Has Bush accomplished anything?


Jul 20, 2003
Gas is at an all time high, the twin towers got blown up by our own airlines, there are like 50 bazillion troops in iraq just to keep things quiet, we are in record deficit, economy is crappy, etc, etc. He may not be at fault for all of these things they still are all happening on his watch. They need to add the epic failure as grounds for impeachment so we can dump his ass on the street.


Feb 5, 2006
Destroying this country's global political and economic leadership, and destroying his party.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
On TV I heard he united the nation is the opinion we are going the wrong direction and he did promise to unite us.


Platinum Member
Aug 19, 2006
Bush's accomplishments (if any) will be determined 20+ years from now. My money is on he'll be seen in no better light by then.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Topic Title: Has Bush accomplished anything?

Originally posted by: BudAshes
Gas is at an all time high, the twin towers got blown up by our own airlines, there are like 50 bazillion troops in iraq just to keep things quiet, we are in record deficit, economy is crappy, etc, etc. He may not be at fault for all of these things they still are all happening on his watch. They need to add the epic failure as grounds for impeachment so we can dump his ass on the street.

All "Mission Accomplished" by his supporters on here.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Destruction of civil liberties, adding $3+ trillion to the national debt (with the final total due to his policies significantly higher), starting a war that has killed 4,000 American troops and 100,000 Iraqi civilians (plus many more dead contractors, foreigners, Iraqi troops/police, etc.), No Child Left Behind, torture, spying, tax cuts for the wealthy, military escalation with Russia...

...to be continued.


Golden Member
Nov 3, 2004
Disposed of a dictator who raped, murdered and tortured his own people for doing the same things we take for granted.

Prevented another terrorist act on US soil and severely damaged Al Queda and other terror cells.

Broke down the barriers between intelligence agencies and stopped looking at terrorism as merely a law enforcement policy.

Cut taxes which increased the amount of money rolling into the government.

Follows what he knows is right, not just what some polls tell him.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Topic Title: Has Bush accomplished anything?

Originally posted by: BudAshes
Gas is at an all time high, the twin towers got blown up by our own airlines, there are like 50 bazillion troops in iraq just to keep things quiet, we are in record deficit, economy is crappy, etc, etc. He may not be at fault for all of these things they still are all happening on his watch. They need to add the epic failure as grounds for impeachment so we can dump his ass on the street.

All "Mission Accomplished" by his supporters on here.

Originally posted by: Duwelon
Disposed of a dictator who raped, murdered and tortured his own people for doing the same things we take for granted.

Prevented another terrorist act on US soil and severely damaged Al Queda and other terror cells.

Broke down the barriers between intelligence agencies and stopped looking at terrorism as merely a law enforcement policy.

Cut taxes which increased the amount of money rolling into the government.

Follows what he knows is right, not just what some polls tell him.

Speaking of supporters :roll:


Golden Member
Nov 3, 2004
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Topic Title: Has Bush accomplished anything?

Originally posted by: BudAshes
Gas is at an all time high, the twin towers got blown up by our own airlines, there are like 50 bazillion troops in iraq just to keep things quiet, we are in record deficit, economy is crappy, etc, etc. He may not be at fault for all of these things they still are all happening on his watch. They need to add the epic failure as grounds for impeachment so we can dump his ass on the street.

All "Mission Accomplished" by his supporters on here.

Originally posted by: Duwelon
Disposed of a dictator who raped, murdered and tortured his own people for doing the same things we take for granted.

Prevented another terrorist act on US soil and severely damaged Al Queda and other terror cells.

Broke down the barriers between intelligence agencies and stopped looking at terrorism as merely a law enforcement policy.

Cut taxes which increased the amount of money rolling into the government.

Follows what he knows is right, not just what some polls tell him.

Speaking of supporters :roll:

Gasp, someone from the majoriy of voters who voted for him in 04 is posting here! Runnn for the hills! Ruuuun for your life!!!


Apr 27, 2004
Originally posted by: Duwelon
Follows what he knows is right, not just what some polls tell him.

That's kind of a scary thought, don't you think?

How is that an accomplishment?


