Hate crime by Jewish youngsters


Aug 10, 2001

The victim is at Bellevue Hospital where he is recovering. He tells us the doctors here have informed him that he will require reconstructive facial surgery.
"They were saying you Muslim terrorist..get out of the country," Shahid Amber said.

Those are the words that 24-year-old Shahid Amber says preceded a violent attack by a mob of teenagers -- an attack prosecutors are now calling a hate crime.

"One of them spit in my face and then when I wipe the spit off my face, I opened my eyes and saw brass knuckles," he said.

His mother says like millions of other immigrants they came to this country looking for a better life. But on this night as she clutches her son's blood stained coat, after this violent attack, the only thing she's hoping for now is justice for her son.

"No more this country safe for Muslims ...no more," she said.

Those responsible will face hate crime charges. The Brooklyn DA's office tells us there have already been five arrests and say there may be more ahead.

By attacking him they show themselves no more human and no more intelligent than the terrorists they claim to hate :roll:


Jan 5, 2003
This is what happens when Jewish families label Muslims as dangerous. Their children are filled with hate.

This is what happens when Muslim families label Jews as dangerous. Their children are filled with hate.



No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
right...i'll bet most of the cases go the other way. i mean seriously is that the best u can do? brass knuckles? during the comics of the prophet mohammed or lebanon thing some muslim went and killed some jews in the us at a jewish community center, i don't remember exactly, but there certainly were killings in other countries. in france a buncha little turds burned and tortured a jewish guy to death. in germany a muslim tried to stab a newspaper editor to death, and suitcase bombs were left on trains.

nm i found the one in seattle.
"Six shot, one killed at Seattle Jewish federation
Five hurt; One person in custody"
"'I am a Muslim American, angry at Israel'
Six shot, one killed at Seattle Jewish Federation"http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/279410_shootmain29.html

Young Jewish man kidnapped and murdered by gang near Paris
Ilan Halimi was found critically wounded, naked and hand-cuffed along a railway track in the suburb of Saint Genevieve des Bois, 30 kilometres south of Paris on Monday, three weeks after he was kidnapped by a gang in Paris.

The victim, who was burnt and cut on 80 percent of his body, died of his wounds as he was taken to hospital.

n/m killing priests and nuns because of "offense" or whatever. or that dutch film maker...stabbed to death for making a film critical of islam sorry, its not even close to being the same with the jews.

muslims are dangerous? naw...



Golden Member
Aug 26, 2003
Humanity is doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past over and over again. Why? Because people never seem to pay attention to the lessons history SHOULD taught them.


Aug 10, 2001
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
right...i'll bet most of the cases go the other way. i mean seriously is that the best u can do? brass knuckles? during the comics of the prophet mohammed or lebanon thing some muslim went and killed some jews in the us at a jewish community center, i don't remember exactly, but there certainly were killings in other countries. in france a buncha little turds burned and tortured a jewish guy to death. in germany a muslim tried to stab a newspaper editor to death, and suitcase bombs were left on trains.

nm i found the one in seattle.
"Six shot, one killed at Seattle Jewish federation
Five hurt; One person in custody"
"'I am a Muslim American, angry at Israel'
Six shot, one killed at Seattle Jewish Federation"http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/279410_shootmain29.html

Young Jewish man kidnapped and murdered by gang near Paris
Ilan Halimi was found critically wounded, naked and hand-cuffed along a railway track in the suburb of Saint Genevieve des Bois, 30 kilometres south of Paris on Monday, three weeks after he was kidnapped by a gang in Paris.

The victim, who was burnt and cut on 80 percent of his body, died of his wounds as he was taken to hospital.

muslims are dangerous? naw...

As I said, they are/have become what they claim to hate. If you cannot distinguish between someone wanting to live in peace and someone wanting you dead, and you therefor attack people at random, you are no better than those who indeed want you dead.


