Has anyone ever had broadband lines/equip. custom-routed to their house? (no service in area)


Nov 13, 2006
My parents and I (thankfully I'll only be there for one more year) are moving to a house up near El Dorado Hills, CA for you locals. A little podunk town called Pilot Hill, a few miles off of Highway 49.

There is no broadband internet service up here whatsoever.

The only readily-available option aside from dialup service is satellite internet. Wildblue seems to be the company of choice, advertising speeds of 1.5Mb/s. If they're advertising this speed, obviously it's even lower, not to mention latency, signal availability, etc.

Utterly atrocious.

My father, despite not even knowing how to turn a computer on --he has never used one in his entire life, ever -- is not completely averse to having the nearest cable, FiOS or DSL provider custom route the necessary lines and equipment needed to provide access to our house (and presumably the immediate area).

Does anyone know anything about this, has anyone had it done, etc. Any possible information you have would be useful, as I have absolutely no knowledge or experience with this sort of thing. I'm not even sure if it's possible, ie if the companies are willing to do it. Statements like "it's expensive" aren't exactly helpful, as I'm well aware of that. If you know *how* expensive exactly, or can at least give a ballpark figure, that *would* be helpful.

I tried explaining this to my dad, about just how much of a step back satellite or dialup would be...I compared it to him going from his shiny 52" 1080p LCD back to a 19" box from 1965, and he all of a sudden understood, hah.

I'm really dreading moving because of this...the house kicks ass and I'll post pics later, but this internet thing has me very concerned...

t3h gay!


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
I'll save you the pre-teen ragging...

It will cost your dad 10s of thousands of dollars to give you your fix and if I were your dad I would kick you square in the nuts. And after your nuts were bleeding and you coughed up blood I would tell you to get the fuck out.

Fucking atrocious it is, isn't it? And before you ask, yes I'm very familiar with this kind of stuff. There's been very few times when I really wanted to smack somebody through the Internet, congratulations....you're number 2.

Don't like it? Don't live there.


Golden Member
Feb 24, 2006
Originally posted by: spidey07
I'll save you the pre-teen ragging...

It will cost your dad 10s of thousands of dollars to give you your fix and if I were your dad I would kick you square in the nuts. And after your nuts were bleeding and you coughed up blood I would tell you to get the fuck out.

Fucking atrocious it is, isn't it? And before you ask, yes I'm very familiar with this kind of stuff. There's been very few times when I really wanted to smack somebody through the Internet, congratulations....you're number 2.

Don't like it? Don't live there.

dam didnt have to go off on him...geez...

the cost would be more than your family could afford. Better use the money to fix the house itself up rather than spending mad money on internet.


Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2000
My sister's house in a fairly small town in Idaho is only about 250 yards from the nearest existing phone lines and the phone company gave her a quote of a bit over $6000 to run a wire to her house about two years ago. That's just for a voice line. There's no DSL or cable access anywhere in the town so people there that want broadband use satellite and they've managed to survive somehow.

If you aren't gaming, satellite Internet access works just fine and would be much easier and much cheaper than getting new lines run, particularly if the house is a long distance from any existing cables.

If you still insist on trying to convince your dad to waste his money when Spidey is done kicking some sense into you, have him call the nearest provider(s) and ask them what they would charge. After your dad gets off the phone, he'll probably pick up where Spidey left off...



Nov 13, 2006
Originally posted by: spidey07
I'll save you the pre-teen ragging...

It will cost your dad 10s of thousands of dollars to give you your fix and if I were your dad I would kick you square in the nuts. And after your nuts were bleeding and you coughed up blood I would tell you to get the fuck out.

Fucking atrocious it is, isn't it? And before you ask, yes I'm very familiar with this kind of stuff. There's been very few times when I really wanted to smack somebody through the Internet, congratulations....you're number 2.

Don't like it? Don't live there.

Well, I wouldn't presume to argue with you, Mr. Internet Tough Guy #2353059435.

If anyone has any information that will be of help, that'd be great. If not, feel free to...well, not post, maybe.



Jul 14, 2000
Originally posted by: Rodknock
Originally posted by: spidey07
I'll save you the pre-teen ragging...

It will cost your dad 10s of thousands of dollars to give you your fix and if I were your dad I would kick you square in the nuts. And after your nuts were bleeding and you coughed up blood I would tell you to get the fuck out.

Fucking atrocious it is, isn't it? And before you ask, yes I'm very familiar with this kind of stuff. There's been very few times when I really wanted to smack somebody through the Internet, congratulations....you're number 2.

Don't like it? Don't live there.

Well, I wouldn't presume to argue with you, Mr. Internet Tough Guy #2353059435.