Feb 5, 2006
I give you credit for self identifying yourself as dumb enough to still support Bush


Jul 20, 2003
Originally posted by: Duwelon
Disposed of a dictator who raped, murdered and tortured his own people for doing the same things we take for granted.

Prevented another terrorist act on US soil and severely damaged Al Queda and other terror cells.

Broke down the barriers between intelligence agencies and stopped looking at terrorism as merely a law enforcement policy.

Cut taxes which increased the amount of money rolling into the government.

Follows what he knows is right, not just what some polls tell him.

I don't believe in terrorism. Its a word that inspires fear, something for the masses to gobble up from the media. A few idiots with box cutters snuck onto a plane and killed a bunch of people including themselves. There were no bombs involved or anything fancy. So basically bush has prevented all box cutter attacks since then. NICE WORK BUSH!!!! It only cost billions upon billions of dollars...


Golden Member
Nov 3, 2004
Originally posted by: sisq0kidd
Originally posted by: Duwelon
Follows what he knows is right, not just what some polls tell him.

That's kind of a scary thought, don't you think?

How is that an accomplishment?

A leader who leads... when was the last time Democrats had one?


Golden Member
Nov 3, 2004
Originally posted by: senseamp
I give you credit for self identifying yourself as dumb enough to still support Bush

I'd vote for him again to keep people like you and other liberals from hurting themselves by voting for someone who wouldn't be bought out for a can of bacon grease, or the week's opinion poll.


Nov 20, 1999
Here, let me fix a couple things for you Duwelon:

Originally posted by: Duwelon
Destabilized Iraq and led to 4k troop deaths and untold number of civilian deaths in Iraq

Did absolutely nothing when he was briefed that Bin Laden was "Determined to attack America". Terrorist attacks have gone up around the world since 9/11

Created the bureaucratic mess that is the "Department of Homeland security", wasted enormous amounts of blood and treasure on fighting in Iraq rather than combating terrorism, not even mentioning sacrificing our image abroad.

Set record deficits and increased the size and scope of the federal government. Just take a look at the state of the economy thanks to his borrow and spend policies. Asia and other countries have to LEND us money or our country would collapse onto itself

Has been a failure his complete life, in both business and government. Doesn't give a damned about what is right or wrong, just cares about his legacy as a 'war president'. Too bad he'll go down as one of the worst presidents in the history of our country and i'm a f***ing retard for supporting him.



Golden Member
Nov 3, 2004
Destabilized Iraq and led to 4k troop deaths and untold number of civilian deaths in Iraq

I'd much rather live in the USA with random terrorism than KNOWING i'll get my head caved in for speaking out against Bush. You should thank your lucky stars on where you live. We're trying to bring that to Iraq and last i heard they weren't exactly unpleased about Saddam being gone. Sure his party officials who had things handed to them on silver platters all their life are mad but you cannot deny that the standard of freedom there is incredibly better.

Did absolutely nothing when he was briefed that Bin Laden was "Determined to attack
America". Terrorist attacks have gone up around the world since 9/11

Obviously the battle isn't over, but I'm glad we're fighting instead of appeasing.

Created the bureaucratic mess that is the "Department of Homeland security", wasted enormous amounts of blood and treasure on fighting in Iraq rather than combating terrorism, not even mentioning sacrificing our image abroad.

Whatever, that's your opinion, good for you.

Set record deficits and increased the size and scope of the federal government. Just take a look at the state of the economy thanks to his borrow and spend policies. Asia and other countries have to LEND us money or our country would collapse onto itself

I'm no fan of Bush's spending spree, but you sit there and tell me that Democrats haven't been trying to buy votes any quicker and i'll give you this one.

Has been a failure his complete life, in both business and government. Doesn't give a damned about what is right or wrong, just cares about his legacy as a 'war president'. Too bad he'll go down as one of the worst presidents in the history of our country and i'm a f***ing retard for supporting him.

You're entitled to your opinion too i guess.


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: BudAshes
Originally posted by: Duwelon
Disposed of a dictator who raped, murdered and tortured his own people for doing the same things we take for granted.