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
right...i'll bet most of the cases go the other way. i mean seriously is that the best u can do? brass knuckles? during the comics of the prophet mohammed or lebanon thing some muslim went and killed some jews in the us at a jewish community center, i don't remember exactly, but there certainly were killings in other countries. in france a buncha little turds burned and tortured a jewish guy to death. in germany a muslim tried to stab a newspaper editor to death, and suitcase bombs were left on trains.

nm i found the one in seattle.
"Six shot, one killed at Seattle Jewish federation
Five hurt; One person in custody"
"'I am a Muslim American, angry at Israel'
Six shot, one killed at Seattle Jewish Federation"http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/279410_shootmain29.html

Young Jewish man kidnapped and murdered by gang near Paris
Ilan Halimi was found critically wounded, naked and hand-cuffed along a railway track in the suburb of Saint Genevieve des Bois, 30 kilometres south of Paris on Monday, three weeks after he was kidnapped by a gang in Paris.

The victim, who was burnt and cut on 80 percent of his body, died of his wounds as he was taken to hospital.

n/m killing priests and nuns because of "offense" or whatever. or that dutch film maker...stabbed to death for making a film critical of islam sorry, its not even close to being the same with the jews.

muslims are dangerous? naw...

LOL at your entire post.

You try to make the Jews seem like perfect people and you always play the victim card.

If you haven't noticed, anti-Jewish behavior is common in every part of the world. It was not Muslims who murdered millions of Jews.

Go ahead play the Jews are victim card. I am sure that is going to work very well for you.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
i'm sorry, you can't even begin to claim that. you have one isolated incident which is nothing as severe as even the few i've mentioned which are part of a much larger chain of violence by muslims. you have one isolated incident with a few dumbass jews. thats all. you are trying to claim theres a larger problem or try to make the muslims less bad by saying hey, look the jews do it too, but that just is silly.


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
i'm sorry, you can't even begin to claim that. you have one isolated incident which is nothing as severe as even the few i've mentioned which are part of a much larger chain of violence by muslims. you have one isolated incident with a few dumbass jews. thats all. you are trying to claim theres a larger problem and that just is silly.

You think this is the first incident in which a Jew has targeted a Muslim?

You know very well that is not the case. wow just wow.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
right...i'll bet most of the cases go the other way. i mean seriously is that the best u can do? brass knuckles? during the comics of the prophet mohammed or lebanon thing some muslim went and killed some jews in the us at a jewish community center, i don't remember exactly, but there certainly were killings in other countries. in france a buncha little turds burned and tortured a jewish guy to death. in germany a muslim tried to stab a newspaper editor to death, and suitcase bombs were left on trains.

nm i found the one in seattle.
"Six shot, one killed at Seattle Jewish federation
Five hurt; One person in custody"
"'I am a Muslim American, angry at Israel'
Six shot, one killed at Seattle Jewish Federation"http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/279410_shootmain29.html

Young Jewish man kidnapped and murdered by gang near Paris
Ilan Halimi was found critically wounded, naked and hand-cuffed along a railway track in the suburb of Saint Genevieve des Bois, 30 kilometres south of Paris on Monday, three weeks after he was kidnapped by a gang in Paris.

The victim, who was burnt and cut on 80 percent of his body, died of his wounds as he was taken to hospital.

n/m killing priests and nuns because of "offense" or whatever. or that dutch film maker...stabbed to death for making a film critical of islam sorry, its not even close to being the same with the jews.

muslims are dangerous? naw...

LOL at your entire post.

You try to make the Jews seem like perfect people and you always play the victim card.

Go ahead play the Jews are victim card. I am sure that is going to work very well for you.

never said the jews were perfect. just relative to the behavior of the muslims they are clearly better. though thats not saying much. you folks are just trying to be apologists for the muslims and the more you try in the face reality the more absurd you look

If you haven't noticed, anti-Jewish behavior is common in every part of the world. It was not Muslims who murdered millions of Jews.

ugh. so muslims are a half step above genocide. good for them.


Jan 5, 2003
You always fail to prove anything other than your pure hate

A) There are 14 million Jews in the world and 1.2 Billion Muslims in the world. Why don't you compare the precentage of Jews who attack Muslims veruses the Percentage of Muslims who attack Jews?

Because if you cannot you have nothing. You have zip. Squat. Z E R O. That is how you are going to determine if Muslims are truely against Jews and not the other way around.

B) 7 Million Jews in the U.S. 7 million Muslims in the U.S.