If anyone has any information that will be of help, that'd be great. If not, feel free to...well, not post, maybe.


you wont even get a price quoted for it because its a ridiculous idea. its a massive cost to build out DSL or cable into even populated areas, nevermind a dinky town where theyll never see a return.

get satellite, get over it, and get some new hobbies that will keep you from needing to be online. youll be doing yourself a favor.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
I think Rodknock is asking a valid question, he is being treated rudely, and truth be told, the cost to bring in hard wired broadband could be highly variable. But bottom line, its only supportable by economies of scale and probably out of the range of what an individual could afford. But in terms of wired broadband, its basically over cable or phone lines.

Since Rodknock's small town presumably has phone service, dsl may be the preferred option. And since he is only two miles off a main highway, it could be inside of the no more than 15,000 Feet of copper line limit of dsl. It all depends on where the nearest central switch is which could be somewhat closer or much farther. But even if you are in the 15,000 limit, the phone company still has to install a bunch of special equipment that would likely cost more than one person could afford. And if it requires extending Fiber optic cables to get down
to a more ideal less than 4000 feet of copper, you probably do not want to know what that costs.

Beyond that, satellite is not the only wireless option for internet. There is broadband over power lines implemented in some areas and quite a few outfits that have proprietary line of sight type wireless internet. And in a year or two, Wimax may start being implemented in a big way if the frequencies open up.

As for Rodknock, he can get on the phone and the internet and start investigating. I will let Rodknock worry about daddy's reactions to the costs.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2003
Spidey is correct. A 3/4 mile run to extend the local cable lines in my area was quoted to me at $13,500.

Get cellular broadband. It's reasonably low latency, and much better than satellite assuming you have a decent number of bars in your area.

While spidey came across a bit... nasty, I can understand where his attitude comes from.

#1 If not having internet is your biggest concern in the word right now, you're pretty darn lucky
#2 Not having internet is not the end of the world by any means
#3 Dialup works. Kinda.
#4 Putting things like "t3h gay" at the end of the post is usually indicative of a immature / juvenile personality. Not only is it offensive, it's irritating. Certainly judging by your post, you've got a better vocabulary than that.

FYI - I don't agree with how he responded, but I figured I'd let you know why I suspect he responded the way he did.

You could also try a service like sprint broadband direct (long distance wireless).


Senior member
Mar 20, 2000
My place of work is an industrial area, and till about three years ago, the only option we had was dial-up as even dsl was available only at low speeds as we were too far from the telco CO. Satellite was way too expensive, though we did try it for while - its okay for normal light use, even uploads/downloads - no gaming -

There is a large high rise office building right next to us that is fully wired - but the cable provider wanted something like $10,000 to connect us. Much later, they laid cables on the road in front to connect to another office complex, and we now thankfully have cable.
And now Verizon is in the process of laying a fios line - so we suddenly may many options.

So Rodknock its going to be expensive and it would be difficult to justify for home office use. There is however no harm in asking, and even ask to be notified as when cable/dsl be comes available in your area - it could be sooner than you think.


Golden Member
Dec 14, 2007
Originally posted by: spidey07
I'll save you the pre-teen ragging...

It will cost your dad 10s of thousands of dollars to give you your fix and if I were your dad I would kick you square in the nuts. And after your nuts were bleeding and you coughed up blood I would tell you to get the fuck out.

Fucking atrocious it is, isn't it? And before you ask, yes I'm very familiar with this kind of stuff. There's been very few times when I really wanted to smack somebody through the Internet, congratulations....you're number 2.

Don't like it? Don't live there.

I agree. No need to put it nicely (sure he could have, but putting things nicely just leaves the door open for people to bitch/whine more). Giving someone the harsh truth, esp when they are over 16 is needed more in my opinion. If your dad finds the $10,000+ price tag of dragging high speed internet up there (if its even possible), you could sell your rig to help out.
Asus Maximus Formula
Intel Q6600 @ 3.2ghz
WD Raptor 150GB x2 RAID 0
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You got over $1000 right there.


Nov 13, 2006
You all are awfully presumptuous regarding my family and money situation, not to mention my age. Thank you to those who offered genuinely helpful information. To the rest, I'm sure you're all pleased with yourselves. Good luck defending the forum from any further noobs like me.


Nov 21, 2001
here's some cogent information:
comcast quoted $2100 to bring the cable plant about 100 yards further on one job, and have still not got back to us on another that will require underground conduit. I do that part of the work, and I figure that one at $8500 for a similar distance, not including paving.
If you want to fly me down, I can probably wrangle some sort of dry pair scenario or a dedicated wireless from somewhere that has good broadband and line of sight.
I'd figure a starting budget of $10,000, just to say hello


Nov 13, 2006

Is this not an uncommon thing for Comcast or other cable companies to do? I've talked to several of the neighbors in the area who are willing to split up the costs of such a project if the price is not totally unreasonable. $10,000 is probably reaching the upper limit of what we can devote to something like this, but hell if you get 10 people to share the burden it's suddenly 1k per household. Not unreasonable by any means. Any idea where I would start to investigate possible LoS wireless systems or something similar? Thanks for your help.


