Haiti: Obama's Katrina

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Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
I-10 from Baton Rouge was fine.

Lake Ponchartraiin bridge survived and was open for Emergency traffic.

So only 1 of 3 major road arteries was down.

Please state only facts, not fiction.

The I-10 twin bridge over Lake Ponchartrain was destroyed and rendered useless.

About 120 miles or so of the I-10 corrider east of NOLA was destroyed.

Everyone seems to forget about the other states that were heavily damaged by Katrina.



Jul 11, 2001
Well, the obvious difference is that Obama's not obligated to lift a finger. Haiti is not part of the US in any official way. It was the Bush administration's duty to respond to the crisis caused by Katrina. They didn't just drop the ball, they kicked it into the Bushes.


Jun 15, 2001
The I-10 twin bridge over Lake Ponchartrain was destroyed and rendered useless.

About 120 miles or so of the I-10 corrider east of NOLA was destroyed.

Everyone seems to forget about the other states that were heavily damaged by Katrina.


I live north of Waveland, MS, which was obliterated by Katrina. I don't recall I-10 being destroyed. It was flooded, and there was debris, but I don't recall it being destroyed. Poor local and state government and residential apathy is what made New Orleans so bad.

South Mississippi pulled together, New Orleans fell apart.


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
I live north of Waveland, MS, which was obliterated by Katrina. I don't recall I-10 being destroyed. It was flooded, and there was debris, but I don't recall it being destroyed. Poor local and state government and residential apathy is what made New Orleans so bad.

South Mississippi pulled together, New Orleans fell apart.

The Interstate 10 Twin Span Bridge over LakePontchartrain north of New Orleans, La., was rendered completely unusable by Hurricane Katrina. The cause of the collapse of the bridges....



May 1, 2006
You know, wheres Hugo? That guy likes to talk shit all the time I dont see him ponying up. Oh thats right.

The world, as usual, like to talk shit about America and blame all the problems on us. However, when a country actually needs help who rides to the rescue? America.

I think I stated this in an earlier post in this very thread. How as an American I'm tired of being brow beaten for all the problems of the world, and then being guilted into helping every poor, cold and hungry person.

Fuck it. Let someone else send a carrier group. Let another country send 100 million in aid. Let another country take some refugees. The world wants to point the finger at America well i say its high time we wave goodbye to the world and let them handle their own damn problems.

You know it's funny, you making claims against Venezuela and being corrected by Kage69.

Here's an article about how the US has ignored the role of Cuba helping in its reports:


Just goes to show another example of how ideologues fir the facts to the opinion.

You know they didn't help because they suck, which you know because of ideology saying they suck, and their not helping you just know, proves you right.

Specop 007

Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
You know it's funny, you making claims against Venezuela and being corrected by Kage69.

Here's an article about how the US has ignored the role of Cuba helping in its reports:


Just goes to show another example of how ideologues fir the facts to the opinion.

You know they didn't help because they suck, which you know because of ideology saying they suck, and their not helping you just know, proves you right.

Cuba isnt known for its riches and wealth. It also doesnt make a point of condemning the Imperialist Emprie of America on every stage it can find. Thats interesting to know they helped.

Venezuela on the other hand loves to throw around accusations and hate toweards America every chance it gets. Venezuela isnt exactly known for being a poor country. It has valuable natural resources. The best they can muster up is a cargo plane of aid with a promise for more?

You realize Americas monetary contribution alone could buy that cargo plane and everything in it 10 times over right? Let alone the value of our soldiers who are on the ground, the carrier etc etc etc.

My point is Venezuela would be better served putting there money where their mouth is.

But its nothing new. The world loves to talk about the evil of the American Empire all while we shovel aid into shithole countries around the world. If the world wants top hate us and blame us for all the evils maybe we should take our money and toys and tell the world to fuck off and starve no? I mean if you needed help and every time your neighbor came over to help you you kicked him in the balls how long would he continue to come over to help?

The world likes to hates America, but it surely doesnt turn away our money does it.


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
Specop 007,

You act as if you wrote that 100 million check out of your personal account. In reality you're probably a worthless sack of shit just like Zebo that sits on the AT forums acting important and spouting your inane bullshit day in and day out.

Specop 007

Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Specop 007,

You act as if you wrote that 100 million check out of your personal account. In reality you're probably a worthless sack of shit just like Zebo that sits on the AT forums acting important and spouting your inane bullshit day in and day out.

I think you have completely missed the point. That doesnt surprise me.


Nov 10, 2003
Not to mention: Katrina - it was known well in advance that help was going to be needed. You don't get 72 hours advanced notice for 7.0 earthquakes.