Who is the largest victim of hate crimes in the U.S? Jews

6x More than Muslims (who are #2).

Which proves it is not just a Muslim problem when it comes to the Jews.



No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
no i just prove my pure reason. i'm just pointing out his desperate attempt to show the jews as somehow equivalent to the muslims when it comes to this kind of violence is just rather desperate. its just a big stretch.

%? i'm sorry, most of those muslims wouldn't count. why? because most wouldn't have access to jews

and i don't care who else hates the jews. it doesn't absolve the muslims of their obvious problems with antisemitism. stop dodging, its pathetic.

the only thing i hate is religion. and yes.. it does deserve it. it is the biggest preventable cause of suffernig in the world.


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
no i just prove my pure reason. i'm just pointing out his desperate attempt to show the jews as somehow equivalent to the muslims when it comes to this kind of violence is just rather desperate. its just a big stretch.

%? i'm sorry, most of those muslims wouldn't count. why? because most wouldn't have access to jews

and i don't care who else hates the jews. it doesn't absolve the muslims of their obvious problems with antisemitism. stop dodging, its pathetic.

the only thing i hate is religion. and yes.. it does deserve it. it is the biggest preventable cause of suffernig in the world.

20% of Israel is Muslim. Surely you can bring up hate-crime data for Israel. Go on go do your Google searching.

Dodging what? Did you ask me a question?
NO, you did not

If you hate religion so much then why the hell are you defending the "Jews"? Why do you feel it is your goal to defend Israel which is a Jewish state?

In every single thread that in even the slightest way makes the Jews look "bad" you jump in. & when you jump in you always post random links to random BS that totally points the thread to a pointless direction.

& this thread wasn't about making the Jews look bad & even if that was his purpose which you have no evidence of, he fails.

Anyone who actually thinks this thread makes the Jews look bad is a foolish person who has a closed mind and should not step outside without their mommy holding their hand.

So you are wasting your time in this thread unless you really and truely believe that one incident makes 14 million people look bad. That you feel that you must defend this one incident because this one incident alone is enough to make 14,000,000 people look horrible.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
i defend the jews in the face of obvious antisemitism because i can see the difference between the flu and cancer. religious ideology is twisted sure, but some is far more defective than the others. its just how it is.

and i don't defend the actions based on religion affiliation but simply because they tend to be more correct than those of say..the palestinians or whoever in the cases that tend to end up in flame war threads.

as for your silly bold text. i'm sorry, this is p&n and its obvious why he posted this. his post even made it clear. you are being either so niave its pathetic or just being a troll. this country is safe for muslims no more? as said in the mothers quote? i'm sorry, just look at the single linked incident where the muslim shot 6 jews in seattle. its not even comparable.


Jan 5, 2003
Ive tried to help you but I see you are a lost cause.

Either this is how you were raised or something happened in your life that made you this way.

I am not your father to try to change you but I am going to give you one piece of advice that you can either ignore or take.

When you heard about a Muslim man shooting someone , instead of saying "them Muslims shot someone" the correct term is "A man who was Muslim shot someone".

You generalize too much. Like I said, if a black man was to cut you off in traffic and give you the finger you would say to yourself "those black people always cutting people off in traffic giving people the finger"

This is why you fail to see any good from anything. All you see is evil. I guarantee you cannot even bring yourself to say one good thing about Muslims. Why? you are filled with hate.

Hate is disgusting.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
When you heard about a Muslim man shooting someone , instead of saying "them Muslims shot someone" the correct term is "A man who was Muslim shot someone".

no i'm sorry, its not a man who was muslim shot someone if the reason was religious it is relelvant.

i'm sorry you fail at logic.