Junior Member
May 2, 2006
Originally posted by: Rodknock

Any idea where I would start to investigate possible LoS wireless systems or something similar? Thanks for your help.

"If our service is not currently available in your area, and you need service now, we may be able to custom-engineer a link to your area. Pricing for such custom deployments is on a case-by-case basis."

On the link I gave you.


Nov 21, 2001
Originally posted by: Twr1
Originally posted by: Rodknock

Any idea where I would start to investigate possible LoS wireless systems or something similar? Thanks for your help.

"If our service is not currently available in your area, and you need service now, we may be able to custom-engineer a link to your area. Pricing for such custom deployments is on a case-by-case basis."

On the link I gave you.

Talk to the local provider as twr1 suggested. They have the braodband available locally.

Old Hippie

Diamond Member
Oct 8, 2005
Originally posted by: Twr1
Originally posted by: Rodknock

Any idea where I would start to investigate possible LoS wireless systems or something similar? Thanks for your help.

"If our service is not currently available in your area, and you need service now, we may be able to custom-engineer a link to your area. Pricing for such custom deployments is on a case-by-case basis."

On the link I gave you.

Rodknock, you hafta come back and give us their estimates!



Nov 13, 2006
I called Comcast a couple of days ago, as well as Verizon. No one has got back to me yet. If I don't receive an answer by today I'll be calling again this evening.

That's the reason I made this thread, as I hadn't heard back from the local companies for a few days.


Nov 21, 2001
That is typical. We aksed comcast on the second job I mentioned two weeks ago, and a contractor showed up today to look at the job and work on an estimate. In the meantime my customer had to go with DSL.


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
Originally posted by: skyking
That is typical. We aksed comcast on the second job I mentioned two weeks ago, and a contractor showed up today to look at the job and work on an estimate. In the meantime my customer had to go with DSL.

You know why?

Because the sticker shock kills them. You can have a provider do just about anything you want, but depending on where you are at it can cost you.

In fact you can get just about any service you would like, no matter what bandwidth you like. But this stuff costs money.


Nov 13, 2006
I apologize for not making myself clear in the first post, as I had simply copied it from the main car forum I'm on. I figured the more forums I get it out to the better.

This is a 10,000 + sq ft. house sitting on 10 acres. It's a multimillion dollar home with the latest and greatest everything, built from the ground up. I would have said it earlier but I didn't want to deal with the inevitable comments, which--what do you know--came anyway, just in a different manner.

We know this is a very expensive proposition and were simply wondering if it is at all common and feasible. If anyone would like specific information about our particular setup, feel free to PM me if you think you may be of assistance.


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
If money is no object then you can have whatever internet service you want. There are plenty of providers that are more than happy to provide it for your father.

I apologize for being so harsh, but the fact remains - I heard a whiny teenager who thinks he's entitled to internet. Your last post just proves it even more.

Is it feasible? Yes, you can get whatever bandwidth you want anywhere. It's done all the time, but it is likely to cost more per month than the mortgage for the home. If you're that far out the gear costs a lot of money and they're not going to just give it to you. Call up the local providers, get quotes/contracts and see what happens.


Nov 13, 2006
Originally posted by: spidey07
If money is no object then you can have whatever internet service you want. There are plenty of providers that are more than happy to provide it for your father.

I apologize for being so harsh, but the fact remains - I heard a whiny teenager who thinks he's entitled to internet. Your last post just proves it even more.

There's just no winning with you, is there? Drop the attitude man, you're not impressing anyone and only making yourself look like a pretentious prick.


Golden Member
Mar 6, 2004
Originally posted by: Rodknock
This is a 10,000 + sq ft. house sitting on 10 acres. It's a multimillion dollar home with the latest and greatest everything, built from the ground up.
Heh heh ... is your dad John Edwards?

Sorry, couldn't resist. :laugh:

We know this is a very expensive proposition and were simply wondering if it is at all common and feasible.
Common? Probably not. Feasible? Possibly, if, as has been said a number of times already, someone wants to spend the money required. The way many companies do business nowadays, a large enough amount of money will get them to do just about anything. They may tell you $10 thousand or $10 million, but I would think they'd give you a number.

I'm sure this is a problem for everyone living in a rural or lightly-populated area. It would have to be, because no company is going to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars to deploy and maintain high-speed Internet hardware in an area with a small subscriber base. They'd lose money if they did.

Whatever you end up doing, post back here and let us know. I'll be curious to see what kind of solution, whether creative or just costly , you and your dad/neighbors come up with. Good luck.

EDIT: Even though your folks' home is out of range for wired service, are there any places 'in town,' that you could drive to in a few minutes, that offer Wi-Fi? Maybe you could use a Wi-Fi-capable laptop and just drive into town or whatever when you really want/need to get high-speed Web access. Not the most convenient sitch, obviously, but maybe sitting in a library or Starbucks to surf the Web would be better than nothing. Just thinking out loud.
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