But..but..but..but...GWB sent the SEALs and blew up the levees to save white neighborhoods because he never cared about black people....K. West and S. Lee said so and it must be true.<sarcastic>

On the serious side, Katrina was a prime example of failure on ALL levels = local <chocolate major and pathetic population> state <clueless and crying governor>, and federal <good job brownie president>. Funny how some of the posters just blame on GWB and ignore other causes.
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Oct 11, 1999
I have been involved with countless disaster drills and I get so damn tired of the hindsight and naysayers, by their very nature these occurrences are disasters, spinning them into political fodder is so goddamn lame.

Even the most structured, funded, and best logistics in the world are like pissing into the wind in a disaster...

I really wish the hell the world would grow up a little.

Haitians were fucking eating dirt cookies before the quake, and people expect a clean, effective disaster relief program?


I think I just pissed myself again...


Jul 17, 2003
On the serious side, Katrina was a prime example of failure on ALL levels = local <chocolate major and pathetic population> state <clueless and crying governor>, and federal <good job brownie president>. Funny how some of the posters just blame on GWB and ignore other causes.

There are multiple posters on this thread, myself included, who noted that the blame for Katrina is not relegated to Bush alone. If the thread subject makes you insecure about Bush's severe failings in regards to Katrina, perhaps one of the many troll threads hanging around is more your speed. Or, you could just read the whole damn thread before making sweeping generalizations. Just a thought.
Edit: NM svnla, you did say "some," my apologies.

Just goes to show another example of how ideologues fit the facts to the opinion.
A well worn path for these guys Craig, for sure. I could provide links concerning charity drives other poor Caribbean countries are doing for aid, or updated scheduling regarding food and water shipments, but these parrots don't care. Dumbass here is still acting like there's just been a single flight from Chavez and nothing else is planned. That kind of blind ideological behavior aside, it takes a real assh0le to bitch and moan like that when there are people are still piling up their dead mangled children in the streets. If only Haiti had a few oil reserves and/or a pugnacious dictator, then these asshats would be all for parking a few vessels off the coast long term.
God damn these talk-radio sheep make me sick.
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May 1, 2006
But..but..but..but...GWB sent the SEALs and blew up the levees to save white neighborhoods because he never cared about black people....K. West and S. Lee said so and it must be true.<sarcastic>

On the serious side, Katrina was a prime example of failure on ALL levels = local <chocolate major and pathetic population> state <clueless and crying governor>, and federal <good job brownie president>. Funny how some of the posters just blame on GWB and ignore other causes.

Uh, your criticism of the mayor is his race?
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May 1, 2006
Cuba isnt known for its riches and wealth. It also doesnt make a point of condemning the Imperialist Emprie of America on every stage it can find. Thats interesting to know they helped.

Venezuela on the other hand loves to throw around accusations and hate toweards America every chance it gets. Venezuela isnt exactly known for being a poor country. It has valuable natural resources. The best they can muster up is a cargo plane of aid with a promise for more?

You realize Americas monetary contribution alone could buy that cargo plane and everything in it 10 times over right? Let alone the value of our soldiers who are on the ground, the carrier etc etc etc.

My point is Venezuela would be better served putting there money where their mouth is.

But its nothing new. The world loves to talk about the evil of the American Empire all while we shovel aid into shithole countries around the world. If the world wants top hate us and blame us for all the evils maybe we should take our money and toys and tell the world to fuck off and starve no? I mean if you needed help and every time your neighbor came over to help you you kicked him in the balls how long would he continue to come over to help?

The world likes to hates America, but it surely doesnt turn away our money does it.

One of your problems, Specop, is that the idea a country can do good and bad is beyond you.

You're fine praising a country as all good, and you're fine attacking a country as all bad.

But if you mix sponsoring death squads in one country, and providing great aid relief for disastrer in another cuntry, you have to decide whether you like the country and then pick one.

The US does bad things. These are not chnaged bvy you burying your head in the sand and dmissing them by say8ing someone "loves to say them". That's you being ignorant, ideological, less than honest.

The US does good things. You mentioned this.

You don't realize, I'd bet, that you are supporting all kinds of evil with your approach and inability to address the bad parts - something ouir nation was designed for the citizens to do, but you do not.

It's not all yuor fault - there's a massive media effort to sell you on doing just that. You are weak enough to fall for as many are. But you have encouragement also to get better informed and be more responsible.


Nov 10, 2003
Uh, your criticism of the mayor is his race?

Oh, did you know anything about Nagin said things about NO would be a chocolate city again? Did you know about his ability to make stupid statements over and over such as 9-11 site was a hole in the ground..shall I go on? My previous remark was about his inability to lead/lack of leadership/no planing or preparation for incoming crisis with plenty of advance notice <as noted by DrPizza's post>, not his race. Craig, I expect more out of you.
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May 1, 2006
Oh, did you know anything about Nagin said things about NO would be a chocolate city again? Did you know about his ability to make stupid statements over and over such as 9-11 site was a hole in the ground..shall I go on? My previous remark was about his inability to lead, not his race. Craig, I expect more out of you.