You generalize too much. Like I said, if a black man was to cut you off in traffic and give you the finger you would say to yourself "those black people always cutting people off in traffic giving people the finger"

i'm sorry you are just such a big apologist you have to come up with such absurd distortions. no, the correct example would be a white supremacist beating on a black man...and by your logic you wouldn't consider their intentions or their group affiliation or ideology at all. it would simply be a mugging you can't judge the white supremacist movement by such violence you would say! absurd of course.

and no, i don't see nothing but evil. but i am willing to admit i see evil even when its not politically correct to point out the evils of religion these days. and religion should be hated. its not a very good descriptor for the disgust of the horrors that come from such ideologies anyways, but it can apply. i could say i hate spinach, but its not the same kind of hate an muslim fundamentalist has for instance. anyways i'm sure in the past there were some that hated slavery, and apologist like you would just have the same response. trying to distract from the main issue or avoid having to defend corruption by attacking the one who brings it up as corrupted..and in the past it would be a religious acusation. better would be to say i see a lot of injustice and irrational thinking based on faith.

and sorry, nothing good can be said about the muslim ideology beyond the fact that its a very successful mental virus.

i'm sure many people are good despite of the muslim religion. but thats just how it is. they either don't care or ignore large portions of their ideology, and that doesn't make it good or deserving of praise. don't even pretend religion is like race. and as i've said before, did you think every nazi officer went home and slapped his kids and wife around? sorry, people can be good in some aspects of their life while believing in total utter nonsense. and that doesn't at all make that utter nonsense good in the slightest. no rational person would praise an ideology because some followers choose to ignore large portions of it and thus can become halfway decent human beings. think about it.


Jan 11, 2006
How is this a hate crime? It's a crime by a bunch of emotionally disturbed Jews. We can't punish them.

...Or does that only work when it's the other way around?


Golden Member
Aug 14, 2006
These guys will be tried like all the other criminals.

That said, the OP obviously has an agenda, and portraying this incident as anything major is just a joke -- a punch in the face doesn't even come close to the incident in Seattle that left one women dead, and others wounded.

And Aimster, why don't you do your own researching, instead of asking him to do it for you; you wanted numbers, so look them up yourself.
Oh, and make sure it's from a "reliable" source.


Golden Member
Aug 14, 2006
Originally posted by: jrenz
How is this a hate crime? It's a crime by a bunch of emotionally disturbed Jews. We can't punish them.

...Or does that only work when it's the other way around?

Please, this hate crime stuff is a joke.

Even that Koran in the toilet incident was labeled as a hate crime.

Funny thing is that the case of the "man who is muslim" who shot those women in Seattle was not labeled as a hate crime, and all the reports did their best to avoid mentioning that he is muslim -- he was just a disgruntled guy, who was stressed out over his arranged marrage. This cartoon is right on target.


Golden Member
Nov 21, 2002
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
i'm sorry, you can't even begin to claim that. you have one isolated incident which is nothing as severe as even the few i've mentioned which are part of a much larger chain of violence by muslims. you have one isolated incident with a few dumbass jews. thats all. you are trying to claim theres a larger problem or try to make the muslims less bad by saying hey, look the jews do it too, but that just is silly.

It is not exactly an isolated incidence. A number of ultraortodox Rabis are considering
a "pulsa danura" (a death curse) gainst the organizers, participants AND the police officers that will protect the the Gay Pride parade in Jerusalem.
The point is that jews are no different from muslims, christians,communists etc. Religion and/or political ideologi has always been used to motivate the use of violence. I fail to see why muslims are any different from jews or the aforementioned communists.



No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
well its not the same there either. what muslim country in that area even has a gay pride parade? ......... not everything is the same as everything else. tolerance is one thing, but because of guilt for the past the west sometimes goes too far with not judging ..and pretending everything is the same so no judgement is necessary or possible.


Jan 5, 2003

this thread is a joke

"hey look I have 2 incidents of a Jew doing this.. oh no look I have 3 incidents of a Muslim doing this!"

what a joke.

I suggest councling. I guarantee this was probably common when most of you were younger watching T.V with your parents:

"look at those towel heads look what they did. They are blowing things up. They are so evil. "


"look at those Jews. They are killing more innocent people. All they do is murder"

and as a result of all that crap ... the children are raised to act just like their parents.


Golden Member
Aug 14, 2006
I totally agree: this thread is a joke and shouldn't have been started.

BTW, the JDL reference is also a joke.


Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2004
Originally posted by: dna
I totally agree: this thread is a joke and shouldn't have been started.

BTW, the JDL reference is also a joke.

You're a joke.
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