HAHAHAHAHAH...... So my girlfriend wakes me up in the middle of the night...

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Oct 11, 1999
Originally posted by: Izzo
My dad and I were driving to Florida a couple years ago. He was driving and I was sleeping in the back seat. I had one of those "I'm falling" moments where you wake up with a loud gasp. I'm sure he thought I saw something that was going to lead to an accident or our demise. Needless to say it scared the shiet out of him.

Another time, I woke up in the middle of the night. I was sleeping on my side and my arm was DEAD asleep. Usually you can feel that pins and needle sensation. But not this time. I had absolutely no feeling in my arm. So I rolled onto my back and lifted my arm up with my other arm to inspect it. When I was done, it seemed like a good idea in my groggy state to let go of my arm and go back to sleep. Well, it came crashing down and I punched myself in the face.

OMG, I read you post and was like wtf... then I read the last part about punching your self in the face and nearly DIED laughting!!! LOL!! Man I had a mental picture of your hand just crashing in to your face buahahaha!

I dont really talk in my sleep. One time I had a weird nightmare where I was falling and BAM! fell right out of the bed with a loud thud and woke up thinking the house was falling apart! hahaha. My mom asked me what the noise was the next day and when I told her, she LHAO.


Elite Member
Jul 26, 2000
Originally posted by: silverpig
Originally posted by: Swag1138
My friends wife elbowed him to get him to roll over one night, and at the first touch, he jumps out of bed screaming "HOLY HELL, ASSASSINS!!!!!!"

Ha, best one so far.

haha, i can't stop laughing as i read this thread


Apr 1, 2001
omg, some of these are waaaaaaaaay too damn funny......I don't know if I want to ask my ex if I ever said anything or not


Golden Member
Nov 14, 2000
This happened a few years back when I was serving in the army.
I shared an army bunk with about 10 guys.

One night after a particularly tiring day, we all fell asleep the minute we hit the beds.

Later in the night, the section commander walked in to check on us, and according to what he told us later, I was shouting out drill commands, and my buddies were obeying them in their sleep.

"zzz.....face left ...." and everyone would obey.

Everyone nearly killed me after they found out i was the reason they had such a crappy night's rest. Hehehehehe.

Think we must have been really tired



Jan 23, 2001
When I was real young, my parents came in to find me trying to climb up my bedroom wall. When they asked me what I was doing, I said "I'm trying to get to the second level!"

Another time (more recent... last year), I walked into my roomates room. He was still up. I sat down and said something really random (don't remember what), and he said "wtf are you talking about?" I said "I'm asleep, aren't I?" and he said "yah, I think so." So I went back to bed.


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2003
My girlfriend regularly talks in her in her native Serbian (she's from Yugoslavia) ... it sounds pretty cute

One night, she sounded really pissed.

When she woke up, she was pissed atme. Evidently, she dreamt that I was cheating on her with her best friend ... she was pissed at me for the rest of the day for something that I did in her dream


Jan 19, 2001
One night I was at my brothers place, where he had fallen asleep on the couch. A few of us there hear him mumbling stuff so we creap up close to him and hear him wisper "people are going to die." Not fazed by this we ask who is going to die? His reply... "Everyone, I have seen the contracts."

To this day when we are gaming at his place, right before some one wins a match they scream out "Someone is going to die! I have seen the contract!"


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
one time i was asleep, and my sister was in my room on the computer working on the project.

I woke up suddenly, sat up and said "what the hell are those buck naked people doing?"

she started cracking up. i remember blurting something out, but don't recall what it was, so i'll take her word for it.

oh yea, when i was 10, i fell out of my bed and hit my head on the trash can. i woke up and felt tears on my face and my parents were in my room. I asked what was going on, and they said i was crying because i hit my head, and got a bad bump on my head too! i think if i was awake, i would have just taken the pain. i still don't recall crying but had tears on my face.

i went and wrestled that morning at a tournament!

That dead arm thing scares me when it happens. i'm worried the blood stopped flowing and it's gonna turn gangrenous! :disgust:

Also, when i dream, i'm usually some sort of action guy where i have some neat abilities and stuff, but it's more realistic than that. my heart starts thumping, and i'm getting to the point where i can finish my dreams. bout to start one right now. im out


Golden Member
May 20, 2002
One time in Creative Writing we had some free time this girl and the guy in front of her fell asleep...well all of a sudden the entire class hears this loud reverberating fart released. Everyone is pointing and laughing at the girl..then all of a sudden the guy in front of her wakes up looks around the room smiling and all of a sudden waves and says "Sorry it was me " then promptly laid his head back down OMFG I almost died laughing right then and there


Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2001
For those of you who don't know my background, I'm a Mormon, and served as a missionary for the church when I was 19 years old. Anyway, all missionaries bound to go on their mission go to a Missionary Training Center for about 3 weeks (or 8 weeks if they are going to a foreign mission). The sleeping quarters are quite cramped -- 6 guys to one dorm.

