Halo 4 - November 6th


Dec 14, 2000
I'm preordering. My favorite series of gaming followed by quake, zelda, mario, and of course, Leisure Suit Larry.

Its been 5 years since Halo 3 was released, yet it feels like it was just last week. I'm giddy with anticipation, and will probably take the 6th off work to play it.

I'll get the standard edition as I can't stand multiplayer gaming on consoles.

"The story of Halo 4 will be focused less on the Halo series' traditional straightforward first-person shooter genre, instead relying more on mystery, exploration and discovery.[15] Developers described the game as being grand in scope and scale."
"It has also been stated that there will be more diversity to Forerunner structures, including fully active Forerunner technology as opposed to the mostly inert and abandoned structures seen in the earlier games."


American Gunner

Platinum Member
Aug 26, 2010
I am looking forward to it. I enjoy the Halo series, and hopefully I will have a few friends to run co-op with on the campaign.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
what is different in regards to multiplayer between the standard edition and the others?

i really haven't heard or seen a peep about this game other than what was shown at e3.

ill probably buy it.


Jan 29, 2004
Oh look. Another watered down cut and pasted casual mainstream first person shooter. Yawn.


Dec 14, 2000
what is different in regards to multiplayer between the standard edition and the others?

i really haven't heard or seen a peep about this game other than what was shown at e3.

ill probably buy it.

Halo 4 will be released in two separate retail versions, branded as "Standard" and "Limited" editions.[24][25] The Limited Edition will include access to future downloadable content in the form of three competitive multiplayer map packs, containing a total of nine maps.[24][25] It will also include digital items for Xbox 360 avatars and in-game Spartan-IVs as well as early access to customization options.[24][25] A 90-minute extended version of the live action digital series, Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn and a UNSC Infinity Briefing Packet are also included with the Limited Edition version.[24][25]


ASUS Support
Jul 5, 2012
Is this one going to be centered around the book where the Master Chief and Arbiter wind up on the Forerunner Ark station?

And while I'm at it, if anyone else has ready the books, am I alone in thinking that the game adaptations have had absolutely HORRENDOUS editing of the script? Halo 1 wasn't TOO bad, except that the audio was mixed so badly it kept burying the vocals at key moments, and it does little to tell ANY of the backstory. Why is there only a single Spartan, why doesn't every gropo have a fancy suit of shielded armor? Why is it humanity is at war with the Covenant? The second game, however... The civil war breaks out within the Covenant, and there's basically NO explanation whatsoever in the game to really tell you why unless you read the book that takes place between Halo 1 and 2. We won't even get into the Gravemind. Maybe now that the Halo franchise is under new stewardship some of these issues will be addressed.

But from a gameplay standpoint, I am personally hoping for at least some basic Gears style cover mechanics, and maybe even also some Gears style squad-based helper monkeys controlled by the AI or even friends in a co-op campaign. Doesn't have to be quite as extensive as Gears, since you have shields and all that, but in most of the books the Spartans are squads, not just one sort of super soldier. Reach kind of had some of this, except all that ends up happening is you keep trading off dance partners.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2011
Can't wait for this. I've always like the Halo series, and Halo Reach is still good stuff.


Dec 14, 2000
But from a gameplay standpoint, I am personally hoping for at least some basic Gears style cover mechanics, and maybe even also some Gears style squad-based helper monkeys controlled by the AI or even friends in a co-op campaign. Doesn't have to be quite as extensive as Gears, since you have shields and all that, but in most of the books the Spartans are squads, not just one sort of super soldier. Reach kind of had some of this, except all that ends up happening is you keep trading off dance partners.

I'm hoping for the complete opposite. Couldn't stand the mechanics of Gears and the cover system. I want a traditional FPS where you jump sideways to dodge, but no duck and cover stuff. I played GOW for about an hour or more and just couldn't stand that gameplay. I would, however, like to see some of the MDK make its way into this game. I loved MDK/MDK2 and the perspective of it.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2003
I've always enjoyed the Halo games. Are they overrated? Sure, but that's just gaming these days.

Yes, they've gotten a bit stale, and it's pretty clear the last two were blatant cash grabs, and the series is in serious danger of overextending itself.

But, the core game's gameplay is always solid, the storytelling is engaging, and I always get a kick out of co-op. Good, old-fashioned split screen co-op.


ASUS Support
Jul 5, 2012
I'm hoping for the complete opposite. Couldn't stand the mechanics of Gears and the cover system. I want a traditional FPS where you jump sideways to dodge, but no duck and cover stuff. I played GOW for about an hour or more and just couldn't stand that gameplay. I would, however, like to see some of the MDK make its way into this game. I loved MDK/MDK2 and the perspective of it.

