Happy 10th Birthday Team AnandTech


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
As some of you have noticed, I've been counting down years over the last 10 days. That countdown has reached an end.

As of 6:29pm EST on December the 26th, Team AnandTech is 10 years old.

I'm not one for flowery speeches (or at least not as much as I used to be), so I'll keep this rather short. As one of the first people to join Team AnandTech, 10 years ago none of us expected this to last. AnandTech itself was only 2 years old, and there was a reasonable expectation that it would eventually wind down so that Anand could start college in 2000. If not that, then certainly things would come to an end once RC5-64 defeated within a few years.

We are still here.

RC5-64 ended, and what was at once point a field that involved so few companies that you could literally count them on one hand has blossomed in to something where there's practically a different project for every branch of science imaginable. What started as a few geeks taking up an offer from a security company to prove the relative (in)security of their products has become a legitimate, global research program. People run science projects on their video game consoles for heaven's sake!

Team AnandTech has without a doubt been more successful than we could have ever imagined. When we started, we just wanted to place somewhere in the top 10, taking out Team Mac Evangelista any given point in time for 1st place was but a pipedream. But we did it, and for a time we were the #1 RC5-64 team until we were ultimately displaced by the Dutch Power Cows. Then we did the same thing over the years in DPAD, Seti@Home, Folding@Home, and the project list continues on. The community has come through again and again for the purposes of scientific research and the occasional stats race.

Of course this hasn't been without its bumps and bruises. The years have been marked with cheating in many of these races, threatening to compromise the scientific integrity of these projects. People like the Phantom Flusher have attempted to discredit members of Team AnandTech, sending out trojan clients loaded with their email addresses. Members of Team AnandTech have been litigated against by the government itself for things related to Distributed Computing. Member turned against member in the Alien Cow Wars when arguing about the direction the team would take and if we should all work on one project.

But we are still here.

10 years should not have happened, and yet it did, and here we are. Congratulations belong to one and all, old and new, for keeping Team AnandTech alive and well. The users of AnandTech have come together to accomplish some very important research, to launch their team to the top of the rankings, and to build a long-lasting community. There would not be a Team AnandTech without each and every last one of you. So take this day to sit back and look at what has been done, and what is yet to come. For tomorrow there is more research to be done and more races to win, but today is a time to reflect.

Congratulations on your 10th birthday Team AnandTech, and I hope that in another 10 years all is well and that someone's going to have to drag me out of storage again to do another one of these things.


Platinum Member
Mar 24, 2002
Well Done Virge! Happy Birthday to AnAndTech! Great to be a part of this great forum. Kudos to ALL mods on keeping us informed and in check!


Distributed Computing Elite Member
Jan 3, 2001
Well said and well done, ViRGE! :thumbsup:

Happy Birthday to the TeAm!



Platinum Member
Oct 20, 1999
Thanks Virge for the historical account.

Happy Birthday to the TeAm(s). :wine: I am proud to be a member. :thumbsup:


Elite Member
Nov 28, 2004
Thanks Virge for this birthday gift. It is very much appreciated.

Congratulations to the TeAm on an Very Important Anniversary! :beer: :wine: :heart:

I am also a proud member and will do my best to continue to contribute ...


Diamond Member
Oct 25, 2001
Originally posted by: petrusbroder
Thanks Virge for this birthday gift. It is very much appreciated.

Congratulations to the TeAm on an Very Important Anniversary! :beer: :wine: :heart:

I've only been here for about 2/3 of that, but what a great place, a great endeavor and what a great bunch of people I've had the privledge to crunch with, and to feel a part of!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TeAm AnandTech! :wine:




Jun 2, 2002
Happy Birthday TeAm!!!

I remember looking around for a team to join during the S@H classic days & narrowed it down to AnandTech & a few others. I have not regretted my decision since. What a great community we have here.



Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Smoke
Well said and well done, ViRGE! :thumbsup:

Happy Birthday to the TeAm!


It's no surprise to anyone, but I've been one of the older participants, starting out in RC5-64. First DC WU I ever turned in was June 23rd 1999.

I had come to via a web search looking for recommendations on building my own PC. There were a lot of good articles on it, decided to build a PC using the Cely 300A and an Abit MB AH6?, which was the hot overclocker at the time. I was only able to get mine to a whopping 450mhz, although some had success hitting 500mhz.