One night, I was sleeping, when all of a sudden, I'm woken up by the sound of some of my fellow missionaries talking. Apparently, the big guy (named Watson) in our group started talking in his sleep, and the other guys realized this and started talking to him.

Watson was talking as if he were a twelve year old boy! He was telling all his experiences about school, his good grades, going to church, and how he was so excited to get the priesthood (Mormon boys receive the priesthood at twelve) and participate in passing the sacrament (communion) to the members of the church at Sunday worship services.

The other guys then decided to play along with him -- they started taunting Watson while he was still asleep! Watson, still dreaming (or whatever) in that twelve-year old boy mode, started talking back in a very frustrated mood. "Stop it, you're making fun of me, stop it! I don't like you guys, go away!" It was quite amusing to hear, but then it got just downright hilarious when Watson said, "I'm going to tell my mom!" and then yelled "MOM!!!!!!!!" as loud as he could.

This went on for about another five minutes with the other guys taunting Watson and Watson not liking one bit of it. He got about two more "MOM!!!!!!"'s in before we finally woke him up.

What's even better that was that all of this conversation was recorded on tape. We played the tape for him, but he couldn't recall anything that just happened. It was priceless!


Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2000
Ah, my crazy sleep patterns and the hillarity that ensues... When I was in high school, I would fall asleep in the shower in the mornings before school. My mom would have to come in and wake me up. Normally all she would do is come in the bathroom and flick the lights on and off, or reach in and turn the water over to cold. One morning though, I must have heard her come in while asleep, so I busted out of the shower, completely nude, yelling at her. She just looked at me and said "What the hell is your problem?!?" I snapped right out of it. Another morning in high school I got up a couple of hours earlier than I should have to get ready for school. I was completely dressed and almost out of the door before my parents told me to go back to bed.

College is where things got really interesting... I would wear headphones and listen to music when I went to bed as my roommate would stay up late a lot of times. I would talk in my sleep alot, most of it incoherent. Sometimes I would even sleep-walk and end up in the living room. The best moments came after moving out and in to my own place. I woke my GF up once screaming "BLOOD!" at the top of my lungs. I could actually smell blood in my sleep, and dreamed that the walls in my room were covered with it. Another night I sat up in bed, clawing at my face thinking hoards of insects were attacking me. I bolted for the light switch, and after turning in the bright over-head light and realizing I was dreaming, the GF was freaked out. I calmly turned off the light and went back to bed, but now she was too scared to sleep.

The best was one night when the GF first started sleeping over. I have a "side" of the bed, and she insisted on sleeping on my side of the bed. I told her it was a bad idea, but she wouldn't listen. The following morning, I was half-awake and half-asleep. I reached over to turn off the alarm, and planted my elbow right in her eye. It made a disgusting squishing sound, and I freaked out. Naturally, she awoke with quite a start and in pain. Honestly, I was more scared than she was... she had to calm me down. Fortunately, her eye was fine. There was no blood, but I did take her to an optomitrist later that morning to have her checked out. She was fine, but I don't think the doctor believed the story... He privately told her that if I was beating her, that she should call the police.

We broke up several years ago, and I sometimes I wonder if I scared her one too many times in bed... Since then I've been living on my own, and while I've woken up from falling in my dreams, or occasionally woken and was scared out of my mind for no reason, I have no record of talking in my sleep because no one is around.

Oct 9, 1999
At a big BASSCAT fish tournamen on mountain home, AR one year, in the hotel I was rilling a fish in my sleep. Dad woke me up asking if it was a spot on the lake we were gonna fish at.

Sometimes I call my gf in the middle of the night(3am or so). Ill sit there and pick at saking her how much she loves me, shes like i dun no wana go bed(she cant make full sentences when woke up from sleep) its so funny. Ill be like WAKEUP in a loud angry voice, even though she would still be half alseep she would try to pull a serious one out like "DERRICK, I am woke up, leave me alone."

One time I asked her how much she loved me, she said about an hour and a half.
I was like wtf


Senior member
Jun 9, 2003
Originally posted by: CaseTragedy
Originally posted by: Aharami
Originally posted by: Cuda1447
Originally posted by: hoyaguru
My wife and I both talk in our sleep. I have one of those little dictation tape recorders, you can set it to record when it hears a sound and stop recording a few seconds after the sound stops. We'd set it every night on the headboard, and listen to it the next day, most days there was nothing but every once in a while there was some incredibly funny stuff. We had conversations with each other sometimes, it made no sense at all. I copied them to .wav files and they are on her computer.

well what are you waiting for? UPLOAD EM!

i second that
in for the .wavs also

OK, you asked for it. I'll upload a couple and post when they are up.