I was thinking something a bit less than Gears, because obviously having shields would allow for some tactics you couldn't do otherwise, but at the same time, there's just no way someone is just going to kind of stand out in the open and rely on dodging from side to side. I'm fine with game devs taking a few liberties with reality for the sake of gameplay, but at least IMO, the complete lack of any kind of cover system in Halo just goes to the other extreme where it's so unrealistic it detracts from the game. Especially like early on in the first Halo game, when you first run into Hunters. There's just no way you're going to have someone not try and take advantage of cover in a situation like that.

I could see a lot of room for a kind of happy medium. You can kind of duck behind a wall or rock or something, but make it easy to pop up and shoot at enemies. Find various ways to discourage people from just sitting in cover all the time.

Of course as long as they improve the story telling over the initial trilogy, I could live without the cover. Reach was much better in that regard, even if the game only had kind of a loose connection to the book of the same name.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2003
Biggest concern is that the studio that developed this 343 industries has essentially ZERO developer experience. If you look at their history they've developed Halo waypoint which is not a game and Halo CE edition...which, again, is not a game as they just added a few items.

Other than that they were, according to wiki, given control of halo reach and its servers which means nothing. This is as green as it gets for a studio to develop a known franchise.

There is a big chance that this could be awful so I would probably wait for the reviews first.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2011
343 have plenty of experience:


On April 29, 2010, Bungie announced that Halo: Reach would be their last Halo game, and that all future projects would be developed by 343i.[8] During this transition, some Bungie staff members transferred to 343i. Their first project was Halo Waypoint, a downloadable application for the Xbox 360 and later Windows Phone 7, iOS & Android where players can track their accomplishments through the Halo series of games as well as keep up to date with the latest Halo related news and content. 343i also developed Halo: Reach's second map pack entitled "Defiant" in conjunction with Certain Affinity. Additionally, the studio was involved in the development of Halo Legends, a collection of animated short films based on the Halo lore. When Pandemic Studios was liquidated, a large number of staff moved to 343i.

American Gunner

Platinum Member
Aug 26, 2010
Biggest concern is that the studio that developed this 343 industries has essentially ZERO developer experience. If you look at their history they've developed Halo waypoint which is not a game and Halo CE edition...which, again, is not a game as they just added a few items.

Other than that they were, according to wiki, given control of halo reach and its servers which means nothing. This is as green as it gets for a studio to develop a known franchise.

There is a big chance that this could be awful so I would probably wait for the reviews first.
Almost all of their members have developed for other studios, so I don't think that will be a problem.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2003

Is that a joke? Cause that says "We made an app". Last time I checked apps are not games. Not even close.

That's like saying i made an amateur website which qualifies me to work on a mulitimillion dollar project.

Almost all of their members have developed for other studios, so I don't think that will be a problem.

Other studios yes but that speaks nothing about their ability to handle the Halo franchise.

My point is that they are plain unproven and have very little experience when stacking them up against a franchise like Halo to take over.

My only concession to them is that they will inherit a lot of things and it doesn't look like they'll be starting from scratch in terms of an engine so they're developing more of mod than a full fledged game.


Jan 29, 2004
Other studios yes but that speaks nothing about their ability to handle the Halo franchise.

My point is that they are plain unproven and have very little experience when stacking them up against a franchise like Halo to take over.

Dude. It's a first person shooter. It's not hard.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2011
Is that a joke? Cause that says "We made an app". Last time I checked apps are not games. Not even close.

That's like saying i made an amateur website which qualifies me to work on a mulitimillion dollar project.

Other studios yes but that speaks nothing about their ability to handle the Halo franchise.

My point is that they are plain unproven and have very little experience when stacking them up against a franchise like Halo to take over.

My only concession to them is that they will inherit a lot of things and it doesn't look like they'll be starting from scratch in terms of an engine so they're developing more of mod than a full fledged game.

You seem very confused about 343. In one post you've lurched from saying that they have no experience, right the way over to admitting that they do have experience.

There's ex-Bungie members there, and I don't really know what you mean about them not having the experience to do something like the Halo franchise.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2003
You seem very confused about 343. In one post you've lurched from saying that they have no experience, right the way over to admitting that they do have experience.

There's ex-Bungie members there, and I don't really know what you mean about them not having the experience to do something like the Halo franchise.

Unless I need to point out the differences between developing a successful franchise shooter and a phone application to you, I don't think I need to clarify in what exactly I mean by experience.

Yes a few ex-bungie members but it does not sound like they are running the show. Also a few ex-members does not = Bungie.

Take a look at the handful of developers that left Blizzard North to make hellgate london and look how swimmingly that turned out.

