominated it as well which helped. I'll be interested in playing this TitanFall Beta.

Battlefield 4 was interesting, but the fact that I can go AFK, and still win the game(because after all there are 31 other players), just makes me feel like I'm not even really playing.

Edit: I honestly hate this trend of "My game needs to be 64 player+!!!!!". I think it just feeds into the ADD gamer who can't stay focused and needs to run into a new player every 1 second or they get bored. Most players I see online can't keep track of where people are on the map in a 5v5 game of a MOBA. They have 0 clue what they're doing in a big shooter they just run around with no real strategy at all. It's so boring. Just because you cram more people into a map doesn't make the game any more tactical/better of a shooter. A good shooter could be a 3v3 game for all I care, it all is dependent on how you make the game/map and how you get players to interact. TBH, if you replaced everyone in a game of BF4 with bots, I doubt many people would even notice -.-
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Golden Member
May 2, 2011
PC Gamers are very judgemental. PC users in general HATE change. Look at the adaptation of Windows 8 for example. Windows 8 isn't bad at all. It's actually better than Windows 7. I've been able to do everything I normally do on Windows 7 faster on Windows 8. The interface, once you get used to it is very efficient. The all inclusive search thing allows me to launch applications and get to exactly what I need every time in under 1 second. It's great.

PC Gamers have a TERRIBLE habit of calling something bad before they even get their hands on it.

I'm excited for TitanFall, but I'm more excited for a game that is 6v6 or something small. The reason I don't like Battlefield that much is because it's a HUGE game. In the end, most of what you do as a single player means nothing as there are SO many other people. Also, the "team" aspect of the game is lost. Most people aren't using mics (from what I've seen anyway), there isn't much coordination at all. Just people running around. When I played Halo 4 (4v4 infinity slayer), or other small 4v4,5v5,6v6 games there is TONS of cooperation. Your input as a team member means a lot more. Halo 4 infinity slayer was my favorite mode, I dominated it as well which helped. I'll be interested in playing this TitanFall Beta.

Battlefield 4 was interesting, but the fact that I can go AFK, and still win the game(because after all there are 31 other players), just makes me feel like I'm not even really playing.

Edit: I honestly hate this trend of "My game needs to be 64 player+!!!!!". I think it just feeds into the ADD gamer who can't stay focused and needs to run into a new player every 1 second or they get bored. Most players I see online can't keep track of where people are on the map in a 5v5 game of a MOBA. They have 0 clue what they're doing in a big shooter they just run around with no real strategy at all. It's so boring. Just because you cram more people into a map doesn't make the game any more tactical/better of a shooter. A good shooter could be a 3v3 game for all I care, it all is dependent on how you make the game/map and how you get players to interact. TBH, if you replaced everyone in a game of BF4 with bots, I doubt many people would even notice -.-

I agree completely. On a side note however, if you are excited for a 6v6 game why not just play CS GO 5v5, thats probably the best shooter out on PC right now for competitive play.


Platinum Member
Jun 4, 2011
PC Gamers are very judgemental. PC users in general HATE change. Look at the adaptation of Windows 8 for example. Windows 8 isn't bad at all. It's actually better than Windows 7. I've been able to do everything I normally do on Windows 7 faster on Windows 8. The interface, once you get used to it is very efficient. The all inclusive search thing allows me to launch applications and get to exactly what I need every time in under 1 second. It's great.

You couldn't be more wrong. We hate consoles because they stifle gaming progress with their long lifespans. After all, they are a day late an a dollar short on power compared to PCs even before their next gen releases. Developers wanting to cash in on all platforms are confined by the weakness of the consoles on what content can go into a game.

And windows 8 blows!
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