Prevented another terrorist act on US soil and severely damaged Al Queda and other terror cells.

Broke down the barriers between intelligence agencies and stopped looking at terrorism as merely a law enforcement policy.

Cut taxes which increased the amount of money rolling into the government.

Follows what he knows is right, not just what some polls tell him.

I don't believe in terrorism. Its a word that inspires fear, something for the masses to gobble up from the media. A few idiots with box cutters snuck onto a plane and killed a bunch of people including themselves. There were no bombs involved or anything fancy. So basically bush has prevented all box cutter attacks since then. NICE WORK BUSH!!!! It only cost billions upon billions of dollars...

Well I dont believe in the bullshit you spouted either. Therefore, because of the word "I", your bullshit is YOUR opinion. We all have one right?

Because I spend a decent amount of time travelling globally, I still think gas in the US is a good price. Buy gas in overseas then tell me how your getting raped.

Dont know where the fuck you were going with the twin towers comment...but we all know who inspired those islamist pigs to attack us-Bill Clinton. After all, he was in office when it was planned.

Duwelon already mentioned the issue with Iraq. If youre too fucking selfish to realize we actually did make a positive difference in Iraq you need to pull your head out. Well, unless its cool to you a leader rapes and murders his own people *shrug*.

Record deficit. LOL mmmkay. We're at war. Our trade deficit is shrinking and American products are more attractive here at home AND worldwide. Are you economically naive?

Economy is crappy? For who? I've made more money in my investments in the last 7 years than the 7 years prior. Im making more money now than I was 7 years ago. I see more economic opportunity for myself than there was 7 years ago. Oh...across the nation unemployment is low. WTF are you talking about?

Grounds for impeachment? You still believe that shit? Name the charges dimwit. No one else can.


Apr 27, 2004
Originally posted by: Duwelon
Originally posted by: sisq0kidd
Originally posted by: Duwelon
Follows what he knows is right, not just what some polls tell him.

That's kind of a scary thought, don't you think?

How is that an accomplishment?

A leader who leads... when was the last time Democrats had one?

Who said anything about Dems? We're talking about Bush here.

So someone who leads, according to you, ignores what the people want and does what he thinks is "right."

How the hell is this an accomplishment on his part?

I can name you a few leaders, some we took out, that lead this way. Doesn't come out too pretty.


Golden Member
Nov 3, 2004
Originally posted by: sisq0kidd
Originally posted by: Duwelon
Originally posted by: sisq0kidd
Originally posted by: Duwelon
Follows what he knows is right, not just what some polls tell him.

That's kind of a scary thought, don't you think?

How is that an accomplishment?

A leader who leads... when was the last time Democrats had one?

Who said anything about Dems? We're talking about Bush here.

So someone who leads, according to you, ignores what the people want and does what he thinks is "right."

How the hell is this an accomplishment on his part?

I can name you a few leaders, some we took out, that lead this way. Doesn't come out too pretty.

If all i would do is visit democrat and liberal forums all day, I could look at things the same way a lot of die hard liberals do. The fly in the ointment however, and what would be obvious to you if you didn't bury yourself in liberal media and propoganda all day is that Bush is not ignoring what the people want.

He's following his party's belief's and that Party is larger than himself. It's also a lot larger than the liberal democrat party wants to admit.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: BudAshes
Gas is at an all time high, the twin towers got blown up by our own airlines, there are like 50 bazillion troops in iraq just to keep things quiet, we are in record deficit, economy is crappy, etc, etc. He may not be at fault for all of these things they still are all happening on his watch. They need to add the epic failure as grounds for impeachment so we can dump his ass on the street.

Bush DID keep his promises to his real supporters

He dismantled America bit-by-bit - sent our jobs overseas and made sure the Big Corporations were well-protected Off-shore. He destroyed our Army, he killed the Auto industry, Wrecked Housing and is tearing the Financial Markets down with the Stupid Federal Reserve Moves. Nevermind the conservative judges and general incompetance of his administration - it is no "accident" and was well-planned, beginning with Reagan and Daddy Bush.