I don't see how anyone could argue the fact that in terms of inheriting a successful game franchise that 353 industries looks horribly under qualified.

If you want to at least look how it should be done look at COD with infinity ward and treyarch. At least Treyarch copy and pasted a couple of games with the original developers around to keep the name afloat incase Treyarch fucks it up. With 343 on its own I'd be worried.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2011
Unless I need to point out the differences between developing a successful franchise shooter and a phone application to you, I don't think I need to clarify in what exactly I mean by experience.

Yes a few ex-bungie members but it does not sound like they are running the show. Also a few ex-members does not = Bungie.

Why the obsession with the phone app?

You've got ex-Bungie employees, along with a large amount of ex-Pandemic Studios members.

So yes, you're going to have to clarify what you mean by a lack of experience. What are they lacking experience in?

Take a look at the handful of developers that left Blizzard North to make hellgate london and look how swimmingly that turned out.

Which proves nothing, other than that bad games get released. What about all the other quality games that get released by new studios?

I don't see how anyone could argue the fact that in terms of inheriting a successful game franchise that 353 industries looks horribly under qualified.

If you want to at least look how it should be done look at COD with infinity ward and treyarch. At least Treyarch copy and pasted a couple of games with the original developers around to keep the name afloat incase Treyarch fucks it up. With 343 on its own I'd be worried.

Hmmm, Infinity Ward you say? You mean that team that was originally made up of the people who made Medal of Honor: Allied Assault...?


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2003
Why the obsession with the phone app?

You've got ex-Bungie employees, along with a large amount of ex-Pandemic Studios members.

So yes, you're going to have to clarify what you mean by a lack of experience. What are they lacking experience in?

Unless you can show me where they cited an actual GAME that they developed all I see is a phone app, some map packs, and re-releasing a completed game (Halo:CE)

I don't know about you but none of those things are considered real game development experience to me.

Which proves nothing, other than that bad games get released. What about all the other quality games that get released by new studios?

New studios are usually releasing new games and not inheriting a well established game with an established fan base that expect a certain level of quality. Can they make Halo 4 good? It's possible but with their background I wouldn't wager too heavily on it. Also that point proves that just because you have a couple ex members of a successful company doesn't mean your exempt from failing.

Hmmm, Infinity Ward you say? You mean that team that was originally made up of the people who made Medal of Honor: Allied Assault...?

Did Infinity Ward continue to make Medal of Honor? No they developed their own game called Call of Duty. There was no level of expectation that whatever game Infinity Ward was to produce HAD to be on the same or greater level of Medal of Honor.

The fact that 343i is largely untested and is now in charge of a well established IP they have to do more than just make a new game. They have to innovate it in a way that is refreshing but also within the feel of the previous games so that it doesn't feel entirely alien. That is a much different task than just making a brand new game with its own unique feel.

It also doesn't help them that the Halo franchise already has the ''it's being milked' feeling. They now have to some how prevent it from becoming more generic\repetitive and on its way of becoming the travesty of whatever the Red Alert series had become.

Can you point out somewhere where you see that this company is capable of successfully continuing the Halo name that's other than wishful thinking?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2011
Unless you can show me where they cited an actual GAME that they developed all I see is a phone app, some map packs, and re-releasing a completed game (Halo:CE)

I don't know about you but none of those things are considered real game development experience to me.

I don't know about you, but when I leave one company to join another, I don't spontaneously forget everything I have learned.

You're talking as if these developers are going to be sent back to college for a Turbo Pascal refresher course.

New studios are usually releasing new games and not inheriting a well established game with an established fan base that expect a certain level of quality. Can they make Halo 4 good? It's possible but with their background I wouldn't wager too heavily on it. Also that point proves that just because you have a couple ex members of a successful company doesn't mean your exempt from failing.

No-one is ever exempt from failing.

Did Infinity Ward continue to make Medal of Honor? No they developed their own game called Call of Duty. There was no level of expectation that whatever game Infinity Ward was to produce HAD to be on the same or greater level of Medal of Honor.

There was plenty of expectation, actually. Everyone knew who they were, and what had come before.

The fact that 343i is largely untested and is now in charge of a well established IP they have to do more than just make a new game. They have to innovate it in a way that is refreshing but also within the feel of the previous games so that it doesn't feel entirely alien. That is a much different task than just making a brand new game with its own unique feel.

It also doesn't help them that the Halo franchise already has the ''it's being milked' feeling. They now have to some how prevent it from becoming more generic\repetitive and on its way of becoming the travesty of whatever the Red Alert series had become.

Can you point out somewhere where you see that this company is capable of successfully continuing the Halo name that's other than wishful thinking?

Jesus Christ.

You're over analysing things to a ridiculous degree.
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