I'm glad to hear you expect good from me, but I was going by your post, in which you listed the problems as including a "chocolate mayor". I didn't read that as a mayor who made the chocolate city comment.

Ineed I didn't see any of those reason, only "chocolate mayor". So, you have sort of clarified, I think, you didn't mean his race, but the other things you listed.

But I still don't see that much connection between these 'things you don't like' and his performance in Katrina. You might have a great list condeming him for Katrina, but I haven't yet seen one.

In other words you asked the right question, and the answer is yes you should go on, with things he did relative to Katrina. I'm not denfending him, just commenting on the attack made.


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
You were doing good up till this point. After that you seemed to descend into the typical ignorant bush bashing we see here all the time. Anyone who continues to try to blame the aftermath of Katrina on Bush is a moron who didn't pay attention to the FACTS.
Written by a moron who isn't even aware of the facts.


Jun 3, 2002
Easily the worst thread on P&N in a while. To equate the country of Haiti with the state of Louisiana...it really prompts the age old argument of whether ignorance is the result of genetic or environmental stupidity, or simply both.


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2006

As leader of the most successful nation on earth, Obama, the man who can pass a $1T stimulus bill with pork and stimulus up the wazoo for constituents, needs to get on the ball with this one and actually provide some HELP to these people. Rescuing 200 Americans doesn't count.

Obama is the head of state in Haiti? News to me! Violins in the street! Someone must put a stop to violins in the street!


Nov 10, 2003
......But I still don't see that much connection between these 'things you don't like' and his performance in Katrina. You might have a great list condeming him for Katrina, but I haven't yet seen one.......

Ask and you shall receive. If you want more, I can get more.

Nagin also received strong criticism for his performance during the hurricane crisis. The mayor&#8217;s critics pointed out that evacuation before a storm is a local and state responsibility. They said Nagin should have worked harder to move poorer residents out of the city. To make the point, television footage showed dozens of school buses, left idle during the evacuation, stuck underwater after the storm. Nagin should have stored more supplies at the Superdome and convention center, critics said. Some questioned why Nagin stayed at the hotel, where communication with officials elsewhere was more difficult, rather than joining other city officials at an evacuation command center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Some accused him of exaggerating the crisis: at one point, he estimated that 10,000 people might have died due to the storm, an inflated number. He, like his top police official and many news reporters, also declared that female refugees at the Superdome had been raped, which was later debunked as a false rumor. Even his decision to focus the police on rescue efforts rather than preventing looting was questioned. As the crisis gave way to cleanup, more of Nagin&#8217;s actions became controversial. He announced that people could return to some parts of the city in mid-September, then reversed himself when federal officials warned a second hurricane, Rita, might threaten New Orleans. When many workers of Mexican descent came to New Orleans to help with the recovery, Nagin, who wanted city residents to get clean-up jobs, told a meeting of local businessmen he would help &#8220;make sure that New Orleans is not overrun by Mexican workers,&#8221; according to the BBC. Tim Padgett of Time summarized the conflicting opinions of Nagin by describing him as &#8220;up-right but erratic.&#8221;
That was before the mayor made his most infamous comments of all, in January of 2006, at a Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday event. He declared, according to Martel of the Washington Post , that Hurricane Katrina was a sign that &#8220;God is mad at America&#8221; over the war in Iraq and over African Americans committing violence against each other. Addressing the fears that the city might not rebuild its black neighborhoods, he declared, &#8220;It&#8217;s time for us to rebuild New Orleans&#8212;the one that should be a chocolate New Orleans. This city will be a majority-African-American city. It&#8217;s the way God wants it to be.&#8221; The &#8220;chocolate New Orleans&#8221; comment appeared to be a reference to a 1975 song by the funk band Parliament, &#8220;Chocolate City,&#8221; which celebrated how many American cities had black majorities. Rather than reassure black residents, the speech angered whites, especially his comment about the white Uptown neighborhood: &#8220;I don&#8217;t care what people are saying Uptown or wherever they are. This city will be chocolate at the end of the day,&#8221; he said, according to CNN.com. People in New Orleans and across the country condemned the speech. Nagin apologized for his comments about a vengeful God, saying they were inappropriate. He said he had meant to let black residents know they were still welcome, and had not meant to imply that Uptown residents were racist.


and more: http://www.usnews.com/usnews/opinion/articles/050921/21leo.htm
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Senior member
Dec 20, 2007
Call me heartless but I'm sick of giving money to other countries that we really don't have and will never see anything in return.

Two Words: Rugged Individualism.

For all you bleeding heart liberals:
When are WE going to get our Bail Out?


Moderator<br>All Things Apple
Jul 19, 2001
Only in P&N would such a retarded fucking premise such as the one presented by the OP be argued about for 7 pages.

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