While I was waiting for parts, I had nabbed a Dell 486-66mhz server tower which I modded to house the ATX power supply and MB.

I started checking out the forums, hung out in OT for a bit, decided it was a bit to intense and childish, and branched out and found this forum. I was absolutely amazed at how civil everyone was, how helpful, even to a newbie who had asked the same question everyone else had asked a zillion times. No flames for stupid questions, but a strong desire to help everyone become successful in building their PC, networking, whatever.

Virge did a great job with the overview over the years. I cannot believe it's been 10 years either. I've gotten so much more from this TeAm than I ever expected. There's been good times, rough times, sad times, and times I felt like I had to take a break. But I keep coming back because of the people here are the absolute best.

It's amazing how many projects Team Anandtech is doing these days, and how well they compete.

Happy Birthday, Team Anandtech!


Elite Member
Nov 20, 2001
Thanks Virge

The trip down memory lane has been fun. I don't get in here as much as I used to and I really do miss this place and the people in it.

When I think of this team, I don't think about the great accomplishments in RC5, Seti, and other projects. I think of the way it rallied for David McOwen, RC (Roy Cain), and others. It is the people and their willingness to help that has always made this team special.

Happy Birthday TeAm Anandtech


Elite Member
Nov 28, 2004
Originally posted by: ViRGE almost exactly 5 years ago:
With the crowning of Confused as the 5th Team AnandTech Most Valuable Cracker, we have now completed our first 5 years of operations, marking half a decade of existance, and making Team AnandTech one of the oldest DC teams out there (of course, we're #1 if you use the mean of the average ages, but that's only because Ray offsets it). While I'll save the sappy speech for another time, I can tell you at the beginning that no one knew we'd last this long, or do as much as we've done. But even in our searches for aliens, our battles with cancer, and numerous math searches, one thing has stayed the same from day 1 so very long ago - we've had fun as a team while doing it. You may find other teams out there that can push higher numbers or claim to have more members, but you'll never find a team out there that does all of that while still having as much fun as this team.

Congratulations everyone, we've survived half a decade together.

My emphasis ...

Now we are a decade old and still crunching on.

BTW: In December 2004 the TeAm had less then 3 million cobblestones in BOINC-total. Today we have 392 million and rising with 580 tousand cobblestones a day.


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999
Great to read the history. While never a big SETI contributor and I've never loaded BOINC for anything, I've been going for a long time. The D-Net client (MOO!) was my first love, staying with all the RC5 variations until I switched to Golomb rulers for quite awhile. Finally, at the urging of DanC (anyone have a trout for DanC?), I switched everything I could over to DPAD. ViRGE, we still need to talk about my daughter . Those late nights fragging each other are still memorable.

Hey, Sid!


Diamond Member
Oct 25, 2001
HiYa Jon!

Glad you dound the birthday thread. You've been here even longer than I have!

Ready to try folding yet? :laugh:




Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
Thanks Virge for all the posts ,nice to recognise TAs 10yrs!:Q

Happy 10th Birthday TA! :beer:

It's an Abit BH6 you thinking of
.......can't believe I remembered that! .

(stats originally by Hellburner, numbers removed. Oldest TA SETI stats available AFAIK)

TA SETI Top 100 members 21-9-99

1) Matthew_Andersen
2) AVG
3) Hellburner
4) Ragman
5) colinp
6) RalphFJ
7) The_Magicman_-_Team_AnandTech
8) Robor
9) MGallik
10) slimm
11) Rellik_Remag
12) Frogzy_&_Friends
13) Iann
14) Jimbo
15) Vader2K
16) HAM_boy__Team_AnandTech_
17) David_W_Sica
18) Southernsky
19) Soren
20) Orange_Kid-Team_AnandTech
21) Shrike
22) qz103
23) Cybrdmn
24) B1er
25) vdo
26) colby
27) Hann
28) talon95
29) the_melon
30) jon56
31) Zman
32) Ric
33) dagta
34) Petedlet
35) Darkover
36) Missy
37) Michael_D.Burkey
38) vapor
39) Ken_Hoffmeister_-_Join_Team_Anan
40) Renieri
41) Rich3077
42) Curt_Oien_-_Team_AnandTech_Rules
43) Chris
44) clinth
45) scrum
46) Bob_Gross_Sr.
47) jlytle
48) Amok
49) Rishan_Chandarana
50) slam
51) kaisho
52) Joshua.Hutchinson
53) Ted_LaMusga
54) Halce
55) SUOrangeman
56) Thorn57
57) red_shift_
58) http://www.splatball.org
59) Peter_Turner
60) stromph_2
61) Mirko_Malisan
62) Polo_AnandTech
63) James_Kane
64) Wulf
65) Magor
66) Boutime
67) M
68) Teijo_Santala
69) Bellybutton
70) Copper
71) Thorin4
72) awatry
73) SideSwipe
74) hitchcock
75) Colin
76) TMR
77) drumsrus
78) Henrik_Sandell
79) Kuz
80) Rob_Niccum
81) Codfish_II
82) Games
83) Hamish_Rodda
84) SlangNRox
85) Wadd
86) wilder
87) Slackrat
88) Haveseen1
89) Peter_Cheng
90) karlk
91) jverbarg
92) Robert_Steele
93) Twioz
94) cyber5
95) Jay_McCann
96) Mika
97) mccarthy
98) Eli
99) ?
100) waver