Senior member
Jun 9, 2003
Here you go, a small sample of me and the wife talking in our sleep:

Cover on We have a conversation about how cool I am because I have no covers on. Neither of us knew anything about this until we heard it on the tape recorder the next morning.

Coughin Starts with a question about a pillow, goes into "coughin out with cough". Again, no idea on this until we heard it.

Noise OK, I'm guessing I made this noise as I can't imagine my wife doing this, though I can't make a noise like this while I am awake. This freaked us out when we listened to the tape.

Enjoy. Get yourself one of these dictation tape recorders, I'll bet most people do this and never realize it.


Golden Member
Sep 25, 2003
Originally posted by: derrickperry
At a big BASSCAT fish tournamen on mountain home, AR one year, in the hotel I was rilling a fish in my sleep. Dad woke me up asking if it was a spot on the lake we were gonna fish at.

Sometimes I call my gf in the middle of the night(3am or so). Ill sit there and pick at saking her how much she loves me, shes like i dun no wana go bed(she cant make full sentences when woke up from sleep) its so funny. Ill be like WAKEUP in a loud angry voice, even though she would still be half alseep she would try to pull a serious one out like "DERRICK, I am woke up, leave me alone."

One time I asked her how much she loved me, she said about an hour and a half.
I was like wtf

a little insecure? i would get pissed off if my bf called me at 3am and asked me how much i love him


Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2001
Originally posted by: hoyaguru
Here you go, a small sample of me and the wife talking in our sleep:

Cover on We have a conversation about how cool I am because I have no covers on. Neither of us knew anything about this until we heard it on the tape recorder the next morning.

Coughin Starts with a question about a pillow, goes into "coughin out with cough". Again, no idea on this until we heard it.

Noise OK, I'm guessing I made this noise as I can't imagine my wife doing this, though I can't make a noise like this while I am awake. This freaked us out when we listened to the tape.

Enjoy. Get yourself one of these dictation tape recorders, I'll bet most people do this and never realize it.
Oh, you've GOT to post more of those. That cough one is HILARIOUS! The gurgle one is pretty freaky though.



Platinum Member
May 3, 2002
Originally posted by: hoyaguru
Here you go, a small sample of me and the wife talking in our sleep:

Cover on We have a conversation about how cool I am because I have no covers on. Neither of us knew anything about this until we heard it on the tape recorder the next morning.

Coughin Starts with a question about a pillow, goes into "coughin out with cough". Again, no idea on this until we heard it.

Noise OK, I'm guessing I made this noise as I can't imagine my wife doing this, though I can't make a noise like this while I am awake. This freaked us out when we listened to the tape.

Enjoy. Get yourself one of these dictation tape recorders, I'll bet most people do this and never realize it.

I'd say aliens for the voice Or an odd fart....


Moderator<br>All Things Apple
Jul 19, 2001
Originally posted by: hoyaguru
Here you go, a small sample of me and the wife talking in our sleep:

Cover on We have a conversation about how cool I am because I have no covers on. Neither of us knew anything about this until we heard it on the tape recorder the next morning.

Coughin Starts with a question about a pillow, goes into "coughin out with cough". Again, no idea on this until we heard it.

Noise OK, I'm guessing I made this noise as I can't imagine my wife doing this, though I can't make a noise like this while I am awake. This freaked us out when we listened to the tape.

Enjoy. Get yourself one of these dictation tape recorders, I'll bet most people do this and never realize it.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... I like coughin the best...


Diamond Member
May 24, 2000
Years ago, my mom told me she heard my dad talking in his sleep. He said, "wouldn't that be nice?" so she asked him "what would be nice?". He answered back, "having seven wifes"!!


Senior member
Jan 7, 2003
Ohh, too many to tell.

I've, several times, been talking to someone in my dream, I'd wake up (but it was pitch dark) and keep talking to them. and eventually figure out that I had been dreaming, turn on the lights and realize i was talking into the closet.

The worst one though happened on my honeymoon. We were staying in a condo and apparently I left the bed in the middle of the night and went into the living room and slept nekkid on the couch for the rest of the night. Scared the crap out of my wife as she woke up to me gone and thought I had left her.

I've also woken up to me peeing into my clothes hamper. Apparently it looked like a urinal while I was asleep.

One time, I sat up in the middle of the night, shook my wife awake saying "Are you all right, are you all right?!?"... Why was i saying this.. well, a piano had fallen on her in my dream.


Senior member
Dec 4, 2002
My gf talks in her sleep all the time. It wakes me up occasionally and i try responding, then i remember she is just sleep-talking. Gets kind of irritating sometimes, but its all good.


Senior member
Jun 9, 2003
My wife once screamed at the top of her lungs in her sleep at 3:00 in the morning. Nice way to wake up, I think I know what a Vietnam flashback feels like.
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