Bush and Cheney made the US bargain-bin cheap so his buddies in the Middle East can buy America for less then 10 cents on the dollar .. can't you tell by the little victory dance he does when he greets his Buddy the King in Saudi Arabia?

They know in 10 years oil will begin to be worth *nothing* .. and America will rebound under new owners ... our ports and our Passports already belong to Foreign Interests.

figure it out



Apr 27, 2004
Originally posted by: Duwelon
If all i would do is visit democrat and liberal forums all day, I could look at things the same way a lot of die hard liberals do. The fly in the ointment however, and what would be obvious to you if you didn't bury yourself in liberal media and propoganda all day is that Bush is not ignoring what the people want.

He's following his party's belief's and that Party is larger than himself. It's also a lot larger than the liberal democrat party wants to admit.

Oh, I see. You're one of those. Ignored everything I said, libruhl meedia, etc.

So he's a great leader for his party, not the people of the US. Great to know. So you're the 20+ percentile left that still supports this baboon.


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: sisq0kidd
Originally posted by: Duwelon
Originally posted by: sisq0kidd
Originally posted by: Duwelon
Follows what he knows is right, not just what some polls tell him.

That's kind of a scary thought, don't you think?

How is that an accomplishment?

A leader who leads... when was the last time Democrats had one?

Who said anything about Dems? We're talking about Bush here.

So someone who leads, according to you, ignores what the people want and does what he thinks is "right."

How the hell is this an accomplishment on his part?

I can name you a few leaders, some we took out, that lead this way. Doesn't come out too pretty.

A leader who follows what the people say isnt a leader at all. He's simply first place in a line of lemmings.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
Originally posted by: Duwelon
Disposed of a dictator who raped, murdered and tortured his own people for doing the same things we take for granted.

Prevented another terrorist act on US soil and severely damaged Al Queda and other terror cells.

Broke down the barriers between intelligence agencies and stopped looking at terrorism as merely a law enforcement policy.

Cut taxes which increased the amount of money rolling into the government.

Follows what he knows is right, not just what some polls tell him.
Folks, be careful, don't get too close. We've found the strange and rare Bush supporter. Yes, we thought they all lived in the backwoods of red neck towns and had no internet, but look one has come out from the wild and wandered into town. My God!


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Skoorb
Originally posted by: Duwelon
Disposed of a dictator who raped, murdered and tortured his own people for doing the same things we take for granted.

Prevented another terrorist act on US soil and severely damaged Al Queda and other terror cells.

Broke down the barriers between intelligence agencies and stopped looking at terrorism as merely a law enforcement policy.

Cut taxes which increased the amount of money rolling into the government.

Follows what he knows is right, not just what some polls tell him.
Folks, be careful, don't get too close. We've found the strange and rare Bush supporter. Yes, we thought they all lived in the backwoods of red neck towns and had no internet, but look one has come out from the wild and wandered into town. My God!

let me try once more .. Bush's *REAL supporters* are the King of Saudi Arabia and their Allies - Mega-Corporate interests to purchase America for cheap

Originally posted by: apoppin

Bush DID keep his promises to his real supporters

He dismantled America bit-by-bit - sent our jobs overseas and made sure the Big Corporations were well-protected Off-shore. He destroyed our Army, he killed the Auto industry, Wrecked Housing and is tearing the Financial Markets down with the Stupid Federal Reserve Moves. Nevermind the conservative judges and general incompetance of his administration - it is no "accident" and was well-planned, beginning with Reagan and Daddy Bush.

Bush and Cheney made the US bargain-bin cheap so his buddies in the Middle East can buy America for less then 10 cents on the dollar .. can't you tell by the little victory dance he does when he greets his Buddy the King in Saudi Arabia?

They know in 10 years oil will begin to be worth *nothing* .. and America will rebound under new owners ... our ports and our Passports already belong to Foreign Interests.

figure it out



Apr 27, 2004
Originally posted by: blackangst1
A leader who follows what the people say isnt a leader at all. He's simply first place in a line of lemmings.

I disagree wholeheartedly. A good leader listens to the people and integrates the peoples' ideals into laws and legislation.
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