Oct 10, 1999
Ah yes, the Abit BH6. That was it, thanks.

Following is directly copied from a saved text file back when I was manually doing the RC5 daily stats. This was for 06/02/2001:

Found a little time today, so here goes:

Beethoven is our newest 100Kr!

TA Cube crossed the 51.6M mark! :Q
The Federation crossed the 14.2M mark! :Q:Q:Q:Q
mander crossed the 11.0M mark! :Q
Dencrossed the 8.8M mark! :Q:Q:Q:Q:Q:Q:Q:Q
JHutch crossed the 7.9M mark! :Q:Q:Q:Q:Q:Q:Q
The Asylum crossed the 3.4M mark! :Q:Q:Q
H8tank crossed the 2.4M mark! :Q:Q
RC5Bri crossed the 2.0M mark! :Q:Q
JimMc crossed the 700K mark!
mmurdock crossed the 700K mark!
Beethoven crossed the 100K mark!

WoooooooooooooooooooooooooooMoooooooooooooooooooooos! to you all!

and a Moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! to all Team Anandtech!

Disclaimer: This MM was done manually, any errors, omissions, mistakes, typos, misspellings are strictly those of the old geezer author, and are completely unintentional! :Q


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Great post ViRGE. I've been around since 1999 and still crunch for TA even though I post on these forums maybe once a year. I was #84 ranked on the team on 9/21/99 (thanks Assimilator1). I can't believe its been so long. From just having dnet and seti to having tons of different stand alone clients (d2ol, lifemapper, chessbrain, find-a drug, cuboid, distributed folding, etc), to now having Boinc for a majority of the projects. Its a lot easier to try out different projects with Boinc now and not have to worry about installing all these different programs. Hopefully these projects will lead to many advances in their respective fields and its good to know that our team contributed to it from the start by providing a lot of horsepower to crunch with.


Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
Good to see ya still around Slang , should pop in more often & grab some :beer: whilst here .
What's your main rig these days?


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
2 2.4ghz quad cores and a p4 3.2ghz. Much better than the cyrix pr166+ that I started crunching with. Went from that to a pentium 166, celeron 300a. p3 1ghz, then some p4 I think.

Zim Hosein

Super Moderator | Elite Member
Super Moderator
Nov 27, 1999
Happy 10th Birthday TeAm! :beer::gift:

Thanks for this thread ViRGE! :beer:


Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
Originally posted by: SlangNRox
2 2.4ghz quad cores and a p4 3.2ghz. Much better than the cyrix pr166+ that I started crunching with. Went from that to a pentium 166, celeron 300a. p3 1ghz, then some p4 I think.
Yea even in their day those Cyrix CPUs FPU speed was appalling

My 1st crunching rig was a Celeron 366 @550, it was quite fast in its time (much faster than my previous CPU the K6-2 350 @400 ), then a PIII 650 @820, XP1500 @1.52 GHz, XP1700 @2.03GHz, XP 2400 @2.2 GHz, XPM 2500 @2.5 GHz then only 1 1/2 yrs ago I replaced that with a C2D E6420 @3.2 GHz, 1yr ago I got the Q6600, intially @ 3 GHz, then a few months back I got a new mbrd & o/ced it more to 3.35 GHz .

Btw you got 2 Q6600s?:Q, nice!
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